Way Over Due

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Once upon a time, there was a handsome and dashing Butler. Who works for the most fairest, beautiful, Princess in all the Kingdom. Now the Butler, he loves the princess with all his heart. She however, has eyes for another...

" Butttllerrr! Everything is a mess! The table cloth is supposed to have cute purple snowflakes and stars! The menu is all wrong! And we got the wrong kind of flowers to decorate! This is terrible!  " The princess says upset for tonight's big dinner.

She hugs the butler, who promises everything would be alright. The princess sighs and flys into the dinning room to find everything done to perfection.

She gasps, " Butler! You did it! "

She grabs the butler's hands and spins. The maids however ruin the moment by taking the princess to get dressed for tonight's dinner. As for the Butler, he continues to make sure today's day would be perfect just for her, as he always does.

The invitations had been sent ahead of time and it was only minutes before the first guest arrives!

The princess came out of her room wearing a holiday sweater with a white puffy skirt. Her comfy white boots matching the skirt. Her hair was down and made into a braid. She wore a holiday hat with a tiara. " How do I look? " She asks, but the butler has no words. The bell rings and the first guest arrives.

" Oh, Boo! I am so glad you made it! "

" I wouldn't miss it for the world! "

The two say as they hug. The butler stares annoyed. Yes it's true, the two used to be an item. Now they are forbidden to be together, which gives the butler hopes. He however isn't the only one with his spirits up...

" Manic! Sonia! ...and Sonic...How lovely you all made it! "

" Of course, it would be rude to skip such an invitation! "

" Yeah, plus it's been a while since we've visted. "

The two siblings explain as the speedy blue one simply grumbles. The butler shows the way while a green hedgehog had some catching up to do with the princess.

The night is still young, and more guest contuine to come. As for the butler, he hopes his holiday wish comes true. One kiss from the princess is all he asks for. It seems to far fech for someone like him, though.

Everything is all set, just for the princess to give a wonderful speech and then everyone can dig in. The princess however, was flying around the castle looking for her trusty butler. The butler had gotten lost looking for her as well. The guest clueless as to what to do, waited patiently. The princess sighs, knowing she can't leave the guest waiting forever! She flys back with a tear running down her cheek. She flys to her chair, the guest still puzzled. The princess starts her speech,

" I um...just wanted to thank you all for coming! This couldn't have been down without..."

She had stopped and looked around in search of her butler. Wouldn't you know, In he came, upset as well.

" My dear butler, Jack! " The princess says relived to see him. Everyone claps, as that ends the princess' short speech. The butler is simply surprised to have been mentioned by the princess, he was just doing his job.

As for what happened next? That's kind of a blur. Food was thrown here and there, and a food fight started.

The butler, secretly being crowned a knight saw it was his right to protect the princess. Together the two flew to a small secret library the princess has in her castle. The butler starts the fire in the fire place as the princess cries. " Everything a disaster! " She sobs as the butler sits next to her. He comforts her and she looks up to him. " I really must thank you for everything you do Jack..." The princess says as the two stare into each other's eyes. They lean in about to kiss...


" Jack? There you are! What are you doing here? There's so much to be done! The table cloth needs to be the one with cute pu-"

"Purple snowflakes with stars? "

The princess stares back surprised.

" Already taken care of, with the menu fixed as well!"

" Oh..well the Flowers are needed to- "

" Decorate the castle? Done as well! "

The princess is taken aback. She gives the butler a kiss on the cheek, " Oh what would i do without you? Thank you! "

Before she leaves she says, " You better get into the holiday spirit, because you're invited too silly! "

Thus, this story ends, for the butler got his kiss.


Jack: So what do you think about my story, Admin? : D

* blinks * um...i am thinking maybe i should of asked another OC to help me with this holiday special...

Jack: ...You would rather have Izzy?

Well she's my Question Time partner...

Jack: She's the one who made the food fight happen!

True...what about Matt?

Jack: Wouldn't care...also helped Izzy with the food fight...

Well Liz then -.-

Jack: * sighs * Liz...

O-o ughh...well You're lucky I decided to give you a chance...* mumbles * mostly cuz you're kinda a forgotten OC....

Jack: O.o what was that?

N-nothing! ^~^ But alright you make a point...they wouldn't really help make a good holiday special...


Liz: Are we really going to let the Admin say that about us?

Matt: * listening to music and shrugs *

Izzy: When do we get to prank her?!?

Liz: We aren't pranking her! We're spying!

Izzy: Ughh this is lame then!!

Liz: o-o Maybe the Admin is right...


So even if they wouldn't be that helpful it doesn't mean you gotta go and make up a story! Cuz That's soo not what happened!

Jack: -_- I know everything that happens in the castle! So does Liz!

-.- Yeah right...

Jack: Hot Chocolate hour? A Phantom and the Fabulous ruller?

O.O okayyyy...so maybe you do know everything....o-o

Jack: Hmph!Told ya! Guess now it's your turn to tell the story of Hot Chocolate Hour with A Phantom, a Witch, And a Fabulous ruller.

* sighs * ...Make me hot chocolate though? : D

Jack: -_- Fine...

YAY!!!! Alright so...yes Liz invited the Admins. As in, me, Mittsy, And Abby to the party. Not to forget Potato and Cookie's Admin too! We um...Also kind of saw it coming, something would happen. Once the food fight broke out I took the girls outside...

" Shouldn't we try to stop the fight? " Abby asks.

Jack: Ahem the nicknames...

Oh right, I mean the Fabulous ruller....

The phantom shrug and the Witch shakes her head no." And miss out on Hot Chocolate Hour?! That's Crazy! " The Witch says, snapping her fingers. Hot Chocolate appears for the three as they sit.

" So what exactly is hot chocolate hour? " The Fabulous asks once more.

The Witch however holds her cup up high and yells, " CHEER! "

The Phantom smashes her cup against the witch's cup and chugs the hot chocolate down. The Fabulous taps her cup with the Witch's and sips hers.

" We basically talk and drink hot chocolate..." The Witch says after sipping hers.

Thus the three friends had a wonderful night of laughs and hot chocolate! THE END.

Jack: O_o....

Okay finee...so we had soo much hot chocolate, I don't remember if Abby really does like hot chocolate or tea...At least we introduced her to Hot Chocolate Hour!

Jack: Alright...what about Potato and Cookie's Admin?!

Later in the story? I believe Cookie' s Admin was in with Izzy...

Jack: Technically you as well...and the rest of ur friends..

I told u everything was a blur after drinking sooo much hot chocolate!

Jack: Yet you continue to drink it...


Jack: Guess we could tell everyone the story of Vionic...

We didn't even tell them the Mario siblings came!

Jack: I thought you kind of covered that...Liz practically invited EVERYONE...

Even the bad guys...

Jack: She just has such a big heart~

Alright quit dreaming! Start telling the story of Vionic!

Jack: Alright, Alright! Where to begin...I did mention the hedgehog siblings arriving...so right after the Mario siblings arrived. The princess is super happy, because the purple sibling is her best friend. The princess however has more guest to greet, So she let the Mario siblings wonder off.

Don't forget also the flower and pink princesses arrived after them!

Jack: -_- I was getting there...and finally you used the nicknames!

* rolls eyes * Ahuh...

Jack: So...

The red and green plumbers wait for their beloved princesses to arrive. As for the purple one, she walks alone. She doesn't mind, she's used to it. The speedy blue hedgehog notices her from the other side of the room. He speeds over to her, excited to see her. Once close to her, he was surprised by her beauty. Her hair was still down with one eye being covered by her bangs. She still wore her hat and no make up. She however wore a purple dress, the same length as her original overall dress. It was long sleeve, Just the way she liked it. She wore black leggings, as she always did. Her boots weren't the same boots she always wore, they seemed a bit more elegant for the night. She did admit later, the pink princess had something to do with her look...

" H-hey Vio "

She doesn't smile, " Hey Nic, It's been a while. " She says.

The blue hedgehog nods, " I am amazed Liz even invited me..."

" I think she invited everyone..." The purple plumber chuckles noticing more guest arrive.

" I suppose you're right.."

The two decided to stick by each other, lost as to what happened to their siblings. The blue
Hedgehog finally decides to ask the purple plumber to dance. She wasn't really interested in dancing, but agreed for some reason. Once the purple plumber saw into the eyes of the blue hedgehog, she forgot all about how long they had been dancing. A slow song came on, So the blue hedgehog pulled the plumber close. Lost in his eyes as the room glowed, they shared a sweet kiss. Looks like the two really had a lot of catching up to do huh? Thus ends the story of Vionic! THE END.

Oh...Mittsy sooooooo going to kill me...

Jack: O-o why?

It was terrible! AND NOT AT ALL WHAT HAPPENED!!! You're mixing up the events! Their was no music or dancing! Just the dinner, which was ruined by the food fight! So where did Vionic go when that happened hmmm?!?!? -.-

Jack: Well I figured you wanted to tell the story of Sonic and Meg...

O.O Well yeahh...but I think we should still be on track of the events!

Jack: Fine....so what REALLY happened is since they arrived earlier than the guest, they decided to wander the halls of the castle. Running and laughing, basically catching up. They ended up finding the ball room and Sonic asked her to dance. THERE! Then they went back to the dinning hall, food fight, and blah blah blah! Your turn!

O-o Alright...so the food fight broke out and the two decided to take cover under the table. They both sat pretty far from the two because they had to sit with their siblings. They met in the middle, surprised to see the two...

" Um..you have something on your face. " The purple plumber says with a chuckle.

The hedgehog rolls his eyes and wipes his face off. " Liz threw a pie at me..." He mumbles as the purple plumber chuckles once more.

" We should get out of here! " The hedgehog suggests and the plumber nods. The two crawl towards the door. They hold hands and run down the hall...

" Do you even know where we are going?! " The purple plumber asks. The hedgehog doesn't answer. After running around the castle like the crazy love birds they are. The blue hedgehog decides to open the wrong door. Thus being a spixie castle, Some doors don't exactly have rooms...he opens a door leading outside. The two fall and the purple plumber falling ontop of the blue hedgehog. Being night, the glow of the moon shines down on the plumber. She transforms into the snow leopard villain. The hedgehog stares at her, not knowing what to do. She grins as she sees him. The blue hedgehog was about to say something till the snow leopard kisses him passionately. She leaves him speechless and she simply winks with a smirk on her face. She then jumps and climbs the walls back inside to join her spixie friend in destroying the castle. The love struck hedgehog sighs dreamy as he looks up at the shining moon...Thus ends the story of Meg and Sonic! The end! ^•^

Jack: * blinks * ...

What? I am the Admin! Of course I'd also know exactly what goes on in Liz's castle! Not to mention Izzy too...but what? Surprised I said it EXACTLY AS IT HAPPENED?!

Jack: * grumbles * Whatever..guess that means I get to tell Dawneron story?

O.O What?! NO! I want to tell that story too!!!!!!

Jack:-_- So what story do i tell?!?!

Ummm....what about...Luigi and Daisy? : D

Jack: So you want to tell Mario and Peach's story?

Not much went on for them though....and I call Dawneron! So you can't tell that one! : P

Jack: * rolls eyes * Fine...so Luigi and Daisy? They arrived pretty early, dressed to impressed. Luigi wearing a tux like his brother Mario, but with a green shirt. Daisy wearing a short dress that sparkled orange. The two being the perfect couple, what could possible go wrong? ...Remember that food fight? Well it was pretty romantic for the couple...

" Luigi?! "

" Daisy?! "

" What is going on?! "

With the two being confused, Wario took the opportunity by grabbing chicken. He has always been jealous of Luigi, especially with his love for Daisy. Chicken in his hand he threw it at Luigi. Daisy sees and gasps, running in front of Luigi. The chicken hitting her and ruinning her dress. Luigi catches Daisy, surprised someone would take the hit for him.

" D-daisy..."

" I love you Luigi "

With that the two sealed the night with a kiss.

" GROSS!!! " Wario yells almost throwing up.

The couple stared at him then looked at each other smirking.

" We should return Wario the favor, shouldn't we? " The green plumber chuckles.

" Oh he's all mine! " The flower princess says getting up with the help of the green plumber.

" He's all yours " The green plumbler says with a smirk, as Wario runs. The flower princess chasing after him.

Now i get to tell Dawneron! : D

Jack: Great...so I get Mario and Peach too...-_-

Hey you can ....* mumbles * do Lancy...

Jack: Deal!

Darn I wanted that one too...

Jack: You want all the good ones don't you?- _-


Jack: Whatever...tell the story of Dawneron!

YAY! So Dawna and Cam arrived at different times. Dawna arriving with Abby! ^.^

Jack: Wasn't it more like dragged?

Well yeah...that's kind of normal...i mean i drag Izzy everywhere too...what's your point? -.-

Jack: o-o never mind...

Also I don-

Jack: you better find them nicknames!


Jack: You want me to tell the story then?

O.O No! Fine...but don't think I am insulting there hair! Cuz that's not it...

As mentioned before Smoke arrived early with Abby. As much as she wanted to walk out, the Admin put a curse. Once you entered, you couldn't exactly leave so easily. At least, that's what the warning sign said before you entered the castle. She was looking around for Izzy, but no luck. " At least some dark chocolate cookies would be ni- " She didn't get to finish her mumbling because a good friend of hers came. With cookies too! She mentioned something about being the cook for the event. Now that Smoke was filled up with cookies, an idea popped into her head. When her Admin was busy and distracted, she would take the chance to run. " Don't even think about it! " Her Admin warned and she sighed.

" I am bored! I don't like parties.. " She says annoyed at the holidays. That's when fire came, flying in, making a big entrance. She laughed slightly, as her Admin face palmed.

Fire looked around for anyone he recognized. His eyes light up as he saw her. He ran to them, while also trying to maintain his cool. Smoke only chuckled at him and soon it was time for dinner. The two sat together, feeling quiet awkward.

It was a lovely dinner, but Smoke knew better. It was hard for her to believe such a good thing can be going on. It was too good she wanted to do something, something to ruin it. Having her Admin next to her didn't help however. She was also prepared for anything, that's just who she was. She acts before you can even think about it, when you least expect it. It's as if she had a magical power to make herself invisible, unseen, and that's when she strikes. She's acts unexpected, the same way the food fight was unexpected of. Between the chaos and madness of the situation, there seemed to be hope. Smoke looked at fire and fire looked at smoke. They normally didn't get along, but it was strange. In the middle of it all it was like they both knew one thing; run. Smoke ran on top of the table and grabbed fire's hand. The two dashed away, smoke not really thinking of where to go. Unexpectedly, she jumped out the window. As she did this she hugged fire, prepared for the worst, hugging him tightly.

It never came though, which she just thought she was dead.

" Dawna...you can open your eyes now. " he says.

She opens her eyes and to her surprise they are flying. She began to panic and hug him more tightly.

" Don't worry, I'll never let anything bad happen to you " he says.

She looks up at him and his eyes glowed with the light of the moon. They where flying in between all the glittering stars. Then it was as if a spark came between the two. For then, the two kissed as they became one with the fire that consumed them inside.

When she opened her eyes, she was stunned. She then saw her friend pass by and that got her back to reality.

" I-I'll be back. " She whispers running over to join her friend in the destruction that was about to happen.

Thus ends the story of Smoke and Fire...

Jack: I thought it was Dawneron...

It is...

Jack: You okay?

...NO! Abby is going to be sooo disappointed!

Jack: So Abby is going to be disappointed and then Mittsy going to kill you?

No Mittsy going to kill me first...

Jack: O.o how does that work..?

Duhh I'll turn into a boo...

Jack: o-o uhhh....

Ur turn to tell Lancy's story! : D

Jack: oh right...well you sort of mentioned Lily...

* smirks * Ahem nick names?

Jack: -_- so.. the beautiful Liz, hired the most amazing cook ever. Also because her twin sister suggested her after being dragged by the Admin to attend the planning meeting. As for the sword man, he came with his friend fire, sort of. His friend Fire on wings and he came running. He was a tad disappointed that he lost his best friend in the crowd, and his crush was no where to be found. He was told she would be here, just no idea where. He sighed as he started to regret coming to this event in the first place. He sat towards the end, and felt very awkward. The dinner began, and a huge cake was pulled out. And wouldn't you know, the one pulling the cake was the one he dreamed of. His eyes light up and he smiled brightly. She saw him and she smiled back. This caused him to blush and he began to drift off to a fantasy world he dreamed of. That however was quickly destroyed when the food fight broke out. He was startled and confused and the cook seemed upset. He ran over to her.

" This is terrible Clancy! I worked so hard. " She says as she then mumbled.

" At least the cake is still standing..." The swordsman says trying to cheer her up. Not wanting to see her upset at all.

" Yeah..you're right. " She says standing back, proud of her work.

" You did amazingly, like always Lily! " He says putting an arm around her. She looks at him and smiles brightly. The two stare into each other eyes, feeling as if it's just them two in the universe.

Then Wario bumped into the cake, causing it to fly into the air. The swordsman ran in front of the cook trying to protect her. In the end, the cake fell on him. He sighed, " well this is great..." he mumbled upset. Now truly regretting ever coming. However...

The cook couldn't help but laugh. " Thank you, Clancy " She says as she picks some frosting off his face. The swordsman trys to lick his face clean, which makes the cook laugh some more. " not bad " he says. This makes the cook smile brightly. She walks over to the swordsman but ends up almost slipping. The swordsman catches her, but falls in the process. The two laugh, ignoring the food being thrown all around. The two stop laughing and stare at each other. The swordsman then kisses the cook and she kisses him back. Thus, the swordsman did not regret coming at all.

And that's the story of Lancy...

O-o yeah I am so dead....

Jack: oh get over it and tell Mario and Peach's story!

Aww but I wanted to tell Kat's story!

Jack: you're taking all the good one! And I call Kat! You had Dawneron!

Wait...you told Matt I invited you to do this special didn't you?

Jack: Maybe..

So you're going to make him look good aren't you? -.-

Jack: Mario and Peach?

: / fine...
The lovely princess in pink wore something other then her signature pink dress. It was a lovely white, with pink of course. The two are pretty inseparable, unless a kidnapping happens. Which is exactly what the couple thought when the food fight broke out. The plumber in red grabbed hold of the princess bridal style and ran out of the castle.

The princess stared at the plumbers eyes, admiring him. Admiring that no matter how far, he would always come. He may just be a plumber, but to her he was different. He was her knight in shining armor, her hero.

Thus being the purple beach kingdom, the two decided to walk along the beach. Now far from the castle, but not the kingdom they hold hands. They walk along the coastline, the moon shinning down on the two.

They haven't said a word to each other though. The princess in pink stops when she hears noise almost like a rocket piercing through the sky. The red plumber turns around concerned. That's when the sky light up in multiple colors! It was fireworks. The couple sighs and then chuckles as they sighed at the same time. The pink princess watches the fireworks with amazement. The red plumber couldn't help but glance at the princess in admiration. She glances back at him and smiles brightly. " I love you " The two whisper as they lean in. They share a sweet kiss. One that was simply peachy. XD

The end.

Jack: O-o you just had to add that pun in didn't you?

Yes, yes I did! ^.^ but that was just as horrible...I think I lack Romance....

Jack: and drama?

I am no good...

Jack: So I get to tell Kats!

Bleh...this outta be good...

Jack: The dashing golden knight and the his beautiful glowing princess arri-

Yup I figured -.-

Jack: Ahem! So the lovely couple arrived dress to impress in a way. The couple was more concerned if they had pancakes though. Seeming it was their favorite food. The golden knight however knew there had to be. For he too, had to attend the planning meeting. He was also royalty. Which when it came down to choosing between royal duties or his love, he hated being a prince. He would rather spend every day with his true love then be stuck in a castle. That is why he treasures every moment he gets to spend with his girlfriend. The two happy to have found pancakes give each other a sweet peak. They then sit at the table and eat away. They stare into each other eyes knowing that the syrup isn't the only thing that's sweet in the world. They savor each taste and enjoy the moment. Not caring at all if there's a food fight going on. In fact, The night princess dumped a pot of gravy on the glowing princess. She was mad, we must admit. The golden knight however made a pile of mash potatoes fall on the night princess. He claimed his glowing princess was the gravy to his mashed potatoes. The glowing princess made herself shine again as she was gravy free. The two shared a sweet kiss, which only grossed the night princess. Thus ends the story of Kat. They got married, had two kids. A boo boy named Erick and a human girl named Katy. They lived happily ever after, the end.

O-o is that really what happened...?

Jack: you're the Admin..shouldn't you know...?

I can't remember...

Jack: I thought you would of known considering you and potato follow then everywhere!

I told you...I drank too much hot chocolate...o-o * flipping through a book *

Jack: What are you doing?

Flipping through the ship book duhhh! I can't remember anymore ships at the moment other then Kirby and Jiggly Puff...

Jack; Then do that one!

Hmmm..give me a sec...oh oh oh I thought of one!

The pirate arrived with the green hero. The pirate refused to wear a dress, saying she preferred to go as she pleased. The green hero, decided not to argue with her. For he, wore his green hero outfit of course. The two mostly spent the evening together. That is when the pirate didn't go over to the fabulous Admin and her sarcastic friends. ( because even the sarcastic 3 where invited! Everyone was! )

Jack: and the food fight...?

I was getting there! -.- so the food fight broke out and those two where prepared for the worst. The green hero had his sword and shield. The pirate had her bow. The two managed to make it to the door without a single crumb or stain on their clothes. That is...till the pirate smashed a pie in the green hero's face. Thus the two basically ran back inside and had their own food fight. Laughing the whole way through it.

Jack: That was...


Jack: right...so which story do I do now?

Uhhhhh...give me a sec again -.- so ship book didn't help as much... * tosses book away * so I guess we did all the ships! YAYAYA!!! : D

Jack: * narrows eyes * All of them..?

o.o ...Izzy

Jack: Exactly! We didn't explain what happened with Izzy! How the food fight happened..which by now people would guess it was her right?

* shrugs * I dunno...but you started it so you should finish it! : )

Jack: Okay... so the night princess was flying back in forth in Liz's room. Why Liz's room? Well Liz and the Admin made her come early to the party. She also didn't want anyone to see her twinning with her twin. She hated the sweater, it made her itchy. As for the braid and hat, she got rid of it and un did it. She wanted to go home, but there was no way out. Not even magic. She flew out, being bored. Hoping maybe she could find someone to talk to. She knew Liz invited everyone! She just wasn't so sure If everyone would arrive. Especially the one she wanted so desperately to come. The party had started, and still she saw no sign of him. It seemed to her that everyone was having a great time, except her. She couldn't leave so she sat by the window of the entrance. Looking out the distance as the moon rose up into the dark sky. She sighed and looked back at the party. She could see her sister having a great time, smiling. She grumbled and continued to look out the window. That is till she noticed someone was standing right out the window making silly faces.

" Lemmy?! " she almost shouts.

" The one and only! " He says with a grin that makes the night princess smile slightly. " That's the spirt it! I like you better when you smile.."

This made the night princess blush slightly and she asked him, " why aren't you inside? " to which the circus performer only shrugged. " I could ask you the same.." He says with a chuckle. The night princess shrugs just the same, " It's too fancy and sophisticated...which is pretty boring... "

" Then why don't you change it and make it fun? " The circus performer says as he jumps and stands on his circus ball with his hands, then his feet. " Fun? " The night princess says in disbelief as turns around to see trays of food being carried out. That's when she grinned, " Lemmy, I have a fun idea! "

And that's basically how the food fight started...

Jack: oh I forgot to mention...since all the Admins where invited to...when the food fright broke out Cookie's Admin decided to join in...

Ohhh so that's what happened to Cookie's Admin...

Jack: and Potato turned into Broken Potato...

And if she turned into Broken Potato...

Jack: then you turned into Conplexy and made things ever more complex -_-

So then Abby turned into insanigary?! And Mittsy into...

Jack: Sarcastic Mittsy? Yup...and the place was totally spotless afterwards!

You're being sarcastic... -.-

Jack: Duhh.. but there was also one last thing... The food fight lasted all night sort to say. Many guest where found passed out through the mess, but some actually made it home. The circus performer found the night princess fast asleep and decided to take her home. He didn't want her to wake up and be blamed for the mess. Even if she was to blame. He carried her home to her castle, which he made sure to be extra quiet. Didn't want to wake up the butler. He laid her in bed and pulled up the blanket. He then kissed her on the forehead and left.
And that ends the story of Lemmy and Izzy!

...did that really happen? O.o I can't remember...

Jack: * shrugs * but that's also payback for her making the castle a mess...

Oh...I thought that was a cute ending! ^.^

Jack: meh...

So then...that ends the whole story! My whole Christmas special!

Jack: you're 4 months late...

I like to think I am 8 months early... ^~^

Jack: * rolls eyes * whatever.. * takes hot chocolate * AND NO MORE!


Jack: * grumbles and flys away *

o-o hot chocolate...alright so I bet this has been pretty long! I wonder if you read it all? Bow made cookies, so feel free to take one cuz honestly this was super long! And took forever too! I am soooo sorry! But I had to include everyone! Because I love each and every one of you, There's just so many ships that I had to include!

So take care,
much love ❤️

~ Jinxy

Bow: -.- Cookie? * holds up tray *

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