Understanding Cloud

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This is about Cloud, and his 3 sides

Yep, you heard right. 3!

I only shown 2, time to understand more of Cloud's self

Saturday, 4:00PM

The 15 were in the living room, while... Cloud was in his room

Magnet, Telepathy, and Quake were worried for.. Cloud

Blaze: Hey bros, what's wrong?

Quake: *sigh* It's about Cloud.


Cloud: *looks down*

Magnet: Cloud, did something bother you?

Cloud: *noticed the three* Huh? Oh, no.

Quake: *sits beside Cloud* Then, what's wrong?

Cloud: .....

Telepathy: Cloud, you're not always like this. Really, what's wrong?

Cloud: It is about me, Okay!? I cannot handle it!

Magnet: Cloud? What is it about you?

Cloud: It is about the connection of me, and my other 2 sides.

Telepathy: 2? We didn't know you have 3 sides.

Cloud: Hmmm, that is why... I just can not handle it.

Magnet: Hm. *sat on a chair* Then, tell us more about your second and third side.

Cloud: Well. *closes his eyes* You already know that you hated me.

Quake: What!? Who told you that we hate you?

Cloud: *opens his eyes, appears dark grey* You do not understand. One voice in my head told me. "Great! I do not like the fact that you were bullied. , but another one told me. "Just, run away.". I can not handle i!

Telepathy: Cloud? Those are seperated from you.

Cloud: The first one who told me to release every bit of anger in my head. Just got more furious.

AND DISLIKED ALL OF YOU!! *smacks the wall, making it crack*

And the other one, did not do anything. He just.. cried and was very scared. *sobs*

Telepathy: Oh. So, the first one is the one we are talking to right now. Who is very warm-hearted and humane.

Magnet: The second one is the very aggresive and a savage one.

Quake: And the last and third one is very faint hearted, and very very tearful.

Cloud: ......I guess you can say that.

Magnet: Great, more insight on you Cloud. I'm understanding more on you.

Telepathy: But, to get more insight. We need to understand. The 3. Seperately.

Quake: But, how?

Magnet: Well, that armband I gave him is only doing minor effects. Not major ones. Like help Cloud control his feelings, properly.

Telepathy: So, it will be quite harder to understand. Since he is still getting traumas and mental breakdowns.

Quake: Cloud. We will leave you here to help stable things a little bit with your 3 sides.

Cloud: .......

Quake: Cloud?

Cloud: ...... What do you mean? You have not seen-

Magnet: Who is he talking to?

Telepathy: I guess we need to leave him.

Magnet & Quake: Okay.

~End of Flashback~

Telepathy: And now it has been 20 minutes, Cloud has been talking.

Quake: We don't know who is he talking to.

Emerald: Hm, it is frightening that he has 3 sides. Which is not really common.

Dark: Hm... Telepathy? Didn't you say that magic can do the impossible?

Telepathy: Yes, why?

Dark: Well, can your magic, make us see and talk to Cloud's 3 sides?

Telepathy: Hmm.... let me see. *summons his spell book, turns some pages* Oh, yes. It can.

Dark: Then, we can understand them.

Magnet: Hm, good point.

Blaze: I wanna see them. If they really are 3.

~One hour later~

Thorn went to check on Cloud

Thorn: C-cloud?

Cloud was on his bed, looking out the window

Thorn: Are you alright?

Cloud: *noticed Thorn* Hm? Oh, hi Thorn. Well, not really.

Thorn: Hmm.. I am really worried about you, too. So do your older sibs.

Cloud: Welp. My life is sad, you know that?

Thorn: Oh. Well, not everyone has a good life. Magnet and Telepathy says.

Cloud: It is just... well..I cannot understand well. But.... I can explain it.

Thorn: Go on. Tell me.

Cloud: Well. Here goes.


Long ago, months and probably years ago,

My life.... was.. sad and dreadful

There was no one there for me.

No sympathy, no empathy, and nothing has the phrase, tranquility.

I was bullied and teased

I was given non-stop pain and sorrow.

Without no one, no one by my side, no one to help me.

I was left in the forests.

My emotions were shattered, and they broke to pieces.

One side of me is very aggressive, fierce, and wild, always ready to fight

Another one is very timid, and is easy to drop to tears. Ready to run away

And the last one.... still had faith and hope for the future.

Every night, I would train hard, workout, and become strong and tense.

Everyday, when I see someone pass-by, I would look at their smile on their face. And cry into tears. Faint-hearted I was.

But, when I am alone. I focus on one thing. Be determined to keep going.

I know I have a purpose and I know there is hope for me.

I just need a little determination, patience, hope, faith, and trust in myself.


Cloud: From now and for a long time. I will have to do the same things, that happen to me. Long ago. I would cry inside. But not show it.

Thorn: *tears fall*

Cloud: And... um. Can you keep something between us?

Thorn: Sure, what?

Cloud: My aggresive side still pushes me, to workout, to train hard. And I still am doing so.

Thorn: Oh?

Cloud: Yeah... do not tell them, it's between me and him.

Thorn: Okay. *thumbs up*

Cloud: Awesome, thanks.

Thorn: Actually, why?

Cloud: I do not know with my aggresive side, but he would be enraged if the others knew. Because he keeps my character a secret.

Thorn: Oooh.

Cloud: Why are you here? I forgot to ask.

Thorn: Magnet asked me to check on you. So I did. And he said when you feel better. You should come down.

Cloud: Well, I do feel a little better.

Thorn: Okay, then come down. With me.

Cloud: Okay.

They both went down

Cloud: Hi...

Magnet: Oh, Cloud. I haven't thought that you will really come down.

Cloud: Nah, I am just here because of what Thorn said.

Thorn: Cloud made me cry.

Quake: Huh? What did you tell Thorn, Cloud?

Cloud: Umm, it is..... between me and him.

Thorn: Yeah.

Telepathy: Oh. Well, Dark suggested we need to understand your 3 sides more.

Cloud: How... will you do that?

Telepathy: I will do a magic ritual. To spiritually seperate your 3 sides. So, that will make us see them.

Cloud: 3..? Does that mean me too?

Telepathy: Didn't I say 3? Yes.

Cloud: Oh.

Telepathy: Follow me to the backyard.

They all went to the backyard

Telepathy: Hmm, Everyone in this ritual must cooperate. Cloud. Sit down in the middle of the yard. The rest of you, form a circle around Cloud.

All except Telepathy: Okay.

They did what Telepathy said

Telepathy: Great. Time for the ritual to begin. *claps twice*

20 Scented candles appeared a few feet behind the circle, the other 14 made

Telepathy: Cloud, close your eyes, feel your aura.

Cloud closed his eyes, puts his hands together, and stayed calm

An aura surrounded him

Telepathy: *sat down* Good.

A dome shaped force field appeared around Cloud, the dome was stabilized by the scented candles

One by one, the 15's symbols on their caps, glowed

Until, Cloud's symbol glowed

The 16 started levitating off the ground

The wind passing by, made their scarves, jackets, and others that flow in the wind, flew to the direction the wind was going

But, what they didn't know is..

7:30PM Struck!

Their wolf senses were disturbing them

But that was too late

They slowly float back down

When they touched the ground,

Cloud was unconscious, but the other 15 weren't

Three unknown entities appeared, close to Cloud

The first one had dark grey and dark blue clothes, scars on his arm and right eye, wore a sleeveless jacket, and had an "S" tatoo on his neck and left arm

The second one had sky blue and white clothes, very long sleeves, a long furry scarf, and a teddy

And the third one, looked like the normal Cloud

Telepathy: There they are.

??? (1): Tsk, what do you want, huh!?

??? (2): *hugs his teddy* Uhhh. I do not like this. I'm scared.

??? (3): Hey. Calm down you 2. Please.

Blaze: Eh? Who are those 3?

Telepathy: They're the 3 sides.

Quake: Wait, which one is the one we normally see.

??? (1): That would be me. I am Strato Cloud. The main side of Cloud.

Emerald: Okay then. Strato. Who are the other 2?

Strato Cloud: Oh, hehe. They are my companions.

Blaze: So, the angry one is called Savage, and the other tearful one is Timid.

Strato Cloud: Well... Not fully. You already know that his nickname is Savage, but when did you think the other is Timid?

Blaze: Well, he looks timid.

Strato Cloud: Oohh. Well. The first one's name is actually. Cumulus Savage Cloud.

Magnet: Cumulus? That's a type of thick cloud.

Strato Cloud: Well, I guess I did not know.

Thorn: Who's the other one?

Strato Cloud: Well, he's called Timid Stratus Cloud.

Blaze: I knew there would be timid in the name.

Strato Cloud: Meh. *shrugs*

Magnet: Okay, so. Let's discuss some things. *stands up*

Strato Cloud: ???

Magnet: So, Strato. You're the dominant and main side. You're the one who is very kind-hearted, humane, and empathic. Am I correct?

Strato Cloud: Um... yes?

Magnet: Well, answer me this. How can you handle your other 2 sides?

Strato Cloud: Well, they are like siblings, like me and you guys. I have to handle all the things they have done. But, that does not make me a good fighter. I am so kind and gentle. Yet very fragile. I have to let the other 2 do their job as well.

Magnet: Okay, I see. So, in a situation, that's a bit harder to handle. You let one of them handle it.

Strato Cloud: Well, mostly Cumulus. But rarely Stratus.

Magnet: Cumulus huh? Well. Okay then. Cumulus. I am going to ask you.

Cumulus Savage: What do you want!?

Magnet: What if... Cloud was being bullied, teased, insulted, or maybe... tortured?

Cumulus Savage: Huh!? Are you taunting me!?

Magnet: *cocked an eyebrow* Do I look like I am?

Cumulus Savage: *very furious*

Magnet: Now, what would you do? If he was all like that?

Cumulus Savage: I would break every piece of that person, piece by piece!

Magnet: Hm.. even mentioning it makes you angry huh?

Cumulus Savage: What'd you think!?

Magnet: Hmm... well then. Here's one. That will really snap you.

What if you were trapped.. while you watch your own companion, Cloud. Suffer with no one to help him.

Cumulus Savage: *erk mark on his head* Errg, I would use all I have to make the person suffer! After what he had done!

He tried to punch Magnet, but he was blocked by the dome that surrounded Cloud

Magnet: Hm, it is true.

Cumulus Savage: *deathglares at Magnet*

Magnet: *not intimidated* Hm...

Telepathy: Well, I'm making this ritual stable, in order for us to not turn all canine.

Magnet: Good.

Cumulus Savage: You are really testing my anger!

Magnet: Hm.... *in his mind* "Strato is the normal Cloud, so he isn't very scared of Savage the aggressive one. But Stratus."

Timid Stratus : *hugs his bear tightly, very scared*

Magnet: *in his mind* "He's really getting scared, I don't know with who. But he really is timid."

Telepathy: Okay, so. Quake, do you have any questions? Or anyone else?

Dark: I do. Cloud, uhhh Strato.

Strato Cloud: Yes?

Dark: Why were you keeping secrets?

Strato Cloud: Do you not?

Dark: Well, umm.

Strato Cloud: I guess so. I know a lot of people keep secrets from others. For important reasons, for safety, or for just to keep away embarrasements about your life.

The 15 are speechless

Strato Cloud: I also know that all of you have secrets. Mostly from the past. But, that does not mean I don't have secrets.

Timid Stratus began to sob and cry

Strato Cloud: I accepted the fact that you all have. But, I am keeping secrets for everyone's sake.

Magnet: ..... We understand too. But, we do still have questions.

Strato Cloud: Okay. You can ask.

Quake: Strato, when we leave Cloud alone. What would you 3 do?

Strato Cloud: Hm, Stratus would still be in tears, in the corner. But, me and Cumulus, oh boy.

Quake: What?

Strato Cloud: It is actually a secret. Cumulus would be mad if I would tell.

Quake: Oh? Okay.

Telepathy: Hmm, Cumulus. Do you really hate it when someone tortures Strato?

Cumulus Savage: Of course I do!

Telepathy: Hm, why?

Cumulus Savage: He has been my trusted companion! With Stratus. But I would protect him no matter what! Even if I put my life at risk!

Telepathy: Would that make you furious? But, what if it was just a simple tap?

Cumulus Savage: As long as it does not hurt! I wouldn't lay a single hand on him.

Emerald: So, Cumulus. You're the overall protecter of Strato and Cloud himself?

Cumulus Savage: Of course!

Magnet: Okay. Hmm, hey Stratus?

Timid Stratus: *looks at Magnet, doesn't say a word*

Magnet: You're the sad and emotional side of Cloud, am I correct?

Timid Stratus: *nods*

Magnet: Well, what made you like this?

Timid Stratus: W-well, it is just t-that the poor and sad memories of Cloud m-make me sad.

Magnet: Oh. I see.

Quake: It's like Cloud's emotions were shattered into pieces.

Thorn: Umm... *stares at Strato*

Strato Cloud: *stares back*

Telepathy: Cumulus. Do you hate it when someone taunts you?

Cumulus Savage: Of course I hate it! I hate it so much!

Telepathy: Hm, let's put it to the test, Blaze. Try and taunt him.

Blaze: Heh, I'll try. *stands up* So, you are Cumid? Cupil? Cumul?

Cumulus Savage: ....... *pants, eyes darken, dark aura surrounds him*

Blaze: So, you're name is... Cumil?

Cumulus Savage: It is Cumulus!!

Blaze: So, you have a stupid cloud name?

Cumulus Savage: Stupid!?

Blaze: Yeah, you're name is Culi and you are very stupid. *mocking face*

Cumulus Savage: You really are making me angry! And you really will not like it when I am angry. *deathglares at Blaze*

Blaze: *traumatized* Uuurrhhhh.....

Telepathy: Blaze, what's wrong?

Dark: He's.... traumatized.

Magnet: Hm, Cumulus' glare is really effective.

Blaze: *faints*

Magnet: Umm..

Quake: Blaze faints, mostly when traumatized.

Magnet: Oh, I see.

Telepathy: Hm, Cyclone? Sand?

Sand: No way bro. I ain't gonna be traumatized.

Cyclone: Me neither.

Telepathy: Great.

Cumulus Savage: *growls* That is your warning! You will not want my beast mode to come out! Would you!?

Thorn & Cyclone: *scared, hugs each other*

Magnet: Hmm, this is..... very interesting.

Sand: Huh? You're not scared by him, bro?

Magnet: No, this is intruiging.

Sand: Then, you go.

Magnet: No, only you 3 are the best at taunts and mocks.

Sand: But I don't wanna be like Blaze.

Magnet: Hmm. Well, let's just see about that.

Cumulus Savage: What will you do!? Insult me again!?

Magnet: Well, Sand. Do it, or else.

Sand: Wha-... Oh fine. *stands up* So, you are Cumil. The very dumb side of Cloud. Bleh. *mocking face*

Cumulus Savage: Is this a joke!? Because I hate it!

Sand: Oh, no. I'm scared. Not. You aren't that sca......

Cumulus Savage: *deathglares at him* You really want to see me scary huh!? Then look straight into me!

Sand: Uuhhhhhh..... *stares into Cumulus' eyes*

Cumulus Savage: *stares back, very solemnly and intimidately*

Emerald: Sand?

Sand: *falls to his knees* It's like a pit.... dark... cold... empty.... very scary.... *traumatized*

Emerald: Sand, are you okay?

Sand: I can't unsee what I just saw....

Magnet: Very shocking.

Sand: *very silent...... then passed out*

Emerald: Sand! *ran to him* Sand, oh no...

Strato Cloud: Oh no, is he okay?

Magnet: He passed out. Thankfully he's not in a coma.

Emerald: Oh, thank our god.

Dark: *so relieved*

Strato Cloud: Cumulus, are you alright?

Cumulus Savage: ....... *eyes turn back to dark grey* Yes, I am. For now.

Magnet: *in his mind* "Hmm, nothing seems to make Savage tired or exhausted. Even that deathglare he used. Very scary, yet very intruiging. And what does Sand mean by seeing a pit. I must know myself"

Quake: Strato, why are you making this difficult?

Strato Cloud: I'm not, you're just doing what you're doing.

Magnet: Hm. Cumulus. *walks up to the dome*

Cumulus Savage: *sigh* What do you want, now!?

Magnet: I already know your own weakness. You're very fragile.

Cumulus Savage: Huh!?

Magnet: Nothing is making you strong. You're just like the rest of us. Pathetic.

Cumulus Savage: Pathetic!? *getting angrier*

Magnet: Yes. You're lacking certainty of your own protection for Cloud. Which is rather.. *cocked an eyebrow* Poor.

Cumulus Savage: You are really making me angry now! *clenched his fists really hard*

Magnet: I'm just saying you really are..... wretched..

Cumulus Savage: Why you!! *punches the dome, cracks appear*

Telepathy: Impossible! The dome is breaking!

Magnet: ..... *stares blankly at Cumulus, very stoic*

Cumulus Savage: You really made me angry now! Hyah!! *punches the dome one last time*

The dome was broken

Quake: Oh no! Magnet run!

Magnet: *doesn't respond*

Cumulus Savage: You really made me furious now!!

Magnet: Hmm.... then show me.

All except Cumulus and Magnet: What!?

Magnet: Show me that you are very furious. Prove me that you can be stronger than us.

Cumulus Savage: Again with all the fuss! I'm no ordinary Cloud! And I am going to make you understand my pain!

Lightning struck

Magnet: Show it to me then. Since you are furious at me.

Neo: Magnet...?

Cumulus Savage: *summons his own spear* I would smile. But I am too angry to even grin.

Magnet: Metal Collision!!

Metal came flying from different directions and hit and wrapped around Cumulus

Cumulus Savage: Agh! What are you doing!?

Magnet: Trapping you. Now, here.

Then, the metal started sticking to each other and trapped Cumulus in a statue

Strato Cloud: Oh no. Cu-

Magnet: No! Don't, Strato.

Then, the metal begun to move

Silver: Even though it's strong titanium. It's moving!

Cumulus Savage: It is not over!!

The metal began to expand and fall apart

Cumulus Savage turned full savage mode

He was 2 feet taller than before, twice as big, and he had more scars than before

Cumulus Full Savage: It is not over between you and me! I am still angry at you!

Magnet: You've barely done anything to me. So, do it now.

Cumulus Full Savage: *grabs the chains* Hyah!! *throws attacks at Magnet*

Magnet: Hmph. *dodges the attacks*

Cumulus Full Savage: You will not dodge that easily! *tries to hit Magnet*

Magnet: *dodged the attack*

Cumulus kept attacking, but Magnet kept on dodging

Then, Blaze and Sand woke up

Blaze: *groan* What is- huh!?

The 2 saw them fighting

Sand: Bro, what's happening?

Emerald: We do not know with Magnet, but he isn't daunted.

Strato Cloud: No! Sto-

Neo: Strato. Wait, I think our bro is having something set up for Cumulus.

Strato Cloud: B-but.

Neo: Magnet isn't hurting him. He's just dodging... very quickly.

Strato Cloud: N-no. I-

Neo: Please. I think Magnet is proving something here.

Strato Cloud: Huh?

Neo: Magnet seemed suspicious at first, but I think he is trying to prove that you have strong power.

Strato Cloud: What do you mean?

Neo: *watched the 2 fight* Cloud, you've been observed by Magnet ever since the incident with us and your savage side.

Strato Cloud: He has been... observing me?

Neo: Yes, But so far. You were still having problems. Magnet knew what's good, and he didn't tell you. Like Quake knew what's best for us with other things.

Strato Cloud: Really?

Neo: Quake only knows what's best for us with our everyday needs. But Magnet and Telepathy know what's good about our own powers, which we use seldomly now.

Strato Cloud: So?

Neo: Magnet wanted you first. To unlock that goal. Maybe that's what he's doing to Cumulus.

Strato Cloud: What is he doing?

Telepathy: Actually, I think I know what. He is growing Cumulus' spirit up and actually making him stronger.

Strato Cloud: Oh..?

Cumulus Full Savage: You are still up! I amm going to be more better than that huh!?

Magnet: Heh.. you've barely done a single scratch on my jacket.

Cumulus Full Savage: What!? Oh I will show you!

Magnet: Hmph, enough of this. Metal uprise!

Metal spikes rose up and trapped Cumulus

Magnet: Had enough yet?

Cumulus Full Savage: Enough!? No! I am still here! And I am gonna do it! *bends the metal to the side, gets out of the trap*

Magnet: *in his mind* "Still has his fiery spirit I see. But is that his full potential yet? I can't wait a little longer."

Cumulus Full Savage: What are you trying to do!? Tell me the truth! Why are you doing this huh!?

Magnet: .....Your power.

Cumulus Full Savage: What!?

Magnet: Cloud's true potential is what I'm after.

All except Magnet: Huh?

Magnet: I already know what's been happening for the last couple of weeks. You've been training Cloud and yourself, very hard at night.

Cumulus Full Savage: Huh!? Who told you that!?

Magnet: I've found out myself. I've been observing Cloud since the incident. You've been training his skills, and at the same time. Your's as well. I'm just seeing if that really paid off. But, you've still got a lot to learn.

Cumulus Full Savage: *glares at him*

Magnet: I already know what your moves are. And I'm not intimidated by it.

Cumulus Full Savage: Why would that matter!?

Magnet: I know that I should never underestimate an opponent I don't know. But I have kept an eye on you. So I have the right to understand, to either overestimate, or underestimate. And I choose... neither.

Cumulus Full Savage: Huh!?

Magnet: I knew from the beginning that you wouldn't judge anyone by appearance, but you would attack them no matter how intimidating, how big, or how skilled he or she was. You would be there. Just for Cloud.

Quake: Is that... true?

Strato Cloud: ....Yes, it is true. We 3 are the pieces of Cloud's personality. Nothing is the same, we are like pieces of a puzzle. When we are not all together, Cloud would not be the same, at all.

Cumulus is the bottled up emotions of aggression and wrath. He is the one who always decide to fight for what is right for me. He is the one who never backs down in a fight. The overall fighter.

Strato is the emotions of sadness and grief, He is always the one who decides to run away, and cry in tears....

And I am the emotions of kindness and empathy, I'm the one you always know. I am the one who decides to help others, and the one who chooses mercy over violence.

Magnet: I see.. you all cooperate in order to keep balance with Cloud. Savage is the one who fights. Timid is the one who cries and run, and Strato is the one who spares.

Strato Cloud: *nods*

Magnet: No one and no thing is the same..... I understand. I'm lost in defeat.

Blaze: O-o

Strato Cloud: What do you mean by lost in defeat?

Magnet: "I have failed on what I was suppose to do before this happened. To understand more of your powers.

But I had only understand your connections, which intersects. With my conclusion."

Blaze: Is he trying to be poetic? '-'


Magnet: I've never predicted or had the probability of not accomplishing it. But I can understand.

Strato Cloud: We all can. But we all are different, are we not?

Magnet: Yes, you 3 are all a part of one sibling, our Cloud. But we all have differences. Which makes me ask you.. but I will tell you that later.

Strato Cloud: *in his mind* "Hm, I think it's going to be between us. I guess."

Then, the 3 sides started to fade away

Timid Stratus: Goodbye. *waves, fades away completely*

Cumulus Full Savage: I will be back... *fades away completely*

Strato Cloud: See ya later, guys. *fades away completely*

Then, Cloud woke up

Cloud looked at the other 15, and he saw them with a little sad expressions on their faces

He looked down to the ground and tears began to drop

Then, Magnet sat infront of Cloud, catching his tears, and hugged him

Cloud felt startled at first, but then contiued to sob in tears

The others looked at the two, then went back inside

~While the 2 were alone~

Magnet: Cloud, you're special to us and you should always remember that.

Cloud: *doesn't respond, but nods*

Magnet: *looks at the cloud covered moon* You don't want to say something, Cloud? Are you scared?

Cloud: N-no, I am just wondering.

Magnet: Then, what?

Cloud: What was the thing you were going to tell me?

Magnet: Oh. Well, I wanted to ask how many secrets are you keeping?

Cloud: Ummm.....

Magnet: It's fine if you don't tell, I can understand myself. But.

Cloud: But what?

Magnet: I can tell you one of mine.

Cloud: Huh? Really?

Magnet: Yeah, I'm not afraid to tell you. But I can keep secrets as good as you.

Cloud: Oh? *leans at Magnet's side*

(The two were sitting down)

Magnet: But. Before we knew each other, Cloud. I was weak as well. And also called names because of my intelligence, mostly nerd and weirdo.

Cloud: Really? What did you do?

Magnet: I did the smart thing to do. I kept going.

Cloud: You did?

Magnet: Yep, I was very intelligent, actually a few percent lower than now. Focusing on the past really is a pain in the neck, isn't it?

Cloud: Yeah.

Magnet: Well, it is much more better if you focus on the present and future. But, you should never forget what is important to you. And what is that, Cloud?

Cloud: ...... Loved ones, and those who love me back. I can never show that to them, though.

Magnet: Really? Those who truly love you, are always there for you, and know when you need privacy once in a while. But, I think... Savage and Stratus are there for you too.

Cloud: You think so?

Magnet: Stratus maybe tearful, but he knows when to flee, when you cry. He comforts you, and you comfort him. He was your past emotion.

Cloud: *smiles*

Magnet: Cumulus is there to fight, if you were hurt, Cumulus would be the one to fight for you. His fighting spirit burns for as long as you live. He is there for protection, and that means.... Cumulus is the main side of power.

Cloud: Really?

Magnet: Yes, I saw him fight, no backing down. Just like he said. Nothing can't keep the most savage and strongest side trapped for long.

Cloud: ...!

Magnet: You're the main source of his power. You give him strength and will power. Which is why I wanna ask you.

Cloud: What?

Magnet: Would you want me to help you with your skills with Cumulus?

Cloud: What?

Magnet: My goal for tonight is to see the Savage fight. To see his fiery spirit burn. And besides, you need a little help, since you're doing it by yourself.

Cloud: I know....

Magnet: And actually... *in his mind* " *sigh* Here we go"

I'm actually stronger compared to you.

Cloud: What!?

Magnet: ... I knew it. You had it in you.

Cloud: O-oh, sorry.

Magnet: It's okay, I've predicted that would happen.

Cloud: Oh..

Magnet: Because I was just testing Cumulus, if he really is that strong.

Cloud: Oh......... he said he is.

Magnet: Really? *stands up*

Cloud: Huh?

Magnet: Then, let me see if he is. Make him angry.

Cloud: W-what?

Magnet: Show me his true potential. And I will help.

Cloud: You.. will not get mad or scared?

Magnet: No.. try me... wretched.

Cloud: ..!! *pants, clothes turn darker shade*

Magnet: *looks at the sky*

The moon was unblocked

Magnet: Here comes.... the savage.

They turned werewolf first, because the moonlight hit him first

Magnet: Don't stay there like that, Cloud. Or I would force to say.... that you were depressing and unfaithful. *isn't serious of what he said*

Cloud: S-Stop!

Magnet: It hurts?

Cloud: No! You are making him very furious!

Magnet: That's what I'm trying to do.

Cloud: *eyes turned dark blue and black, clothes are grey and dark blue*

An "S" Tatoo formed on Cloud's neck and left arm

The armband broke into pieces

Magnet: The armband couldn't take it anymore.

It was Cumulus' turn

Cumulus Savage: You want me to fight so badly! Then I will show you what I am made of! Hyah!

He tried to thrust his fist onto Magnet's chest, but Magnet blocked it with his arm

Magnet: Well, you tried. Now, here's a little reminder of what to do. Hyah! *punched Cloud on the chest*

Cumulus Savage: Ahh! *hits the ground, very hard*

Magnet: Have you had enough yet, Cloud? *turns around, without looking at Cloud*

Cumulus Savage: *slowly gets up* Had enough!? No I had not! *throws another punch at Magnet*

Magnet: Hmph. *turns around and blocks the punch* You didn't do anything yet, try harder. Hyah! *punches Cloud again*

Cumulus Savage: *his feet drags on the ground instead of him falling over* I am not going down that easily this time! Hyah! *tries again*

Magnet: *dodged again* You're not even hitting me. Well, hit this. *makes metal fly towards Cloud*

Cumulus Savage: I am not falling for that again! *punches the metal that were trying to hit him*

The metal broke in pieces

Magnet: Hyah!

A metal wall appears between Magnet and Cloud

Magnet: Tried getting out of that one.

Cumulus Savage: I will show you! *roars in aggression*

Dents were shown around the wall, which didn't make Magnet daunted

Magnet: Well, time to make things harder.

Metal chains began to wrap around Cloud and metal handcuffs held Cloud's arms onto the metal wall

Cumulus Savage: Ah! Let me go! *thrashing his arms*

Magnet: *walks up to Cloud, and continues to walk* I couldn't. A real savage would break the chains himself. But I guess you are not strong enough to even try.

Cumulus Savage: Huh!? *thrashes his arms more* You Dare! *pulls away, the chains broke on his left* Insult Him! *pulls away again, the chains broke on his right* After all you did!?

Magnet: What did you think?

Cumulus Savage: You make me angry!

All the chains that trapped Cloud were broken

Magnet: I knew you had it... as a Savage.

Cumulus Savage: You want to know why!?

He punched the metal wall and it fell into pieces

Magnet: Huh? *in his mind* Didn't expect that. But I still need to be ready."

Cumulus Savage: You made me!

He punched Magnet, successfully this time, and he made him grind his feet to the ground

Magnet: .... Heh, you'd really think I would be ashamed. I'm making you show your true potential.

Cumulus Savage: Why would I care!?

Magnet: Cloud... I'm just trying to make you understand my feelings.

Cumulus Savage: What?

Magnet: I'm not taking pride into this conversation. But, you are my young sibling. And I want you to understand that I'm proud that you're being all honest with me.

Cumulus Savage: Huh?

Magnet: *sits down* I'm not afraid because I know you very well, nor I am too overconfident. But I believe that you can be as powerful as the rest of us. And you can control those feelings and beat me.

He turned back to Cloud

Cloud: R-really?

Magnet: I'm your sibling, and what counts is that you're alive and still kept on believing yourself. All of us take risk to save people's lives. But me and some of the others would do anything to make each other happy, and safe. And you're one of them.

Cloud: *looks down*

Magnet: Cloud. I may know some probabilities and possibilities, and the possibility of your 3 sides seperating is very, very, very low, and very unlikely. The possiblity of you turning into Savage varies in different degrees, depending on surroundings. And the possiblity of being like Stratus also varies.

Cloud: But... what is the probability of us seperating?

Magnet: Hmm.. good point.. we will find out in the future. But right now, it's very very unlikely. Because..

Cloud: Because of wh-

Magnet: *hugs Cloud* Because we are brothers, and we love each other as brothers.

Cloud: *from a frown, to a smile* Awesome.

Magnet: And remember this, Cloud. Not all of us are perfect. But we all are unique and special in a way. So don't forget everyone you loved and cared for.

Cloud: Okay.

Magnet: And actually... Can your other two sides hear me?

Cloud: ...... They heard it loud and clear.

Magnet: Hm, then. Here's a little advice to them.

Cloud: ???

Magnet: Stratus. You are never the only one who is sad and tearful. No one has a perfect life, until they work for it. Remember this. "Be who you loved and cared. You are never alone. And it's okay to be scared. You can learn from it, someday."

Cloud: ..... He understood, what you have said, Magnet.

Magnet: Great... Cumulus? You are the side that Cloud depends on when injured or hurt. Your fiery fighting spirit intrigues me at first glance. Fighting is the way you chose. And you will always have that feeling. Burning in your soul. *puts his wrist on Cloud's hand* And again, Cumulus. You will need to prove me again, hold my wrist as tight as you can. I won't complain.

Cloud: *grips Magnet's wrist, then it gets tighter, and tighter*

Magnet: Hm, your death grip is tighter than I thought. You're making me more intrigued. Yet, your strength is limited. Your grip is tighter than Silver's tightest death grip. And Silver is the 3rd strongest here. Very, very.... interesting.

Cloud: *stops holding Magnet's wrist*

Magnet: Cumulus. You're making this more interesting. And yet, your goal is to protect Strato Cloud, no matter what.

Cloud: ...... Yeah.

Magnet: And for that. The training just started.

Cloud: Wait, what?

Magnet: You only attacked me, yet you only hit me once. And that's just a start. *stands up* Now, time to make things happen. *lifts up his fists up to his face* Now, do the same stance and position, I'm doing.

Cloud: Okay. *does the same position*

Magnet: Now, punch me as hard as you can. I won't fight back, nor will I dodge. Just go for it.

Cloud: :l .... *facial expression change from blank to solemn* Okay.

Cumulus was in control, and he threw punches at Magnet, as he blocks his head using his arms

Like how when boxers fight, but one is attacking and one is defending

This went on for a couple of minutes until Cloud was tired

Magnet: Has Cumulus had enough yet?

Cloud: *pants* No. *clears his throat* He said it was just a warm-up.

Magnet: Good, 'cause this time, you will have to try harder than that.

Then, Magnet did a hook punch towards Cloud's tummy, which he didn't expect, and it hurt, a lot

Cloud: Ahh!

Magnet: Try harder. Cumulus.

Cloud: Oho, he said he will.

They did another round of it, but Magnet had to also attack

Again, Cloud was the first one to get tired

Magnet: Had enough yet, Cumulus?

Cloud: He said that he has not.

Magnet: Suit yourself. Hmph!

He threw a hook punch, and Cloud successfully blocked it

Magnet: Good, now.

Cloud threw a punch at Magnet, and he successfully done it

Magnet: *groan* Now that's the spirit I wanna face. Keep on trying.

Cloud: He said he will not try. But do.

Magnet: Great.

This kept on going for 20 minutes, and it's probably 9

Magnet: Heh, awesome work, Cloud and Cumulus.

Cloud: *yawn* I am very tired.

Magnet: It's fine, Cloud. We can go to sleep. Since the others are. And sleep is very important for us.

Cloud: I know, do not explain.

Magnet: Come on then, sleepy Cloudy. Time to sleep.

Cloud: Okay.



Sorry again, Mika

For Cloud


See ya

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