Chapter 1. The goddess, my goddess.

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Orario, an amazing and giantic city filled with gods and their families, all of them ready to enter and explore the Tower of Babel and hunt the monsters that lurk within in search for money, power and glory.

Not all adventurers are so lucky, however. Y/N, a wandering boy that has attempted to join a family many, many times before. For a week, everyone kicked him out of their houses due to him "not even having a level."

How was he supposed to level up if he doesn't have a god's bleesing to begin with?

Currently, Y/N is walking around town, dressed on his usual light armor. A large brown coat with leather protection all around. A vest, kneepads...

Y/N also uses a bow and a broadsword, the sword only to defend himself from any monster that reaches him.

The boy was getting tired. He only has enough money to stay a couple of weeks on the city. Worst of all, no one seems interested in him.

One day, it all changed.

The boy was walking around, his usual routine. Look for families, get kicked out of them. Repeat. After getting kicked the last time, Y/N sat on a crate and looked at the sky, exhausted.


Y/N turned at the source of the voice. A small woman, dressed in a beautiful white dress approached him, smiling.

Hestia:"My name is Hestia. I see you're looking to join a family. Would you like to join mines?"

Y/N widened his eyes and immediately nodded, happy beyond belief. The now young adventurer crouched before Hestia, grateful to meet her.

Y/N:"Thank you... Thank you."

Hestia:"No need to be like this! I'm also looking for an adventurer! We're both in a similar situation." *Grabs his hand* "Now come. Let's make it official."

Hestia guided Y/N through the city, straight towards the ruinous part of Orario. Y/N can feel her pure aura, her kindness and also her abilities. She truly is a god.

The goddess guided Y/N into a church. A destroyed one. Both walked towards a very suspicious wall and Hestia pushed it a little, revealing a fake wall with some stairs going beneath the church.

Upon walking said stairs, Y/N was presented by what seems a little habitable place. A couch near a fireplace, a small table with some chairs, a bed, a bookshelf without books and a bathroom

Hestia:"It's not much..."

Y/N:"Better than living in the wilderness! Don't worry goddess, it's enough for me!"

Hestia:*Giggles* "Well, that makes it easier then! Lay on the bed and remove all your upper clothes, please."

Y/N:"What for?"

Hestia:"The blessing of a goddess must be placed on your back. Is more convenient for us when we have to level our Childs up."

Y/N:*Starts to undress* "I understand."

Once he took off his coat, his armor and his shirt the boy walked to the bad, laying on it. Hestia climbed on his back pressing her hands on Y/N's back.

Hestia:"Before that I want you to promise me something."

Y/N:"Of course."

Hestia:"As you have noticed, you're my only child. Please, whatever happens... don't leave me alone."

Y/N:"Never will I goddess. I promise! I'll protect you until my last breath!"

Hestia:"Let's not get into worst case scenario, eh?"

Y/N noticed a surge of power in him. A tattoo appeared on his back. One that shows all his stats.

Hestia:"Well, would you look at that! My first child has a lot of Agility!" *Giggles* "I'm a lucky one! Hmm... your Luck is also good for staying in the first floors..."

Y/N:"Well I used to hunt a lot with ma... and as for my luck..." *Chuckles* "No idea."

The goddess grabbed a paper from the nighstand on the bed's right and pressed it on Y/N's back. After that, he gave it to the boy so he could check his stats.

He examinated the paper and nodded.

(Same stats as Profile Page. No need to put them again.)

Y/N:"This should be a good start, right?"

Hestia:"I saw many of the greatest adventurers on their initial state. Many of them were worse than you, Y/N." *Smiles and jumps at Y/N, hugging him* "I got very lucky with you!"


Hestia:*Separates* "Now, do you have something that we need to retrieve? A bag, a relative..."

Y/N:"Oh! Now that you mention it, I have a bag with my things waiting at the Hostess of Fertility! I-It's a tabern, nothing else... I'm aware of the name..."

Hestia:"Don't worry, I know that place. Well, let's get going my child!"


Timeskip brought to us by Hestia, guiding Y/N around Orario.

When the two arrived at the tabern, the owner approached Y/N, smirking.

Mia Grand:"Ryuu is not pleased. She doesn't like having to guard your things." *Glances at Hestia, who has her eyebrow raised* "But at least you did found a goddess to serve, right?"

Y/N:"Yes! I'm very happy Mia Grand! Where's Ryuu?"

As soon as he asked that question, a backpack (his backpack) was thrown his way, hitting him in the head and launching the adventurer to the ground. When Y/N removed the backpack off his head, he looked at Ryuu who was annoyed.

Ryuu:"I'm not watching over your things again so you better-"

Y/N:"Ryuu! I'm an adventurer!"

The boy stood up and charged at Ryuu, lifting her off the ground and spinning around with the elf on his arms. Ryuu widened his eyes, punching Y/N's head. This facade didn't deceieve Mia Grand, who saw the elf smile in happiness.

Ryuu is the first person Y/N met on Orario. When the elf saw the boy, he offered him a room on her tabern. The boy thanked her and even worked a couple of days in the tabern to repay Ryuu and Mia Grand for the trouble he caused. Eventually, the boy grew on every member of the tabern. In some more than others...

While the two celebrate on their own, Hestia grabbed Y/N's backpack and opened it, looking at it's contents. Money, bottles, many different items dropped by monsters and potions.

"Is he an Alchemist?" the girl thought.

When Ryuu was tired of Y/N's antics she forced the boy to drop her.

Ryuu:"Enough of this. If you want to celebrate something tell me and I cook something for you. But don't treat me like a plushie."

Y/N:"S-Sorry Ryuu. But there's no need! I already ate."

Ryuu:"Good. I'm happy for you Y/N. You'll be a great adventurer. Are you registered in The Guild already?"

Y/N:"Ah... No?"

Hestia:"Don't worry Y/N! That's our next step! Being an official family! Now if you don't mind we're gonna leave and do our things before you hurt my adventurer anymore."

Hestia tossed the backpack to Y/N and grabbed his hand, guiding him out of the tabern. The adventurer looked back and waved at Mia Grand and Ryuu. Mia Grand said "goodbye" and Ryuu waved back with a little smile.

The walk towards The Guild was a smooth one. Hestia questioned the contents of Y/N's backpack to the boy.

Y/N:"Oh! That's because I'm an alchemist. But why didn't I saw that on my skills?"

Hestia:"Because that's not an actual skill. Any life proficiencies like Blacksmithing or Cooking are not actual skills. Granted you can still use magic or the Luck skill to affect them but outside of that, a Level 1 can do the same potions as a Level 80 if both are as good."


Hestia:"In any case, I want you to spend that money in your equipment."

Y/N:"What? No goddess! I will use it for both! As your only Child, it's my job to take care of you!"

Hestia:"Yes you're my only Child. That's why I want you to be safe Y/N. Buy what you think you'll need for your adventures."

Y/N:"What about half for you and half for me, eh? I still have supplies for my first adventure and, who knows? Maybe I come out with a lot of stones!"

Hestia:*Smiles* "Very well. Now, let's focus on getting an assistant, okay?"


The Guild, a place for adventurers to gain info and advice about what floor should they go, change their magic stones into money or even group up. Whatever the adventurers need, the guild will provide.

There was a long line of adventurers joining the "recruitment" system, made for gods to scout Childs. Hestia and Y/N joined the line, patiently waiting their turn.

Y/N was focused on investigating the place, amazed by the amount of adventurers and gods around him. Hestia on the other hand was focused on a certain goddess approaching her with a cheeky smirk.

This is the goddess Loki, one of the most powerful families on Orario. She was accompanied by her best adventurer, Aiz.

Loki:"I see the brat finally managed to find a poor soul to torture!"

Hestia:"Funny coming from the goddess of deception. What the hell do you want, walking table?"

Loki:"Word in the street is that a poor goddess finally founded an adventurer. I was curious about him." *Looks at Aiz.* "What do you think Aizy?"

Aiz was staring at the boy. He didn't even realise their presence not did he seem to care. Y/N was too busy amazed by the place he currently is in. His behaviour and eagerness brought a smile to the blond warrior.

Aiz:"He's childlish. And cute. I like him."


Hestia:"Back off! I founded him first! He- Y/N, say something!"

Y/N:"Huh?" *Looks at the two* "Oh! My apologies ladies, I didn't saw you! I'm Y/N of house Hestia! Nice to meet you!"

Loki:*Snickers* "H-House... Hestia?" *Laughs*


While the two argued, Aiz offered her hand at Y/N who shook it.

Aiz:"Aiz Wallenstein. Of... 'House Loki.' Nice to meet you."

Y/N:"So you're an adventurer too?! That's soo cool!" *Sigh* "Excuse me for not recognising you, I'm new in town and in this stuff so..."

Aiz:"Don't worry. I like that. I'm tired of people acting like they know me. This is new for me. And interesting."

???:"Hey, the kid and the newbie, I don't have all day!"

Y/N and Hestia turned at a bald man on the other side of a table, waiting for them. It's their turn.

Hestia:"We will end this another day, Loki..."

Loki:"Please don't."

Hestia:"C'mon Y/N, let's register!"

Y/N:"Yeah! It's been a pleasure to know you Miss. Aiz! Let's talk another day!"


The boy walked next to his goddess and began the registration process. Aiz was left there, staring at Y/N's back. She doesn't know why, but the boy grabbed her attention.

In the meantime, Loki tried to grab her butt just to meet her sword's hilt, hitting her nose. Aiz left the Guild followed by Loki, who was rubbing the part she was hit in.

A couple of minutes passed and finally, Hestia and Y/N were a family. Y/N was gifted an Adventurer Guide with information about every floor, common Knowledge and even a map that changes whenever the floors do. He also recieved a little scroll with all his information. Like an ID of sorts.

Hestia:"Now the hard part, find an assistant. Who is gonna assist a newbie like you it's beyond me..."

Y/N:"T-Thanks for the help, goddess..."

???:"I think I will."

Both Hestia and Y/N turned to a voice that came from behind Y/N. Another elf, this one dressed like an assistant.

Eina:"My name is Eina, Eina Tulle. If you want to, I can be your assistant."

Y/N:"Yes please! I'd like that!"

Eina:*Laughs* "I see your eager. Please, come with me and we will talk."

Hestia:"Well that's sorted out. I'll leave you with your new friend. In the meantime I will be waiting for you on our house. And remember, be careful. You are my only child."

Y/N:"Don't worry goddess, I'll be!"

Hestia smiled and left, leaving Y/N with Eina. The elf guided Y/N towards a secluded table where they could talk. After reading Y/N's scroll and taking every bit of his information in, Eina decided to make a little survey to know more about his adventurer.

Eina:"You have experience with monsters?"

Y/N:"I was a hunter on my village so I learned how to defend myself."

Eina:"Monsters that are around villages are usually weaklings. You know that, right?"

Y/N:"I-I'm aware, yes."

Eina:"Do you have any experience with towers?"


Eina:"Have you ever participated on a big hunt? Dragons? Cyclops? Golems? Titans?"


Eina:"Have you ever fought another adventurer?"


Eina:"Good! You're a complete rookie! I like that!"

Y/N:"You do?"

Eina:"You're the type of adventurer I wanted to assist. Very well, let me see your stats please."

Y/N nodded and stood up, giving his back to the elf. The boy grabbed his coat and his shirt and lifted them, letting Eina see everything.

Eina:"Level 1... good Agility and Sharpness, that's a good combo. Makes sense, you're a hunter... Do you usually engage in melee combat?"

Y/N:"Only with kobolds."

Eina:"That explains the low Strength and Resiliance. Okay! This is what you're going to do for today:"

Eina patted Y/N's back, a way of telling him 'I'm finished'. The boy turned and looked at her, curious.

Eina:"I suppose you want to enter the towers so you're going to explore Floor 1. If you seem comfortable, go to Floor 2. But that's all. We're gonna focus on building your Agility, Sharpness and Resiliance."


Eina:"Score shoots with your bow and it will increase. As for your Sharpness, don't get lost, avoid or disarm traps and detect ambushes before they hit you. And Resiliance, getting hit is the easiest way of doing so. But, pushing yourself to the limit even if your tired also gives you an increase."

Y/N:"I see..."

Eina:"Now don't go exploring more than you should on your first day. If you're tired, go out and rest. Focus on leveling up for now."


Eina:"Once you come back, if you can level up tell your goddess to increase your Agility and Luck. That way you will gain more stones."

Y/N:"Gotcha. Do I have to know anything about Floor 1 and 2?"

Eina:"Everything is in the book, I heavily reccomend that you check it out. You're gonna encounter Kobolds, wild dogs and sometimes Shadows. Aim for the Shadows since they drop a lot of stones. Also, traps start to appear on Floor 2. Don't look for chests or special rooms, they only appear in Floor 5 and beyond."

Y/N:"Okay! Then... can I go to the Tower now?!"

Eina:"Yes and be careful. It's very common for adventurers to die in their first day. If you see a dead adventurer... take their stones. Trying to get them out of the tower is a death wish."

Y/N:"O-Okay. I'll take my leave then."

Y/N stood up and left, surprised by Eina's last words. "Do people really die that often in there?" He thought.

It's not too difficult to spot the tower so Y/N managed to arrive in only a couple of minutes. Many adventurers were already walking down the stairs to enter so Y/N followed them. In order to enter there's some huge stairs that go underground, towards Floor 1. Y/N noticed an elevator, one that immediately gets you into other floors, once you use to buy or resupply.

There, he saw Aiz on the elevator along with her team. Aiz was already looking at him, smiling. Both waved at each other, but Y/N stopped when a boy with animal features looked at him rather harshly.

Y/N grunted and ignored him. While he goes down, he decided to grab the adventurer's guide and read about Floor 1.

Y/N:"Floor 1, The Mine. The Mine it's filled with Kobolds, Wild Dogs, Shadows and an unique enemy from this place. Spiders. There's no traps or special zones so it's the perfect Floor to get used to the fighting. Enemies are low level so anyone who's used to fighting should be able to spend his time here."

"Spiders?" He thought. When Y/N looked in the bestiary part of the guide he founded said spiders. They are rare to find but can drop their poison, a very valuable item.

Eventually, the boy and the rest of adventurers were met with an enormous open gate, leading to Floor 1. Y/N putted the book away and grabbed his bow, ready to explore.

Upon going in Y/N noticed the change in everyone's behaviour. Many started running around the cave, going very far away or even fighting themselves. Y/N decided to run, getting into the deepest parts of Floor 1.

Once no one was around, he started to walk around the place in hopes of finding an enemy. It didn't took him long...

5 kobolds armed with iron axes charged at Y/N. The boy smirked and took two arrows from his quiver.


Y/N:"...let the battle begin!"

He immediately fired the arrows, scoring two headshots. Two of the kobolds dropped to the ground, dead. Y/N grabbed another arrow and took a couple of steps back, firing the arrow and scoring a headshot on a third one. The last two kobolds managed to get into melee range.

Y/N unseathed his sword and blocked the attacks, kicking one towards a wall. The remaining kobold infront of him tried to slice his leg but the boy jumped and performed an axe-kick on the kobold's head, forcing him to the ground. He finished the monster by stabbing him on the head.

The stunned kobold tried to sneak up on Y/N who was fully aware of that. He turned around and parried the creature, the kobold loosing his weapon. A slice to the monster's neck was all Y/N needed to kill them.

Three of them dropped three little purple stones. They were small but made Y/N very happy.

Y/N:"My first three stones! I think these aren't very valuable but..."

He grabbed the three stones and putted them on his backpack, inside a little leather bag.

Y/N:"One stone is worth 50 Valis. A meal in the Hostess of Fertility is 200... and just one dish. We're on a good track! Huh?"

The boy looked at the walls, seeing more kobolds appearing from them.

Y/N:"Already? Okay..."

He fired two arrows at two kobolds, killing them before they could respawn, both dropping two stones. Three kobolds managed to spawn, one getting headshotted by Y/N. The last two charged at Y/N.

This time the boy took the initiative. He jumped and landed on top of a kobold, slicing his neck. The other tried to avenge his friend, just for him to get parried and decapitated by Y/N.

Y/N:"Four more stones! Haha, this is my lucky day!"

???:"Not anymore kid. Beat it."

Y/N grabbed his stones and looked behind him. A group of 4 adventures were approaching him. A warrior armed with a sword and shield, a mage, a hunter like him and what looks like a thief.

Y/N:"Excuse me?"

Thief:"This is our zone now. Leave... or else..."

The mage started channeling a spell while the ranger took an arrow from her quiver. Y/N knows 4 adventurers it's too much for him to handle, specially at Level 1 so he nodded and left.

Y/N:*Sigh* "I don't like being treated like a whimp but those adventurers have better equipment, more experience and there's 4 of them. Not a good- what is this?"

During his walk, Y/N encountered a map on the ground. When he crouched he could see the map has made by someone out of the guild due to the poor handwritting.

But that's not what made him so suspicious. Y/N saw in the corner of his eye a cobweb.

Y/N rolled away in the nick of time, dodging a spider trying to bite him on the neck. The boy turned around to see spiders on the ceiling along with the bodies of two adventurers, both surrounded by cobwebs.

Y/N:"Filthy creatures..."

The boy grabbed an arrow and fired at the spider trying to bite him on the neck, hitting it's eye.

The spider fell to the ground and Y/N stomped on it, killing it.

The remaining spiders tried to fell on Y/N. He dodged one and performed a roundhouse, launching the other away from him. The other spider tried to pounce on Y/N just for him to stab it with his sword.

The spider turned into dust, letting him see the last spider that was trying to pounce, again. Y/N took a step forward and made a high kick, launching it to the air. He quickly grabbed his bow and fired an arrow, killing it.

Y/N:*Sigh* "Poor souls..."

Y/N fired two arrows at the bodies of the adventurers, the arrows cutting the cobwebs, letting the bodies drop to the ground. He examined the bodies of the two adventurers, finding bite marks on their necks. The boy sighed and closed their eyes.

Y/N:"Rest in peace."

Eina:"Their stones. Take them."

As much as he didn't want to, the boy did as told sacking the bodies for stones. They only have 5 small stones.

Y/N:"Sorry, sorry..."

He then left, not really having a choice. Carrying the bodies outside ain't an option so he kept on going, hoping he can save someone before having to find them dead.

The boy walked through the cave, finding more groups of adventurers all of them waiting on different zones, not moving from said places. He looked in the guide for info about this. The guide mentions places in every Floor where the monsters appear more frequently and in bigger numbers.

He made sure to not approach those places. The boy founded the entrance to Floor 2. Stairs that go even deeper into the ground. He has all his potions, half his arrows and is only a little bit tired.

Y/N:"Okay... let's see." *Looks guide* "Floor 2 A.K.A the Crystal Cave. Exactly like the first Floor but with higher enemy levels and spawns. A chance for a rare monster to appear. The Kobold King. Let's not face him..."

He went down the stairs, entering Floor 2. It's another cave but surrounded by beautiful glowing crystals, making everything shine in blue.

By exploring a little he founded more and more kobolds. He fought a lot, eventually getting very exhausted. Y/N felt like he was about to get stronger so the boy decided to call it a day.

When he went out, he started counting his stones.

Y/N:"25 in total. 22 small sized stones, 3 normal stones... 1400 Valis. Not bad for my first day. I think..."

When he walked up the stairs he noticed how the sky was dark. As soon as he looked at the elevator he saw Aiz and his group exiting it at the same time. Due to the boy with animal features glaring at him he immediately left, not wanting to pick up a fight.

Y/N finally reached street level and before he could walk towards The Guild someone stopped him. It was Aiz.

Y/N:"Oh! Miss Aiz!"

Aiz:"Is something the matter? You looked unhappy."

Y/N:"No! It's just-"

The guy from earlier was still there, watching him. Aiz turned around and saw her ally. She understood it all.

Aiz:"Ignore him. Bete is not very fond of rookies."

Y/N:"So it seems..."

Aiz:"Tell me, how was your first day?"

Y/N:"Mostly okay! I founded enough stones for today. And a couple of fallen adventurers..."

Aiz:"You have to get used to it."

Y/N:"I know..."

Aiz:"Did the Godless gave you any trouble?"


Aiz:"Adventurers without a god. They go in groups and wait around red zones. I'm sure you saw some of them."

Y/N:"Oh yeah. I had an encounter with one of those groups. I left."

Aiz:"Good call. They like to fight rookies. Try not to mess with them unless you're prepared." *Turns* "It's a pleasure to know you're okay. Keep up the good work. I have to leave, see you soon."

Y/N:"Okay! Bye Miss Aiz!"

Aiz left, letting Y/N go on his own. A smile was on her rostro.

Aiz:"Miss Aiz, eh?"

Back to Y/N, he went inside The Guild and changed all his stones for money. Eina who was still there approached the boy with a smile on her face.

Eina:"I see you followed my tips, I assume?"

Y/N:"Yeah! It all went very well. I think."

Eina:"Let me see your stats."

Y/N nodded and turned around, letting Eina see his stats:








Eina:"Ah, your Agility went up a lot! I see you also evolved your Strength, Sharpness and Resiliance. Not enough to make a huge change but it's very good!"

Y/N:"Really? Well, I think I can level up aswell so..."

Eina:"The first 10 levels are fairly easy to obtain, so better spend your points in a smart way. You already have high Luck so focus on that stat. It will make your life easier."

Y/N:"Very well! What about skills?"

Eina:*Giggles* "Too soon for that Y/N. Reach Level 3 and then we talk."


Eina:"Now go, your goddess must be very worried."

Y/N:"Okay. Goodbye Eina! Thank you!"

Eina cutely waved at his adventurer, letting him go. The boy made a quick visit to the Hostess of Fertility, ordering a menu to carry back home. He didn't realise Aiz and her group was also there. Upon entering, the blond girl watched his every action.

Ryuu made a meal for the boy, talking a little with him.

Ryuu:"How did it all went?"

Y/N:"Nice and easy. I would've prefered to not encounter any of those Godless along the way but..."

Ryuu:"Listen closely Y/N, avoid them at all costs. If you see suspicious adventurers, leave. I'm sure you'll know when you're in trouble. After all, you are a smart boy."


Ryuu:*Gives the boy a bento* "Here, a meal for two. The first one is on the house."

Y/N:"No! I can pay!"

Ryuu:"Consider it a gift. I'm proud of you Y/N." *Sigh* "Here I thought you would be the first male employee on this tabern..."

Y/N:"I thought you had faith in me?!"

Ryuu:*Chuckles* "I'm just joking. Now go, I'm working. Be safe."

Y/N:"Right. Goodnight Ryuu! Love you!"


Y/N refused to elaborate, leaving the poor elf shocked, teased by her co-workers.

The boy made a sprint towards the church he now lives in, hoping to use what's left of his stamina to increase his Resiliance a little.

It didn't took him much to reach the churh, going in and down the stairs where Hestia was waiting for him, worried sick.

Hestia:"Where were you?! I've been waiting all day!"

Y/N:"S-Sorry goddess, I was trying to get as much money as I could."

Hestia:*Sigh* "It's okay but don't be out for so long! I'll get worried!" *SNIFF SNIFF* "W-What's that smell?"

Y/N:"Oh! Ryuu made this for both! Wanna eat now, goddess?"

Hestia:"Hell yeah!"

Y/N smiled and went to their table, putting the bento in mid of it, ready to eat Ryuu's delicious breakfast.

Timeskip brought to us by a small Hestia sitting on top of Y/N eating rice.

After getting their stomach full, Y/N layed on the bed, Hestia on top of him. The boy lacked clothes on his torso, letting Hestia level him up.

Hestia:"Congratulations my child. Level 2. Where do I spend your points?"

Y/N:"Agility and Luck please. Even."

Hestia:"As you wish."

Hestia's hair started to levitate as the number's on Y/N's tattoo change. When it was done, Hestia placed a paper on his back, copying the tattoo to the paper.

Hestia:"Here, check it."

Y/N grabbed the paper, reading his final result:








Y/N:"Nice! Also, 1 more point in Resiliance. Running that much did in fact work!"

Hestia:*Smiles* "You're getting stronger Y/N. Good job. Now, why don't you go to sleep? I'll take the couch, you can-"

Y/N:"No way I'm letting my goddess sleep on a couch! You take the bed!"

Hestia:"No! You're doing everything for this family! You deserve the bed!"

Y/N:"I refuse to let you sleep on the couch!"

Hestia:"Well, I refuse to let you sleep there too!"

Y/N:"We have a problem then!"

Hestia:"Yes, but I see it has an easy solution."

Y/N:"I do not under- G-GODDESS?!"

Hestia tackled Y/N to the bed, closing her eyes with a happy smile on her face. She placed the bed sheets over them, the warmth quickly making both sleepy.

Y/N:"Goddess are you sure of this?!"

Hestia:"Are you a pervert?"


Hestia:"Do you have ill intentions on your mind?"

Y/N:"Hell no! I'm uncomfortable like this!"

Hestia:"Then it's fine. Besides, you're my Child. You promised to take good care of me, right? Then close your eyes and sleep."

Y/N:*Sigh* "Fine, fine... goodnight goddess."


My dear Child.

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