110: One Shot To Be Famous

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So this is actually gonna be a one shot...

But I don't feel like posting it on the One Shot book cuz it's more like Crazy...

It's K pop...

But then not...

I didn't feel like creating an OC okay?!  -.-

Meh I warned ya... Hope ya like...

My writing skills have pretty much died anyways...


Hi there! So I am ( Your Name)  and currently I am at the top in YouTube for doing covers on ( Favorite band). Of course I didn't think it would soon lead me to stardom!

I was chilling in my room,  humming to ( favorite song). I was bored,  decided maybe I should do another cover? That was,  till I received a video call from an un known number. 

I figured maybe it was a fan,  so I decided to answer it.  It was a man in a business suit.  He said hello in another language,  or at least I assume.  I think it's ( another language) . I was always fond of the language,  but never really studied it.  I shyly waved,  and he looked puzzled. He said something else,  and so I looked puzzled too.

" Um... I speak English... " I mumble. 

The man then had wide eyes,  shocked I guess? 

I was about to hang up,  but he hold up a finger.  I guess in a way to say " one moment? "  I shrugged and nodded.  I mean I had nothing else to do,  and maybe his daughter was a fan?

You wouldn't believe who I saw on the other side of the camera!  It was ( fav artist name) from ( favorite band) 

I gasped and they smiled.  I guess they could realize I was a fan of them.  I wanted to freak out, but then the older man came back.  He spoke in ( other language you picked before)  to ( fav artist)  and I simply watched.  ( Fav Artist)  then turned back to look at me. 

" He says,  he's amazed by your singing " He translate back to me in descent English.

I blink,  " Um.. Thank you?  " At the time,  I didn't fully understand how big that compliment was. 

The man talks some more. As ( Favorite Artist)  listenes so he can translate for me. 

" He wants you to come ( Country / place ) so he can meet you in person.  He's willing to pay for your ticket and hotel...."

He says,  and I simply stare at the screen. 

Wait....what is going on?!?!,

The man talks again and ( favorite artists)  nods. 

" of course he will also get you a translator...  " They chuckle. 

I didn't know what to say!  I just stared.

The man then taps the screen.  I guess he thought maybe it forze? 

" I am still here!  " I mange to say with a smile. 

The man looks at me seriously and in English says,  " do you agree to come...?  "

Still confused,  I nod eagerly. 

He nods back and says something in his language.  He then walks away.

" He says,  he's going to send you an email with the information.  " My favorite artist says. 

I smile and nod. 

" So... you can sing... ? " He asks me shyly. 

I grin and sing ( fav song ) from their new album. Of course it's in their language.  I guess maybe that is why the man was confused as to how I didn't understand him.  I honestly don't know myself.  I can sing in ( other language)  but talk or know it,  I don't.  I guess it's just I have a love for ( fav band ) that has caused me to be able to sing along with them. In a way I do know the language,  I am just not confident.

I look back at my phone. 

( Favorite artist ) grins back at me.

" Can't wait to meet you in person,  well I should go... "

Then suddenly all the puzzle pieces added up.

" Good bye... " ( fav artist)  says waving adorably. 

" No wait!  " I say wanting him to answer all the questions that now ran in my head. 

It was too late, he hanged up.  I blinked.

( Fav band)  manger must of called me...

He liked my singing....


I began to jump up and down on my bed. I may become famous!!!!  I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it....

~ 1 week later ~

This is it... I wear ( favorite outfit)  and I did my hair ( in favorite style) . I grab my suit case.  Even though I look well presented,  I am a nervous wreck!  I look around frantically for my translator and the one who is going to take me to meet the manger.

I feel like fainting.  Like my stomach is in a knot.  It has butterflies, maybe?  I begin to feel dizzy.  Maybe I should call a doctor?

What am I going to do?  I am in ( country/ place)  where everyone probably speaks ( other language) .

Then a man I didn't know came up to me. 

" Hello..?  " He says in perfect English.

I gasp,  seeing someone who spoke English. 

The man smiles,  " I am your translator,  ( translator name)  " He extends a hand. 

I take it and shake it.  " ( your name)  " I say shyly. 

" Well we should hurry!  ( Manger name ) is waiting for us!  " I nod. 

I blink,  " Wait.. How did you know who I was?  " I mumble.

The translator chuckles,  " You obviously looked lost... And I got a description on how you looked like. Your ( hair or eye color) gave it away really... " He explains.

I nod awkwardly, so much for fitting in. 

I am pretty silent after that.  We get in the car and I didn't feel like talking.  I am too worried,  I'll say the wrong thing if I do.  I am also more amazed by the view.  So many people!  Such amazing buildings and beauty!  I've never been much of a traveler myself,  so this is pretty great!  I tend to stay in my room a lot.  I don't have many friends either.  This is truly an adventure I'll never forget.  I smile brightly ahead,  it's pretty ridiculous, isn't it?  Here I am smiling like a dork, as the thought of meeting ( favorite band)  manger slips my mind.  That is...

" We are here... " The translator says getting out and opening the door for me. 

I get out and thank him.  I grab my suit case and look up.  Standing right in front of me is THE building.  As in the company that has made ( favorite band)  famous! I am going to walk inside this building... Possibly meet them... Possibly become famous!

At the moment all the happy thoughts faded.  I no longer knew how to function,  all of this seemed un real!  I was dreaming right?  How could I,  ( you're name)  possibly be here!? None of this made sense! I wanted to scream,  run away.  I just stood there though,  frozen.

" come along now,  he's waiting for us!  " The translator said. 

I don't move,  or more like I couldn't even if I wanted to. 

The translator walks back to me,  " Are you alright?  " he asks me. 

I turn around.  I can't do this.  This is insane!  What am I even doing here?  I am helpless..

" Hey it's okay to be scared. This is all new to you isnt it...?  "

I slowly nod. 

" To be called here is such an honor.  I didn't get many details, this was short notice.  May I ask why he has called you here?  My reason is to be your translator... " He explains. 

I chuckle slightly and breath.  I do appreciate him trying to help. " I sing... " I mumble finally getting myself back to what is known as the planet Earth.

" Singing?  What can you sing?  " He asks excitedly. 

I can't tell if he is just faking this to make me feel better,  or if he is being sincer. 

I shrug. 

He looks back at the building,  and then at me. 

" Know the band,  ( favorite band  ) ? " he asks me. 

I look at him with a small smile.  I nod. 

" Do you know the song,  ( name of song)  ? " He asks again,  with a smrik on his face.

I guess maybe it's his favorite?  I take a deep breath and sing it for him. 

He gasps and hums along. He walks ahead and I follow him. 

I guess maybe singing,  I don't really realize what I am doing? 

I was concentrating on singing and getting the note right to impress the translator.  I don't really notice we are getting closer and closer to the building. 

I get to the high note,  the part where ( member who sings high notes)  stops dancing to be able to sing it.

At the time,  I was way to deep into the song. 

We walk into the building and I am still singing the high note. 

I then hear clapping,  and that snaps me back to reality. 

There,  standing in front of me. Is none other than the band,  ( fav band)  themseleves!! All ( number of members)  of them!

I look down immediately,  as I feel my face heating up.

The translator tricked me!  I thought he was helping me. 

At this point I don't know what to think,  though! 

My mind is running wild. I think I may be going crazy? 

" It's nice to meet you in person... " A voice I can recognize says. 

I look up to see ( Favorite member) extending a hand. 

I slowly take his hand and shake it. I didn't know what to say back!  I honestly don't understand how I am able to function and shake his hand.  It's rude not to! So I don't know how I even did...

( Another member)  puts an arm around ( favorite member).

" Why are you two so formal?  I am - "

" ( other member name) " I say shyly and he blinks. 

( another member)  asks " You've heard of us, haven't you?  "

I nod with a small smile. I quietly say everyone name. 

They all stay quiet, surprised. 

Aw great! I shouldn't have talked.  Now I've said the wrong thing.  They probably think I am a crazy fan!  I mean I love them,  but... Gah!  I really hate myself now...

The translator tugs on my arm and I look at him.  " We should get going.  I was told to bring you in as soon as you arrived... "

I nod and he guides me away from the band.  I awkwardly wave good bye and I see ( fav member)  wave good bye cutely. 

I smile to myself, and we stop at a door.  I look at the translator. 

" This is it,  Kid... " He says and knocks. 

I take a deep breath,  whatever happens.  This could lead to me being famous,  or not.  Its all I've ever dremt about. 

We walk inside and the man stands with a small smile. 

" ( Manger name ) " He says. 

" ( Your name)  " I reply back and we take our seats.

He talked in his language to the translator. 

I begin to get anxious,  what could they be talking about?!

I want to look at my translator desperately to get some answers.  I instead stare down at my hands.  Which I notice are shaking slightly so I clasps them together. Don't blow it,  I tell myself.

The two stop talking and stare at me. 

" huh?  " I mumble confused as to,  maybe I missed something? 

" Mr.  ( manger)  says he has prepared some songs he wants you to sing... They all range from high to low.  The intro,  or ending of songs.  He wants you to try your best and sing along... "

" I.. Um... " I didn't know what to say.  I look at the manger, he motions me to stand. 

I stand and I begin to feel more nervous. This can't be good.  I gotta hold myself together! 

He says something and I look at my translator.  " He says,  whenever you are ready... "

How in the world did I land here?  Now I gotta sing,  the one thing I love to do.  Suddenly, I can't do it!  I think I am going to freeze again and this time no one will save me.  I feel sick to my stomach.  I want to sit back down,  but my body is no longer functioning! Maybe I'll just break down and disappear.  Honestly that doesn't sound like a bad idea... It would be nice to turn into the air and be one with the clouds. 

I fix my eyes back on the window behind the manger.  The sky is a perfect blue.  It looks like a great day.  I smile remembering on the way here how the buildings looked.  I take a deep breath and in ( other language)  I say " Ready!  "

I am not sure if the two where surprised or not, but the music starts playing. 

It's ( song)  so it isn't all that difficult.  The song changs to ( another song)  and I know that one too.  It begins to get higher and higher,  as the songs switch.  I close my eyes instead, so I can feel the music. Its getting challenging by singing high notes then low notes.  I try my best to concentrate and hit the notes I need to hit.  Then the song came on...

The one that I first listened to when I found out about ( name of band.  ) it also happens to be my favorite.  I know this song by heart.  It means a lot to me.  So I know I have to try my best on this one.  The song comes to a part where ( name of member ) holds a note for a while.  I take a breath and hold the note.  I guess I got caught up in my song, that I don't realize the song has been switched.  I am still holding the note,  once I am out of breath.  I take a bigger breath and continue to sing the song.  This is my song,  so I sing it with passion. After finishing the song,  I open my eyes. 

I notice they both share the same face less expression.  I quickly sit back down, knowing I ruined everything.  Why didn't I just do as he asked?!  He asked me to sing the songs,  so I should of just done that. Instead I just had to go and finish that one song! 

The manger then talks to the translator. 

Yup,  definitely telling him how I blew it. 

I stare down at my feet,  I don't feel like looking at either one of their faces. 

My one shot,  gone.  I sigh,  what was I even thinking? 

A phone rings and I look up. 

The manger says a few more words to the translator and then shows us out.

Once out,  I look at the translator. 

He smiles brightly at me,  and I stare at him confused.

" Congratulations, my dear! He says he wants to sign you into his label!  "

" Wait... What?!  " I says surprised.  So I didn't blow it?!

He nods,  " You're going to become famous like ( name of band)  ! "

I smile brightly, I feel like floating.  I guess I have become one with the clouds.  Its the best feeling ever!  Like I could reach space. Travel to another planet!  One no one has ever heard of.

" Oh wait! He mentioned we must come tomorrow.  "

" Tomorrow...?  " It must be to sign the paper work and make me official! 

He nods,  " Yes,  he mentioned saying that he just needs to see your dancing skills.  Before he signs you into the label.  "

I blink,  " dancing?  "

" yes.  He was going to ask you to dance next. However,  he got a phone call... "

I slowly nod,  remembering the phone ringing. 

" That's not a problem though,  right?  You can dance just as well as you sing,  no?  "

He is absolutely wrong.  I am a terrible dancer!  I have two left feet.  I am also beyond clumsy! 

The air became thick, making it harder to breath.  Just the thought of tomorrow scared me like crazy.  What am I supposed to do?  I am going to show up again and make a fool out of myself!  I can't handle this.  I need to get out of the building.  Everything is just too much!  I run out. It's as if the building is on fire. I can hear the translator call out for me,  but I don't dare look back.  I feel like the sky is falling.  All my hopes and dreams ready to scatter into million of hopeless little pieces.  The world is be coming dark and blurry. I feel tears streaming down my face.  I am not even sure of where to go!  I am in a whole new world and this time no one to save me....

After I can no longer breath,  I sit under a cherry blossom tree.  My face is burning with the hot tears.  What am I going to do now... ?


" Ms. ( Last name ) come back!!  " The translator calls out but it is no use.  She is too fast for him. 

The translator sighs, not knowing what to do! 

That's when ( fav member)  sees him.

" is everything alright...?  You're the new girl's translator right? " he asks,  thinking about before. 

The translator nods,  " yes but I lost her... "

( fav member) looks around,  " lost her?  "

" she ran away! I don't know where she went... And she's probably lost and scared!  "

( fav member)  , after hearing this runs off to tell the other members.  Once he has reunited all the members,  he tells them the news.  They all spread out into small groups to find her....


Whooho!  I finally finished it!  : D so that's it... I am so sorry if you didn't like it... Here take a lollipop for reading it all or reaching the end!  >:3 * hands *

I dunno...maybe ill make a book on it...but doubtful...its odd though, i even thought of the cover name if i do decid to make it a book... o-o

Alright its late...i should go!

This is sooo looong ommgg o-o welp when ya have an idea the best thing to do is write it down till you're all drained out! >.<

Sweat dreammms~

I am falling asleep now o-o I am so happy~

~ Jinxy

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