Pets for the Siblings

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Why not?

Let's find out how they got pets


It was Friday, it was a boring time for the siblings..... but

Blaze: I'm bored.

Cyclone: Yeah.

Shadow: Urgh. *punches the wall*

Thorn: What's wrong with Shade?

Silver: He is having a very bad mood today.

Shadow: Urrgghh.*puches the wall harder*

(Chill dude)

Quake: What made him like this?

Silver: His mind was in too much stress from the last fight.

Blaze: Then calm him down like I was with Ice.

Silver: I could....... Shadow.

Shadow: What? *glares at Silver*

Silver: Come to my room with me. We need to talk.

Shadow: Urrggh...... Okay Steel. *goes upstairs*

Quake: How did you do that easily?

Silver: We are partners all the way. It was easy.

Silver went upstairs to his room, while the other 14 stayed down

Silver: *closes his door* Shade, are you still dealing with your anger?

Shadow: Urgh Yes, that guy really had me.

Silver: Oh, hmm. *sits down next to Shadow* Hey Shade.

Shadow: Yes Steel?

Silver: *wraps his arm around Shade's neck* Remember in the power watch that we promised each other that we will get a pet?

Shadow: Uhhh, yes?

Silver: Since we are out of the power watch, why not get ourselves a pet for you.

Shadow: Any pet? Like a black furry german shepherd dog?

Silver: Yeah, that dog breed is your favorite. Let's go out and get one.

Shadow: Yeah, that could help.

The 2 got up and went downstairs

Quake: Silver, is Shadow okay now?

Silver: No, we are just starting. We just need to go out.

Quake: Okay, be careful outside.

They went out to the city and went to the little pet store

Silver: Wow, look at all those pets.

Shadow: *looks around, found a black shepherd* Hey.

Pet store employee: Greetings, what can I do for you?

Silver: Is that black shepherd dog for adoption?

Pet store employee: Of course, this dog was always quiet and loyal, do you want the dog?

Shadow: Yes, we do.

The pet store employee went to the dog cage, put the dog on the leash, and led it out of it's cage

Pet store employee: Here is the dog.

After a while talking to the employee, they paid what was needed

Pet store employee: Take care of the dog. *smiles*

They both left the little pet store and into the park

Silver: Yey, we got a pet.

Shadow: Yeah. *pets it* It is a furry one. *sits down*

The Black Dog licked Shadow's face

Silver: Awww, he likes you.

The dog barked

Shadow: Hey, what should we name this dog?

Silver: How about........ Shade?

Shadow: Hmm, why my nickame?

Silver: Well, he looks like a shadow, but I couldn't say Shadow because that is your name.

Shade barked

Silver: Hmm, I think Shade agrees.

Shadow: Hm, okay Steel, let's call him Shade.

Shade barked and licked both Silver and Shadow

Shadow & Silver: Shade. Hahahaha, stop it.

Shade stopped

Silver: He likes us. *grabs a dog food packet* come on, let's feed him.

Both Silver and Shadow grabbed some dog food and fed Shade

Shade barked

Shadow: Haha, this is making me....... feel better.

Silver: I knew it would make you feel better.

Shadow: Hmm, what would Quake think of Shade?

Silver: I don't know, we'll just try our best to keep Shade.

They both went home, they commaded Shade to stay outside

Silver: We're back Quake.

Quake: Hey Silver.

Silver: Uhh, where are the others?

Quake: Ice is in his room sleeping on his bed. Cloud and Thorn are in their garden. Thunder is reading somekind of novel in his room. Neo is helping Magnet fix some stuff. Blaze, Cyclone, and Sand decided to go to the internet cafe. Telepathy is in his room. Solar and Dark were going to the park. And Emerald is down in the caves.

Silver: Oh...... Quake?

Quake: Yes?

Silver: Have you ever wondered of getting a pet?

Quake: Well, if it a quiet and good pet, then yeah.

Silver: Is it okay if we get a dog?

Quake: Uhhh, why?

Silver: Because......... me and Shadow got one.

Quake: Wait, let me see this dog.

The 3 went out to see the dog

Quake: Oh, it's a black german shepherd dog.

Silver: Yeah, we named it Shade, because it will be Shadow's dog, and also because it's black.

Quake: Oh.

Silver: Can we keep it please?

Quake: Hmm, if Shade stays obedient and quiet. Then yes you can.

Sil.Dow: Yey!

Quake: Just take care of him.

Silver: We will.

Shade: *goes up to Quake, wags his tail*

Quake: Eh?

Shade: Ruff!! *lies down on his back*

Silver: Aww, he wants a scratch, Quake.

Quake: Oh. *scratches Shade's chest* You're a good dog.

Shade: *barks*

Quake: Hm. Nice choice for you to have this dog.

Silver: I'd thought that Shade wanted a dog for him to be more happy.

Shadow: And I am.

Shade: *goes up to Shadow and licks his face*

Shadow: Stop it.

Shade: *stops*

Quake: Great. Hope the others would appreciate him.

30 minutes later

All 16 siblings were in the living room

Thunder: Quake, what brought us here?

Blaze: Is it something cool?

Quake: Well, a little "cool". But I think you'll appreciate him.

Blaze: Him?

Silver: Guys, meet. *slides to the left to show Shade the dog* Our little friend.

Cyclone: Oh my gosh!! A dog!

Silver: Guys, this is Shade, our black shepherd dog. He is mostly quiet and loyal, but he likes to play with his own friend, Shadow.

Shadow: Yeah. *sits down and Shade comes up to him, slowly stokes his fur on his back* He is my own dog. I hope you'll like my new dog.

Thunder: As long as he stays quiet at night, and doesn't disturb us like that street cat outside, I can let him stay.

Blaze: Black dog, yes a new pet friend. *hugs the furry dog*

Shade: *licks Blaze's face*

Blaze: Awww.

Cyclone: I want to hug the dog.

Blaze: *gives space*

Cyclone: *hugs the dog*

Shade: *sits in a dog position*

Shadow: Shade, come here boy.

Shade: *stood up and went to Shadow*

Shadow: *pets Shade* Good boy.

Shade: *barks, tail wags*

Ice: *strokes Shade's back* Mm, so soft.

Shadow: I know.

Shade: *goes up to Telepathy, sat down*

Telepathy: Hm?

Shade: *stares at him*

Telepathy: ???

Shade: *barks, stands up*

Shadow: Oh.

Telepathy: *squats down, stares at Shade*

Shade: *touches Telepathy's nose with his nose, sniffs*

Telepathy: *slant smile*

Shade: *bark*

Quake: Hm, it's lunch time. I'll cook lunch for us, I'll also find a bowl for Shade's dog food.

Neo: I'll find a bowl, Quake.

Quake: Okay, Neo.

The 2 went the kitchen

10 minutes had passed

And the 16 were eating at the table while Shade the dog was on the floor, eating his food

After what seemed like a short period of time

The 16 and Shade finished eating

Quake and Neo had to wash the dishes

The rest were in the living room

Telepathy: Hm, I will go upstairs to my room. Don't disturb me. *teleports*

Shadow: Okay. *strokes Shade's back*

Shade: *growls softly, then lied on his back*

Shadow: Oh? Haha.

Silver: *sitting next to Shade* *scratches Shade's tummy*

Shade's legs were in the air and had his tongue out

Silver: Haha.

Blaze: Aw, I wanna get a doggy.

Silver: Maybe ask Quake, if you can get one.

Blaze: Okay! *stood up, went to the kitchen*

~In the Kitchen~

Quake and Neo were finishing up the dishes

Blaze: Quake!?

Quake: Ah! Blaze, don't scare me like that.

Blaze: I'm sorry. I just want to ask you.

Quake: What?

Blaze: Can me and Ice get a pet too?

Quake: Why?

Blaze: It isn't fair that Shadow and Silver get a dog. I want one too.

Quake: Hm. *sighs softly* Okay Blaze, you and Ice can get a dog.

Blaze: Yeay! *rushes out of the kitchen*

Neo: Why another one?

Quake: I just think that Ice will find a good dog for the two of them.

Neo: Oh. That's a good idea. I guess they'll find a golden retriever, or a labrador.

Quake: Yeah.

~In the living room~

Blaze: Ice!

Ice: What?

Blaze: Come outside with me.

Ice: Um... okay?

The 2 left the house


Ice: What is it, Blaze?

Blaze: We will get a dog.

Ice: We? Does that mean a dog we either like?

Blaze: Yeah.

Ice: Well, maybe a golden retriever is good enough.

Blaze: Yeah!

Ice: Hm, okay.

(The same thing happened, but they got a furry golden retriever)

Ice: Mm, so soft. *hugs the golden retriever*

Blaze: What should we name this dog?

Ice: How about.... White?

Blaze: Why?

Ice: I don't know. White sounds okay to me.

Blaze: Ooohh.

Ice: Come on, I wanna go back to he house.

The 2 went back to the house

Cyclone: So, Blaze. Did you-

Thorn: It's another doggy.

Quake: Oh, it's a golden retriever.

Ice: Yeah. *lies down*

White: *lies down, next to Ice*

Blaze: *pets White*

Shade: *looks at White, barks*

White: *looks at Shade*

Ice: His name is White.

Blaze: Yeah.

White and Shade begun to sniff around each other, trying to recognize each other

Shadow: Oh, they are recognizing each other.


A medium sized bird with colorful feathers, flew above them and sung beautifully

The 2 dogs fell asleep from the singing

Thorn: Who owns that bird?

Telepathy: Hey, come here.

It turned out to be Telepathy calling the bird

The bird flew over and sat on Telepathy's arm

Quake: Telepathy? You own that bird?

Telepathy: Well. This bird was a gift to me from a friend from a different dimension.

Blaze: So. It's yours?

Telepathy: She isn't an "it". It is a female bird.

Blaze: Oh.

Thorn: What is her name?

Telepathy: I do not know what to name her.

Thorn: Can we just name it, "birdie"?

Telepathy: Well, just for simplication. Yes.

Thorn: So, birdie?

Then, the bird flew over and sat on Thorn's head

Telepathy: Oh, she's just tired. Come on birdie. Let's rest.

The bird flew and went upstairs, Telepathy followed

Blaze: Wow, 3 pets in one day. Awesome.

Cyclone: Yeah.

Quake: Well, let's take them for walks.

Blaze: Okay, wake up, White.

Silver: Come on, Shade.

Shade woke up, and White woke up too

Shadow: Come on. *attaches a leash to Shade's collar* Let's go.

Shade obediently followed Shadow and Silver outside

Blaze: Come on, White. *attaches a leash to White's collar*

White followed Blaze and Ice outside

The rest followed the 4 to the park

Quake: Good, have fun you 4.

Shadow: *removes the leash* Come on. *runs*

Shade: *barks, runs after Shadow*

Blaze: *has a rubber ball* White, hey White. *squeezes the ball, making it squeak*

White: *bark bark*

Blaze: Fetch! *throws the ball*

White: *chases the ball and catches the ball with his mouth* *comes back to Blaze*

Blaze: Good doggy. *pets White's head*

Ice: *sits next to Blaze*

Silver: This is fun.

Shadow: It's awesome.

~Ending for this story~

Hehe, I wanted to make something interesting

So why not pets? Anyways.

I just wanted to do it for fun

And this is also because I have a pet cat, who has 3 kittens

They're cute, and at the same time, keeps on going inside our cabinet

Hope you like them having pets

See ya

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