Boboiboy memory travel (Missing Part)

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Hey, Before you read this, you should read my other story.

This is part of the story before the 16 siblings went back to their time.

This part is missing to my other story because I was so lazy to think,

But now here it is


Thorn: *appears out of nowhere* Hello.

Boboibot Thorn: Hi.

Yaya: Eh?
Why are they greeting each other even if they know each other?

Blaze: He is just a simpleton, that's his personality.

Gopal: Personality?

Quake: Yeah, you already know that me, Thunder, Cyclone, and Blaze have a personality trait.

Cyclone: Yeah, Me as happiness, Quake is responsibility, Thunder is anger, and Blaze/ Fire is Stress.

Blaze: And all of us are different, like Thorn, he is mostly childish at most times.

Quake: We are 16 in all and you only know 4 of our personalities.

Adudu: It was obvious that your Blaze caused the fires.

Blaze: They were accidents, I didn't know that will happen.

Adudu: You can't even control anything!!!

Quake: That is not always true, he has been entertained all the time by us.

Cyclone: It actually wasn't very hard.

Thorn: All we have to do is play along, and 7 of us are an entertainment to Blaze.

Gopal: Easy for you to say.

(Past) Boboiboy: How did I get that many elements?

Quake: Uhhhh, we can only explain 7.

Which is Me, Thunder, Cyclone, Blaze, Ice, Thorn, and Solar.

(I don't wanna explain so time to skip)

(Past) Boboiboy: Ohhh.

Blaze: Wait!!??
Where is Ice?

Thorn: Ice is with Cloud.

Quake: Why is Ice with Cloud?

Thorn: Because Cloud wanted Ice to stay with him for a while, and also because Cloud doesn't like to be lonely.

Cyclone: Oh yeah.

Blaze: Where are the others?

Boboibot Quake: I think Neo has an idea.

They all merged back to Boboibot Neo

Boboibot Neo (Human): I remembered that Dark said that Emerald, Sand, Magnet, and Silver are underground, and I always remembered that Cloud always hangs out up in the clouds, so that means Ice must be up in the clouds too.

Blaze: Wow, so much memory.

Thorn: Yeah.

Boboibot Neo (Human): Guys?
How can we go home?

Quake: Uhhhh, that's a problem.

Cyclone: ???

Quake: We need All 16 to be here, I don't want to leave any.

Telepathy: Oh yeah, the spell can only do it in a medium sized radius.

Thunder: Oh now you tell us.

Quake: Every spell has it's problems.

Boboibot Neo (Human): That's sad, because Thunder has Taekwondo training at 3pm and Magnet and Shadow have Martial Arts practice at 4pm.

Shadow: Oh, I forgot, thanks for reminding me.

Boboibot Neo (Human): Your welcome.

Yaya: Eh?
How long have Boboiboy in your time split?

Shadow: Uhhhh, that's a question with a shocking answer.

Cyclone: Someone told Boboiboy to split for a long time.

Blaze: But thanks to Ochobot.

Quake: We can stay for as long as we can.

Thorn: Can someone guess how long Boboiboy split to 16?

Fang: A few months?

Blaze: Uhhhhh, that's wrong.

Cyclone: Neo?

Boboibot Neo (Human): We have been like this for a year and a half.

Fang: ○-○

All except the siblings: ●-●

Quake: We aren't lying.

Yaya: How are you able to remember everything even if Boboiboy split for that long?

Cyclone: Thanks to Magnet and Ochobot.

Quake: That made that possible.

Yaya: Who is Magnet?

Shadow: Boy, We said Magnet so many times, that we forgot to explain him.

Boboibot Neo (Human): Magnet is what we call him, but his full name is Boboiboy Magnet.

Blaze: We know him as our technician.

Cyclone: He mostly helps with problems with our electronics and Neo.

Boboibot Neo (Human): Because I am half Robotic.

Thunder: He can manipulate anything that a magnet can attract, like Iron and Steel.

Yaya: Oh.

Thunder: It was obvious that Magnet can move anything mettallic, by the name.

Quake: Mostly, our names represent what we can control.

Gopal: Wait, what are the names

Blaze: Uhhhhhhhh, you now what, here.

*Gives Gopal a piece of Paper*


16.Boboibot Neo


Gopal: Uhhhh, that's so much to remember.

Cyclone: It was even harder to find a name to trick the 5 of you.

(Past) Boboiboy: What?

Blaze: *Gasps and covers Cyclone's mouth* *whispers* Cyclone, why do you have to say that?

Gopal: Wait, you were the sixteen that were lying on the ground!!

Thorn: Uhhh, Hehe, We tried our best to keep it a little secret.

Cyclone: But now "Cy Cy" gotta let that out like a shout.

Thunder: Gosh, You sound like Silver acting like a person from the 70's. -.-"

Telepathy: Nah, it was more like the 80's.

(Author: My Gosh, This is making me think more of Boboibot Neo from Neo from the Matrix)

Quake: (-.-) Does the year even matter?

Shadow: Not really.

Telepathy: *senses something, looks at Yaya*

Yaya: *confused face*

Telepathy: *senses it closer, then summons a black sphere*

Hyaah!!!! *Spins and Throws the Sphere at Yaya's Side*

???: *Gets hit* Ahh!!!

Gondammit "TP".

Telepathy: Oh gosh, Sorry Sand.

Sand: Aww, I wanted to scare Fang.

Fang: Eh?

Sand: Hi Fang.

Quake: Why were you planning on suprising Fang?

Sand: That's my thing, I love to prank and scare.

Thunder: You sometimes even break our plates. (-.-)

Sand: Hehe.

Sand turns into grains of sand

Everyone except the siblings: Huh?

The Sand goes behind Gopal and transforms into a clown.

(Sand Clown): *touches Gopal's shoulder* Hello Kid, do you want a balloon animal?

Gopal: AHHHHHHH!!! *faints of too much fear*

The Clown transforms into Boboiboy Sand

Sand: Hahaha, still a scaredy cat, he even fainted.

Cyclone: Hehe, you still use that trick, huh?

Sand: Yeah, it's been very effective. *walks towards Cyclone*

Yaya: Esh, what's wrong with him!?

Quake: Nothing is wrong with him, that's his way.

Boboibot Neo (Human): Yeah, Sand is a naughty sibling, he likes to do stuff his way, but he is sane when Quake is around.

Sand: I really don't wanna be punished by "Mama Quake".


Sand: *Scared* Uhhhhh, Nothing Quake.

Quake: *Mad face* You better not say that in this story.

Sand: Okay.

Telepathy: Quake kinda "Snapped" today.

Thunder: So we better not say or do anything that upsets Quake.

Fang: And I thought you were the only devilish one.

Thunder: *summons his Thunder spear, dashes closer to Fang, glares and stares at Fang with his Red devilish Eyes*

What did you say about me?

Fang: *Scared* Uhhhhhh.

Thunder: *stopped glaring at Fang, covered his eyes by facing down* Whatever. *Dashes back to his normal spot*

Telepathy: All 16 of us gets angry.

Shadow: And 3 of us get "Hangry".

Blaze: Mostly me.

Shadow: Yeah, mostly you.

Shadow: Sand, what did Emerald find underground?

Sand: Underground? More like Under-You.

Thunder and Quake: (-_-")

Shadow: Really, San.

Boboibot Neo (Human): Still bad at jokes.

Sand: I'm still trying my best.

Blaze: Nah,it was fine.

Thunder: (-_-)

Telepathy: *looks up* Hey, why is that cloud white? *points at a white cloud*

Sand: Hey, That's Mist's Cloud.

Yaya: Mist?

Shadow: He meant Cloud.

Blaze: Cloud!!!! *Screams*

A person in white and sky blue pops out off the cloud,hugs a teddy bear and waves at Blaze.

Cyclone: look, that's Cloud!!! *points at Cloud*

Telepathy: *looks closely* It is Cloud, he even has his teddy bear with him.

Cloud: *Waves to the Siblings down below*

Thunder: Where is Ice!!!?

A person in white and Icy Blue appeared beside Cloud and waved

Thunder: There is Ice-head over there.

Thorn: Well, Neo was right that Ice is up there.

Cyclone: Yeah.

The white cloud disappeared

And a cloud figure appeared beside Quake and another one beside Blaze

Then the clouds turn into Boboiboy Ice

Ice: Heyyyy, Blaze. *lazily said*

Blaze: What's up, wanna take a nap?

Ice: Uhhhh............Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. *fall asleep*

Thunder: (-.-") *sweatdropped*

Blaze: Haha, Always Sleeping, even in a tight situation.

Ice: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. *still asleep*

Yaya: Is he really like that?

Quake: Yeah, always.

Thorn: We are fine with that.

Shadow: Yeah, he is the laziest among us all.

Boboibot Neo (Human): Even when I replicate him, Ice is still the laziest.

The other cloud figure beside Quake turned into Boboiboy Cloud.

Cloud: H-hey guys. *hides behind Quake*

Cyclone: Hey Cloud, still have your teddy bear?

Cloud: Y-yeah. *Shows and hugs his teddy bear*

Blaze: Cloud, are you still scared of being alone?

Cloud: Y-yeah. *looks to his shoes.

Blaze: Don't worry, we are here for you lil bro. *hugs Cloud*

Cloud: *Hugs his teddy bear and smiles*

Quake: *turns from a frown to a smile* Now that is what I like to see.

Blaze: *stopped hugging Cloud*

Cloud: Thanks Blaze, I needed that.

Blaze: Your welcome. *Pats Cloud's head*

Thorn: *smiles* Even if we have serious and angry personalities, we still care for each other.

(Author: Well, that's self- affection ladies and gentlemen.

All: -_-")

Yaya: You literally mean that.

Boboibot Neo (Human): People care for one another, if they get in a fight, that might mean either for competition of sources, or if they are mad and angry at you.

Gopal: Woah, so very heart-warming words.

Telepathy: Neo isn't just to help us, but to tell and explain why it is important to do what we must.

Boboibot Neo (Human): My Robot self is programmed to help others in need, either emotionally, physically, or mentally.

Ice: *wakes up* *yawn* Sorry for sleeping.

Thunder: It's fine, you always sleep.

Shadow: You literally do.

Ice: Hey guys, how are gonna get back?

Telepathy: *has an idea and telepathically tells it to Quake*

Quake: *notices Telepathy's Idea*

Boboibot: *scans the area and noticed brain waves between Quake and Telepathy*

Quake: *looks at Boboibot*


Clouds of Dust Appeared around the siblings, the dust caused all the people, the past gang, and Adudu to fall asleep, while Boboibot malfunctioned and deactivated

Cyclone: Good Idea Quake.

Quake: Now!!

Telepathy & Quake:

"All our Siblings that are underground
Bring them to the Kokotiam on solid ground"

Magnet, Silver, and Emerald magically teleported to the Kokotiam

Cyclone: Are they in the Kokotiam!?

Quake: Yes, now it's our turn.

Telepathy & Quake:

"Our siblings and us here shall be teleported
To the Kokotiam where cocoa is served in"

The Siblings that are in the Cloud of dust magically teleported to the Kokotiam

Quake: Are all of you ready to go!?

All except Quake: Yeah!!

Quake: Now to go back.

כוח הזמן, הבה נחזור הזמן שלנו כמו שאני אומר, (זיכרון נסיעות עד היום)

Power of time,Let us go back to our time as I say, (Memory Travel To The Present)

(Hebrew, I think)

And Blah Blah Blah, they are back at their own time.



Author's Note:

This part was missing because I was too lazy to make it very long.

I am so bad at making spells, so I decided to ryhme.

BTW, Emerald got some gems from the underground, they were Emerald, Aquamarine, and Ameythst.


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