Split of the Dimholt Road.

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That night, after our sparring matches, we retired to the Golden Hall. Everyone was already asleep apart from the occasional guard.

Éowyn was quite a light sleeper so I didn't want to wake her. She was always busy during the day and I didn't want her to loose sleep because I had blundered in.

Against my better judgement, I followed Legolas into his room.

It wasn't anything grand like Éowyn's room; it was small in size but had quite standard sized bed with warm furs.

Both of us were fatigued from our fights so I just shedded my weapons. I kicked off my boots and collapsed onto the furs fully clothed.

I heard Legolas place his weapons by the bedside table before I felt him sat down next to me.

I was already half asleep when my head hit the pillow so I barely paid attention when I felt Legolas lift me up slightly so I was resting on him.


When I finally did wake, I looked out the window to see it just before midday. I groaned and rubbed my eyes before rolling over. Just because Elves could stay awake longer and needed less sleep, doesn't mean I didn't like sleep.

It wasn't until I heard breathing next to me did my eyes jolt open. It was Legolas, already awake and staring down at me.

I looked down at myself and noticed three things. I was still fully dressed in my ranger gear. I was basically laying on Legolas' chest. I was sprawled in the fur blankets with him.

I sat up quickly, a little embarrassed. I had used him as a pillow before, back at Helm's Deep. But that was when most if not all the beds were gone and I just needed a power nap.

This felt different. Cuddling had somehow occured in the night because apparently my limbs didn't decided to tell me as they tangled with Legolas. We were sharing an actual bed which was also new. And probably the most strangest of all, I had felt comfortable enough to sleep for hours.

I cleared my throat awkwardly as I tried to untangle myself from the sheets. He didn't say anything, probably because he knew that if he did, I would too out his tongue or something. At least he knew me well enough not to say anything that would likely cause him bodily harm.

Once I had all my weapons with me, I made a hasty exit, making sure no one was in the corridor before I slipped out of Legolas' room.


Théoden was at one of the tables in the hall with his generals of war. Maps were hewn over the table and the King was in the middle of planning his forces.

I sat with Gimli and Merry at another table. They were smoking and singing a few silly songs while I munched down on some lunch. Legolas joined us after a while but didn't add much to the conversation.

It was well into the afternoon when Aragorn came running into the Golden Hall frantically.

"The beacons of Minas Tirith! The beacons are lit!" He shouted, running towards Théoden, "Gondor calls for aid!"

Everyone in the hall turned to Théoden expectantly. We all waiting in silence as we waited for his answer.

"And Rohan will answer," He finally said determinedly as he looked back at Aragorn, "Muster the Rohirrim!"


Éomer and many of the guards left to prepare for the ride to war.

The rest of us did the same. I prepped StarLight's saddle and helped bag up supplies for the road. Legolas and Gimli were helping to kit out some of the soldiers while Aragorn and Théoden finalized plans.

Within the hour, we were all ready to leave.

I was particularly proud as I left the stables and found my way back to the steps of the Golden Hall. Merry was holding out his sword to Théoden, offering his service.

"Excuse me," he started, looking up "I have a sword. Please accept it." He kneeled down, "I offer you my service, Théoden King."

"And gladly I accept it." Théoden smiled warmly as he lifted the Hobbit to his feet, "You shall be Meriadoc, esquire of Rohan."

I couldn't contain my smile as I saw joy light up in Merry's eyes as he went off to get ready. He seemed a little too excited to be given a soldier's rank under King Théoden but then again, he had grown up in a place away from Kings or battles so to now be a part of one of the biggest armies in Middle-Earth would be exciting.

Of course war was nothing to be joyful about I didn't see why Merry should not be able to fight. He may be small and childish at times but I had taught him how to fight fairly well. If there is one thing I have learnt about Hobbits, it's never question their hearts. If Merry truly wanted to fight, I would fully endorse him.

I jumped up into StarLight's saddle as we made to leave. Gimli shared with Legolas as usual. Aragorn had found his own horse and Merry had been given a pony (which he could barely get to move).

"Horse men!" Gimli grumbled as usual, "I wish I could muster a legion of Dwarves, fully armed and filthy!"

"Your kinsmen may have no need to ride to war. I fear war already marches on their own lands." Legolas sighed sadly.

It was sad but true. Me and the rest of the fellowship were discussing the state of Middle-Earth in the early afternoon.

As it turns out, we were not the only ones to be hit by the hoards of Mordor and Sauron. All across Middle-Earth, battles were breaking out.

Erebor and the Iron Hills had been hit bad by Sauron's Orcs and Uruk-hai. I hoped they would make it, for the sake of every Dwarf who lived there, I hoped they lived to fight another day.

That wasn't the only battle that caught my interest.

Mirkwood had been struck as well. Though he would not say anything, I could tell Legolas was worried for his father who was supposedly leading the defence of Mirkwood. According to Théoden's sources, the Orcs were laying siege to Mirkwood as we speak, a battle spanning several days.

King Thranduil was a capable and mighty warrior, he didn't need a ring of power to demand respect from his citizens. I had met him a few times and he always had a way of exerting power so I hoped he would lead the wood elves to victory.

We had a mutual understanding, me and King Thranduil. He was a respected, lived and feared King, a mighty warrior. He had destain for me because of my Dwarven upbringing and my constant glorifying of the dwarven culture, but he dare not threaten me because of my status as a warrior. I was widely and mostly respected in many places across the land of Middle-Earth so he would try and not get on my bad side.

Legolas hadn't spoken much since he heard the news. With Théoden's sources several days behind, it would be ages before more news came through and even then, we would be in Gondor.

For all he knew, his Ada could be mortally wounded or in fact already dead, his entire kingdom could be being ransacked by Orcs at this very moment and his people's blood could be painted over every tree. I couldn't blame him for being a little distracted.

"Now is the hour!" Éomer bellowed into the crowd, snapping me back into reality, "Riders of Rohan, oaths you have taken! Now fulfill them all! To lord and land!

We kicked our horses into a gallop as we rode out of Edoras. I saw Merry beaming away as he struggled to control his pony but tried all the same.


We spent the whole day traveling to Dunharrow. We only stopped for a few hours that night before we pressed straight on.

When finally we entered the huge encampment, I was relieved to see thousands upon thousands of men and tents covering the land. Perhaps there was enough of us to out up a fight.

"Make way for the king," a guard announced as we followed Théoden through the camp towards the mountains.

"Grimbold, how many?" Théoden asked as we passed one of the generals in the crowd.

"I bring five hundred from the Westfold, my lord," he replied.

"We have three hundred more from Fenmarch, Théoden King." Another added.

"Where are the riders from Snowbourn?" Théoden asked, searching for them in the crowd.

"None have come, my lord."


Once we had reached our camp at the top of the mountain, I slipped out of StarLight's saddle and tried to tie her to a post. However, I found she was a bit jittery than usual, she was restless and agitated.

Once she was secured, I followed Legolas and Gimli over to the other horses which seemed to be acting the same.

"The horses are restless," Legolas pointed out as we neared Éomer, "and the men are quite."

"They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain." Éomer explained as we all looked towards the clifface.

There was a split in the rocks, a path into the mountain which everyone was averting their gaze from.

"That road there," Gimli started, "Where does that lead?"

"It is the road to the Dimholt, the door under the mountain," Legolas explained his eyes still fixed on the path.

"None who venture there ever return." Éomer sighed before turning back to his work, "That mountain is evil."


Aragorn had already retired for the night which meant that left me with Gimli and Legolas.

We sat around a fire, eating what we could to keep our strength up. We were soon joined by Merry, if only for a few minutes, who was now kitted out in Rohirrim armour and had just been to the smithy to sharpen his sword. He didn't stay for long as we all suggested to him to get some sleep. Tomorrow he would ride into his first battle (hopefully the first and last) and we wanted him to be as alert as possible.

Aragorn had been staring at the Dimholt road most of the afternoon and we all knew Aragorn. This probably meant that at some point during the night, he would try to slip away.

Legolas and Gimli wouldn't stand for that. They were going with Aragorn whether he liked it or not.

"Just where do you think you're off to?" Gimli asked as Aragorn came around towards the Dimholt road, his horse already saddled.

"Not this time." Aragorn sighed, "This time you must stay Gimli."

"Have you learnt nothing of the stubbornness of Dwarves?" Legolas smirked as he appeared by Aragorn's side, our horses in tow.

"You might as well accept it, we're going with you laddie," Gimli smiled, standing up.

Aragorn smiled warmly at us, sighing in defeat.

Then it struck me, it felt like I was abandoning Théoden and his army. I had taught and trained many of the soldiers in the King's personal guard, now I would just be leaving them.

Someone had to look after Merry after all. He was a capable person and decent at fighting but I worried his small stature might make him an easy target for the Orcs. Éowyn was riding to war as well, in secret of course, and she had promised to protect him. But it still wouldn't feel right to leave them on the eve of battle.

"I should stay..." I sighed, "I'll stay with the Rohirrim, they need me on the front lines if we're going up against such a large force."

It was true. I had no doubt the Rohirrim soldiers were capable but if we were indeed going to charge head first into a battle against thousands of Orcs, they needed people like me and the rest of the fellowship to help lead them. Since the others were going to leave with Aragorn, I decided to take one for the team and stay behind to hold the fort.

"But, lassie, you'll be starting at a disadvantage," Gimli protested.

"All the more reason to stay and fight with King Théoden." I sighed turning to each of them in turn, "It's been a pleasure meeting and befriending you all, but this is goodbye, for now anyways."

I didn't want to leave them, in fact, I knew my best chances were with them, but I couldn't just let Merry and Éowyn (who had confined in me her desire to ride to war) to their fate.

I looked up at Legolas who looked just as shocked. I wanted to say a decent farewell to him just in case one of us or neither of us made it back, but I couldn't find the words.

The others just watched as I took a step towards Legolas who was looking into my eyes with worry.

I sighed and raised my hand to my neck, untieing my sapphire neckless and holding it up. I came forward again and tied it around his neck as I tried not to let tears fall at what could be potentially a last goodbye to Legolas.

"I want this back," I explained, my voice a little shaky, "Bring it back to me in one piece. And, you know, try and bring yourself back with it I suppose," I chuckled but it didn't quite reach a smile.

It was a strange feeling to say goodbye. I was over two thousand years old, I've said my fair share of goodbyes but this one was different. I would be leaving my friends - not just acquaintances, friends - and riding out to war and possibly to my death.

Then there was Legolas.

It was frustrating just how much he easily occupied my mind. Only a few short months ago, I was ready to throw my axe at his face because of how annoying he was. Now, I was just likely to throw my axe at his arm, hope that it only cuts him, then give him a bandage if he was annoying.

Apparently I had a soft spot for him now. It bugged me just how attached I was getting to him.

I even gave him my necklace, in the hopes that we would see each other again. my eyes quickly darted to Aragorn and the jewel around his neck, given to him by Arwen. Perhaps I was doing the same.

"I'll meet you on the battlefield," I sighed, "I'll try and save some Orcs fort you to kill before I finish them all."

Even though I was aware the others were watching awkwardly at our rather intimate exchange, I didn't protest as Legolas wrapped an arm around my middle and pulled me close. Our lips met again in a short but sweet kiss.

When I finally took a step back, I looked at Gimli and Aragorn who were staring at me and Legolas like we had just turned into Orcs or something.

"Don't die." I said hopefully, "And count your kills."

With that, they left down the Dimholt road, leaving me in the middle of the Rohirrim encampment.

I hurried off to my tent and wiped away a stray tear from my cheek as I settled into the furs. I didn't know this feeling, I was new to me.

I hated just how much Legolas invaded my thoughts. Why did I keep thinking about him? I've never cared so much for a person in my long life unless you count my father.

The next day, I would ride to war. I knew the odds were against us so I needed my strength. I fell asleep after a while, dreading what the day would bring.

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