Dare #2- Board

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All the Elements: 12

Maria: Hey guys, I'm back.

Blaze: Hey Maria.

Solar: What is that your holding?

Maria: Oh this, *holds a case and a cloth bag* this is for our new dare.

Cyclone: New dare?

Maria: Yeah, this dare is for the seven of you.

Ice: *yawns* Why am I included?

Maria: Because the dare said so.

Ice: Fine. *gets off the couch*

Maria: Oh, there is one thing I didn't tell.

Quake: What is the dare?

Maria: That is what I didn't tell.

The dare is for the 7 Elements to play Oujia Board

Quake: Oujia Board?!

Cyclone: Huh?
What is the Oujia Board?

Thorn: And why is Quake frightened about it?

Quake: Because Me, Telepathy, Neo, and Shadow used the Oujia Board before.

Maria: The Oujia Board is also known as "the talking spirit board".

Dark: *comes into the living room* Hey, what are you 8 talking about in here?

Maria: A dare was told by me, and your older siblings will play the Oujia Board.

Dark: Oh Okay, carry on. *leaves*

Maria: Okay, the seven of you will meet me at your backyard at night.

Thorn: Why do we have to go at night?

Quake: You'll understand later.

Thorn: Okay.

Maria: Well, I'm gonna meet someone later, she is the one who gave the dare.

Blaze: Are you bring her to this story?

Maria: Yeah, she will meet you guys when I come back.

Cyclone: Okay, I'm excited to see her.

Maria: See you later guys.

All siblings: Bye.

Maria left the house

Thorn: Quake, I'm a little scared about this dare.

Quake: Don't be scared Thorn, we have to stay away from fear, or it will go wrong.

Thorn: Okay.

Solar: Don't worry Thorn, we're still here, why do you have to be scared?

Thorn: Hmmm, your right Solar.

Solar: Yeah. *slight laugh*

A few minutes later, time skip to 7:00pm (Too lazy to explain everything they did)

Quake: Guys, let's go to the backyard, Maria told us to be there.

Blaze: Okay okay, we are coming.

All the siblings went outside and into the backyard

Maria: Hey guys.

???: Uh, Hey there.

Thorn: Who is she?

Maria: Her name is Shaza, but you can call her Shaz for short.

Shaza: Hello there, are you guys ready for your dare night?

Blaze: Yeah, I'm so ready.

Shaza sets the mood and Maria prepares the Oujia Board and Pointer

Thorn: Why are you putting candles?

Maria: It is a part of the Oujia Board thing.

Thorn: Oh.

Maria: Where is he?
I need some quartz.

???: Hey Maria, here are the quartz crystals you asked for. *gives Maria quartz crystals*

Maria: Thank you.

Shaza: Who is he?

Maria: He is Emerald.

Shaza: Oh.

Thorn: What is an Emerald?

Maria: Thorn, I am not a gemologist.

Thorn: What is a gemologist?

Maria: Gosh.

Shaza: Uhhh, I think it's a person, Thorn.

Thorn: Oh okay.

Maria: Well, that went well.

Quake: Okay, time to start.

Maria: You guys go on ahead, Me and Shaza aren't apart of this dare.

Quake: Okay.

Cyclone: Then how are we going to properly use this board?

Shaza: Uhhh, I think Quake knows how to use the board.

Cyclone: Oh Okay.

Maria and Shaza went inside the house

Quake: Okay, Guys make a circle around the board.

Thunder: Hmm, Okay.

The siblings sat on the ground and formed a circle

Quake: Now, I will be the one asking the questions while the rest of you will place your finger on the planchette.

Thorn: Where is the planchette?

Quake: Over there, it is resting on the "G".

Thorn: Oh.

All placed their finger on the planchette

Quake: Hmm, let's do an opening ritual.

They did a ritual (I'm not going to explain it, okay)

Quake: *closes his eyes* someone is here.

Thorn: *Shocked eyes*

Quake: Hello?

Board: "Hello"

Blaze: Woah, I didn't move my finger, did someone else move it?

All except Quake and Blaze: *nods "no"*

Quake: Hmm, how are you doing?

Board: I A M G O O D

Quake: Are you okay?

Board: "Yes"

Cyclone: Woah, tell what is it's gender.

Quake: What is your gender?

Board: M A L E

Blaze: Woah, that is cool.

Quake: Are you from Malaysia?

Board: "No"

Quake: Then where are you from?

Board: I N D O N E S I A

Thorn: Hmm, this is nice.

Quake: Are you good or bad?

Board: G O O D

Quake: Oh.

Blaze: Why did you ask him that?

Quake: There are such thing as Bad spirits, I am just being careful.

Solar: Hmmm, ask him about his family.

Quake: How is your family?

Board: T H E Y A R E A L L D E A D A N D T H EY A R E W I T H ME

Quake: Is that a good thing for you?

Board: "Yes"

Solar: Well, that is nice.

Quake: Well, nice to meet you, "Goodbye".

The planchette moves to "Goodbye"

Blaze: What do we do now?

Quake: Flip the planchette upside down.

They flipped the pointer over and seperated it from the board

Shaza: *comes out of nowhere* Oh you're done.

Blaze: Oh, you suprised me.

Maria: Hehe, sorry.

Shaza: How was the dare?

Thorn: It was kinda scary, but Quake was here.

Shaza: How nice.

Maria: Yeah, it was good that Quake knew how to use it.

Quake: Yeah.

Shaza: Wait?
How many times did Quake use a Oujia board?

Quake: Twice, and the first time was the worst one.

Shaza: Oh.

(Note: I really have no idea how OCs work, I'm just doing stuff)

Shaza: Ice?

Ice: Yeah?

Shaza: Did you listen to Quake?

Ice: Yes.

Shaza: I really hope you did, if you didn't, it will be a problem.

Quake: Yeah.

Maria: Hmm.

Sand: *comes out of nowhere* Guys?

Quake: Yeah.

Sand: What are you going to do with this cloth bag and case?

Quake: Oh, that's Maria's.

Maria: *grabs the planchette from Quake and grabs the cloth bag from Sand* The cloth bag is for this thing, and the case is for the board.

Sand: Oh Okay.

Shaza: Are you suppose to be Sand?

Sand: Yep.

Quake: San.

Sand: What?

Quake: Did you break anything in the house?

Sand: Uhhhh.

Maria: You broke a plate, didn't you?

Sand: Hehe, Yep.

Quake: *sighs* I'll clean it up.

Shaza: Let me help you Quake.

Quake: Thanks Shaz.

Maria: Well, I knew it.


Anyways, that's the good ending,

Tell me if you want a bad ending, it will be longer to publish if you suggest it to be bad.

Because I am terrible at bad but-close endings

Dare is by GGGPhoenixia or Shaza.

By the way, this is the first time I added a different author to my book

So.................... sorry if I did something wrong, Shaza


I do requests and challenges by readers,

dares, punishments, and challenges

I accept it.

Thanks for reading this.


Wait, before you go.

Look at this:

(Can't find it? Tell me)

If you don't understand what I meant, then just look closer at the image (if you can see it)

Yes, according to Nizam Razak, each of 2 forms will be polar opposites.

So, I don't know about Solar, like come on, I like his attitude from both mine and Rra's

Like, LOL.

If Boboiboy Light appears in Boboiboy Galaxy, should I change the personality or keep it?


Okay, now it's over


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