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Heh so I was Tagged by Potato_Puffball

13 facts?  Geez... Where do I even start?!?!?

1. I don't really like the number 13...

2. I believe in superstitions...
Like 13 is a bad luck number. ..
If a black cat walks across ur path you will have bad luck...
If you sweep someone feet they will have bad luck..
Find a four leaf clover and you will have good luck..
I dunno silly stuff like that I believe xD

3. Hahah my lucky number!  : D that's a fact right...?  ^~^ you all probably knew that...

4. I am writing this at 1:34 am...

5. I just ate ice cream with M&Ms and popcorn chips at 1 am...

6. I love EXO

7. I like Xiumin

8. I love Chen's Voice

9. D.O is so awkwardly cute!

10. That was all EXO... I wanna watch EXO tomorrow...

11. I Wuv Mittsy

12. I Wuv Abby

13. I Wuv Potato.  The one who tagged me xD

YAS ALRIGHT 13 FACTS!  not really... Alright i got out of work,  I had a sugar RUSH but now it's a CRASH and I wanna go to bed but my bed time 2 am.... Grrr -.-

Thats a fact...?

Alright let me fail at tagging 13 people!  : D

1. Violet_Mario
2. Abigary
3. MinaMega
5. NintendoNatalie
6. nintendogal0902
7. Starry_Lily

Ehhh...i only got 7...welp thats a lucky nuber no...? : D

Welp i a gonna go see what i do for 20 min till i pass out!


~ Jinxy

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