Talking to my mom...

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Me: Do you know what a fanfiction is?

Mom: umm... no?

Me: ok, do you know what a ship is?

Mom: what is that?

Me: ok you have a lot to learn...

Me: a ship is short for relationship and they are in fanfictions...

Mom: I need to check your room...

Me: mom... -__-

Mom: what?

Me: a fanfiction is a fictional story made by a fan of a movie or story.

Mom: Ok, do you write any?

Me: yes I do!

Mom: on what?

Me: The Secret Life of Pets and Zootopia.

Mom: Did I watch The Secret Life of Pets?

Me: yes...

Mom: I don't remember that, I only remember Zootopia, I liked it more...

Me: Well you're gonna watch The Secret Life of Pets again!

Mom: k

Me: do you know Louis C.K. ?

Mom: no

Me: Do you know Jenny Slate?

Mom: no

Me: Do you know Kevin Hart?

Mom: no, I don't know names, I only know faces.

Mom: what fanfictions do you read on that movie?

Me: well, there is one where Snowball i-...

Mom: Wait, is Snowball a girl or a boy?

Me: *facepalm*

Me: where Snowball is given a girlfriend made by the user Official_Snowball

Mom: Is it for the actual movie?

Me: it's called a fan"fiction"!

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