Cuteness and Protective Mamas

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This title makes me laugh to be honest with you. 😅

This is just because of something about Strato and Nimbus.

(I like roleplay)

It's also for Quake and Thorny too

Here we go


In a normal day, 3:00PM

In the living room,

Thorn: Quake?

Quake: Huh? What is it, Thorn?

Thorn: Can I play with Blaze outside?

Quake: *looks out the window*

Blaze: *playing with fire, burning some wood* Burn baby burn!

Quake: 0-0 .... No, Thorn. It's too dangerous.

Thorn: Aww... Okay.

Cyclone: Watch out!! Hyah! *throws a water balloon at Thorn*

Thorn: ..! *was about to get hit by the water balloon*


Cloud: *caught it before it could even splash* *looks at Cyclone*

Cyclone: Aww, I wanted to splash water.

Cloud cocked an eyebrow, looks out the window, and then throws it, real hard, towards Blaze who was outside

Blaze: *got hit* Huh? Who hit- .... Oh.. hehe. Sorry!

Cloud: *thumbs up towards Blaze*

Cyclone: Uhh, why do I smell something burning?

Quake: Oh, it's just Bla- wait.... *sniff* Oh no! Mah potatoes! *runs to the kitchen*

(Okay, I just had to do that. )

Thorn: *ran to the kitchen too to help Quake*

Cloud: Hmm..... Cyclone. Can I ask you a favor and try and keep an eye out on Thorn?

Cyclone: Sure thing. Besides, I got nothin' to do.

Cloud: Thank you. And also. Do not try and prank Thorn again. Quake might get mad at you if you make Thorn cry.

Cyclone: Uhh, okay.

Cloud: Nice. *goes upstairs*

Cyclone: :T

Meanwhile, upstairs

Cloud: *walking around*

Shadow: Cloud! *opens his room door, grabs Cloud's hand*

Cloud: Huh? Wha- *gets pulled into Shadow's room*

Shadow: Cloud? Can you help me prank Thorn?

Cloud: Huh? Why?

Shadow: Because, I wanted to. And also, you are very close to Thorn. Next to Dark.

Cloud: And.... That is not what I do.. *eyes turn a darker shade* I do not do such things, with Thorn. I do not want to play in this prank of yours.

Shadow: Uhhh... *in his mind: Well, I regret this.*

Cloud: Also, do not try to prank Thorn when me or Quake is around! Okay?

Shadow: Okay, fine.

Cloud: Nice. Because I know someone will make Thorn cry at one point today.

Shadow: Huh? Who?

Cloud: I could not tell you.

Shadow: Uhhh.. okay?

Cloud: So, do not make him cry.

Shadow: I'll try.

Cloud: Good. *goes out of Shadow's room*

Shadow: :T

Meanwhile, downstairs in the living room

Quake: Thanks you two.

Thorn: No problem. *innocent smile*

Cyclone: Yeah. No biggie.

Cloud: *noticed them* *yawns*

Quake: Huh? Sleepy Cloudy?

Cloud: Yeah... I am.

Quake: Well, feel free sleeping on the couch.

Cloud: *lying down on the couch* Thank you. *starts sleeping* Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Quake: Well. Thorn, what about your garden? Should I come with you?

Thorn: No thanks. I can go by myself.

Quake: No. You need someone to accompany you.

Thorn: But, Solar is busy with Magnet, Cloud is sleeping. And I don't think I want anyone else going to my secret garden except Solar and Cloud.

Quake: What about me?

Thorn: I don't trust you either.

Quake: Why?

Thorn: *looks down* .......

Cyclone: Uhh.... I think it's a little personal for Thorn, dude.

Quake: *sigh* Okay. But! You will go to your garden with Cloud. When he wakes up.

Thorn: Okay.

Quake: In the meantime. Go to Sand and Emerald. They might need some help.

Thorn: Okay. *goes outside*

Cyclone: Umm. I'll go with him. *ran outside*

Quake: Okay.

~Meanwhile, in The Cloud Mindscape~

(Yeah, I'll call it that)

Nimbus: *reading a little book*

Cirrus: Hey Nim. What are you reading?

Nimbus: H-huh? O-oh..... I-it is just a book..... T-that Strato gave me.... I-it is a v-very nice book.

Cirrus: Oh. Well. What is it about? *bends down*

Nimbus: N-nephology.

Cirrus: Oh..? That is the study of clouds.

Nimbus: E-exactly..... E-even though..... W-we are named.... A-after clouds. I-it is a very i-interesting study. *innocent cute smile*

Cirrus: Heh. Yeah. *looks* Oh. This one is very cool. There are more than just 4 types of clouds.

Nimbus: O-of course. T-there are 10 k-known types.

Cirrus: Including Cloud nine. Cumulonimbus.

Nimbus: Y-yes.

Strato: Come here you two.

Cirrus: Okay. *stands up* Come on, Nimbus. *walks towards Strato*

Nimbus: O-okay. *closes the book* *stands up* *walks towards Strato*

Strato: Well. Nimbus, what did you think about that book?

Nimbus: I-it is very a-amazing.

Strato: That is good. Oh, Cumulus.

Cumulus: *sitting down, arms crossed, looked at Strato* ...?

Strato: Uh, a new friend will come here any second now. So please be on your best behavior.

Cumulus: *growls, sigh* Okay.

Strato: Good.

????: Hello. *waves*

Strato: Finally. Hello again, friend.

????: It's nice to see you again.

Strato: It is nice to see you too. Well. Cumulus? Will you introduce yourself?

Cumulus: *avoids eye contact* ............

Strato: Oh. I am sorry for his behavior. He is always like this.

????: It's fine.

Strato: Actually. ####? I have heard from you that something will happen to Thorn.

????: Yeah. Your friend will cry at one point. Which will not be a good time. 

Cumulus: Huh!? *stands up* So, you were the one with that rumor!

Strato: Cumulus please. Do not be mad at him, please.

Cumulus: Why would I not be!? You were the one who said-

Strato: He said that Thorn will cry because of someone. And that person is one of our friends.

Cumulus: *growls*

Strato: So please, let #### explain.

Cumulus: *looks at ????, sigh* Fine. *sat down*

Strato: So, ####. What will happen today? Other than Thorn crying.

????: Well, there will be another fight. That happens to be with Blaze, and someone else. And... That's the just of it. At night though. Dark will have his usual sky watching.. Your friend Dark really is a night owl.

Strato: Yeah, he is.

????: Hmm.... I still have questions about you five.

Strato: Please, do not say it in front of Cumulus. He does not want to say anything about our secrets.

????: No, not that. I mean like, what are you like before? And, how are you all technically siblings?

Strato: That is a story for another day, ####.

????: Oh, okay. Hmm... Wait, there's something else.... Thorn, will not only cry from a sibling of his. He will cry... Because of his plants..

Strato: *gasp* Oh dear.

Cirrus: Oh dear it is. We know how much Thorn loves his plants, he would not be very happy.

????: *nods* Exactly the point.

Stratus: But then, Thorn does not allow anyone to his garden except us Cloud and Solar.

????: But, a stranger will find it. And wreck the garden, because the stranger is not a nice person.

Cumulus: ......... *growls* Who..?

????: It's.... A woman.

Cumulus: A woman!? *stood up*

Strato: No no no, Cumulus please. Do not be like-

Cumulus: If that mysterious woman, you are really talking about! Really will destroy his garden! I will not allow that!!

????: There is no way to stop that. It has already been predicted.

Cumulus: *growls* You really are making me feel mad.

????: I'm speaking the truth.

Strato: Please, Cumulus. Stop. *touched Cumulus's back*

Cumulus: *looks at Strato, sigh* Fine! *sat down*

Strato:  If you are speaking the truth. Then please. How will we help?

????: I already have suggestions.

~Outside the Cloud Mindscape~

Cloud: Zzzzzzzzzzz. *still sleeping*

Thorn: *sitting on the couch*

Blaze: *came in* Hey, Thorn. Watcha doing?

Thorn: Waiting for Cloud to wake up. So that I can go to your garden.

Blaze: Well, why not go by yourself?

Thorn: Quake said, that I need company to go with me.

Blaze: Well, why not go now? Quake's not here.

Thorn: Are you sure...?

Blaze: Yeah, you're not a little baby. You're a teen. Come on.

Thorn: ... Really?

Blaze: Yeah, do it.

Thorn: Okay.. *stood up*

Thorn left the house

Blaze: Heh.

Cloud: *groans, woke up* Blaze?

Blaze: What's up?

Cloud: I am good. *looks around* ...... Where is Thorn?

Blaze: He went out by himself. To his garden.

Cloud: What!?

Blaze: What? What's wrong with that?

Cloud: What have you done!? Oh no. *stood up*

Blaze: Woah, woah, woah. Chill out.

Cloud: No! You do not know what you have done!! *runs out the door, leaving the house*

Blaze: 😕 ....... What did I do?


Cloud: *running* Oh, this is not good. *panting*

Near the garden

Cloud: *saw in the distance, vines covered the entire entrance* No no no. This is not good. *walks towards the entrance* Come on, come on.

He tried pulling out the vines, but every time he pulled out a vine, more grew

Cloud: No no no. *calls someone*

Emerald: *on the other line* Cloud? What is wrong?

Cloud: There is something wrong. I am in Thorn's garden. Near the meadow. Please hurry!

Emerald: O-oh! Okay. *hung up*

Cloud: *continues pulling*

Emerald: *quickly came in* What is wrong?

Cloud: *looks at Emerald* ..... Wow, you are quick.

Emerald: Thank you.

Cloud: Please, help me with this. Thorn is in a situation.

Emerald: *summons in a pair of Emerald crystal claw gloves* Hyah! *quickly cuts almost every vine* Quickly!

Cloud: Okay.

They both went inside before the vines grew back

Cloud: Thank you.

Emerald: It was no pro- Huh?

Thorny vines are everywhere

Emerald: What in the morning sun..-

They both were wrapped up by vines

They both saw Thorn..... Crying, sobbing.

Cloud: Thorn- *mouth gets covered by vines*

Emerald: Mmm.. Hyah! *breaks free* *breaks Cloud free*

Cloud: *sigh* Emerald. Help me get closer to Thorn.

Emerald: Okay.

Emerald helped Cloud get past the jungle of vines, as Thorn continued to cry

Cloud: *grunt* Thorn!!

Thorn: *heard them* Huh? *hisk*

Cloud: *ran up to Thorn, hugged him like never before* Thorn! Oh.

Thorn: Cloud? *hisk*

Cloud: It is fine. Your garden. It will be okay.

Thorn: *hisk* How did you- *hisk* know?

Cloud: I.... Had the urge to come. Also, I thought you would wait for me.

Thorn: Blaze told me it was alright going by myself.

Cloud: ........ (In his mind: Cumulus: Someone is getting punished today. *growls*)

Thorn: But-

Cloud: Do not worry. I will help you. With-

Thorn: *noticed Emerald* ..! You brought Emerald?

Cloud: I had no other choice getting here. There was so much vines.

Thorn: Oh...

The vines began to sink down to the ground

Emerald: Huh.

Cloud: Come on, Thorn. We need to go home. I think you need to calm down from this situation.

Thorn: *hisk* Okay.

Cloud: You can go back to your work, Emerald.

Emerald: Okay. *dashes out*

Cloud: Come on, Thorn.

Thorn: Okay.

They both walked home

Few minutes later

In the house,

Cloud: *opens the door*

Quake: *gasp* Thorn! What happened to you!? Did you get hurt!? Did someone-

Cloud: A mishap happened.. in Thorn's garden. And he cried.

Thorn: *still had tears in his eyes*

Quake: Aww, come here, Thorn. *gives a big warm hug* It'll be okay. Just, stop crying.

Thorn: *crying again, but with a smile on his face*

Cloud: ...!

~In the Cloud Mindscape~

Stratus: *gasp* So, it was Quake who made Thorn cry.... But it is in tears of joy.

Cirrus: Huh.

Strato: Thankfully, it was not tears of sadness.

Stratus: *nods*

~Back in the living room~

Cloud: Phew.

Quake: Wait... Thorn, did you go to your garden yourself?

Thorn: Yeah..?

Quake: Thorn, what did I tell you? I told you to wait.

Thorn: But, Blaze said that I can go myself.

Quake: ....... Well someone got in trouble.

Cloud: Yep.

Quake: I'll be right back. *walks outside*

Cloud & Thorn: *sat on the couch*

Solar & Dark: *came down the stairs*

Cloud: Hello.

Dark: Huh? Oh, Cloud.

Solar: *noticed Thorn* Thorn? Are you okay?

Thorn: Yeah. Hehe...

Solar: Your eyes are red. So I know something is wrong.

Cloud: *sigh* Thorn's garden had a mishap. And Thorn did not really take it in very well.

Solar: Oh, well I'm okay with helping you, Thorn.

Thorn: Thanks.

Dark:  *sat next to Cloud* Come here. *wraps his arm around Cloud's neck, leans over*

Cloud: *leans onto Dark's head, purrs*

Dark: Hehe. Nice one, Mist.

Cloud: *turns into a big cat/ puma* *laid down on the floor*

Dark: Nice.

Thorn: *innocent smile*

Cloud: *turns into a furry doggo* *bark bark, lays on his back*

Dark: Oh. Hah. *scratches Cloud the doggo's tummy* Who's a good doggo?

Cloud: *bark bark*

(You can think of any dog Cloud is, it doesn't matter)

Thorn: *noticed a little book* Huh. *reads* Botany...?

Solar: You don't know? It's the science of nature.

Thorn: Oh cool! *opens the first page, starts reading it* Oo, pictures.

Solar: Still a little flower.

Cloud: *turns into a cat* Mraow.

Dark: Let's go, Cloudy.

Cloud: *turns into a bird, flew up and sat on Dark's head*

Dark: *starts walking, out the door*


(It had more Protectiveness, than cuteness. Sorry. ._.)


And now, let us appreciate our mama.

For caring.

And when I mean Mama. I mean, Quake.


Modoro: But also our moms. If you have one. ._.

Besides, they brought you to this world.

Who did you think brought you to this world? Your dad..?


(If you actually thought of that, then you have a problem ._.)

But, technically.

Fathers get partial credit. 'Cause they helped in the process.

By....... You know what I don't really want to tell ._.

It's a long..... And probably inappropriate process.

So..... Yeah.


See ya

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