Somethin' new for Cloud

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I changed my mind for doing this on April Fool's day.

It'll take too long.... And I hate waiting for that long....

It's like waiting for the movie.....


If any of you who are not Karensa doesn't know what I'm talking about is...!


I've two other alters for Cloud. ._.

And I'll explain them next time

So... yeah.

Also, there's another thing.....

For each alter......

They all have special abilities

So..... I'm not telling them because I'm spoiling stuff.....

.... But I did tell Karensa. :I

So..... Okay...

Each alter can use their individual abilities too, only when it's not in the mindscape/ when it's in the real world...

Like in control of Cloud. ._.



Time to go~!


Friday, 9:30AM

Cloud, Dark, and Sand were in the living room

Cloud: *lying down like a cat* 😛

Dark: Hmm... Hey Cloud?

Cloud: Huh? Nani?

Dark: Look what I got. *shows Cloud...... A cat toy*

Cloud: *sniff.... sniff* ......!? *eyes widen and pupils became larger and eyes became blue instead of light blue* Nani!?

Dark: Guess what? ........ It has cat nip.

Cloud: 😺 !?

Dark: *chuckles* Catch.

Cloud: *caught the cat toy, rubbing his head on the toy while purring*

Sand: *laughs* That's awesome.

Cloud: *turns into a persian cat* Nyah! *plays with the cat toy*

Dark & Sand: Huh?

Sand: What the..

Cloud: *stops playing, looks at Sand and Dark* Mraow?

Dark: Woah... What happened to you Cloud?

Cloud: ..? *tilts his head, looks at his four toes* Mew. *turns back*

Sand: Woah! You can shapeshift!?

Cloud: *laughs* Yes, I can.

Dark: That's-

Sand: Awesome!

Cloud: *laughs* Yeah.

Dark: Wait. If you can shapeshift.... What's my favorite animal?

Cloud: Ha! *turns into a bear, makes bear noises*

Dark: You got that right, Cloud.

Quake: *came out of the kitchen* Hey- Huh!? Why is there a bear here!? Dark what did I say when bringing animals!?

Dark: Ummmm, nothing. You didn't say anything about it.

Quake: W-... Oh. I forgot..... But get that bear out!

Dark: Can't.

Quake: Why!?

Dark: 'Cause..... Cloudy? Show him what you can do.

Cloud: *walked right infront of Quake, turned into a cat* Mew!

Quake: Huh? Wait... what?

Cloud: * turned back to normal* Hehe.

Quake: Cloud!? But how!?

Sand: Cloud can shapeshift.

Quake: Really? Then, what is my favorite animal, Cloud?

Cloud: *turns into an owl, makes owl noises, lands on Quake's shoulder*

Quake: Heh. You got that right, Cloud. *scratches his head*

Cloud (Owl): Hoo. Hoo.

Quake: Why didn't you tell us about this, Cloud?

Cloud: Hoo. *flew up, turns back to normal, lands on two* I still have a lot of surprises in store.

Quake: Hm...

Five minutes later

Magnet: Huh. You got new things up your sleeve, don't ya?

Cloud: Yep.

Telepathy: Hm.. It will be pretty useful for some things.

Cloud: Yeah.

Thorn: Cloud! Turn into Cattus!

Cloud: ...!! *shapeshifts into Cattus*

Cyclone: What does shapeshift mean?

Solar: It's in the name. "Shifting of shape". Which means he can transform into a lot of things.

Cyclone: Oh.

Thorn: *hugs Cloudy*

Cloud (Cattus): Mraow.

Thorn: owo I like this.

Magnet: Hmm... Y' know what, Cloud?

Cloud: *turns back* What?

Magnet: Let me check on you for a minute.

Cloud: How?

Magnet: *straps something onto his arm*

Cloud: Oh.... Is this..?

Magnet: No. It's just something that receives data. Nothing too much.

Cloud: Oh.... Okay.

Magnet: *checking stuff on his tablet* Hmm.... This is new..... And thankfully good.

The others: Huh?

Magnet: I can see from the data that there are two new entities, or should I say alters. That's new.

Cloud: Hm.... Okay.

Magnet: Hmm..... Time for a little talk with the old and new alters.

Cloud: ..... Okay.

10 minutes later

In the backyard,

Telepathy: Are you ready, Cloud?

Cloud: *thumbs up*

Telepathy: *rubs his hands together, hands glow* Altrumisa! *touches the ground with his glowing hands*

A circle formed around Cloud, and five different symbols faded in on Cloud's head and arms

Cloud sat down, and five auras began to fade in

Then, they finally appeared

The 5 Alters

There was Strato, Stratus, and Cumulus

Plus two others

Magnet: Heh. Looking different, huh.

Strato Cloud: Yes. So that we will not look similar to the others.

Quake: Looking unique?

Strato Cloud: Yes.

Telepathy: Okay, can you introduce us to the other 2?

Strato Cloud: Of course. That is Cirrus. The playful but lazy alter of Cloud.

Cirrus: Hi. :3

Strato Cloud: And that is Nimbus. The actual tearful alter of Cloud.

Nimbus: *hugging Stratus' teddy bear*

Quake: Great. So, what makes Nimbus and Stratus different?

Strato Cloud: Stratus is the timid side, while Nimbus is the tearful one. Yet, Stratus began to feel more comfortable around others. While Nimbus still struggles to speak like stammer, stutter, and more.

Cyclone: *walked towards Cumulus* You look bigger than I remember.

Cumulus Savage: *growls* Hmph. *sat down on the grass*

Cirrus: *turned into a cat* Mew. *lied down on Cumulus' lap* Mraow?

Cumulus Savage: ........... *sigh*

Solar: Hm. Cumulus is more silent than before too.

Strato Cloud: It is because he is getting a little more calm over the months. Yet, he is still very short tempered.

Cumulus Savage: *growls*

Quake: Hm, so Cirrus was the one with the shapeshift ability.

Strato Cloud: Yeah. He is.

Magnet: Heh. As always... Intriguing.

Cumulus Savage: *growls*

Strato Cloud: Please.. do not...

Cumulus Savage: *sigh*

Strato Cloud: Well. Our time is up. Bye.

They all faded away...

Cloud: *woke up*

Magnet: You still have a lot more secrets than I thought.

Cloud: Yes.... And I will one day tell them.




I'm almost done here.


I drew the 5 alters too. ._.

My new tablet's camera was bad, so I had three



(Nimbus has baby hands. ._.)

And once again I suck. T-T

Even though....

I brought my sketchbook to school. And while I was drawing....

One of my classmates liked what I'm drawing...


But at least the hair is good.


Actually, can someone help me choose.??

Because there was 5 things that popped into my head

And can you help me decide? T-T

1. Thon and Cloudy being cute. :3

2. Randomness with the 5 Alters

3. Pokémon!!

4.  A Story.... Just about the original 7

5. Mystery one (Oooo~)

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