Chapter 12. The noob run.

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Today was finally the day Aiz was going to take Y/N and Bell for a "noob run.". Her guild was going to help her take the two young adventurers through the deepest parts of Babel. It was going to be a long expedition so Y/N and Bell got prepared.

The two boys stood in front of their runious church, wearing both a heavy backpack. Y/N had his and Bell a new one they bought for this expedition. Hestia was in front of the two, a little worried. She was making sure they are prepared.

Hestia:"Do you have the food I prepared for both of you?"

Y/N & Bell:"Yup."

Hestia:"What about the potions?"

Y/N & Bell:"Yup."

Hestia:"And the resurrection potions? Keep in mind Y/N can only-"

Y/N & Bell:"-cheat death once I know."

Hestia:"Sorry... it's the first time you guys go for a long expedition! I'm not used to sleep on my own!" *Sigh* "Do you guys know when will you be around?"

Bell:"If everything goes according to the plan and we don't die-"

Y/N:"-which we won't-"

Bell:"-Roughly three or four days."

Hestia:"Three days?! That's too much time without my Y/N! I don't want to, I don't want to!"

Hestia jumped at Y/N hugging his torso and crying fake tears on his black leather chestplate. The boy sighed and patted her back.

Y/N:"There there."

Bell:*Whisper* "I won't bother..." *Normal tone* "It's not that long really. Just a couple of days. We will return filled with riches and gold, you'll see!"

Y/N:"He's right. We will be okay. Besides, Aiz is going to be with us. Nothing wrong's gonna happen. Trust me."

The mention of Aiz's name made Hestia climb down of Y/N's chest and look away, pouting.

Hestia:"Of course she had to be there... damn Wallenever..."

Y/N:"Look, there's no reason to worry. You may hate her but you have to agree she's strong enough to protect us."

Hestia:*Sigh* "I know, I know. Okay fine, I won't complain anymore."

Y/N:"In that case, we will take our leave Hestia."

Hestia:"You forgot something my child..."

Y/N:"Ah, of course."

Y/N bent over a little to be at her level and kissed Hestia who happily kissed back. Bell smiled and patiently waited for the two to finish. Once they were over, Y/N and Bell said their goodbyes and left walking towards Babel.

Bell:"Straight to Babel?"

Y/N:"Mhm. We will meet them next to the elevators. Lili should be there too."

Bell:"Did Aiz told you who's coming?"

Y/N:"She told me that, outside Riveria who wanted to come with us Aiz's gonna try to convince Bete and the others."

Bell:"We have a past with him..."

Y/N:"Let's try to move on okay?"

Bell:"Easy for you to say..."

Y/N:"As far as I remember he was insulting me right? Then let it be. Ignore him at the very least."

Bell:"He was insulting you but you're my friend. I don't like people insulting my friends."

Y/N:"I know and I appreciate that."

Bell:*Sigh* "Okay, okay. Do we even know what floor we're going to?"

Y/N:"Aiz told me Riveria has a teleportation spell to directly reach Floor 30."

Bell:"What?! We barely hit Floor 15!"

Y/N:"Yes but we're going with a group that can do Floor 60 and beyond without breaking a sweat. I think we will be fine."

Bell:"Let's hope so..."

The rest of the walk was a silent one. While Y/N was wondering how Floor 30 would look like Bell was slightly worried. The enemies in that Floor are far, far higher level than the two of them. They won't be able to kill anything without risks.

Eventually they reached Babel. Aiz was waiting there with her entire group. Riveria, Bete, Gareth, Tione and Tiona, Finn and even Lefiya wanted to tag along. When Y/N and Bell were near the Loki familia group Aiz smiled and approached Y/N.

Y/N:"Hello Aiz. I see you managed to- HMPH?!"

Aiz grabbed Y/N's shoulders and immediately kissed him. Everyone widened their eyes at this. Bete open his mouth in shock. Riveria rolled her eyes in annoyance. Lastly, Tione and Tiona whispering to one another, thinking it was cute how Y/N did not react. Once their lips parted Aiz looked at Y/N with a pink blush and a smile. Y/N was shocked beyond belief.


Aiz:"Until I was ready. Now I am."

Bete:"So that's why you're helping him so much! He's your toy boy!"

Bell:"Who the heck are you calling a-"

Finn:"Let's calm down everyone. Now that Aiz has... 'greeted' our partners I want to explain our noobies how the run is gonna go. If you don't mind."

Aiz turned around and looked at Finn, patiently waiting for her leader to start the explanation. Y/N quickly recovered his composure and looked at Finn.

Y/N:"Of course."

Finn:"We will travel to The Enchanted Forest. Our job will be to show you two how things work on higher floors, the importance of team compositions and most importantly the dangers you could face. Also, you will gain Knowledge points and Valis aswell."

Bell:"So we gain free stuff and learn what to do once we reach Floor 20 and beyond."

Bete:"Yes but don't think you're just going to follow us and do nothing. We expect you to try and fight a little."

Riveria:"If we were to fight a mini boss or a rare monster you two will fall behind and let us handle it. On normal encounters you two will take care of the same monster and under the vigilance of Lefiya."

Lefiya:"If things get out of hand I can heal you. If the worst were to happen I can still revive you." *Looks at Y/N* "I'm aware of your Cheat Death ability. Only use it if I can't bring you back, okay?"

Y/N:"Yes ma'am."

Lefiya:"Don't call me that! I'm only level 50! I'm also new!"

Y/N:"I'm level 22..."

Finn:"As for gear, we will try to get at least an item or two for both of you. The Enchanted Forest has many magic rings and trinkets. I'm sure we can find something for both of you."

Bell:"What are we waiting for then! Let us go!"

Finn:"Okay. Riveria, if you please..."


Riveria channeled magic on her hands. Everyone walked towards the sorceress and waited for her to cast the spell. A blue ring appeared on the floor. Their bodies shined in blue, slowly desintegrating. Y/N closed his eyes and waited. After a couple of seconds he along with the rest appeared in a new place. The Enchanted Forest.

Y/N and Bell were amazed by the place they were in. Trees so big they could touch the ceiling. The air was fresh, something that cannot be said of other Floors. Lakes and rivers could be found everywhere, the water being pure and drinkable. Life was all around the Floor. From animals you would find outside of Babel such as deers, birds and fish to obviously monsters.

Y/N:"This place... is beautiful..."

Finn:"As deadly as beautiful Y/N. Keep your guard up."

Y/N:"Yes sir."

Bell:"This place looks habitable yet I can't see any buildings or camps for that matter. Why?"

Aiz:"The presence of monsters makes it impossible for a civilisation to rise here. Keeping the monsters away would require finding a spot they do not appear in and you can build on. A place you can quickly escape out of the Floor and into others, one you can grow and harvest your own food. The Enchanted Forest is presumed to be infinite. I assume you can see the problem."

Bell:"You can get lost in the forest..."

To prove Aiz's theory Y/N grabbed his Adventure's guide and looked at The Enchanted Forest map. There's no map.

Y/N:"Wait if it's infinite how are you supposed to find it's entrance? How do you get out of here for that matter?"

Finn:"I'll explain while we move."

The group started exploring the forest. Aiz and Bete took the lead with Riveria close behind to aid them. Tione and Tiona stood behind to protect the rear with Lefiya there to assist them. Finn, Y/N and Bell stood in the mid of the pack.

Finn:"In order to find the entrance to this place you must find a well in any Floor beyond 20. Floor 30 is the one that always has a well no matter what."

Riveria:"Once you found the well, you must cast any healing spell on it. Then, jump into the water and close your eyes. After a couple of seconds you will appear floating on one of the many rivers in the forest."

Y/N:"Then... how do you get out?"

Riveria:"If the sorcerer that casted the spell does not know the Return Home, Teleportation or the group has any magic item to exit Babel... you don't."


Bete:"Eyes up ahead! We got ourselves our first fight!"

Everyone looked towards Bete seeing a group of Dryads walking towards them with bad intentions. Part human part deer, the female monsters looked at the adventurers with anger. Although Bete and Aiz were pumped to fight Y/N and Bell felt the intimidation aura those dryads had. It spooked them.

Y/N:"W-What is this-"

Finn:"Scared? Makes sense. That's what adventurers feel when they fight against monsters higher level than them."

Bell:"W-What do we do?"

Finn:"Nothing. Let'em handle it."

The dryads waved their hands, vines appearing from the ground trying to trap the group of adventurers. Everyone managed to jump away, dodging the attack, Bell and Y/N avoiding it by a miracle. Bete and Aiz fell to the ground quicker than the rest and went into the offensive.

Finn:"Y/N, Bell! Watch Bete!"

The adventurer approached the dryads with a smirk. Upon reaching one of them he gathered blue energy on his fist and threw an uppercut, hitting the monster right on it's mandible. Suddenly, by making some hand gestures two crystal clones of himself appeared next to him. The dryads were confused, not knowing who the real Bete was. They threw their spears at the clones, destroying them yet unarming themselves.

Finn:"Now look at Aiz."

Aiz managed to get behind the other two dryads. With a single wave of her hand, wind appeared and threw the two monsters to a tree, crashing there. Aiz gathered as much wind energy as she could on her sword, transforming it into a greatsword. It was so big that, with a single spin attack she managed to hit the dryads without moving at all. The dryads were cut in half.

Finn:"What can you tell me about them?"

Bell:"They are fast... Aiz is deadlier tho."

Finn:"But Bete is better than Aiz at something."


Finn:"Exactly. They are a perfect pair. Those two are what we call 'vanguards'. Their job is to reduce the amount of enemies the rest of the group must face. They pack a punch yet they must work together. Bete can't take care of enemies that constantly run away from him and Aiz can't take much damage. Coordination is very important for vanguards."

Bete:"Hey! Watch it over there! There's more of'em!"

The adventurers turned around to see a different type of creature. Werewolves. They looked at the group in hunger. This time it was Tione and Tiona's time to fight. They grabbed their scimitars and walked towards the werewolves. Unlike Bete and Aiz, they took their time to reach the monsters. As soon as the werewolves charged towards the two adventurers so did they.

Tiona faced one of them. The werewolf tried to tackle her just for Tiona to slide underneath the creature with her scimitar pointed upwards, slicing the creature in half. Tione faced 3 at once.

Y/N:"I think she will need-"

Finn:"Just watch."

One werewolf charged at Tione while the other two surround her. The first one tried to slash at her with it's claws yet Tione managed to parry the attack, pushing the werewolf to the side. She grabbed the creature's nape and moved it towards her left, using it as a shield to stop the attack from a different werewolf. The second one thrusted it's claws into it's ally, killing Tione's shield. The third werewolf took this opportunity to charge at Tione. She released the now dead shield and dashed to the side, the charging werewolf crashing into it's partner.

Tione walked towards the two left werewolves in boredom. One stood up and tried to punch her just for Tione to dodge and quickly slash the monster's side. Once the creature fell to one knee the other vaulted over it's friend to try and surprise Tione. It tried to make a drop kick yet Tione grabbed the monster's legs and threw it towards a tree. She threw her scmitiar to said monster, scoring a headshot. Tione then walked to the kneeling werewolf and grabbed the creature's neck, breaking it.

Finn:"What about those two?"

Bell:"They pack quite a punch..."

Finn:"They are our Duelists. Unlike Bete and Aiz they focus on bigger group of enemies. They distract them so other adventurers can get the kills. In this case, they were more than enough. Well, look at that! Something bigger finally appeared!"

Out of nowhere one of the trees started to move. Legs and arms appeared from it. Even a pair of eyes. It stood up and walked towards the group. This time, Gareth was the one to face the giant creature. The dwarf wasn't impressed by the monster at all.

When the Ent was near Gareth it tried to stomp on him. Gareth flesh suddenly changed, transforming into rock. When the ent's feet reached Gareth it was unable to do any damage to the dwarf. In fact, the Ent had to step back due to damage it did to himself. Instead of stomping on him, the Ent tried to slap him away just for the dwarf to block the attack with his greataxe. No damage, not even a slight pushback did Gareth suffer.

Finn:"Gareth focuses on defense. His entire skill and spell set are only to protect himself and the team. He's the expert on big targets and bosses. Trust me you two, if you want to take on bosses start looking for someone like him. You won't be able to survive without one. As for Riveria..."

Y/N and Bell felt how the temperature rose for no real reason. They turned around to see Riveria casting a spell, a circle of fire around her. Her cloak, around with everyone's cloaks and robes were floating due to the wind she was creating. When Riveria open her eyes, fire was the only thing they could see. Riveria grabbed her staff and pointed it at the ent. Bell and Y/N had to take a couple of steps back due to the enormous beam of fire that was launched at the Ent.

The attack left a crater behind that extends for an entire kilometer. There was nothing left from the Ent.

Riveria:"I'm the one who kills the boss."

Bell:"No shit..."

Bete:"Hey this is boring! Why don't we find a rare mosnter for those two to learn how to fight, eh?"

Finn:"Agreed. Let's find something harder. Something that can give Y/N and Bell a good memory to remember."

Y/N:"I have a bad feeling about this..." *Sigh* "Okay, let's go."

They reagrouped and kept walking. Lefiya made sure to collect all the stones and quickly made her way towards Bell and Y/N. She patted the two's back and decided to chat with them in the meantime.

Lefiya:"So far, how's it been? In an actual team I mean."

Bell:"Well, we're getting quite the amount of Knowledge points that's for sure. I'd like to fight something but I'm worried we may be deadweight."

Lefiya:"Do not worry, I'm here to protect both of you. Once we find the rare monster, fight to your heart's content."

Y/N:"I'll take your word for it."

Lefiya:"Please do!"

After a short walk Aiz raised her fist, making everyone stop in their tracks. Bete also felt something. The two walked forwards, hiding behind a bush. They spotted something big. Something more challenging.

The forest had a big area without trees. A big green dragon was sleeping there, minding it's own business. Around it were many stones possibly from the amount of monsters that the dragon killed. Corpses of unlucky adventurers half-eaten were also there. Bete turned around and smirked, telling the group to move with his hands. They followed him and hid with him, spotting the dragon aswell.

Y/N:"I-It's big!"

Bete:"Of course it is! It's a freaking dragon!"

Gareth:"I remember killing those one years ago. It's the easiest of the 10 dragons."

Aiz:"Indeed. It won't be too hard."

Finn:"Perfect for two noobs to see how to deal with a boss, eh?"

Bell:"What's the plan?"

Finn:"First Riveria, Lefiya and I will cast some spells on the party to make things easier. Then, Gareth will take the initiative with Tione and Tiona. Bell, you go with Aiz and Bete. Y/N, you're on your own."

Y/N:"O-On my own?"

Finn:"Rangers can constantly throw projectiles at a monster unlike a spellcaster. And unlike a melee adventurer, there's no moment when you can't attack. The dragon will surely try to attack you at some point. If you are near Riveria and Lefiya, you will get them hurt. You can't keep up with Aiz and the Vanguards. Being near Gareth is a deathwish. Yeah, you're on your own."

Aiz:"Don't be afraid. Try to pace you attacks and keep an eye on Gareth. If the dragon spots you, run for cover or our Guardian."

Lefiya:"If the worst were to happen I can defend you. Just try not to mess up!"

With the plan being told, Finn casted a spell. He stomped his lance on the ground a couple of times while whispering some words. Everyone felt faster than before. Riveria made a shield of fire around the adventurers. It will protect them from a couple of attacks.

Gareth:"Y'all ready?"

Everyone nodded.

Gareth:"Let's do this."

The dwarf came out of their hiding spot and charged at the dragon. It open one eye, spotting Gareth coming it's way. The dwarf managed to hit it's face before the dragon could fly away.

The dragon threw green fire at the dwarf yet by making his flesh be stone was more than enough to protect himself from the attack. Aiz, Bell and Bete run towards the left side of the battlefield looking at the dragon. Tione and Tiona run straight at the monster to try and aid Gareth. Y/N went to the right on his own. Finn looked at the battlefield ready to order his group just in case. Riveria immediately started casting a spell, an ice one this time. As for Lefiya, she watched the fight unfold with a holy spell ready.

Y/N crouched down and readied his bow and an arrow. He was waiting for a good opportunity to fire his arrow. He used Critical Strike. The arrow shines in red.


Aiz and Bete jumped towards the beast. Bete managed to make an axe kick right at it's head, grabbing the creature's attention. Aiz used her rapied infused in wind to stab the creature's side, dealing some damage. Bell used Shadow Strike to appear on top of the monster. After stabbing it and using his Firebolt skill to do extra damage he used Shadow Strike on Y/N to make some distance with the dragon. Y/N finally released the arrow, hitting a place near the face. Just as Gareth said, the dragon turned towards him.

Y/N:"Oh crap."

He immediately started running, the dragon firing a couple of fireballs at him. One exploded near Y/N, launching him a couple of meters away. The fire barrier broke.

Bell got out of cover and assisted Y/N to get on his feet. The two adventurers managed to get behind a tree and broke line of sight with the dragon who changed it's target to Aiz and Bete.


Gareth's voice boomed all around the forest, making everyone listen at his words.


The taunt worked, the dragon changing it's target and now aiming at Gareth. Aiz and Bete immediately went into the offensive once again, jumping to attack at the creature. Y/N realised he can't do anything unless the monster is on ground where Gareth can keep it distracted. Unless...

Y/N:"I have an idea! I'll force it to sleep!"

Finn heard it and looked at Bete.

Finn:"Bete! Use your Ki to attract the monster! Dance the aggro with Gareth! Aiz, Tione, Tiona, get ready for the creature to fall!

They all nodded and did as Finn told. Bete started gathering energy on his hands, making a pale blue ball of energy. He launched it at the monster, gaining it's attention. He immediately started running around to dodge the fireballs. Whenever Bete needed to stop, Gareth taunted the monster and used his defensive spells to withstand the dragon's wrath.

In the meantime Y/N dropped his bag to the floor and started looking for his ingredients to make a sleeping potion. Since there wasn't much he could do Bell helped him do the potion. Once ready, Y/N strapped it with a rope on an arrow. The ranger got out of cover and used the Roll Dice spell to increase the arrow's damage. X6 multiplier. He then used Critical Strike. The arrow shines in yellow.

Y/N:"It'll do. Attention everyone!"

Y/N released the arrow, hitting the monster's head. The potion broke a pale purple smoke around the creature's head. It sniffed it, falling asleep and falling to the ground after a couple of seconds.


Everyone charged at the monster. Bell used Shadow Strike once again to appear on top of the creature and procceded to stab it multiple times. Gareth attacked the head along with Tione and Tiona. Bete and Aiz joined Bell, releasing strike after strike. Y/N kept throwing arrow after arrow, damaging the monster.

The dragon woke up and stood up in rage, pushing everyone away. It looked at Y/N, infuriated. It breath fire towards Y/N but luckily for him Lefiya appeared, making a holy shield around the two. The fire went around the shield yet it wasn't enough to break it.

Lefiya:"Stay here! I'll keep you safe. The battle is over anyways."

Riveria finally open her eyes, the spell ready.


With a wave of her hand, giant stalagmites appeared below the dragon impaling the creature alive. One through her belly, other through her left wing and another through her neck. It was barely alive. The flames now were aimed upwards, missing Y/N and Lefiya entirely.

Finn:"Aiz! Finish it!"

Aiz nodded and used her wind magic to float. She was floating in front of the dragon, making sure it could see her. She gathered wind energy on her rapier until it was shining in pale blue energy. Once ready, she charged at the monster, thrusting her rapier inside the creature's head. The wind exploded along with the dragon's head, a bloody mess left behind on Aiz's clothes. They won.

Y/N and Bell cheered, happy to finally slay a boss. From the creature's remains a lot of stones and most importantly, magic items appeared. Aiz grabbed a ring for Y/N while Gareth got a cloak for Bell. Both walked towards the two begginers and gave the magic items to them.

Gareth:"A cloak of shadows. It's a nice item for a rogue. You can turn invisible at will and remove any magic effect on you. Poisoned? Use the cloak and save yourself."


He put it on and made a little spin to show Y/N the cloak. Y/N gave him a thumbs up.

Y/N grabbed the ring from Aiz and put it on his index finger.

Y/N:"What does it do?"

Aiz:"This is the Ring of Second Specialisation. It let's you have a second class of your own. You can change it whenever you want to but can only change once per day. Tired of being a ranger? You can try something new now."

Y/N:"Can I change to any class?"

Aiz:"Mhm. Your stats will change aswell. Don't worry, if you want to be a ranger again just use the ring the next day. The class you chosed will be saved forever in the ring. Be wise."

Y/N:"Right. I'll think about it next time."

Finn:"Well, you two got a lot of Knowledge points and some loot. Let's find some more monsters. There's a couple of tricks I'd like to teach you."

Y/N and Bell:"Right!"

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N looking at a book, thinking what class to choose.

After an entire day on the forest Y/N and Bell finally returned home. Hestia was on their bed, patiently waiting for them to return. Unlike Y/N and Bell she had a good sleep. The two adventurers were not used to sleeping in the dungeon so they barely caught any sleep at all.

Before going off to bed Hestia wanted to check their level. Starting with Y/N he removed his armor and his shirt. The boy dropped to the bed face-first. Hestia sat on his back and pressed a piece of paper there to print his stats. 

Hestia:"My word..."

Y/N:"What is it?"

Hestia:"You leveled up three times in a row!"


STRENGTH:71 (+20)

AGILITY: 162 (+20)



SHARPNESS:92 (+20)


LUCK:101 (+20)


Mind Sharp as Knives.

Critical strike.

Artemis gift.

Rapid Growth.

Roll the Dice.

Chain Lightning.

Final Gambit.

Cheat Death.



Hestia:"Even a new skill... congrats!"

Y/N:"Thanks dear."

Hestia:"You're welcome my child. Now off you go, it's time for Bell."

Y/N nodded and stood up not before planting a kiss on Hestia's cheek who giggled in response. The ranger sat on their couch, looking at the ring in wonder.

What class should I get?


BARD:Charisma based class. Use powerful spells to charm, inspire and inflict weaknesses on the enemies. Bards can also convince people to do as they wish. Use instruments to make tunes that will further enhance the bard's allies.

MAGE: Inteligence based class. Cast powerful spells to inflict pain on the enemy. Use your high intelligence outside of combat to quickly figure out ways to defeat powerful enemies or to learn new proficiencies.

BARBARIAN: Strength based class. Use your inmense strength to wield powerful weapons. Let your rage consume you, tear through'em.

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