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I think I miss spelled chapter...

Lol yeah xD

Eh too lazy to fix!


Y'all missed me?

I've got a problem...

I realllyyyy want this EXO hat!!!!

Problem is I can't pick between the green or black one!!!  Gahhhhhhh!!!  Helpppp!!!

Black one

Then I like this green one cuz the logo in blue...

And then if I buy it I get this photo card and their signatures!!!!

I will treasure it foreevverr~

But which do I choose?!?!?!  :(

my brother says the black one... And they do say black goes with everything...

I just want a hat... And what better then my favorite band...

Ugh life is hard!  : /

Oh oh oh! And then my mom was watching a Korean movie! And I am like " omg ur watching a Korean movie!!  Aren't they amazing?!?!? Korean men are so talented!!!  "

She nodded in agreement and I kept going,

" I should show ya how they dance and sing!!  Omg I die mom!!  Right now I am listening to my favorite band,  my brothers make fun of me but they don't get it!  And omg my favorite Singer is like 25 years old though -.- "

And she like " Eh age doesn't matter... "

And I am like shocked,  " yeah... Well he lives alllll the way over there and I live here -.- "

And then the conversation kinda died cuz she was really into her movie o-o

But basically I can go kidnap Bae!  And I'll go kidnap Xiumin for Abby!  : D

Then I'll go to jail...

But I still love them : )

Alright so I bet you've notice ever since I got her I talked about EXO....

It's cuz they made a new music video!!!!

And I am pretty upset I found out by a friend who's more into BTS then EXO...

But that's cuz I've been sooooo busyyy working and stuff!!  -.- * sigh *

So let me talk about something else!!!  : D

I've written two chapters for a new book...
I am trying to write more but work....

I give up trying not to talk about EXO!

I know there was some stuff I wanted to say... But I can't remember!

Duddeeesss I worked labor day!!! And I thought it was gonna be a dead boring Monday... Till I realized labor day so it was packkeddd!!

And it was just me and a friend and then the supervisor later on...

Work can be fun though : )

Today I was gonna hang out with a friend but that didn't work... * sigh *


I am gonna go watch music videos or watch EXO show time or next door...

I love EXO I can't let it go o-o

I should go... I wrote too much on EXO...


~ jinxy

Oh shoot hold on!  Let me show ya how helpful Spotify has been~

I like these 6 songs by BTS ( Blood Sweet and Tears is the one covered up) 

I Need You
Is one I had stuck in my head for a while~

And then my EXO playlist has 19 o.o

Oh and then there's this one... Idk what it says!!!!  But I liked it!!!  And stupid me didn't save it!!!!  Grrrrrr!!!!!  -.-

This is what my life has become...Working,  EXO,  reading,  and writing...

What else can I ask for?  Hahah : D

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