Chapter 9. Amor no odisse.

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Today was going to be another normal day for Y/N and Bell. Go to Babel, get many KP and get stolen by Lili once again. Thankfully, they are getting enough KP to level up. Bell is now 15 while Y/N managed to reach 18.


STRENGTH:47 (+20)

AGILITY: 110 (+20)



SHARPNESS:75 (+20)


LUCK:85 (+20)


Mind Sharp as Knives.

Critical strike.

Artemis gift.

Rapid Growth.

Roll the Dice.

Chain Lightning.

Final Gambit.

Today, the two decided to go for the Adventurer's guild before anything else. Y/N is about to hit Level 20 a moment very important for adventurers since they can get their first title.

Also, when an adventurer hits rank 20 they are able to increase their power thanks to their goddess and that's what Y/N is truly interested in.

The two adventurers entered the guild and immediately spotted Eina. This time it was them who saw her first.

With a smile on their faces they walked towards their assistant. She was sitting on their usual spot, taking care of some paperwork.


Eina:"Huh? Oh, hello Bell! Hello to you aswell Y/N. Anything I can help my favourite adventurers with?"

Bell:"Yes. We have two problems. The first one is we reached another leveling problem. I'm 15 and Y/N's 18. We don't gain much KP anymore. It wasn't as bad as before but..."

Eina:"I see. In that case, I grant you access to Floor 12 and beyond. Still, don't adventure yourselves into Floor 15. You need a bigger group for that."

Bell:"Right. Thank you Eina!"

Eina:"No problem. Be careful there, orcs, white rabbits and even small wyverns can appear. They are very dangerous."

Bell:"Rabbits? They don't sound dangerous..."

Eina:"Oh trust me, they are. They also look like you..."

Bell:"What does that even mean?!"

Y/N:"Bell's face aside I had a question of my own. When I hit Level 20 I can get stronger via my goddess, Hestia. How does that even work?"

Eina:"First, it doesn't have to be your goddess. It can be any other god the one to grant you their strength. In fact, you can hold the gifts of various gods at the same time."

The name 'gift' made Y/N raise an eyebrow.

Y/N:"What's a gift exactly?"

Eina:"Power lend by a god to a mortal. Depending on the god you can get something different. If you're looking for Hestia's gift I'm sure you'll get something interesting."


Eina:"Back on topic, to get a gift you must make an oath with a god. Swear that you'll bring glory to their names. Then, if you have convinced the god you'll get their gifts."

Y/N:"Are there other ways of getting those gifts?"

Eina:"Yes. There's many more unorthodox methods of getting them. Making a sacrifice, stealing the soul of a god, being their child... none of them are likely to happen nowdays."

Y/N:"That's all I needed to hear. Thanks Eina."

Eina:"Anything else?"

Y/N:"No. We will take our leave-"

Bell:"Actually yes. You found something about our supporter."

Eina:"Indeed I have. Liliruca Arde, an adventurer from the Soma familia. You have to be careful Bell, Y/N. The Soma familia are in desesperate need for money. Many of their adventurers have been doing... cuestionable things in order to get it. I do not trust that pallum."

Bell:"I see..."

Y/N:"Don't worry Eina, I have our backs covered. If she tries something funny I'll deal with her."

Bell:"Wait, does that mean you're planning to-"

Y/N:"No. I would only do such a thing if there was no other way of solving our problems. As a last resort. After all, I promised you I wouldn't."

Bell:"Thank you. Now, we should go to Babel. Lili is waiting for us."


Eina:"Goodbye and be careful. I'll be here if you need my assistance."

The two adventurers nodded and left the guild, marching to their meeting point with Lili. When they reached the fountain, the two looked around for Lili. Y/N spotted her in between some bushes with a man. It seems he was threatening her.

Y/N:"Stay here."

Y/N walked towards Lili and went through the bushes. He grabbed her backpack and pulled her towards him. Lili turned around and bumped on his torso. Realising who he was, she got a little scared and glad at the same time.

The man looked at Y/N with anger.

Soma member:"Get lost punk, this is between she and I."

Y/N:"Not anymore. She doesn't want to speak to you. Out of my sight, now."

Soma member:"If you're looking for a fight I'm going to-"

Y/N:"Sure. We'll see each other in Babel. I'm sure you'll like to fight there, right?"

The man looked at Y/N, knowing perfectly what Y/N meant with that. He grunted and left, leaving Lili and Y/N alone. When the male adventurer looked at Lili he saw her blushing.

Lili:"T-Thanks Y/N b-but... your touching my ears..."

Y/N's hands were on Lili's fluffy ears. The adventurer moved his hands away and apologised.

Lili:"Y-You gotta take responsability now!"


Lili:"Now you have to take care of- hey, what's Bell doing?"

The two turned at Bell. One of the people molesting Lili had an arm around the white haired boy. They were chatting. When Y/N and Lili approached Bell he pushed the guy away. He was even about to unseath his dagger but decided not to when the other man fled.

Lili:"Bell. Who was that man? What did he..."

Bell:"N-Nothing! Just an idiot. Let's go to Babel, okay?"

Lili:"...right. I'll take the lead."

Lili started walking towards Babel on her own. Y/N and Bell looked at each other, shrugged and followed her.

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N and Bell, slaying monsters.

The trio were in Floor 11. They were looking for Floor's 12 stairs while they kill monsters. Y/N was in the lookout for lizardman's materials to make special arrows. Sadly, he founded none so far.

Y/N:*Sigh* "Leveling up luck to get no drops..."

Lili:"Sometimes even the luckiest of adventurers have bad luck. It is what it is."

Bell:"At least we're making money. We can always buy the materials."

Y/N:"They are very, very expensive Bell. Not a good idea."

Bell:"Then we gotta push harder."

Lili:"Oooor we could go to Floor 12! There's more enemies there and-"

Bell & Y/N:"That's exactly what we're trying to do Lili."

Lili:"O-Oh really? I see. That's nice then."


Y/N:"So, Lili..."


Y/N:"That man. Who was he? What was he trying to do?"

Lili:"He's... he's no one. I promise. Just a pervert trying to get touchy. Nothing else."

Y/N:"If you say so..."

Bell:"Finally! Up ahead!"

The trio looked forward and saw the stairs going to Floor 12. They went down the stairs and got ready for the new enemies that could appear there. Before that, Y/N and Bell were amazed by their surroundings.

An enormous forest of white trees and flowers. Some were even blue, a beautiful blue that shines like sea water. There's also fog everywhere, making it difficult to see far away.

Y/N:"Well, gotta be careful from now on."


Lili:"Don't worry Y/N, with your weapons and your skill you two should be okay. By the way Bell, are you still using my knife?"

Bell:"Indeed. It's not a bad one!"

Y/N:"Hey, up ahead!"

Three orcs appeared from a cave. They walked towards Y/N and Bell, wielding wooden hammers. Bell charged towards the orcs while Y/N uses his bow to cover him.

The creatures tried to smash Bell but he was too fast for them. He made a backflip and quickly slashed the arm of one, forcing it to drop it's weapon. Y/N launched two arrows at one of the orcs, blinding it. Bell took the chance to jump on it's head and repeatedly stab it's head, killing it.

While the duo fought against the orcs, their supporter dissappeared. Y/N was too focused on the four orcs that appeared through the mist surrounding Bell to even notice. He did once he saw a rope fired from Lili's small crossbow grabbing Bell's Hestia knife.

Bell:"What the-"

Y/N:"Lili, what are you doing?!"

Lili:"I'm sorry Y/N... but I have to. With this I'll be finally free. I'm truly sorry..."

She hugged Bell's knife and fled the scene. Y/N looked at her with anger yet he refused to pursue. The boy grabbed another arrow, used his critical strike ability and launched the arrow at two orcs. Since the arrow was shining in green it went through the monsters, killing them.

Bell:"Y/N, go!"

Y/N:"I'm not going to leave you here!"

Bell:"It's okay I'll handle it! Please, help Lili! Those dudes from before are gonna set her a trap! She's gonna die!"

Y/N clicked his teeth and nodded, leaving Bell behind to chase Lili. He went up, using his sharpness to follow the footprints left by her.

Eventually he heard chatting from a couple of adventurers. Staying in the shadows, he sneaked towards the source of the sound. Eventually he reached a big room. There was three adventurers there, the one he faced, one with a red coat and an elf with a staff. The dude with the red coat was the one who spoke to Bell.

Lili was laying in mid of them, looking at the ceiling in pure shock. Her robe was broken, leaving her tummy into full display. Her backpack was next to her. One of the adventurers was about to grab it. Y/N also noticed the various sacks they were carrying. They were moving and twitching.

Y/N sighed and put his mask and hoodie on. The adventurer grabbed his dagger and scimitar and got ready to fight.

Y/N:*Whispers* "Calm down Y/N. They are not humans, they're monsters. You gotta save Lili at all costs. They're not humans, they're monsters..."

He quickly lunged at one of the bandits that was leaning on a wall. Y/N's dagger went through the guy's skull, immediately killing him. The other two adventurers, including Lili stared at Y/N, shocked. Lili knew who their attacker was.

Lili:"Y-Y/N? W-What are you-"

Y/N:"I'll only say this once. Come over here and give me the knife. Then, I'll keep you safe."

Lili glanced at her famila members. They had their weapons drawn and were slightly intimidated by Y/N. She took the chance of running towards Y/N, hiding behind him. She noticed how Y/N's hand slightly trembled.

Y/N:"Leave. This is your last chance. If not you're gonna share the same fate as your friend."

Red coat guy:"Kill him! We need that knife!"

The elf tried to channel a spell. Y/N quickly threw his dagger, forcing him to dive out of the way. The red coat guy charged at Y/N. He was used to fight Aiz who's way more fast and strong. Seeing this guy approach him was like fighting in slow-mo. Y/N was so confident of his skill he merely walked forwards, aiming his scimitar to the guy's hand. As soon as he was on range Y/N chopped his hand off, forcing the bandit on his knees.

Y/N walked towards the elf mage, slicing the red coat's bandit nape on his way, killing him. The elf got on his knees and begged for his life. Y/N pressed his blade on the guy's neck. But this time, no blood was shed. Y/N seathed his sword and went towards Lili. The elf now smirked and grabbed a knife from his belt.

Lili:"Watch out!"

The elf lunged at Y/N. He made a side step, dodging the elf's attack. Then he threw a roundhouse kick aimed at the elf's jaw, launching him to the ground face first. This time Y/N wasn't gonna make the same mistake twice, he walked towards the adventurer, grabbed his knife and sliced his neck.

Once they were dead Y/N removed both his hoodie and mask. Lili was crying, not fully realising what just happened. He walked towards Lili and crouched down next to her. The pallum could only stare at him in tears, slightly scared of what he could do to her.

Y/N:"Lili. The knife."

She nodded and gave him Bell's knife.

Lili:"B-But why? Why helping me? After all I've done... I stole Bell's knife twice, I stole money from you even materials and stones! Hell, I almost got you two killed! Why?! Why are you helping me?!"

Y/N:"Ask Bell. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here."

Lili looked at the ground and kept crying. She was hyperventilating. Y/N sighed and pulled her towards him, hugging the girl's small frame. She weakely hugged back, crying on the boy's torso.

Y/N:"Look Lili, I don't know what's going on. I don't know why you have to steal from others. But, you can stay with us. We will take a good care of you. If you're in danger just shout and Bell and I will come to aid you but please, don't do this. In the end, you're only going to end up hurting youself and those around you."

Lili:"I'm sorry! I'm truly sorry! A-Adventurers always hurted me I-I was not sure if you... please, forgive me! Let me be your supporter once more!"

Y/N:"Gladly. This time however..."

The two looked at each other. Lili knew what he wanted to say. The girl nodded and rubbed her eyes, wiping the tears off.

Lili:"Yes, I know. I won't do that ever again. Thank you Y/N, but..."


Lili:"You're an idiot."


Lili:"What do you mean huh?! You risked your life for me after all I've done?! You could've gotten yourself killed! Dummy, dummy, dummy!"

She "punched" Y/N's leather chest plate, making the boy laugh. He rubbed her hair response, making Lili blush slightly.

While the two laughed Bell appeared bathed in blood. When he saw Y/N and Lili he smiled, happy to see them okay. He ignored the dead bodies around them, knowing what happened.

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N giving Lili a piggyback. She was smiling in happiness.

After their unfortunate confrontation with those adventurers Y/N and Bell guided Lili to their home where they will tell Hestia what happened. Instead of being in their home underground, Hestia, Lili, Y/N and Bell were on the actual church. Y/N sat on a stone slab with Hestia behind him, her hands on his shoulders. Bell was next to Lili, explaining the story to her.

Hestia:"I see. So you're the famous supporter that's causing so much trouble to my childs."

Lili:"T-That I am."

Hestia:"I suppose you understand I'm not pleased with what you've done. If any of my childs were to be killed due to your actions... not even your god would have saved you from my wrath."

Lili:"I-I know. It won't happen again."

Hestia:"Even if you did such shameful acts my childs have forgiven your betrayal. Also, I suppose your presence here means you seek my forgiveness, am I right?"

Lili:"Yes goddess. I came here to apologise and to ask for your permission to accompany your childs in their next adventures."

Hestia:"That is not for me to decide. But, I do forgive you. Y/N and Bell protected you from some bandits." *Looks at Y/N* "He saved you from a dark, gruesome fate..." *Places hands on her heart* "And I gave you the chance to get your honor as a supporter back. I can only hope you take that opportunity and do good with it."

Lili:"I will, goddess Hestia."

Hestia:"Good. Now... Bell, could you please go and make some tea?"

Bell:"Of course goddess!"

Bell walked down the stairs to their actual home. Without him on sight, Hestia took the chance to hug Y/N from behind, her hands caressing his torso in a very suggestive manner. She was hiding her head on Y/N's nape, only her left eye could be seen by Lili. It was shining in a very beautiful yet intimidating blue.


Hestia:"This one over here it's MY adventurer. There's many like him but this one's mine. You better go look for a different one."

Lili:"Ah, I see..."

Lili stood up and walked towards Y/N. She sat on his lap and faced Hestia who widened her eyes. Her attempt at intimidation has failed.

Lili:"It would be a problem if a certain fox were to get your adventurer, am I right?"

Hestia:"You're pushing your luck, Pallum. I won't tolerate-"

Lili:"Nothing matters more than Y/N to me. If that means I have to anger a goddess then I'll gladly do so."

For a couple of seconds Y/N could swear he saw lightning coming from the girl's eyes, clashing in between each other's. The two were giggling in a very, very dark and omnious way. It was making Y/N very uncomfortable.

Thankfully Bell appeared with tea. He sat next to Y/N and gave a cup to the three and then grabbed the last one for himself. Hestia sat on Y/N's left. Lili was still sitting on his lap, teasing Hestia by pressing herself more into him here and there.

Even if the poor boy now has two woman fighting for his attention, Y/N was happy things could end this way. Still, the day wasn't over. He wants to visit his friends for a while.

After drinking the tea with his familia and finally managing to get Lili off of him the boy stood up and leaved his house, walking towards the normal part of Orario. He wanted to inform Eina of Lili's new position. Said supporter didn't want to stay with Bell and Hestia so instead she followed Y/N and managed to catch him.


Lili:"I wanted to pass more time with you. If that's okay, of course..."

Y/N:"Sure but I'm not going to Babel this time."

Lili:"It's fine! Besides, I left my backpack in your place. And my clothes are a little damaged..."

Y/N:"I'll buy you something nice."

Lili:"No need. I'll do that myself. So, where are we going?"

Y/N:"I wanted to inform my assistant Eina of how it all ended."

Lili:"What do you mean?"

Y/N:"When I realised you were stealing stuff from us I told Bell about it. He wanted to give you a second chance so we asked Eina for advice."

Lili:"You... didn't want to give me another chance, right?"

Y/N:"No. But that doesn't mean I regret what I've done. I'm happy we could fix it and I'm happy you can stay as our supporter."

Lili:"That's nice to hear..."

Y/N:"Now, let's go to the Adventurer's Guild and then to the Hostess of Fertility. You're gonna like it."

Lili:"T-The Hostess... of Fertility?"

Y/N:"Yes, yes I know. The name can be rather decieving but it's not what it sounds like. The Hostess of Fertility it's merely a tabern."

Lili:"Okay. So you're not trying to get me into a weird place right?"

Y/N:"Of course not! What type of guy you think I am?!"

Lili:*Giggles* "I'm just joking, relax!"

The two entered the Adventurer's Guild. Like most of the time it's Eina who finds Y/N instead of the other way around. She immediately knew who Lili which made her confused as to why she was still with Y/N. Specially since the boy was happily smiling.

Eina:"Y/N? May I ask you..."

Y/N:"Oh, Eina! Hello!"

Eina:"Hello, hello. May I ask you why you're still with her?"

Y/N:"Everything was solved. Long story short poor Lili had to do so to gain freedom. I 'charmed' the bandits into letting her free and she's now our full time supporter."

Eina:"That's great and all but are you sure about this?"


Eina:"Then I won't question your decision any further. How's Bell? Why isn't he with you?"

Y/N:"He wanted to stay behind and rest. Fighting orcs is very exhausting..."

Eina:"He's okay... right?"

Y/N:"Of course! Just tired, that's all!"

Eina:"Anything else I can help you with?"

Y/N:"Well, now that you mention it, I do not have any luck finding the drops from the lizards."

Eina:"In that case you're gonna have to spend some Valis in magic arrows. They can be useful."

Y/N:"I heard they break after one use."

Eina:"Mage propaganda. They do not, you simply have to recharge the arrow. After one use they become a normal arrow. Infuse it with lightning and there you go, magic arrow once again."

Y/N:"I see." *Sigh* "I'll have to ask Aiz on another date to-"

Lili:"No you don't! I'll make some for you! Come!"

Lili grabbed the boys hand and left in a hurry. Eina stared at the small pallum with a look of uncertainty but decided to trust her. If Bell and Y/N does so will her.

The pallum guided Y/N through some alleyways until they reached a more poor side of Orario. He has never been here before and he doesn't really want to. Looking at the people around many were either godless, muggers or simply, poor people.

Y/N:"You live here?"

Lili:"Not in this street but yeah, I live in this zone. Now that I'm with you I'm taking a shortcut."

Everyone was staring at the duo, making Y/N have a strong grip on his dagger. Just in case someone tries something funny on them. Nothing happened and they managed to reach Lili's hotel without a single problem but he was still on edge.

Y/N:"This place is..."

Lili:"I know, sorry. I don't have much money so this is the best I can do."

Y/N:"Why not living with us? You-"


Y/N:"...that was fast."

Lili:"Beats living with people that could assault me at any given moment so yeah, I really want to now. Anyways, why don't we-"

They went inside the hotel and Lili kept her mouth shut for a moment. She walked to the counter and pressed the ringbell on in. In the meantime, the young adventurer looked at his surroundings. It's a very old hotel, everything made of wood. It was in a very, very bad state.

Lili talked to the old man, saying Y/N it's merely a friend and that this would be her last day here. The old man sadly sighed and nodded.

"Guess they had a good relationship" Y/N thought.

The two walked towards Lili's room. It was small, with a very uncomfortable and small bed and with just a single drawer and chest with belongings.

Lili:"Y/N, do me a favour please. While I make the arrows could you pack my things up? I have a suitcase under my bed."

Y/N nodded and went to her bed. He crouched down and grabbed the suitcase from under the bed. It's a big one compared to Lili's height. She's used on carrying heavy weight so it's not a big deal for her.

With the suitcase, Y/N walked to her chest and open it, putting stuff on it. Y/N noticed how the items got 'sucked' into the suitcase and dissappear.

Lili:"In case your wondering it's a magic suitcase. A mage used gravity magic in it and created a small black hole inside the case that sucks items. If I want to retrieve them, I simply grab the case, open it and throw it to the ground. All the items will slowly start to appear."

Y/N:"Oh. That's cool. You have more magic items?"

While he talked, Y/N saw a small red dagger. The blade was very, very hot. Y/N grabbed it and placed it on the case.

Lili:"I do."

Y/N:"You're not going to talk me about them?"


Y/N was finally over. He closed the case and left it on Lili's bed. He then sat on it and looked at the girl. She was messing with an arrow's tip. A couple of arrows were next to her on the floor. The tip seems to be transparent, empty.

Lili:"See the 4 arrows next to me? Grab them and use your magic on them."

Curious, he did as told. The boy grabbed the four arrows and used his magic on them. The arrows got shocked but did not get damaged. Instead, dark blue energy appeared inside the arrow's tip.

Y/N:"Wow. Amazing. How does it work exactly?"

Lili:"It's complicated. You have to remove the tip and destroy it from the inside. Then, you apply the lizardman's blood around it. It has special properties. The blood can store magic inside. Yet somehow, they're not inmune to magic. Perhaps due to their scales... who knows?"

Y/N:"And the transparent effect?"

Lili:"A combination of a hollow arrow and the scaly's blood."

Y/N:"I see."

The boy sat yet again on her bed, patiently waiting for Lili to finish her job with the arrows. After a couple of minutes, the girl was finished. She gave the arrows to Y/N and sat next to him. The boy used his magic to infuse the arrows in groups of 3.

Lili:"So, Y/N..."


Lili:"I know I said it many times already but... thank you. Really. If it wasn't for you I..."

Y/N:"Don't think of that. You're safe now with us."

Lili:"Thanks. But still, if there's something I can do for you..."

Y/N:"This is more than enough. Well, besides you being our supporter of course."

Lili:"That's not what I meant. Let me rephrase that."

Lili took the arrows from Y/N's hand and carefully placed them on the ground. She then sat on his lap, her arms around his neck. The boy was very surprised by her sudden advances, specially by the look of her face.

Lili:"I can do... anything you want..."

Y/N:"L-Lili, I'm in a relationship with Hestia."

Lili:"I know."


Lili:"But... if you ever need someone to cuddle with or simply sleep... I can do that for you."

Y/N:"Oh... sleeping... you were talking about that..."

Lili looked at Y/N with a confused look. She tilted her head, not understanding what Y/N was implying.

Lili:"What else would I be talking about Y/N?"

Y/N:"N-NOTHING! Absolutely nothing! Of course you can cuddle with me! I don't mind it- well Hestia would but I don't. Besides we did say..."


Y/N:"It's nothing, really."


The pallum hugged Y/N. He sighed and hugged back. Now that Y/N can't see Lili's face she smirked, a single thought on her head.

Suck on that, Hestia!

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