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I mumble some dusty words on the book. I then vanish and appear in a dark room. I don't get it though, I thought the place would of been colorful. Maybe the spell was too power, I ended up causing a black out? I fly ahead to see a spotlight. There, sits the admin wearing her EXO hat backwards. She really fell in love with that hat. I fly over to her, " Admin? "

She narrows her eyes at me. " who's there? " she says smiling slightly.

I come closer and narrow my eyes back at her. " what are you doing? "

She couldn't answer me however because a hole appears. She falls down yelling, " I dunnnooooooo!! "

I look down. Since I am flying, I don't fall. I wait a while and I can still hear the echoes of " I dunno " so I stop flying, making myself fall as well.

I end up catching up to the Admin real quick. " Admin! Where are we?! " I demanded.

She shrugs at me, " my mind did you get here, Lizy Black Sprinkles?! " she asks me in a stern kind of manner.

I stare at her. " so the spell worked? " I mumble.

She narrows her eyes at me, to which I roll my eyes at her. " Why is your mind like a black hole? Don't tell me this is the hole you say you have fallen into for k pop? " I groan.

She chuckles, " that hole would have music then! And a bunch of cute hot boys! Don't be silly, Izz. It's just simply a dark hole... "

I don't believe her for a split second. The Admin is anything but simply! " you're up to something..." I say annoyed.

" no I wish I was...I have no idea how to end the second crazy book!! " she says as I noticed she has stopped falling.

Waiiit... I hit the ground pretty hard. I groan in pain and she just chuckles.

" sorry I guess I should of told you we where reaching the bottom...oh well! The mind changes pretty quick~ " She sings and the room turns white.

" gah! Change it back to black! " I hiss as the sudden light change blinds me. Two pencils appear and she grabs one and runs to a wall. I stare at her and she begins to scribble on the wall.

" Ya know...while you're here, you might as well help me brain storm! " She says gesturing towards the other pencil.

I sigh and grab it and fly to the corner wall. " why can't you just be like everyone else? " I mumble.

" magenta! ...what do ya mean? " she asks me.

" As in you can't just write a thank you speech and end the darn book? You always over think everything! " I say frustrated.

To be fair, I would of left a long time ago. I however, don't have the Forbidden Spell book with me. So how do I get out of here?!

" yellow! ...ehh I dunno Izz... it needs something crazy! " she giggles.

I look over at her wall, not understanding why she is yelling colors. Then I noticed she has written " IDEAS " in different colors. I stare at the pencil. " ocean water blue..." I mumble and the pencil changes to the color. " Hmmm... raspberry red? " once again the pencil changed. " Hey Admin...You're actually a genius..." I mumble softly, as I am so fascinated by the pencil.

" huh? What was that Izz? " she asks me, but she's too busy writing EXO in 3 different colors.

" Nothing! " I say quickly. I smile to myself, staring down at the pencil in my hand.

After a while, I've mostly been testing the limits of the pencil. I turn to see the Admin's wall and there's writing everywhere! " Uhhh...Admin? "

She smiles back at me covered in different colors. " You where right Izzy! I just need to give a thank you speech! Problem solved! Now to just deliver it! " She says dusting some colors off of her.

" Wait Admin, before you go. How do I ge- "

It was too late though, she disappeared. Then the world became a whole lot brighter. 7 guys in hover boards rolled in chewing gum. " Uhhh...ADMIN?!?!?!? "


So that was a short trip to my mind~

Lol idk I really am at a lost on how to end this book...

So Izz is right! Let me do a thank you speech and just end it! ^•^

I really make that face too much o-o

It is thanksgiving~

Do note that I didn't plan to publish this in thanksgiving! I just procrastinated so it ended up being on this date....



Honestly it means a lot to me!

Like the first book was random for a while then it turned crazy..As in finding my identity!

Now this book was questioning my identity as crazy xD

What will the third book bring? I dunno.. I honesty don't even know how to start that book up either! Ash it's all a a never ending cycle...

But seriously thank you for sticking by my crazy self and reading this! * hands a cookie *


You ppl are the real heros!!!

Anyways now before I go and end this book to the max...there's a tag I've been procrastinating over for the longest!!!! So let me do it! :)

I am such a procrastinator...

So I was tagged by Potato_Puffball

I think she created this...not sure... but basically you play a song and write a story!

Only rule is no pausing the song! Once the song ends the story ends as well! You can go ahead and finish the sentence or whatever but you can't write anymore.

So what I am going to do is
I'll go on Spotify.
Hit shuffle.
Whatever song comes on I'll do that!
I am gonna end up thinking about it a bit though. Like if it has a music video I'll watch it or see the lyrics to get an idea of a story!
Cuz what if I click play and I am totally blank and end up just jamming to the song?
Then the song is over and I got nothing lol.
But like I won't tell you all the song till the end! That way you can all tell me how my story went! Cuz I really wanna write a good story that captures the song...kinda hoping I get a sad song lol probably won't cuz I barley have sad songs....but like music has become something reaaaallly important to me so to write a story based on a song is a pretty cool challenge in my opinion!!

Alright let's see....gah I wanted a sad song...this song though xD

Okay okay I am serious!

Never mind... shoot so I ended up thinking up something else..I mean I am at a lost I have " Havana "stuck in my head but when I wanna write a story on that I got let me just hit play hopefully I do justice to this song but ehh...this is the exact reason I've been procrastinating doing this challenge...although I really admire it!

Okay I'll hit play!


You may say it's kind of crazy I fell for a man that doesn't even own at least half my wealth. My father is a very rich man, and over protective at that. The man I fell for is one my father doesn't like. They're many men I could date, ones who would only bring me riches. I could care less though. As rich as I may be, he makes me feel as if I just won the lottery!

I could no longer take in the loudness of the party. I decided to run which wasn't such a good idea....

My home is protected by wolves!

I ran without a care for the money and into his car.

He knows I am not easily impressed. He also knows I don't like fancy restaurants either. It's better this way really. I am not a burden and he can be himself. He doesn't have to ask me where I want to go. Anywhere but home is fine with me. Away from all the riches...I just didn't expect he would taken me to a casino....


Gahh this really is a hard challenge!!! Omg the song ended and I wasn't even done with my ideas! And this sounds nothing like the songgg!!! * cries * I's probably all over the place! Sorry I felt pressured!!!

The song was Lotto by EXO

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I'll tag ppl at the end cuz I actually have another tag....

Also the song in my head is Havana By Camila Cabello

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Her last name is almost like mine xD and Suga likes this song too! ^•^

Alright next tag!

I was tagged by Abigary

So it's a few questions~

1. what type of phone do you have?

Um...this is gonna end up being a short story -.- so My step father ended up giving me an IPhone 6! I was the most happiest person cuz I've never really had a nice phone before. However it became too much to pay. I ended up getting downgraded to an LG K20? Idk if you all know that phone... I didn't have a case for it and I honestly could care less on that phone...I was mostly upset I was downgraded...however he promised once I worked I could get my iPhone back! : D it's been like 4 months and well...let me go back to the other phone first!

So I end up leaving it on a high shelf as Crush You by EXO-CBX plays and I guess the music vibration makes the phone fall and crack a lot! O-o

And then I dropped it again trying to use my phone as a flash light to clean the bathroom during a black out...

I know bad idea to clean during a black out but I was bored...

I end up dropping it again so it breaks a piece is actually chipped off...

Funny thing though! It still works! ; )

So um to answer this question...i have both phones at the moment lol...

I mean neither one works as an actual phone to make calls and text.

But WIFI!!! : D

It lets me read watty and that's all I need at the moment~

And then with wifi it lets me watch YouTube too so I ain't complaining.

I bet ur probably questioning why I use both?

Cuz both phones let me read watty so then I should just have the not broken iPhone...

But see the android phone lets me download music and I can listen to music without wifi! And iPhone I can't... so one phone is my music phone and the other is my watty phone! : D and then when the iPhone dies I got the other to use and continue reading! Heheh...also some texting app I can't have on my iPhone due to number and checking if it's me so it has to send a message to the phone number blah blah blah so I use the android. That texting app is my one way of communicating with my dad so I can't just drop my old phone...not until the iPhone is working well like a phone...

So two phones~ geez I am sorry for the boring story... I like to explain myself though...

Ah so now I got my IPhone back! : D so I could delete that story and say IPhone but ehhhh...

Also I actually ended up dropping the phone for the 3rd time! Then it reallyyyy broke...and I lost my notes!!! Meaning as in drafts and one shots!!!

But lucky me I used my mom phone to download the note app and watty to transfer everything over! Soo...


2. Do I have a crush?

I am always home...working...I ain't seeing no guys so no. Unless ya count celebs! Then Baekhyun but that's a huge age gap...and Suga too...Wait is it a huge gap? I think it's like 5 years..? Let me go do some research...but nah I simply don't have a crush :/

Ah so I wasn't off! Omg I am such a jinx ~ I knew ittt!!

So 6 years off for Bae and 5 years off for Suga o-o

3. Birthday?

It passed it was October 18. Omg Abby wrote me this cute one shot though~
Now I am racking my brain trying to think of one for her o-o or at least a present...
It's this Friday! Or tomorrow xD
I honestly have such kind friends how in the world do I pay them back? :(

4. Best friends?

My berry besties are
And Potato!

5. Favorite song?

Monster by EXO

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Blood, Sweat, and Tears by BTS

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Shape of you by Ed Sherman

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Probably now it's Havana though xD

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Vacaciones by Wisen
Ahh idk if you wanna watch the video though many women in bikinis-.- I like the song cuz it's like " I don't need a vacation! I just need my friends and some bottles~ " basically drinking and party, but I mean it's true.Ya don't really need a vacation just spending time with ur friends makes it all worth the while! : )

I could also add Despacito! It won the AMA for best collaboration!

Dude Justin Bieber is so famous my brothers are saying the reason some songs won are cuz of him! Idk if that's true but Despacito won and then The One also...I forgot for what though...

Yeah I added K pop, English, and Latin music. Don't judge me but although I am now mostly listening to k pop I still wanna have them English and Latin songs : )

Also for Monster I can probably sing it to you in badly pronounced Korean...

And Blood,Swear, and Tears I can sing half of it in English o.o

I am gonna learn both in English so then I can truly sing along~

Idk why but that BS&Ts is my was calling me that I ended up learning half of it in English...

6. Biggest fear?

...All the ppl I love don't love me back. They will abandoned me and our friendship meant nothing...i was caught in a lie is what I am really scared of...

Hahah maybe I should add that song to my fav too!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I also fear the ocean a bit...and idk what else...

7.Hair color?

Dark brown with a badly painted ponytail of pink lol. I say badly cuz it's not even... like when I have my hair parted equally on both side, one side has more pink then the other cuz I painted the pony tail side ways. So it only looks nice when I have my hair to the side...

I wanted it purple -.-

But now I don't care I like it! It's unique and cute~

It has its moments lol xD

8.Favorite subject ?

Um...well I don't go to school anymore... I used to like Math a lot! And History too! I guess maybe English? But cuz of the reading....I'll leave it with those 3...I really didn't like science though...

9.Favorite sport?

Ehh I don't really do sports... I always wanted to try baseball though! But I guess running even if I stink and can't? I dunno...

Oh and that's it! Sorry it's so long!!

Anyways for both tags I will tag the following ppl!
Potato_Puffball ( even if ya tagged me for the first I tag you for the second one I did )
Abigary ( same goes to you xD I tag ya for the song challenge)

I never really know who to tag for these things...

Izzy: just tell ppl anyone can do it!

Ahhh so smart!! I TAG EVERYONE THEN! : D thank chu Izzy~

Izzy: -_- why do I even bother helping you? Hey how do I get out of your brain?

Not now Izz! I should give one last thank chu!!! Especially since it's thanksgiving!!!


Absolutely means the world to me~

You all make me sooo happy!!!

And it's odd cuz I bet a bunch of you think I am always happy...but nah others make me happy that's why I always smile on : )

So If you all made it through this craziness and would like to continue hearing about me and my crazy life then stick around I'll make the 3rd book soon!!' : D it will be about the crazy monster that I am~

If ur really curious on how I am doing in life just read my profile...I am spamming myself...o-o

Welp thus ends this book! Thank chu for reading!!!

ALSO HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I give thanks to everyone who's always by my side and has read this book!

May your thanksgiving be super duper great and may you all be thankful!

I certainly am for all my friends and family!

~ Jinxy


I sat in a corner of the room. Just watching as 7 boys performing non stop a song that was now stuck like gum to my head. I groaned wanting it to end and getting myself out of here. The Admin then appeared with a grin. I fly up to her and begged her to set me free. She shook her head.

" No way! Not yet! You where such a great help last time I could use your help again! "

Help? How in the world did I help? I don't help anyone...ugh she's crazy...

I narrow my eyes, " what could you possibly need help with now? " I groaned. " You ended the book did you not? "

She smiles brightly at me and nods.

" well yeah but now I have an even bigger problem! "

I stare at her, like what can be worse then not knowing how to end a book?

" You have to help me figure out how to start the next book~ " she giggles making the magic pencil appear again.

I blink. Of course, what's worse on not knowing how to end a book is not knowing how to START a book....

I am never leaving am I?



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