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Y/N began to come back into consciousness, as he saw a human researcher and two guards at window above the ground around his full height, and a man in orange clothing in railing above him holding a long-ass microphone near him, as he gets up, dizzy and a little weak from using up almost all his Atomic energy.

Male Researcher: Hello, SCP-90000

Y/N: W-Where the fuck am I?! Who the fuck are you idiots?! And what did you just fucking call me, you shitbag?

The three got surprised by him talking to them, but stopped being surprised shortly after.

Researcher: Whoah, whoah, calm down with the language, SCP-90000.

Y/N: Lemme think about that....... how 'bout NO! So tell me what the fuck you are fucking talking about, or else I'll kill you right here!

Researcher: You are in a place called the SCP Foundation, where things like you are kept from the outside world for protection of both the outside world and things like yourself. Our purpose and names are not important to you.

Y/N: Well, fuck you too. Give me a huge ass goddamn water tank. Along with a supply of nuclear material because your damn military force tricked me into hurting myself! Also, it'd be best if you don't bring any human in here with me, because of what happened to that huge military force of your group's stupidity.

Researcher: Noted. Now, why did you destroy most of Tokyo.

Y/N: .......

Researcher: If you don't talk now, we'll have to decline the reque-

Y/N: *incomprehensible*

Researcher: Pardon? *motions the man to move the microphone closer*

Y/N: *incomprehensible*

Researcher: Speak up.

The researcher then tells the man in orange to move the mic closer to it. (the 'it' refers to Y/N)

Y/N: Because...... *incomprehensible*

Researcher: *to the man in orange* That microphone only has so much to gain, move it closer to it!

Man in orange: His entire body's messed up man, look at it! He looks ug- *Y/N hears him and jumps up and pulls down the railing with his claws, making the man fall and get crushed in Y/N's hands, as he then looks at the crushed body in his hands, then turns his head back towards them*

Y/N: Because........ fuck you, that's why!

Y/N then growls, as the three run away from fear.

Y/N: Weak-minded bitches.

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