Review of the Previous Chapter :3

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The reason this is separate from the other chapter

Is that I was practicing, for an event.

And when I mean event, I mean it on this week.


Since the 7 Elementals had changed,

I'll try to point out some


His Color scheme seemed to change.

From yellow, to brown...

But the color black still stayed

Which was the first thing I noticed, from Quake.

His clothes didn't change, the colors did though.

And the neon lights on his clothes are still there.

Also, it's hard to tell what is on Quake's arms, because he is using his Quake fists.

.... Huh.

The first thing I thought of when I saw the big punch from Quake's Quake fist was the in Minions, Bob using the Stretch suit..

This one:


I still like that movie, Okay?


Quake's expression,

Makes it look like he is angry, but it just must be that he is about to snap (a higher degree of the word, shout)


I can already tell why others thought it was Blaze for a second.

Because his clothing looks almost similar to Blaze's old clothes.

But to make it more obvious it is Thunder is that Blaze wears sleeveless, and shorts

Thunder is wearing shorts sleeves (What ever that clothing is... I don't know if it's a vest, or a jacket, I ain't no fashion fanatic), and pants.

Thunder is still wearing the same clothes he had in episode 14.

Colors are red and black, but the neon seems to be white.

Probably because real life lightning looks white.


Off Topic right now.

There is a difference, between lightning, and thunder.

Lightning is electricity, that comes from the clouds, and strikes down to the ground.

And thunder is sound. That is made after lightning occurs.

So don't say this in his bio. Thunder Manipulation.

Because it will sound like he can manipulate sound.

But he isn't. ._.

Okay, back to it.

His weapon is already known in the fandom that it's called Thunder double bladed saber.

Or I might be wrong. ._.

And last thing,

It is really obvious that Thunderstorm has that expression on his face



It's a little hard to know what else Cyclone is wearing, because the camera is directed at the wind spheres, instead of Cyclone himself.

But I can already tell he is still using the same colors.

Blue, white, and a little yellow.

Just like his younger self.

But with different clothes, and added armbands on his arms.

Also, it is hard to tell if the object underneath Cyclone is either his new hoverboard, or a separate version of another vehicle.

'Cause I have no clue. ._.

But, the light blue trail it gave out looks cool.

And one last thing,

It is really uncommon to see that expression on Cyclone's face.

He usually has an exciting expression, but I guess that the reason he has that face is because it might be serious.


Seems legit.

He still has the same colors, red orange, yellow, and black on his clothes.

But, it's hard to tell what he's wearing, because of the angle he's in.

Except, he's wearing sleeveless. Again.

Yet, he reminds me of Captain Vargoba.

He still is using his Blazing Chakrams.

I can see the fury in his eyes, literally.

His eyes are orange, signifying fire.

And once again, His facial expression is angry.

Because he's short tempered. ._.


To be honest, it just looks like Monsta just put Water's face into another body.

The thing that changed on his hat is just white neon... Or is that just white markings, I don't know. ._.

It appears that his right hand is made of ice.

You might be right... But I still have no idea. It can either be his hand being really ice, or it's a glove.

His hood is more fluffy, which is actually obvious to me.

Since. He can manipulate water, and ice.

And ice, is really cold. Lower than, 0°C

So it is obvious, that he needs extra insulation.

And again,

Still the same colors, blue, that is lighter than Cyclone's color. Grey, and white.

The new weapon, looks awesome!!

But to be real, the end of the arrows look like a handle. ._.


Expression is the same as the others.

Let's just skip the facial expressions, and assume it's serious, kay?


The Cinnamon roll.

Or should I say... Not the cinnamon roll anymore. ._.

'Cause, y'know. He looks mad.

Okay, he isn't really mad. He's just being serious.

This is the last time I'm doing facial expressions.

His colors are black and green, okay?

Still the same, like his younger self.

But with different clothes.

Most noticeable, his pants.

Literally, here's Thorn's younger self:

Yeah, you can notice.

The neon looks like vines, he still has the gloves,, and umm, yeah.

Seems cool.


Nothing really changed.

He still has the same clothing from the season Finale.

And colors, Yellow, White, Grey, and Orange.

Nothing more, nothing less.
But, I don't know if he has a weapon, or he just uses his hands.

Like Dragon Ball style.. or whatever anime.. I don't watch anime. Except Pokemon.



Now I need to find out who this guy/Villain is.

I don't know why Karensa thought he looked like a mash up of Blaze, Ice, and Quake.

But one, I can notice you think of it with Blaze because of his eyes.

And two, I assume of the color blue, you thought of Ice.

But, I don't get about the Quake part.

I assume, it's because of that Rock fist. But, I guess you already figured that out, that it's Quake's.


Actually, to be honest...

It looks like the same scene, but it different angles... To me.

Wait.... I just realized they're in space. ._.


Welp, I'm done.

Still keeping the 9 though.

See y'all

[Disturbance has occurred on the channel]

????: Hehe, they don't know what's coming.

????????: What are you talking about?

????: Oh nothing. I am just writing for another story.

????????: Okay..? Well, see ya. *leaves*

????: Hehehe, oh sweet friend. Your friends won't know what'll hit them.

[Disturbance has been checked and cleared off from the channel]

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