Gokai comes home

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The Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Ultraman are the oldest heroes in the entire world. When quirks came into play these 2 hero factions went into hiding and faded away into obscurity.

We see a red pirate ship.

And the Gokaigers were entrusted to the powers of the other sentai teams with them.

The red ship is out in space.

The gokaigers hid the treasure somewhere in the galaxy, and the secret powers of them were hidden all over japan by the predecessors of the original sentai teams. The main gokaiger keys were hidden somewhere else, separate from the gokai box.

We see the inside of the ship showing 5 silhouettes, one reading a newspaper, messing with some gadgets, one reading a book, one training, and one sitting in the center chair.

After they were hidden, the sentai teams eventually became legends, and what inspired the original quirked people who didn't go crazy with power, sought to fight the villains. Many wore tributes to the original Sentai teams, others going for the Kamen rider route, they even had the same belt to change into their hero suits. Eventually the newer heroes would stop incorporating this into their costumes, but still learn about the history of those old heroes... most still wonder though. What happened to those old powers...?

???: We're almost home.

The one sitting smiles and gets up. Looking at the screen, they see earth.

???: Wow, it's already been that long?

???: I never thought I would see earth again... it's so beautiful from here.

???: Hmmm

The one in the middle gets up, crosses his arms, and stares at the screen. He had a red pirate jacket. A green tuft of hair on top of a smiling face.

Intro plays (A.N. You're crazy to think I would write the intro every time for each chapter.)

To get a grasp of this new generation of gokaiger, let's head back. Many years ago, a boy was born with no powers, a girl wanting to help her family, a boy who lost someone dear, a boy destined for greatness, a girl wanting to protect her loved ones. Each of these people will meet. Lets see how.


We see a little green haired boy at the age of 16, lying on the ground with bruises.

Meet Izuku Midoriya, a boy who dreams of being a hero one day.

Izuku: *Sniff*

The only problem is that he has no power or quirk as this world calls them, to help him achieve that goal.

He gets up holding his arm, crying. His arms, body, and head looked burnt and beat up.

Izuku:... Why?

He's starting to cry even more.

Izuku: Why kacchan? I-I thought... w-w-w-w-

He breaks down crying on the ground. He was beaten once again by his "friend" Katsuki Bakugo.

He followed him since they were 3 and were considered friends until they both became 4. He got a quirk while Izuku never got one. Yet he still follows him.

Izuku is now seen walking into his home. On his way home, on a bush next to his apartment complex, he finds a flip-phone.

Izuku: Huh, what's this?

He picks it up and examines it a bit.

Izuku: I never noticed this before...

It has a symbol on the front of it. He flips it open to see an even weirder symbol on top of it.

Izuku: The apartments lost and found are closed after 6. I'll put it in tomorrow, before I look for more hero fights.

He puts the phone in his pocket and walks up the stairs.


He opens the door to see a woman with green hair. She sees the injured boy and starts crying and worrying, this is Izuku's mother Inko.

Inko: IZUKU!!

She runs up to her son and carefully picks him up.

Inko: What happened?

Izuku: I-I f-fell.

Inko knows he's lying as she can see the burn marks, but being who she is, she didn't say anything and bandages him up. She lets him rest up as she continues to cook. She can't help but feel tears in her eyes.

Inko:.. Maybe I should call Mitsuki about this...

Yup, she knows a lot more, but can't do anything as the school just covers up anything Katsuki does, and she can't hire a lawyer as she and her son aren't well off. The alimony checks she gets from her now divorced husband is only enough for food and rent.


In Izuku's room he's just lying on his All Might themed bed looking at the ceiling. He's been thinking about that phone he found, he was more worried about that then thinking about the pain he received from kacchan.

Izuku: It did look weird...

He stops thinking about it and goes to his computer to look up some hero fights. He places the phone on his computer desk and looks up the fights. Unbeknownst to him, in an alleyway from his apartment, old robotic soldiers start to turn on.


At the same time as Izuku is seen getting up after a beating from Katsuki Bakugou, is a little girl with brown, bob-cut hair currently walking home. Meet Ochako Uraraka, her parents aren't well off with a failing construction company.

She's smiling and basically skipping home.

Ochako: (Each day I'm getting closer to helping my parents).

She continues to smile at it until she gets shoved by a random kid. Ochako falls down in the ground and looks up.

Random bully: Oh, sorry poor girl...

Ochako has small tears forming.

Ochako: *Sniff* A-alright... very funny.

Random Bully: Well, all you have to do is give us 500 yen and will stop. Oh wait, you're much too poor for that.

Ochako: *Sniff* Your mean...

The bully just laughs as they walk away.

She doesn't have an easy life due to how little money her family has. Try as she might, people will belittle her for having substantially less money then the others. She always dreamed of becoming a hero to help her parents have an easier life.

She gets back up, wipes her tears, and continues to walk home. As she walks she notices a weird flip phone on a bush. She picks up the phone and gives it a weird look.

Ochako: Maybe I can sell this...

She pockets the phone and continues home. The same robot creatures start activating near here apartment.


Once again for the third time we see a boy with blue haired boy named, Iida Tenya. He is currently in his brother's training room working his leg muscles. Currently he's stretching his leg calf muscles. Meet Iida Tenya, the next Ingenium after his brother, Iida Tensei. He is determined to be the best successor his brother would be proud of.

As Iida is training, his brother came in. He gave him a robotic hi.

Iida: Hello Brother.

Tensei: Hey Tenya! Training I see.

Iida: Of course! I must be ready to up the mantle for when you're done.

Tensei smiles awkwardly and sweat drops. Iida laces up his shoes and puts on his ankle weights.

Iida: I'm gonna go out for a run!

Tensei: Don't stay out for too long!

Iida: Okay!

Iida then heads out.


Iida is running down the sidewalk in the park, taking in the scenery. The people happily playing with each other or walking around in the park. He stops his jog for a bit and takes a little break.

Iida: (All these people, able to go about their lives because of us heroes.)

He holds his fist towards his heart.

Iida: (And I will become a part of the group that will keep us safe.)

In the corner of his eye he sees a flip-phone.

Iida: How could someone be so careless, I shall send this phone off to the authorities so they can find the owner of this phone.

He puts on some gloves and grabs the phone... what? Do you really think he would have left fingerprints on the phone? The police would probably finger print it. Anywho, once more robots start activating in the bushes.


OK you know the drill by now so I'll start explaining. We see a boy with white hair on his right and red hair on his left. Meet Shoto Todoroki, he is currently in his fathers training room, being forced to train by his father. Oh look at that, he's currently being abused to work on his fireside.

We hear a big slap in the face.

Enji: Your fire is too all over the place... if you wanna be a great hero...

He punches him in the gut. Shoto gags at the punch.


Shoto falls on his knees, then face first.

Enji: Hmph... I'm gonna go out on a patrol... I want this rebellious streak to end Shoto... It's your duty to surpass All Might.

As Enji leaves to get ready to leave for his patrol, Shoto gets on his knees while holding his stomach.

Todoroki: (... dammit... I don't know how much longer I can go on taking this...)

He manages to get up and walks into the kitchen... There he sees his brother and sister Fuyumi and Natsuo already there.

Natsuo: I can see he's being hard on you again.

Shoto: You think?

Fuyumi: Well, he just wants to have him ready for the recommendation test... Despite it being 2 years away from now. *sigh* He needs to lighten up on Shoto

Natsuo: Agreed... *sigh* I wish they would though...

Shoto: He can pay off anyone he wants...

Both brother and sister talk more about this as Shoto starts drinking some water. In the corner of his eyes he sees something in the backyard. Putting his drink down, ignoring what his siblings were talking about, and headed outside.


Once outside, he heads to the bush that has the phone.

Shoto: Wha.... How did this even...?

He opens it to see what it's like inside.

Shoto: (Huh... never had this feeling before).

Just then an explosion is heard. Shocked at the sound, he looked up to see smoke.

Shoto: What!

He then sprinted inside.


Natsuo: HUH! SHOTO!



He didn't get a chance to explain as he head's out of the house. Even if he did, he doesn't know why. He wouldn't have done this before, in fact... he would've left it to the heroes... he just felt a need to go.


Just before that explosion happened a froggy-like girl was playing with her siblings at the park. Meet Tsuyu Asui and her siblings Satsuki and Samidare. They were currently just having fun at the park.

Satsuki: SIS!! HABA!!!

And apparently Habuko Mongoose, the snake-like girl. Honestly forgot about her.

Satuki: LOOK!! LOOK!!

She comes back to the two with a little frog.

Satsuki: *Kero* Isn't it cute.

Tsuyu smiles and grabs the little frog gently.

Tsuyu: *Kero*

Habuko: Thatsssssssssss nice Sssssatssssuki.

Satsuki: Haha

Samidare was just swinging along on a swing set. Tsu is honestly having a great time with her friend and sibling. She gets up, wiping down her skirt she had on.

Tsuyu: *Kero* I'm gonna get a drink. Can you watch them for me *Kero*?

Habuko: Ssssssssssssure.

Tsuyu makes her way to a nearby vending machine.


Inserting 50 yen into the machine, she gets herself a coke putting little jelly pieces she has on her... if you honestly believe she wouldn't have those on her. As she was about to take a sip, in the corner she noticed a flip-phone by the vending machine. Curious, she picks it up with her free hand.

Tsuyu: *Kero*?

She then hears an explosion. In surprise, she turns from the machine and runs back to her best friend and sibling.


At that moment of the explosion, Izuku within his bedroom, Ochako from her apartment, and Tenya heading back home heard the giant explosion. Izuku, very excited at the thought of the hero's fighting, got up, told his mom he was heading out to see a hero fight, and headed out. Ochako, being curious, decided to see the possible fight. Tenya, wanting to support his brother, started running towards that direction. As each of them head off in the same direction, the phones start glowing.

Once Izuku made it he saw the Heroes struggling against the robotic soldiers, he began to worry.


Ochako came running in seeing Izuku and other people cheering on the heroes. She sees heroes such as kamui woods, Mt Lady, Death Arms, Ingenium and more powerful heroes like Edgeshot, Mirko, and Eraserhead. (A.N: I like to believe he's pretty powerful).

Eraserhead: Damn, these guys are tough

Kamui Woods: My attacks seem like they're bouncing right off them.

These robotic creatures group up and aim their sticks at them.

Robotic creatures: >>>FIRE<<<

The sticks fire off the metal end as a missile. The heroes brace themselves.


He flattened and twisted his body and pierced the missiles, causing them to explode. He lands next to the others.

Edgeshot: Seems like these guys can counter our quirks.

Mirko lands next to them.

Mirko: How can they do that with mutant quirked heroes? It doesn't make sense.


As the heroes continue to fight Izuku's worry never diminished, the hero senses that he never knew he had was starting to flare up. His eyes frantically looking at the heroes and the people they're saving. He then hears a crocking voice, come on... you know who it is.


Izuku: Hey!

Tsuyu turns to see Izuku running towards her.

Izuku: What's wrong?

Tsuyu: *Kero* I'm looking for my friend and siblings.

Izuku: What happened?

Tsuyu: We were just having a nice day in the park. I went to go get a drink and I found this weird looking phone.

She pulls out the phone and shows it to Izuku.

Izuku: (Wait... Questions for later).

Tsuyu: After I picked it up an explosion happened.

Izuku: Don't worry, I'll help you look for them.

Tsuyu: *Kero* Thank you.

As the battle continued Izuku and Tsuyu were looking for Habuko, Samidare, and Satsuki.


Ochako looked on as the battle kept on. The heroes are trying but the robots just can't be destroyed. She's biting her nails. In the corner of her eye she sees both Izuku and Tsuyu looking around while keeping away from the fight. She then runs up to them.

Ochako: Hey!

Both stop and turn to Ochako.

Ochako: What are you two doing?

Tsuyu: We're looking for my friend and siblings!

Izuku: We could use some help.

Ochako: I'll go help.

Tsuyu: *Kero* Thank you.

Izuku: I think we should split up. That way we cover more ground.

Ochako: Alright.

Tsuyu: Ok *Kero*

Izuku: Can you describe what they look like.

Tsuyu: *Kero* My siblings are also frog-like, and Habuko has a snake head. *Kero*

Ochako/Izuku: Alright.

They all split apart and continue searching


When Iida got there, he say the hero's struggle. More importantly, he say his brother doing is best to

made it to the fight, only to see his brother and comrades struggling.

Iida: Oh no. BROTHER!

Tensei notices his brother.


Iida, though he just got here, nodded and started to run away. As he ran, he noticed Tsuyu looking around. He heads up to the young frog girl.


Tsu turns around to see Iida.

Iida: May I ask what you're doing? It is much too dangerous for you to be here.

Tsuyu: *Kero* I'm looking for my siblings and my best friend. They're somewhere here.

Iida: Then I shall assist. But I urge you to call upon a hero when you find them.

Tsuyu nods as they both start looking around.


Todoroki sees the carnage that is happening, where's All Might? Surely he could take care of this treat no problem. He clenches his fis tightly.

Todoroki: (This is getting out of hand! What even are those things!?)

The heroes are slowly looking like they need help. Even the amount of sidekicks ingenium has isn't enough. Though, he sees Ochako frantically looking around. He runs up to her.

Todoroki: Hey!

Ochako notices him.

Ochako: Hey! I'm a little busy right now!

Todoroki: What are you doing!? There's a big fight going on!

Ochako: I'm helping someone find someone.

Todoroki: *sigh* Maybe I can help. You know what they look like right?

Ochako: Yeah, lets go.

They both start running off.


These four continue looking for Satsuki, Samidare, and Habuko. They each fail to realise that the phones each of them picked up started glowing. In a far off forest, on a red ship covered in vines and moss, a robotic bird's eyes start to glow.

???:... It's time.


Izuku is currently running past people, trying to find Tsuyu's Friend and Family.

Izuku: (Why are there still people here!? It's getting too dangerous!)

In the corner of his eye he spots a froggy little girl and boy, along with a girl with a snake head... in the middle of the battle field. His eyes widen as they all cower in the presence of the robots. Without any warning, he ran.


Tsuyu and Iida hear the gasp of the crowd, then turn to the field to see Izuku running.

Tsuyu: Oh No!

Iida: What is he doing!


Likewise Ochako and Todoroki also see that.

Ochako: Is he gonna live?!

Todoroki: Does he have a death wish or something!?


It was that moment, in Izuku's room, the phone glowed bright.

The robots locked on.

The phone appeared in his pocket.

And as time slowed, the robots fired their missiles. Tsuyu at the verge of tears, Ochako looking in worry, Iida clenching his fist tightly, Todoroki silently hoping this was just a dream, the heroes noticing what's happening, and Izuku. Not caring what happened to him, as long as people are safe.


Izuku then appeared in a white void.

Izuku: W-whats going on.

???: I'll tell you kid.

He turns around to see a man with a red pirate jacket.

Izuku: W-who are you and where am I. WAIT are they safe DID I DIE?!

The pirate karate chops his head.

???: Relax, you're not dead and nothing has happened. Time is basically frozen here.

Izuku looks at the man. He smirks.

???: I'm Captain marvelous. Leader of the gokaiger.

Izuku stares in awe.

Marvelous: I'm gonna be blunt kid. You wanna save them from those zangyack foot soldiers you're gonna have to toughen up.

Izuku: Huh? Zangyack?

Marvelous: That's what those robots are called.Those Zangyack troops aren't gonna be affected by people with quirks. They can be harmed with normal weapons.

Izuku: Y-you mean?

Marvelous: Yep, those "heroes" of yours are pretty much worthless. Along with anyone else with a quirk.

Izuku stares in disbelief, heroes, useless.

Marvelous: You want to beat them? Then take the gokaigers powers.

Izuku: Gokaiger? OH! You mean the heroes before quirks right?

Marvelous: I literally said I was the leader of them earlier, but whatever. You wanna save them? Then take my hand.

He holds out his hand to Izuku. He stares at it, saving them, could he. No time to question it. He's gotta save them. He grabs his hand and Marvelous smirks.

Marvelous: Good choice kid.

Everything glows once again.


Back at the fight the missiles were deflected back at the Zangyack foot soldiers, destroying them. Everyone was in shock as smoke engulfed the field. As it slowly cleared, it revealed Izuku. He was holding a sabre in his right hand, his right arm up and to the back of him. On his left hand was a gun. Both weapons with a pirate style to it.

Izuku:... You shouldn't have tried to kill them.

Everyone was in shock. This kid just came running in and suddenly he had weapons on him, weapons that the heroes recognized.


Iida: W-what was that. How did he get...

Tsuyu: *Kero*

There phones in there pockets start glowing


Ochako: I thought he was gonna die.

Todoroki: Peculiar, I wonder if that was a quirk.

Their phones also glow.


While that was happening, Izuku was fending off the troopers. All while smiling to himself.

Izuku: (Wow... didn't expect this to be fun.)

He continues slashing and shooting at them, even saving Mirko and Eraserhead.

Izuku: Are you two good?

Mirko, while irritated that she was being saved by someone she knew (more on that later), was still in shock of him using sentai weapons.

Eraserhead: Kid-

Izuku: Not now... I got more to take care of. See ya Auntie and Eraserhead.

He runs off to destroy more of the soldiers.

Mirko:... You as confused as I am?

Eraserhead: Yup, it doesn't make sense though. I thought they're just a myth.

Mirko: Let's get those kids out of harm's way.

Eraserhead gets up.

Eraserhead: Alright.

Mirko follows Eraserhead to Satsuki, Samidare, and Habuko


Meanwhile with Iida, Tsuyu, Shoto, and Ochako. They found themselves in the same white void. While questioning it, they met Joe Gibken, Luka Millfy, Don Dogoier, and Ahim de Famille. They basically had the same conversation as Izuku did with Captain Marvelous that the author is too lazy to rewrite. Though they had one final tidbit to tell them.

Don: Our powers can't handle the power of your quirks.

Iida: What?

Luka: What doc is saying is that your quirks can overload it.

Ahim: Our powers already use other powers of the other super sentai teams. Your quirks could overload it.

Tsuyu: *Kero* So... you're asking us to give up our quirks, just to use this?

Ochako: Why would we agree to that. Seems like that green haired kid got it.

Joe: But for how long.

The first 3 look at him with a questioning look while Shoto is thinking about this.

Joe: He can hold them off on his own...

Shoto: But he needs a crew.

They look at him as the other gokaigers smirk.

Shoto: From my understanding, sentai teams have more enemies then the Kamen rider or Ultraman. He won't hold out for long.

The realization dawning on 3 of them. The gokaigers smile.

Joe: So...

The 4 pirates put their hand in the center.

Gokaiger: Will you take it?

They all look at each other. Each of them, never have met each other, now have to work together. Shoto puts his hand in first.

Shoto: Mainly for personal reasons, but he needs to help.

Then Tsuyu

Tsuyu: *Kero* He saved my family and best friend, I owe him this.

Ochako was next.

Ochako: I don't wanna see him die.

Finally, was Iida.

Iida: He's giving his life for the planet, I can't let him do that alone.

Everything glows like before.


Izuku, while holding them off, looks like he's in a bit of trouble. Then 4 figures flips on in and attacks the Zangyack. They show Iida, Tsuyu, Shoto, and Ochako holding the weapons. Izuku looks up to see them, Iida puts up his sword and holds out his and for Izuku.

Izuku:... How?

The others turn to him and smile.

Iida: You need help.

Shoto: And we gave up a lot to help you.

Ochako: We won't take no for an answer.

Tsuyu holds out her hand.

Tsuyu: Come on.

He smirks and grabs her hand. Once up they line up and face the troopers.

Izuku: I don't think I would say no.

All of them then see the glow in their pockets, pulling out the phones.

Izuku: The mobilates.

They all then feel their other hand to see the gokaiger keys. They all then look at each other and nod.

Izuku: Alright guys, LET'S MAKE A SHOW OF IT!!

They flip open the mobilates, and change the gokaiger keys into their key mode. Putting the mobilate over their left shoulder, their hands pointing the key outward. The heroes and civilians looking on at this.

Ingenium: Are they!?

Eraserhead: Looks like it!

5 of them: GOKAI CHANGE!!

They insert the keys into the mobilate then right in front of them.


Each of them now have the Gokaiger suits on.

Izuku: Gokai red!

Iida: Gokai blue!

Tsuyu: Gokai Yellow!

Shoto: Gokai Green.

Ochako: Gokai Pink!

Izuku: Kaizoku sentai...


They all pose with an explosion behind them. The civilians are confused but excited. All the heroes look on in shock. They recognized those suits from old history books they read in Hero school. The pirates start rushing the foot soldiers slicing and shooting them down. Eventually There were only a few left. They all line up.

Izuku: Alright guys.

He presses a button at the bottom of the sword.

Izuku: Let's finish it!

Rest: Right!

They follow his lead and press the bottom of their swords. They all pull out their keys and insert them into key ports that opened, turning the keys, and placing the port back into the sabre.


Each of their swords glow with their colors. They then slash downwards.

All: HAH!!

The slash produces a wave of their colors. The waves hit the last of the troopers, sparks coming out of them. The gokaigers turn around to the civilians and heroes, the troopers explode behind them. The heroes and civilians stare in awe as they see the pirates not even fazed by the explosion.


We are now back in the present, each of the pirates smiling at the sight of being back home.

Ochako: Can't believe it's been 2 years already.

Shoto: We'll need to stop by a store, I wanna see what earth delicacies I can finally make.

Tsuyu: We'll need to get some money first.

Ochako: I got some rare jewelry that's pretty rare on earth. We could sell that.

Iida:... I wanna meet my brother first. I'm sure he misses me.

Tsuyu: Well captain.

They all turn to Izuku.

Tsuyu: What do you wanna do first?

Izuku smirks, un-crossing his arms and putting them to the side.

Izuku: I wanna greet the people we left behind.

They all look back at earth. Each ready to show what they got now.

Izuku: Welp guys.... Welcome back home.

To be continued...


Hope you enjoyed the new version of my BNHA x Gokaiger

Thank you Smythe_275 for the new title. By the by I made an Ao3 account and this is my first story on it.

No, I'm not posting a link to it if you reading this on wattpad anyway.

Feel free to look it up if you want.

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