Friday the 13th

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This is made specifically for this day.

June 13, 2018, Friday

Here we go


June 12, 7 :30PM

All 16 were in the living room

They were minding their own business



Blaze: Pfft, Ahahaha!

Thunder: Huh? Blaze!? What did I say about you pranking me!?

Blaze: It's fun.

Thunder: It isn't, you f#####!

Blaze: Huh!? Say that again you thunderhead!

Thunder: That's it. Stop calling me Thunderhead! You piece of ####!

Blaze: After you stop calling me a piece of ####, Thunderhead!

The 2 still continue to argue

Quake: Guys! Quit it!

They didn't listen

Magnet: *looks towards Cloud*

Cloud: *a shadow covers his eyes, clenching onto a pillowcase, expression looks...... Furious*

(Oh no....)

Magnet: Guys! Stop.

Once again, didn't listen

Then...... Black veins began to appear around the armband, Cloud's wrists, and then his neck

Telepathy: Huh? Oh no.... Thunder, Blaze. Stop.

Blaze, Thunder: What!?

Telepathy: *a little quieter than before* Please,enough.

Blaze: What did you say?

Thunder: Are you deaf?

Blaze: What did you sa-

Cloud: Enough!! *roars as loud as thunder*

All except Cloud: 😨

Cloud: ........*panting, stood up* Now listen here! Blaze! Why did you have to prank Thunder!? He wanted silence and no shenanigans!! You are making me as stressed as you! And do you want that!?

Blaze: ........ Uhh.....

Cloud: And Thunder! You were the first to offend Blaze! For just a simple prank!? What made you! cuss right in front of the others!? For just a simple prank!? Huh!? To make Blaze feel bad!? No!

Thunder: .......... Uhhhhh..

Cloud: Now both of you! Apologize to each other! Now! *roars again*

Blaze, Thunder: *very terrified*

Cloud: *glares, then goes upstairs*

Thunder, Blaze: ......... *sitting back to back, hugged their knees, very terrified*

Quake: That's what happens when you don't listen.

Telepathy: Yes, there are consequences to it.

Blaze: Y-yeah.. Sorry for calling ya thunderhead, Thunder.

Thunder: Same goes to you, you fu-

Arrows pierced through the floor nearly hitting both Thunder and Blaze

Blaze, Thunder: 😨

Quake: Huh? *looks towards the stairs*

Cloud: *on the stairs, glaring right at them, growls* What did I say about cussing?

Thunder: ....Uhhhh..(In his mind: S### what was it..?)

Cloud: *growls louder* Forgive him! *roars*

Arrows were about to poke through Thunder's shirt

Thunder: (What the!? Can Cloud read my mind!?) *sigh* Sorry, Blaze.

Cloud: *glares one more time, then continues to go upstairs*

Magnet: Hmmm.... He is more aggressive today... Did anyone notice anything else from that?

All except Magnet and Telepathy: *shook their heads*

Telepathy: Actually, I saw something appear on Cloud's body..

Quake: What?

Telepathy: Black veins. Around the armband, on his neck, on his wrists.... And I can feel right through that it is also almost on the entire body. His eyes did turn from blue, to grey.

Magnet: Hmm. Never seen black veins before.

Emerald: Hmmm, Telepathy. Does any of the books you have, have any idea about it?

Telepathy: *summons his book* Let me see. *flips a few pages, stopped, then jaw dropped*

Emerald: What?

Telepathy: It can't be....

Thorn: *looks at the page* "Wolfirite Spiritusiams" What are they?

Telepathy: That is a species... And it's one of the most powerful ones... These creatures are known to be hard to kill... And also very strong and powerful.

Magnet: What does that mean..?

Telepathy: The black veins only appear for this species. And that means something powerful is resonating.

Solar: Wait.... Does that means Cloud is...

Telepathy: Yes, He is. Thanks to Cumulus....

Dark: That's really impossible!

Telepathy: .......... *realized something* Tomorrow is Friday. You two must of not argued!

Blaze, Thunder: Why?

Telepathy: The day before a Friday the 13th. He gets really aggressive. And very, very dangerous!

Roars were heard

All: Huh?

Thorn, Cyclone: *shivering, hugging each other*


Solar: Huh? *teleports with the help of his power*

Telepathy: It is too late....

Solar: *comes back* Cloud's gone!!

All except Solar: Huh!?

Solar: *sigh* Why?

Quake: We can't let him stay like that!

Emerald: So..... We must find him quick. Or.... What happens when it strikes 12?

Telepathy: That won't be very good. Since some people had to argue. He would be furious seeing Thunder and Blaze if they haven't forgive him... Plus... For being that kind of species.... We can't stop his attacks. Nor can we defend ourselves.... Since Wolfirites are extra powerful at night.

Quake: Hmmm.....

Knock knock

All: Huh?

Emerald: *opened the door* Hm?

???????: Hi Emerald.

Emerald: Who are you?

???????: Let's just say. I know Maria. My name is Karensa.

Emerald: Oh, why are you here?

Karensa: I heard ruckus from here. So I checked what's wrong.

Emerald: *sigh* It is about Cloud.

Karensa: Huh? Oh that isn't really good.

Telepathy: *noticed her* How do you know?

Karensa: Maria told me a lot about Cloud. Probably more than Magnet.

Magnet: Hmm.... Okay.?

Karensa: I saw Cumulus..... When I was looking forward to seeing Maria and Cumulus. A giant demon bigger than any of us came in. I tried attacks but nothing worked. Then, I used my strongest attack. But the demon began to regenerate. When I heard Cumulus roar louder than anything else I have ever heard, the demon's regeneration was slowing down. And I was shocked!

(It was a roleplay. .-.)

Quake: Hm. *a little shocked*

Karensa: He was really angry. He shouted the place where it's weak spot is. Somehow. He knew where it was.

Emerald: Hm, that's.... really odd.

Silver: Yeah. How did he know?

Karensa: *shrugs* Mhm. It's like he can see through.

Telepathy: Hmmm.......

Quake: But, why is he doing this?

Telepathy: That... Is a mystery..

Karensa: Whatever it is. I will help!

Quake: Great! Now let's find Cloud.

All except Quake: Okay!

They all went outside

Quake: Hm, where to find Cloud?

Then, a random policeman came running in

Policeman: *pants* Excuse me! But you have to stay inside!

Emerald: Huh? Why?

Policeman: Someone reported of a mysterious stranger. Destroying everything in it's path.

Blaze: Destroy?

Policeman: Yes, and someone else reported that he is very big and dangerous. And we will try to solve thi-

His ear piece began to ring

Policeman: Yes?

???: We just heard that 3 of our other policeman got severely injured.

Policeman: What? How?

???: I don't really know for sure.

Policeman: Okay, thanks for the intel. *hangs up*

Quake: We have to find someone.

Policeman: Oh? Then let me find-

Dark: No, let us do it!

Policeman: ....... Fine then. Have a safe night. *leaves*

Hours later

Quake: I don't know where else....

Dark: Actually.... I might know where.

20 minutes later,

They were in a familiar forest

Quake: This is.....

Dark: The same forest where Cloud was years and years ago.... I still cry to those stories.....

Roars were heard in the distance

All: Huh?

Blaze: Oh mighty....

Quake: *looks at his normal watch* Oh no... It's already 11:40PM.

Emerald: Well, we need to act quick.

Quake: Okay.

Then, 2 trees fell over

Thorn: *gasp* No... Tree.

Telepathy: Hmmm... *checks his book again* It is true now. Cumulus is becoming stronger by the minute.. We really need to-

Stomp stomp

All: Huh?


Thunder: Oh no....

Cyclone: I think he saw us...


Something appeared right beside a tree

???: *growls*

All: ......... *steps back*

???: *roars as loud as thunder*

All: *covers their ears*

Quake: Stop! Please! You are making this very hard!

???: You angered me! Now you will pay!

Then, he came out

All: *gasps*

It was Cumulus, but.. He's very different

He's bigger, and noticeably even stronger looking

His wing like scarf, instead of two ends, there are 4, the part that was wrapped around his neck wrapped around his arms too

Noticeable scars were on his arms and face, his S tattoo was present

Black veins were on his wrists

And mostly, he was even more intimidating

Cumulus: *pants, then roars again*

All except Cumulus: *covering their ears again*

Quake: Stop now!! Earth Barrier! *punches the ground*

Silver: Metal Wall! *punch the ground too*

A stone wall and a metal wall surrounded Cumulus

Quake: *sigh* I hope that will hold hi-


The 15 plus Karensa: 😨!!

Karensa: I don't think that held him.



Both walls were destroyed

The 15 plus Karensa: 😨😲

Cumulus was even angrier than before

Cyclone: Uhh... Uhhh...

Cumulus: Now you really got on my nerves!!

His eyes got from dark grey, to black

Cumulus: *grunts, then roars loud*

The 15 & Karensa: *covered their ears again*

Quake: Stop at once, Cloud! Or we will have to force you!

Cumulus: Using force against me!? I will not let you do that!!

Lightning struck all around

Quake: Urgh... Magnet!

Magnet: *sways his arms, left and right*

Metal chains began to wrap around Cumulus

Cumulus: *grunts* What are you doing!?

Magnet: Trying to hold you on!

Cumulus: If you are doing so! I will too!!

Fog began to come in, making it hard to see

Magnet: Huh? I can't see.

Then..... After the fog faded away....

The 15 plus Karensa: Huh!?

They were all wrapped up

Cumulus: *pants aggressively* You really will not like what happens next. *growls*

Karensa: *sigh* *in her mind* "I'm going to regret this. " *turns into her ##### ###### form, summons a gun* Sorry!!


It looked like Cumulus was obliterated

They were no longer wrapped up

12PM Struck 🕛

(A/N: I know it was quick, but I'm not a clock)

Telepathy: Karensa! What did you do!?

Karensa: Huh? I just-

Lightning struck and thunder rumbled

Telepathy: You should have not done that.

Karensa: W-why?

The clouds became darker

Quake: Uhhhh......


(Oh crap...)

A cloud turned into a Cumulus cloud

Blaze:  ....... Aw, ####...

The cloud roared louder than any thunder

Karensa: Uhh.....😲

Cumulus (Cloud Form): You really are making me angry!!

Quake: Uhh.....

Karensa: How can we stop him now?

Something was resonating in the clouds

A dragon made of pure lightning and clouds appeared

It was bigger than an elephant

The 15 plus Karensa: 😲😨 .....!!

It smacked the ground and glared at them

Karensa: 😨 We're so dead.

~Use it again

Karensa: Huh?

~Shoot the dragon

Karensa: Oh. *turns back into her ##### ######, summons her gun again* Die Bish!!

The dragon was obliterated

Quake & Thunder: *sigh in relief*

But then again....

Storm clouds wrapped around them again

The 15 plus Karensa: *trying to get unwrapped, grunt/groan*

Cumulus (Cloud Form): Try all you want! You will not go anywhere!!

It became tighter, and tighter

It was now useless to get out

Karensa: *pants* Cumulus! Stop!!

Cumulus (Cloud Form): What!?

Karensa: I want to ask you! Is this what Strato wants!?

Cumulus (Cloud Form): Huh?

Karensa: I know Strato doesn't like torture as much as you. But do you really hate torture? If yeah, why are you torturing us!?

Cumulus (Cloud Form): ...........

Karensa: Please, if you really care for Strato. Please stop all this.

Cumulus (Cloud Form): *stares at Karensa* ........ Fine.

The clouds disappeared, and since they were wrapped up in the air, they fell down


Along that, Cumulus disappeared from the clouds

Karensa: *sigh*

Quake: What did you do?

Karensa: I told him what was wrong.... And now he is in remorse.

Cyclone: Ooh.

Thorn: What's remorse?

Telepathy: It is the feeling of being sorry for doing something wrong or bad.

Blaze: He's sorry..?

Karensa: Uhh...

~He is

Karensa: Yeah, he is.

Quake: Hmm.... Where is Cloud..?

Karensa: *looks around, found a familiar silhouette sitting on top of one of hills* I think I know where.

5 minutes later

Cloud was the one sitting on the hill

Cloud: *looks up at the sky, towards the clouds, then sighs*

Dark: Cloud!

Cloud: *looks behind him*

Dark: There you were. We were all worried.

Cloud: *stopped looking at them, looked back at the clouds*

Dark: *sits next to Cloud* Hey. What's wrong, Mist....?

Cloud: .......

Dark: Come on. I have something's up. Just... Tell us. We won't judge you.

Cloud: *looks at his right arm, pulls up his sleeve*

Black veins were on his arm

Dark: Oh.... Cloud.. You never told us about this..

Cloud: I know....

Magnet: Hmmm, actually. Now it's useless.

Cloud: Huh? What is useless..?

Magnet: This armband. *takes it off* You don't need it any longer. No matter what happens. You do your best to deal with it.

Cloud: *grunt* I will try.

Sand: Hey bro.

Cloud: Hey... All of you..

Telepathy: Excuse me. *summons an empty glass sphere* May I help with your little problem?

Cloud: Huh? Hmmm... *examines the glass sphere* Okay then.

Quake: What are you.. -

Telepathy: *whispers gibberish to the sphere*

The glass sphere glowed, a trail of light flew through and began to surround Cloud

The black veins began to fade away and Cloud's eyes became light blue instead of dark grey

The trail faded away once everything was normal for Cloud

The sphere was now filled up will black essence

Blaze: What's that?

Telepathy: Black W.S. Essence. The essence that makes Cumulus very, very dangerous. This needs to be kept in this sphere for safe reasons.

Quake: Hmm, okay.

Cloud: I.... I will keep it my room.

Telepathy: Okay... Another rule, Quake. Don't break the glass sphere.

Quake: Okay.

Cloud: *holds onto the sphere, looks down, sighs*

Telepathy: Cloud, I still need to understand more about you. Magnet and Quake does too.

Cloud: *sits down* There is a lot of things you do not know about me.... Or the 3 personas.

Quake: But we will try.

Karensa: Yeah. There's a lot of things we don't know. *in her mind* Even though I know the 3 more than them*

Cloud: Hehe.... *#########* "~I know you do"

Karensa: *smiled*

Cloud: Besides... There is still more to know about this world.

"Life is worth protecting if you are worth protecting it with us

Life is limited, and it is your choice to live on"

"Life is too short to experience all the good things of the world,

Go out and have the greatest times of your life"

"Life is not always happy and perfect, but as long as you are loved,

You have a purpose to live."

"It is your decision to live on, no one is deciding your decisions

Go out and live"

A/N: Okay, Now, you will understand more about Cloud and his 3 alters in future stories, so I don't need to tell anyone... Aside from Karensa. I spoiled her. ._.

Okay, next one.... I don't know..

See ya

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