Chapter 4

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Sunny's POV:
It was Saturday when everyone was crowding in the kitchen. Ruby eating her raspberry jam sandwich, Amber texting her friends, me recreating some arts and crafts, Emerald watering her flowers from her mini garden, Cynthia showing Fairouz and Aurora some gifts she got from her grandmother, Alya drinking her fourth cup of chocolate milk, and Lottie watching videos on how to be a material girl. "It's lucky that brown cows exist or chocolate milk wouldn't exist!" Alya said, about to open the fridge but I stopped her. "Knock on fridge door first 'cause there could be a salad dressing in there!" I said, winking. She giggled before opening the fridge. "Look at the photo for ten seconds, observe what's happening and stuff!" Cynthia said, smirking. She then whispered in my ear, "Bet they won't pay attention to what they're wearing!" She whispered to me. "Okay girls! Time's up!" She said. "What's the question? I'm so ready!" Aurora said, squealing. Fairouz nodded in agreement. Unfortunately she lost her voice by screaming so much last night if you know what I mean. "How many people were wearing stripped pajamas in the photo?" I asked them. Their faces went from a determinated face to a "bruh" face so dramatically that I laughed. "Idk. Three?" Fairouz said in a raspy voice. "Cynthia! Our mom told us that your mom is coming to pick you up since she got in a terrible accident." Emerald said, sad. We all awed, sad. "Ugh! My family is so boring! We only have three people living including me and no chaos and nothing happens! Your house is so chaotic, 10 people living in it, and so many decorations!" Cynthia wined. "Trust me. When you leave, the house is chaotic but not in a fun way!" I whispered in her ear. "Come on! Let's go on a trip to the store!" Amber said. "I need a gift." We all hopped in Ruby's car...

Alya's POV:
"Hey guys! Let's put on No Lie by Dua Lipa and Sean Paul!" I said, playing it on. "No! Out West by Travis Scott!" Emerald said, changing the music. "Nope! Deli by Ice Spice!" Amber said, changing the music. "No way! It's explicit for the younger ones! We should have some nice, calming music instead!" Ruby said, changing the music. We then argued. Lottie unbuckled her seatbelt and went onto of Sunny's head, changing the music but Amber pushed her face, causing Lottie to fall down. It then started to get physical that we pulled over and fought over it. Aurora wears her headphones. "I'm sorry you have to see us like this." I said to Cynthia, apologizing. Others cars looked at us like we were serial killers! A police car pulled us over, writing up a fine. "Sorry miss but to see the car fighting and the number of complains made to us, we have to give you a fine." He said. We all said "Oooo! Ruby's is in trouble!" But Ruby pushed the gas. "Hey! Come back here!" The police officer said, chasing us in his car. "Ruby hurry! He's near!" I shouted at her. The police officer was pretty close to our car. We could get arrested! She pressed the gas! We all cheered since we were far from the police car! After a while, we made it to Safeway since Safeway is an hour from here. "Guys we're here!" Ruby announced...

Emerald's POV: (Timeskip)
"Okay. We understand. We'll talk to them." Our mom said to the police officer before locking the door. "GIRLS! FAMILY MEETING IN OUR BEDROOM! NOW!! Even you, Cynthia. You were there!" Dad yelled. We all went to their bedroom. They locked the door and looked at us menacingly. "We heard what happened on the way to Safeway. WHERE DID YOU GET THE NERVE TO DO THAT?!" Mom screamed at us. Cynthia started to tear up. "And Cynthia, we will talk to your parents about this. And who thought it was okay to steal chocolate cupcakes and one big vanilla cake?!" Dad said. We all pointed to Amber. She laughed nervously. "And who punched the police officer and stealing his wallet was a good idea?!" Mom yelled. We all pointed to Ruby. "You all think we'll let it slide. Give me your phone's, electronics, and favorite stuff. We'll confiscated 'till we get our $400 back or two months! You all got that! And don't even think of eating tonight. No partying! Don't think you're going out tonight, and stay in the laundry room all day. You'll sleeping there! Do I make myself clear?" Dad yelled at us. "And don't forget your grounded! And Cynthia, we'll tell your parents to punish you at home too. Don't think you're off the hook!" Mom said. "Now! Inside the laundry room since we have to go to work! Amber and Ruby, please stay with us for a bit!" They said, Amber and Ruby crossed their fingers. We all went inside the laundry room, closing the door. After minutes Ruby and Amber came inside the laundry room, arguing. Our parents left the house to go to work. After a while, we broke up their fight since it was getting annoying. They sat far away from each other. After a few minutes of silence, Lottie broke it by talking. "Ruby this is your fault!" Lottie said, annoyed. "What are we going to do here? They expect us to just sit down?" "Well, since we're trapped here... *Grabs flashlight and turns off lights* We can take turns to tell eachother scary stories." Amber said in a creepy but excitedly tone. We all cheered in happiness. After tell each other scary stories, we took turns making a story. So I started the story and the sister to the right, *in this case, Amber* will add a scene and we make one big story 'till we're tired too. We also had a lot of marshmallows from Safeway that we stole. We made a campfire and ate toasted marshmallows. We made one big tent in the laundry for all of us to sleep in. After snuggling up in our sleeping bags, we all said goodnight to eachother and went to bed. Awaiting for tomorrow to come...

Words: 1,042

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