Rant #1

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Here's what we're talking.


Some people's opinions might not coincide with all of mine, but I think here you get the basic idea of what is the problem with the psychology of most of us.

Our society is basically built on the concept of classifying any naturally occurring differences as high or low, wrong or right, general or taboo.
Every bodily or physically occurring diversity is natural, when nature has made them all equal, given all the diversely structured humans an equal right to food, water, air, light and energy then who the hell are we to discriminate?

Now, let's talk about the cultural differences, diverse belief systems, now that is another discernible occurrence.
When humans at different locations could not travel or communicate across a large distance how were they supposed to develop similar societies? Nobody knew there was a whole other group of people developed with a distant language across the other side of the Earth, in fact, there was no such concept of "Other side of the Earth"! There was basically zero knowledge as compared to now. So accept the diversity in religions, castes, languages, beliefs and races.

What about LGBTQ+? Well, that is natural. Transphobes/homophobes, I don't blame you, you just need time to fit this lifestyle in your head. And a lot of them are actually trying to fit in with LGBTQ
But the haters, you guys have no right to judge their life choices! It's their life, they wanna live with a person of same sex, who are you to interfere!? Unless it's doing some major harm to you, except from the harm to your narrow-minded stereotyped beliefs, you can't put labels on them as TABOO.

Why don't people just let things be simple? Why can't we just let the diversity be diversity and not make it differences and discrimination criterions!?

Why do we have be so judgemental? Can't we just live and let live?

I would love to see your views on this.
All the opinions in comments will be featured in next chapter.

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