Chapter 7. The date.

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A day after the battle in the streets of Orario we could find Y/N peacefully sleeping with Hestia in his arms. The goddess was hugging her boyfriend as tight as she could. Thanks god Y/N increased his resiliance or else he would've suffocated a long time ago.

Both were having a nice dream. One they were enjoying quite a lot. So much, it was Bell this time the one who woke up sooner than the rest and without nightmares.

The white haired boy glanced at the duo and sighed, a little jealous he doesn't have anyone to do the same with but happy at the same time. He decided to look at the time. 8:34. Bell widened his eyes and went to wake Y/N up.

When the boy was close to the bed he started to shake him violently, waking Y/N and Hestia almost immediately.

Bell:"Y/N! It's almost time for your date with Aiz remember?! You have to get dressed!"

Y/N:"Oh shit."

Hestia separated herself from Y/N and stood up, sitting in the couch with a pout. She watched as Y/N got dressed in his coat. His armor was broken so there was no point in doing so. He did, however, grab his backpack. Riveria's magic book is stored there. He also grabbed his weapons. Just in case.

Bell:"What's wrong goddess? You already knew of this. Y/N told us when we all came home."

Hestia:"Yes but I did not know you would double time so soon!"


Hestia:"Cheater! Player! Womanizer!"

Y/N:"Goddess, Aiz is my instructor! She's helping me get stronger! Please, understand!"

Bell:"By the way goddess, do you mind if I arrive a little late tonight?"

Hestia:"Huh? Why's that?"

Bell:"Well I was planning on going to Babel with Eina. My gear is also in poor condition and-"

Hestia:"You too?! You're the worst!"

Bell and Y/N simply stared at Hestia, waiting for her to quit her childish behaviour.

Hestia:"Yeah sure go. I have to work anyways. Y'know, becuase-"

Bell:"Yeah, yeah, my knife, I know."

Hestia:"Still, don't come home late. From the two you're the weakest and most innocent. I don't want you around the weirdest places of Orario."

Bell:"Innocent... yeah... right..."


Bell:"Nothing. What'd you wanna eat?"

Hestia:"We have croquettes?"

Bell:"Yes." *Looks at Y/N* "Why are you still here? Go!"

Y/N:"Oh, right. Have a good day both of you."

Bell:"You too."

Hestia:"Love you!"

Y/N:"I know."

Hestia:"YOU CHEEKY-"

Y/N went out of the church they live and sprinted towards Orario, laughing to himself.

Bell:"Innocent... yeah... right..."

Those words made Y/N wonder. Does Bell have any resentment towards him? Does he blame himself for what happened?

"No matter" he thought. Today is supposed to be a happy and fun day, he will think of that later. Besides it looks like it's gonna be a long one too. After all, he has to train with Aiz and then with Riveria. By the end of it he was going to be very, very exhausted.

It was a long walk to Babel's fountain where Aiz and he were supposed to see each other. She was already there, sitting nearby the fountain, looking at the water. Y/N was mesmerised by her beauty now that he sees her without the armor pieces.

The princess of war glanced at Y/N, realising someone was staring at her. She stood up and walked towards him, smiling.

Y/N:"H-Hello Aiz, sorry if I'm a little late I was-"

Aiz:"Don't worry. I arrived merely a couple of minutes ago."

Y/N:"Oh. Phew, I thought I was making you wait for too long..."

Aiz:*Giggles* "It's fine really. Should we move?"


Aiz nodded and started walking towards Babel with Y/N next to her. She, yet again, thought of grabbing his hand but now she truly was against the idea. Y/N is not free anymore.

For now.

Aiz:"I noticed you wear light armor similar to mines. You okay with that?"

Y/N:"Yes. I like to be very mobile. Bell is fast, if I want to keep up with his speed I have to be as Light as a Feather. Heh."

Aiz:"Understood. I'll buy you some of my-"

Y/N:"Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean you'll buy me? I'm not gonna make you waste a single Vali on me."

Aiz:"Hmm? Why's that?"

Y/N:"I-It's your money! You're already doing a lot by training me! I'll buy my stuff myself!"

Aiz:*Smiles* "Are you strong enough to stop me?"


Aiz:"Don't worry. I'm not gonna spend too much. I'm only gonna buy you a new accesory you may like. I'm here to offer assistance."

Y/N:"Oh. I see."

Aiz lied. She really thought of buying him an armor. Due to Y/N's reaction she made a change of plans.

The two arrived at Babel. Instead of going down the stairs the two picked the elevator, the famous elevator Y/N saw Aiz going in many times before. Once they were in, the elevator went up.

Aiz:"Many stores here have high prices on their products. If you think you can't buy anything we'll go to a different floor. One with lower prices."

Y/N:"How high can they be?"

Aiz:"I've seen daggers go up the millions. You don't want the prices on magic staffs or greatswords."

Y/N:"Dear god..."

Aiz:"Thought as much. We will still see some of the armors. Just in case you can afford something."


As soon as the elevator stopped they went out and open a door to the actual Floor. Y/N was mesmerized by how the place looks. Everything was well iluminated, walls made of gold and even a red carpet on the ground made with expensive silk.

The boy walked around like a kid in a park, surprised by all the amazing products around. The weapons were meant for high level adventurers, some even made by gods and not mortal blacksmiths. The potions came in packs of five and had rare effects such as being able to resurect the dead.

Sadly, just like Aiz said, the prizes were too high. Just one resurect potion along was 300.000 Valis. He only made 50.000 Valis during all his time in the tower. Not counting the Valis he had to waste in food, resources and to do maintenance on his gear.

Y/N:"A-Aiz... you come here often?"

Aiz:"Mhm. After a couple of runs to the tower I come here and buy some stuff that I may need. An extra weapon, potions-"


Aiz:"Oh. I see." *Whispers* "I suppose this is what Finn said about me being 'dense' eh?"

Y/N:"Yes... I definetly can't afford any of this..."

Aiz:"Understandable. Please, come with me."

Aiz walked to a door next to the elevator room. Upon opening the door the pair walked down a staircase to reach the next floor.

This one was a contrast to the one Y/N was before. There was a notable lack of lights, walls made of black stone and the floor didn't had any carpets. Just stone.

By exploring this place Y/N got more comfortable. The prizes were much more reasonable. Granted the quality of the products also went down but that didn't mean it sucks.

Aiz:"This place is filled with new blacksmiths putting their products in sale, trying to make a name of themselves. They're rookies. Just like you."

Y/N:"Do you know of a place where we can find good armor?"

Aiz:"Hmm... I haven't been here myself but I heard of a store with good reputation. Let's see..."

Aiz walked around trying to find the store she was talking about. After a while of walking, she quickened her pace, recognising the store. Aiz walked inside with Y/N.

Owner:"Ah, hello young couple! What can I help you with?"

Y/N:"No, we're not-"

Aiz:"My boyfriend is looking for a light armor. He has a tendency of dying and I don't want that to happen."

Owner:"Of course. Please wait a second."

The old man retreated into his storage to find something. Y/N looked at Aiz with a pink blush on his cheeks.

Y/N:"What are you doing?"

Aiz tries to charm Y/N.

Aiz:"They make discounts for couples."

Y/N stared at Aiz, not really knowing if she's saying the truth or not. In the end he shrugged and waited for the owner to come.

Aiz:*Whispers* "Gotta improve my charisma..."

The owner returned with a crate filled with armor pieces and clothes for Y/N to try.

Owner:"There's a room for him to change. You can try them on as many times as you'd like young one."

Y/N:"Thank you sir."

Y/N grabbed the heavy crate and walked around the store in look for said room with Aiz on his tail. He founded it and went inside. So did Aiz.

Y/N:"Uh, Aiz, what are you doing?"

Aiz:"What do you mean?"

Y/N:"I have to... you know... undress and dress up a couple of times until I found one I like."

Aiz:"I know."

Y/N:"I could get naked."


She walked outside and patiently waited for Y/N to come back. The boy looked at the different armor pieces and clothes, keeping in mind the prize tags. Eventually, he founded one that not only was perfect but he also liked.

When Y/N walked outside with his new set Aiz nodded to herself.

Aiz:"It fits you. A perfect armor set for a ranger."

She walked to him and started to touch the armor, inspecting it. Y/N immediatly put the hoodie and mask on, not wanting her to see his embarrassed face.

Aiz:"The leather is very thick. It should protect you from a couple of hits. The black color's perfect to concieve your presence. The cape will keep your back clean from fluids. You have a belt to keep potions in. The gauntlets have space to hide small knifes, perfect in case you get grabbed. Lastly, the mask and hoodie combo keep your face hidden. In case you do... cuestionable acts."

Y/N:"I-I just like the design. I'm not a criminal."

Aiz:"I know. How much is it?"

Y/N:"20K Valis. It's a lot but it's worth it."

Aiz:"Indeed it is. C'mon, let's pay."

The two walked towards the owner, Y/N having the crate with him.

Owner:"Ah, that one's a very famous set around rangers and thieves. Are you sure your boyfriend is..."

Aiz:"He's the best man in Orario. I can assure you that."

Y/N:"...Aiz... please..."

Owner:"Ouch. In any case, it'll be 20.000 valis. You can also sell your old armor for a discount."

Y/N:"No. I want to keep it. I'll pay the full price."

Aiz was confused at his decision but she did not argue about it. When Y/N payed the price he putted his old armor in his backpack and left the place with Aiz.

Aiz:"Why didn't you..."

Y/N:"It was a gift. From mother. It's the only thing I have from her..."

Aiz:"I see. I'm sure she was a great adventurer."

Y/N:"Me too. She taught me a lot of things..."

Aiz:"Come. I want to show you something."

Y/N nodded and followed Aiz around. She walked to the rich part of Babel's tower and into a store that sold accesories and various stuff for adventurers such as duffle bags, grapple hooks etc...

The owner nodded at Aiz who simply nodded back. There was many people around, all of them high level adventurers. They looked at Y/N in surprise. "A rookie walking alongside Aiz?" they thought.

Aiz:"This store is my favourite one. Here, there's many useful items created by pallums and elfs alike. Every now and then there's a couple of new things you can buy. A couple of days ago I saw this and thought of you."

Aiz grabbed a pair of weapons. Two small crossbows.

Y/N:"Repeaters? I always wanted to have one of these."

Aiz:"You now have two. They are fully automatic and instead of having to reload one bolt at a time, the dwarfs helped in the making of 'magazines' that include 10 bolts each."

Y/N:"That's so cool. They're small enough for me to put them in my belt too!"

Aiz:"They should not be too powerful tho..."

Y/N:"And they lack range, yet it's another tool at my disposal. Thank you Aiz, I really appreciate it. You're giving me too many things. Is there any way I can repay you?"

Aiz:"Let me see..."

Aiz walked closer to him. He pressed her hands on his armor and moved very, very close to his face. The boy got nervous and was about to push her aside until she missed his lips and went for his ear instead. Then, she whispered:

Aiz:"Why don't you become my personal Alchemist? I'm tired of wasting money on potions."

Somehow, Y/N was dissapointed at this. Yet, at the same time, glad.


Aiz:"Great. If you need a proper workbench you can come visit me whenever you feel like. But I want a small portion of what you do."


Aiz:"Good. Now that's settled let's go home. It's time to train."

Y/N:"Wait already?! I was having..."


Y/N:"Nothing. Let's move."

Aiz:"Thought so."

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N and Aiz, fighting each other, the boy getting closer and closer of truly defeating her.

After a rough sesion (of training you pervs) with Aiz, Y/N was extremely exhausted. Currently he's resting in the Loki manor, in their living room. He's waiting for Riveria who's now healing a couple of rookies that got hurt during one adventure.

To pass the time, Y/N grabbed the magic book she gave him and started to read it. The further her got into the book the more he wanted to sleep. Until he gave up and closed his eyes.

Lightning. Lightning crashing on the earth was all he saw. Yet somehow, it didn't look threatening to him. It felt... familiar. Very, very familiar. He somehow know who that lightning belongs to. A powerful god from a different culture than Hestia's. But who?

Y/N walked towards the lightning and touched it and then...

Riveria:"You couldn't wait for me to come?"


Y/N woke up and looked at Riveria who was staring at him with an eyebrow raised.

Riveria:"What? Never been awoken by a beautiful elf before?"

Y/N:"What beautiful elf?"

Riveria:"Walked into that one." *Sits in the couch* "Well, I see you did in fact read the book. What did you saw?"


Riveria:"Interesting. Usually adventurers either get Fire or Ice. Is the most common. Then again, you're not the most common of adventurers so..."

Y/N:"Riveria, I'm a little tired from Aiz's training so can we please go to the point?"

Riveria:*Giggles* "You lost again?"

Y/N:"0-50 Riveria. 0-50. I got kicked in the head so many times I'm surprised I don't have amnesia."

Riveria:*Laughs* "Well, it doesn't help she managed to hit level 70 yesterday. Guess you made an impact in her."

Y/N:"...she's 70? Great."

Riveria:"She's not the first. There's an adventurer from the Freya familia much higher than that. Anyways, let's get straight to the point. Magic. Turn around, please. I want to see your stats."

Y/N nodded and did as told. He removed his armor a long time ago to be more comfortable on the couch so Riveria only had to lift his shirt.










Mind Sharp as Knives.

Critical strike.

Artemis gift.

Rapid Growth.

Roll the Dice.

Chain Lightning.

Riveria:"Your training is paying off. Thanks to the magic book you leveled up your intelligence. And would you look at that... chain lightning. Not a bad spell."

Y/N:"What does it do?"

Riveria:"You send lightning to your target and it bounces off onto a different target. It's a basic one but very powerful. Specially on water. I'm also sure you will be able to use it in your arrows with enough practice and with arrows that are able to hold magic."

Y/N:"I suppose those arrows are gonna be very, very expensive..."

Riveria:"You're an alchemist. Find a way to make your normal arrows get infused in magic. If not, you can buy them but yes, they will be expensive."

Y/N:"That's a problem for another day, I want to use magic!"

Riveria:*Chuckles* "You're like a kid. Okay, let's move to our backyard. But be careful! If you break something you're paying for it!"

Y/N:"Don't worry I won't break anything. I promise!"

Riveria:"Right. Follow me then."

Y/N nodded and slowly followed Riveria to the backyard. It was an enormous garden with flowers, a small fountain and some benches to sit in and enjoy the views. From a small storage room Riveria grabbed three training dummies and placed them there.

Aiz, who came from the kitchen peeked her head through the window, watching Y/N and Riveria train. Bete was also there, along with Tione and Tiona, drinking orange juice.

Bete got next to Aiz, curious at what she was looking at. As soon as he saw Y/N with his palms extended, throwing lightning at three practice dummies he spitted his drink, getting it on the window and on Aiz's hair.

The princess was not very happy. She was fuming.

Bete:"M-My apologies Aiz I wasn't-"

Aiz kicked his balls, grabbed his neck and threw him through the window, the boy landing in between Y/N and the dummies. The young adventure was so focused on casting the spell again he hitted the dummy that was closer to Bete, the spell bouncing on him. Bete got shocked but was okay. His resiliance was high enough to tank such a spell.

Y/N:"Look Riveria! I did it twice!"

Riveria:"Great job. Bete, are you okay?"

Y/N:"Oh yeah. Bete. I forgot. You cool?"

He gave Y/N the middle finger as an answer. Tione and Tiona peeked through the window, smirking.

Tione:"Aww, poor doggy. Can't stand a little shock?"

Tiona:"Did the rookie knock you out Bete? Man oh man, each day you step on a new low!"

Bete did not answer this time. His groin hurts. Riveria sighed and decided to ignore his partner, focused on Y/N instead.

Riveria:"You did a good job. Now don't be an idiot and don't use it as often as you can. If you ran out of mana you will fall unconscious. You should also start making mana potions. Just in case."


Riveria:"Also, I think it's time for you to repay your debts."

Y/N:"How so?"

Riveria:"First, we'll go to my chambers. Then we'll talk."


Suddenly, a chair fell on his head. Riveria and Y/N looked above to see a window open in the second floor. Aiz was looking for stuff to throw him, still very angry at him.

Riveria:"P-Perhaps it would be better if we went outside..."


Timeskip brought to us by Y/N and Riveria practicing some more magic.

Training with Riveria left Y/N drained of any energy. He returned home to see it empty. Bell should still be with Eina and Hestia should be working.

The young adventurer got out of his armor and dropped on the bed, exhausted. He looked at the ceiling and thought of different stuff. Recipies for potions, floors to explore with Bell in Babel, how cute Hestia looks when she sleeps...

Due to his exhaustion and the fact he was laying on a bed Y/N fell asleep rather quickly. Which was the perfect oppotunity for someone to sneak in.

Hestia was over with her work and decided to go home early. She wasn't expecting a man wearing full black armor to come in. When she peeked her head to see who the man was she felt stupid.

The goddess dropped her stuff around, got changed in her normal outfit and layed next to him. She glanced at the boy's back and smiled.

Hestia:"Don't worry Arty. He's in good hands. I'll keep him safe."

Just like that, Hestia hugged Y/N and went to sleep.

The next day, it happened yet again. Bell woke up sooner than expected just to find Y/N and Hestia cuddling. He wished to the ones above for him to get a girl and went to cook something.

This time, the scent of the food he was making made both Hestia and Y/N open their eyes in unison. They stood up and walked towards Bell without making any sound.

Once they were closed they peeked their heads over his shoulders and whispered.

Y/N & Hestia:"What'd you got there buddy?"


The two laughed, annoying poor Bell who's heart was beating really fast. After pulling that prank they went to the couch and waited for Bell to finish.

Bell:"I-I'm making something new. It's called Tortilah? Tortilla? I dunno but it tastes good."

Hestia:"If you say so."

Y/N:"So Hestia, are you free today?"

Hestia:"Yeah. I have a small headache so I'm staying home today."

Bell:"Already slacking off on your first day?"

Hestia:"SECOND day! And what if I do?! Hephesto made it clear I have two days a month to stay home!"

Bell:"Just sayin'..."

Y/N:"Oh, well. If you're sick it will have to wait. I was wondering if you'd like to go outside and get something to eat. We still have plenty of Valis so it's okay to enjoy ourselves for a day, right?"

The more Y/N talked the morr Hestia's smile grew. She looked at Y/N and nodded.

Hestia:"A date?!"

Y/N:"Mhm. Like the one we were having before the monkey interrupted us. When would you like to-"


Y/N:"What? But dear, aren't you-"

Hestia:"We're going out today!"

Y/N:"But you're sick!"

Hestia:"I'm better now!"

With a new boost of energy Hestia stood up and walked to their wardrobe, thinking of what she should wear for the occasion.

Hestia:"Meet me in the love plaza at 6:00 P.M. Don't be late!"

Y/N:"Okay, I won't."


Timeskip brought to us by Hestia, testing different clothes in front of a mirror.

As promised, Y/N was in the plaza of love at said hour. The boy watched as many couples walked around the place, holding hands, kissing or simply enjoying each other's company. Y/N felt out of his element. After a couple of hours, he wasn't aware of this place existing to begin with.

Hestia:"Hello Y/N."

Y/N turned his head to the left and saw Hestia with a new look. Needless to say, he did like it.

Y/N:"You're so beautiful..."

Hestia:*Giggles* "Thank you. I knew you'd like it. We gotta buy you some expensive clothes one day. I'd like to see you in a suit..."

Y/N:"Perhaps when we gain more money. Now, shall we go?"

The young boy offered her his arm to hold. She smiled and grabbed it, walking with him around the plaza. That was until a group of woman Hestia knows approached the two.

???:"It's that him?!"

???:"Hestia's boyfriend!"

They pushed Hestia to the side and surrounded Y/N, hugging and touching him like if he was a puppy. At first, he blushed. The sudden amount of woman doing all that stuff to him felt like a dream to him. After a couple of seconds he shook his head and got angry.

Y/N:"Okay that's enough! Back you fiends, back!"

The boy managed to push them all away from him and reunite with his goddess. Y/N hugged Hestia in a protective manner and shouted at the other woman that got surprised by his reaction.

Y/N:"Only one woman can do that to me! You are now banned from Y/N's personal space! Get lost you wenches!"

The boy carried Hestia bridal style out of there at full sprint, wanting to resume their date in peace. Hestia had hearts on her eyes and was blushing slightly.

Hestia:"My hero~"

Y/N:"I think we lost'em..."

The boy gently dropped Hestia. She then grabbed his hand and guided him towards a restaurant, one Miche mentioned to her.

Hestia:"You're gonna like this place! And this time I can pay for the food!"

Y/N:"No, no, no. My dear goddess won't have to pay for anything. I'll do so."

Hestia:"My oh my, what a gentleman you are..."

Y/N:"Perks of being my woman."

Hestia:"Hehe~ your woman~"

When the two arrived, Y/N was surprised at how luxurious the place is. A pallum waiter asked Hestia if she had a reservation. She nodded and told him their names to which the pallum corroborate it. After that, he guided Y/N and Hestia to an empty table.

A table with a red tablecloth, red candles and dishes already on the table. They just had to order their food and it would be a romantic dinner on it's fullest.

The two sat in front of each other, their eyes glued to one another. Both had a goofy smile in their faces. They were just happy.

Y/N extended his hand over the table and grabbed Hestia's. The girl smiled back, grabbing his back with quite the grip.

Y/N:"Hestia can I... ask you something?"

Hestia:"Of course."

Y/N:"I don't have any insecurities but... a thought always comes to my mind. You're a goddess and I'm human. Are you sure this-"

Hestia:"No. Don't."

Hestia looked at Y/N with a sad expression.

Hestia:"Back at Olympus... I never had the chance to fall in love. The other gods either wanted to use me for their own benefit or were not interested in me. For ages I wanted to feel... this. To be loved. To love."

She place her other hand on top of Y/N's.

Hestia:"I do not care what people may think. Human, elf, pallum, dwarf or god. I don't care. I love you and you love me. That's all that matters."

Y/N:"But dear, I'm..." *Sigh* "I'm mortal. Eventually, I'll grow old and fade away."

Hestia:"And when that happens, IF that happens, we will be reunited in heaven, where we can live for all eternity together. I'm not going to leave you Y/N. No matter where you go or even if you get reincarnated, I will be there for you."

Y/N smiled and nodded.

Y/N:"That's all I needed to hear. As long as I'm here, you're gonna be the happiest goddess on Orario. I promise."

Hestia:"Hmm... where did I heard that?"

Y/N:"Alright, fine, I copied you so what? I liked that phrase."

Hestia:"Told you I can make you happy!"

The two laughed and enjoyed dinner in the restaurant. Once they were over, Y/N grabbed Hestia's hand and guided her towards a special place. To a watchtower in Orario's ruinous part. When they went up, the two could see the moon right in front of them, iluminating the place.

Hestia:"It's... beautiful..."

Y/N sat on the ground. Hestia sat in between Y/N's legs, staring at the moon in awe. The adventurer hugged his girlfriend and stared at her face, entranced by her beauty in the moonlight.

The goddess realised he was staring and turned to face him. Then, she closed her eyes and slowly pushed Y/N into her, kissing the boy. For a couple of minutes they felt like they were the only people in Earth.

For just a second...

Y/N truly felt like he was in heaven.

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