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I twirl a pencil in my hair as I try to figure out what to write in my book.  I am bored,  might as well right?  I look up from my book to find Izzy fast asleep with Matt's headphones.  Guess she stole them,  after she gave me a lesson on ' ways of being evil.  '

I wonder what kind of music she listens to...

I decide to tap her,  but as my finger gets closer to her face...

She sleepily pulls out her wand and points it at me. 

I frown and go back to my book. 

She then peaks with one eye at me and I smile.  She closes it and pretends to be asleep.  I stare at her,  narrowing my eyes.

After a while she grumbles and sits up.  " ugh what's wrong,  Admin?!  " she says taking the headphones off.

I smile at her,  " I am just bored... " I mumble. 

She narrows her eyes at me. 

" okay fine!  So I wanna be a good author like my darling... " I mumble. 

" You mean Mittsy?  "

I nod. 

" Then write something..?  " she says with a shrug. 

If only it was that easy,  " I have no ideas! " I say throwing my book out the window. 

She chuckles at me,  seeing I threw the book out the window. 

I frown,  trying to get her to see I am serious.

She sighs,  " oh Admin... Didn't you say you had some drafts already done?  " she asks.

I nod,  " yeah but my mission... That's kinda why I wanna write a new book... I only update this one and the one shot book... "

Izzy's pretty smart, she just doesn't like anyone to know.  She was able to figure out pretty quickly that I made the mission after I published the one shot book.  Meaning the one shot book doesn't count towards my mission.  Neither does any new book I create,  or this one.

" so do you have any ideas towards a new book?  " She asks raising a brow. 

I shake my head no,  " not really... "

" Just publish a chapter of a different book,  if ur that bored and desperate!  At the rate you're going, this book will be done and you still won't complete the mission... " She says making hot chocolate appear for the both of us.  Guess I dragged her into hot chocolate hour...

" B-but.. " I say hesitantly taking the hot chocolate.

She makes my hot chocolate disappear.  " Ways of being evil? You don't follow rules!  You break them!  Most of all you're a rebel!  " She yells at me. 

I smile,  " like rebel Mittsy!  " I say. 

" Exactly... " She mumbles and makes my hot chocolate appear again. 

" I should just go hack her account... I gotta go return everything I stole from her OCs... I mean Borrowed!  "

Izzy face palm.  " Evil people don't return what they stole!  " she says annoyed and flying to the kitchen. 

I shrug,  " Thanks for the Advice!  " I say smiling and taking a sip of hot chocolate.

" Yeah yeah... Just make sure you return the heart to Meg.  She won't be too happy you stole it.  It's also starting to stink up the fridge and there's blood everywhere... " She yells from the kitchen. 

I blink,  " oh yeah... " I mumble.  " I'll get Jack to clean it up! " I say. 

She comes out and stares at me with a serious face. " That guy does a lot,  and you're seriously going to give him more work?  Geez he's not everyone's Butler,  Admin!  "

I blink.

" besides he's not a bad guy... Especially compared to Matt!  Who I am never returning these headphones too.. " She says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes knowing Matt going to force her to. He will pull that " I am older " thing on her.

She flys aways humming a tone. 

Well she gave me advice...

" hey Admin,  I never told you anything!  Got it?  " She says as I hear a door slam.

I smile,  as I jump out the window. 

No worries,  I got a broom!

Also a book to go find and a chapter to publish.

; )

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