Time to go Pokémon! (Part 01~)

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I wanted to do this chapter because I like Pokemon, okay?



Monday, 8:00AM

Most of the 16 were in the living room

Magnet and Cloud, were outside

Silver, was down to the workshop where he works

(Yeah, Silver works, you gotta problem 'bout dat?)

And Telepathy, was up in his room

Magnet: Okay. Cloud? I bought you here because I made something new.

Cloud: What is it?

Magnet: *shows a weird contraption the size of a shoe box* This. I don't know what to call it. But. What it does is that it holograms A.Is that can be controlled by specific users. All I'm saying is. Blaze asked me if I can make something that can bring Pokémon to reality. And I did.

Cloud: Huh. Well, can you try it out first?

Magnet: Of course. First, stay still.

Cloud: *stays firmly still*

Magnet pressed something on the contraption, which began to scan the entire area, from the backyard to the front yard

It then began to scan Cloudy

Suddenly, Cloud's appearance began to change

He had a light blue jacket with a collar, white and blue pants, black shoes, white armbands, blue fingerless gloves, and a belt

The belt consisted of 6 pokeballs, a rectangular shaped contraption, and a badge in which it had writing saying, "Pokemon Trainer 001"

Magnet: Great, it worked.

Cloud: Huh. So, what are these pokeballs?

Magnet: Well, those pokeballs have pokemon. The contraption allows you to decide on what pokemon would you liked.

Cloud: Oh. well. *takes out a pokeball* Come out, Dragonair.

The pokeball began to glow, then opened up

Suddenly, a Dragonair came out

Dragonair (Cloud's Pokemon): *makes soft noises*

Cloud: Wow, that is amazing.

Magnet: Thanks.... Hmm, I thought she'll be here by now.

Cloud: Who?

Magnet: Well, Maria told me someone is coming here in a minute. And she said she also likes pokemon too.

Cloud: Oh.

???: Hello. *waves*

Magnet: Oh, finally you're here.

Cloud: Um, who are you?

???: My name is Atalanta.

Cloud: Oh, nice to meet you. Hehe.

Magnet: Okay, so.. you actually like Pokemon?

Atalanta: Of course.

Magnet: Nice. Now stay still.

Atalanta: Okay.

The contraption scanned her too, and her appearance changed too, with blue clothing and the same belt as Cloud's except the writing says, "Pokemon trainer 002".

Atlanta: Nice.

Magnet: Okay, take out your pokeball and say out loud a Pokemon.

Atlanta: Okay. *takes out a pokeball* Go, Squirtle!

The pokeball glowed and opened up

A Squirtle appeared

Squirtle (Atlanta's Pokemon): Squirtle!

Atalanta: *giggles*

Magnet: Great. Now it's my turn. *pressed something again*

The contraption scanned Magnet, and it changed his appearance, to a red clothing,

Magnet: *grabs a pokeball* Come out, Bisharp!

The pokeball glowed and opened up

A Bisharp appeared

Bisharp (Magnet's Pokemon): Sharp!

Magnet: Great, the simulations of the pokemon are doing well. Now we need to test their skills. Now, where's Maria?

Maria: *came by* Lookin' for me?

Magnet: Huh? Oh. There you are.

Maria: Yee.

Magnet: Now stay still.

Maria: *stays still*

(You know what? I'll just say, Appearance change complete.. I feel lazy as eff)

Maria: Yayeet!!

Magnet: Now, take a pokeball from your belt and shout a Pokemon name.

Maria: Okay! *takes out a Pokeball* Come out, Pyroar!

The pokeball glowed and opened

A Pyroar appeared

Pyroar (Maria's Pokemon): *roars*

Maria: Yayeet!

Magnet: Great. Now fight with Atalanta.

Maria: ..... Wait what...?

Magnet: You heard me. Fight her Squirtle.

Maria: ... Eff you M.T...... 'Cause a Squirtle is a water type.... And my frickin Pyroar is a normal and fire type!

Magnet: So? Just do it.

Maria: *groans* Fine...... How do I do it then...?

Magnet: Oh right. *pressed something on the contraption, a coding hologram appears* Now let me just input the codes.... And... There.

"Pokemon Trainer 002 versus Pokemon Trainer 004

Squirtle versus Pyroar

Let the battle begin"

Atalanta: How do I know the pokemon moves?

Magnet: press the badge on your belt.

Atalanta & Maria: Oh. *pressed their badges*

"Pick a move

-(Squirtle Lvl. 17)

•Water Sport   • Withdraw

•Water Gun   • Tackle


-(Pyroar Lvl. 18)

•Fire Fang       •HeadButt

•Take Down    •Growl


Maria: Uhhmm... Okay?

Magnet: Just press a move by the count of three. One.

Atalanta: *thinking*

Magnet: Two.

Maria: *already picked a move*

Magnet: Three!

Atalanta & Maria: *tapped their selected move*

"Pokemon Trainer 002 chose Withdraw!

Pokemon Trainer 004 chose Headbutt!"

Pyroar pointed his head towards Squirtle, about to headbutt it, yet Squirtle retreated to it's shell, making Squirtle take less damage

Pyroar (Maria's Pokemon): *growling*

Squirtle (Atalanta's Pokemon): *came out of it's shell* Squirt.

Maria: Great... Okay.

Magnet: Pick another move?

Maria: Yeah come on!

Magnet: Okay, one! Two! Three!

Maria & Atalanta: *picked a different move*

"Pokemon Trainer 002 chose Water Sport

Pokemon Trainer 004 chose Fire Fang"

Pyroar's teeth began to burn in flames and bit Squirtle

It was not very effective

Maria: Dung beetle!

Squirtle's Water Sport weakened Fire type moves

Maria: Dung s###!

Magnet: Maria, language.

Maria: Sorry...

Magnet: Now, one! Two! Three!

Atalanta and Maria: *tapped on their desired moves*

"Pokemon Trainer 002 chose Water Gun

Pokemon Trainer 004 chose Growl"

Pyroar growled, lowering Squirtle's attack

Squirtle sprayed water out of it's mouth and hit Pyroar

It was super effective

Maria: Uhh, crab.. 🦀

Pyroar's health was near to half way

While Squirtle's health was far from halfway

Magnet: Great. One! Two! Three!

Atalanta & Maria: *tapped on their desired moves*

"Pokemon Trainer 002 chose Water Gun

Pokemon Trainer 004 chose Headbutt"

Pyroar headbutts Squirtle, making Squirtle's health go halfway

While Squirtle sprayed out water, making Pyroar's health pass halfway, and was near to fainting

Maria: Uhh... Fish.. 🐟

Magnet: One! Two! Three!

Atalanta & Maria: *pressed their desired move*

"Pokemon Trainer 002 chose Water Gun

Pokemon Trainer 004 chose Take Down"

Pyroar dashed at Squirtle and pounced at Squirtle, making his health go close to fainting

Squirtle once again sprayed water at Pyroar

It was Super Effective!!

Pyroar fainted

Pokemon Trainer 002 wins

Atalanta: Yeay! (^^)/

Squirtle: Squirtle!

Maria: You won because you have a frickin Squirtle. =w=

Magnet: But, she won fair and square.

Maria: =w=

Atalanta: But, what do we do with the fainted Pokemon?

Magnet: Oh that's easy. *pressed something else on the contraption*

Another box contraption appeared, but with 6 compartments

Magnet: Put your pokeballs into the small compartments. To heal them back to full health.

Atalanta & Maria: Okay. *puts their pokeballs into the 2 small compartments*

The compartments glowed, then stopped glowing

Magnet: And, your Pokemon have been fully healed.

Maria: Cool. *takes her pokeball back*

Atalanta: *takes her pokeball too*

Magnet: Okay. Now, pick your second pokemon.

Maria: Okay! *takes out a pokeball* Go, Sceptile!

The Pokeball glowed and opened

A green Sceptile appeared

Sceptile (Maria's Pokemon): Sceptile!

(To Be Continued~)


I wanted to do this in parts because I had other plans. •~•

And I need to continue this after I finished the three chappys I wanted to do next...

Sorry. ._.

Eau_de_Glace / Atalanta

Hopefully I typed it correctly.

Okay, also.

This chapter actually took a lot of time...

Because I had to study pokemon!! Again!

I want it to be as accurate as possible.

So, I had to know their types, each move set, their advantages and disadvantages (Actually I know most of that. ._.) And a ton more!

Gondangit... It felt like studying for school exams.... But way better than doing a, or b, or c, or d. Or... knowing true or false.

And I'll be doing more. o~o


Next one!!

..... I don't know. ._.

See ya 👋

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