Happy Birthday BBB

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Okay, this story will be quick.

Because it is, you know

Here we go


Tuesday, 2:00pm

All 16 were in the living room, watching some shows on T.V


Neo: *his tablet rings* Huh? *checks his tablet, found a notification, reads it* *gasps* *taps Magnet's shoulder*

Magnet: What is it, Neo?

Neo: *whispers in Magnet's ear* It is the 7's birthday.

Magnet: Huh? Who's?

Neo: *whispers* Quake, Thunder, Cyclone, Blaze, Ice, Thorn, and Solar's.

Magnet: Is it really?

Neo: *nods*

Magnet: Hm, okay. Dark, Cloud, Emerald, Sand, Shadow, Silver, Telepathy. Come upstairs to Neo's room. Now.

The 9 of them went upstairs to Neo's room, and the 7 ignored them and watched TV

Cloud: *closes the door* What is it?

Neo: Today, are the 7's birthday.

Silver: Really? Already?

Neo: Yeah.

[I'm still fixing the ages of them]

Dark: So, should we throw it in the park?

Neo: Sounds like a good idea.

Telepathy: Are we keeping this a little secret?

Neo: Yeah.

Cloud: So, how will we be able to that?

Magnet: Hm, Silver and I will say that we'll do our work, but we will actually help with the setup.

Silver: Okay?

Magnet: Emerald will say that he will go down in the caves.

Emerald: But I won't.

Magnet: Yes, wait. Dark, don't you have any friends?

Dark: Yes.

Sand: Wait, Dark has friends?

Dark: #Triggered ò.ó

Silver, Shadow, Neo: Pfft, hahaha.

Sand: Sorry.

Dark: It's okay, San.

Magnet: Okay, you will check on them first, then go to the park.

Dark: Okay.

Magnet: Cloud. You will go with Sand, and Shadow. To the park, to practice something.

Cloud: Okay.

Ne.San.Sil.Sha: *nods*

Magnet: And Neo and Telepathy, you will say that you're going to just keep an eye on the 3.

Telepathy: Sounds good enough for me.

Magnet: Okay, got it.

The 8: Got it.

Magnet: Okay.

They went back down stairs

Silver: Hey Quake, me and Magnet will go outside to do our work.

Quake: Okay Steel. Oh wait, Emerald. Are you going to the caves? Because Solar wanted you to get for him a crystal

Emerald: Yeah, okay.

The 3 left the house

Dark: Quake, a friend of mine said he needs me to check on him.

Blaze: Friends?

Dark: We all have friends, Blaze. -_-

Blaze: Oh, Hehe.

Dark left the house

Quake: Oh, really? Okay.

Shadow: Wait, I just remembered.

Quake: What?

Shadow: Me, Cloud, and Sand wanted to do a little performance.

Thorn: Why is Sand and Cloud included?

Shadow: Because well, Cloud can make fog and Sand can make a little sandstorm in our little act.

Quake: Oh, that sounds like an interesting act.

Neo: Yeah, actually. Magnet said that he wanted me and T.P to keep an eye on them. Just in case.

Quake: Oh, well. You have my permission.

Neo: Thank you Quake.

The 5 left the house

A few hours later

Quake: Where are the 9? It's 5pm.

*knock knock*

Thorn: I will get it! *opens the door* Hello?

Someone put Thorn in a sack and grabbed him

Thorn: Huh!? Ah!!

The 6: Thorn!!

Blaze and Thunder went out the door and saw nothing

Blaze: Hello-?

2 other people did the same thing to Blaze and Thunder

Blaze & Thunder: Hey, let us go!!

Quake: Huh?

The remaining 4 went out the house and saw nothing

Quake: Where are the-?

4 other guys did the same thing with the remaining 4

Quake: Hey, I can't see!

??? (1): We got him, bro.

??? (2): Great.


The 7 and the other kidnappers got teleported to a park

Thunder: Hey, where are we!?

??? (1): Don't worry.

They removed the sacks

Blaze: Huh? Neo? Telepathy?

Neo: Hey guys.

Quake: But how did you- oh.

Telepathy: We got a little help with Neo's robots.

Neo: Yep, thanks guys.

Boboibot Neo (Robot): No problem, see ya.

The 8 merged with Neo

Cyclone: What is going on here?

Neo: Hehe. Follow us.

The 7 followed them to the other side of the park,

They saw a lit up tent with some people the 7 recognize

The 9: Happy Birthday!

Quake: *gasp* Thank you all.

Thorn: Yeah. We never knew you will do this.

Emerald: Why not? We are siblings after all.

They had a wonderful moment, they had hugs. #HugsAreDaBest

Silver: Oh, I made something in my little workshop. *showed a box*

Quake grabbed the box, opened it, and was happy to see what he had saw

Inside were 7 necklaces with a elemental symbol pendant on each one.

Thunder's is his red lightning symbol but it is made of ruby

Quake's is his rock symbol but it is made of silver and platinum

Cyclone's is his tornado symbol, but it's made of gold

Blaze's is his fiery fire symbol but it is made of topaz

Ice's is his water symbol but it is made of white quartz and aquamarine

Thorn's is his thorn symbol but it is made of emerald

Solar's is his solar symbol but it is made of gold and iron

Blaze: Oh cool!

Thunder: *wears it* Hm, great job with making this for us.

Silver: I couldn't have done it without Emerald.

Emerald: Yeah. I found the gemstones and he used both his metal and my gemstones for the pendants.

Quake: Wow, you must of done hard work to find them.

Emerald: It did.

Thorn: Thank you.

Once again, they had hugs. #HugsAreDaBest

Dark: We got food. Our treat. *shows a table with food*

Quake: Great job.

They all went to the table, and they ate

After a few minutes,

They finished and Dark and Neo fixed the mess on the table

Blaze: You guys are awesome.

Silver: No prob. ^-^

Magnet: Hey, let's go back in the house. I wanted to show you guys something.

All except M.T: Okay.


The 15 followed Magnet to the house, and into the backyard

Magnet: Look at what I made.

Thorn: What is that?

Magnet: Take a look for yourselves.

He pressed a button that was at the side of the machine

And the machine projected a hologram of the entire multiverse

All except M.T: Woah.

Magnet: This is the Galaxy Hologram Projector. Or G.H.P for short. It holograms the entire multiverse in just one second. That means we can see the different worlds far from ours.

Thorn: Wow.

Quake: You must done a lot of programming and work for that.

Magnet: It did. But it was worth it.

He turned it off

Solar: Wait, I want to do something.

Quake: What?

Solar: *took out his phone* Selfie. *smiles into the camera*

The other 15 noticed and smiled, Solar took the picture

Solar: Nice, another one for my gallery.

(Okay, my Solar is like no other Solar who takes pride into taking selfies. He actually shares and never selfies alone. He does group selfies and rarely himself)

Quake: *yawns* What time is it?

Magnet: Oh no!

Blaze: What!?

Magnet: It's 7, tonight.

All: Oh no.

The clouds moved away and the bright moonlight shone

Quake: Oh no.

The 16 were physically turning into werewolf

(You know how I am with this kind of stuff)

Their hair turned brown instead of dark brown, their teeth became sharp and pointy.

And... you know how in werewolf animations, the person's clothes get torn apart by the transformation?

Well, that happened too

Werewolf Quake: *eyes glow, looks at the shimmering moon* Awoooooo! *howls*

The other 15 howled as well

Werewolf Blaze: I like that.

(To note: When they are a werewolf, their voices are a little deeper)

Werewolf Telepathy: Yes, it is.

Werewolf Neo: Hm, actually. I have a good spot to sleep. Follow me.

They followed Neo to a lovely meadow

Werewolf Thorn: *lies down on the grass* Mm, so very comfortable.

The other 15 lied down and felt relaxed

Werewolf Neo: Welp, I'll try to sleep. *closes his eyes, successfully falls asleep*

Werewolf Ice: Well, he's asleep. So we can all asleep. Good night. *falls asleep*

Werewolf Quake: Well, all sleep tight. *falls asleep*

The rest fell asleep


Okay, ending that there.

Hope you like this,

The Night wolf part was just a random idea I just thought of

Well anyways,

This is the random book, that means I'm random

See ya

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