The Raven Girl - chapter 17

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So I was a bird and my best friend Morgan was a fox?

What the hell was this crazy mess?

Did I fall down and hit my head while walking Luna out on the moor because this had to be a hallucination. There was no way I was a raven. Henry led me back to the car and drove me up on to the moors. My whole life suddenly felt like a lie. All the people I had known and loved were know complete strangers to me. My own parents didn’t even recognise me.

“Listen I know you are mad, but I need you to know something vitally important- not everything is what it seems.” Henry said.

“My parents didn’t recognise me.”

“Ebony, pay attention! Morgan needs your help, Dante will kill her.”

“Why? Morgan is lovely.” I said not really comprehending what Henry was telling me.

“Dante is convinced the Fox and the dragons conspired to snatch you away from Dante. It’s all very dumb and paranoid but believe me when I say tonight had two purposes. One, to show you that you are indeed an immortal and the second was my own agenda- to show you that Morgan is in danger. Dante didn’t want me to show you this and he would probably execute me if he found out. Do you understand Ebony? Dante must not know I showed you Morgan’s house.”

The words drifted into my mind floating about with the broken images of my family. They mixed to make an incomprehensible mess of anger, emotion and grief. Resting my forehead against the cold car window I watched the landscape fly past.

Henry eventually stopped the car by a large familiar tor that was nicknamed the Devil’s Throne. He had been talking at me all the time in the car although I couldn’t honestly say I knew what he was talking about. He turned to me and said gently,

“Come on love, let’s get you home.”

I didn’t move. Slumped against the window I said,

“That palace is not my home and this world is no longer my home. I don’t have a home.”

“You’re breaking my heart, petal. But unfortunatly I have to take your brother.” Henry said.

He lifted me up and walked across the moor lant to a familiar tor.

“I am going to have to go into that dreadful pool again?” I asked.

“Once you been through the pool, you can use this to get between worlds.” Dante said patting the tor.

“What do I do?” I asked.

“Nothing, just hold my hand. We’re going to pay your brother a little visit.” Henry said.

He reached out and touched the stone tor and nothing happened. I looked round waiting for so magically transition to happen, but there was nothing. Henry just smiled and walked across the moor. Following him I asked, “Did something happen?”

As I said that very question I put my foot down and felt the crunching of thick snow underneath my feet. In a blink of an eye the landscape had transformed into a winter wonderland. Henry was in front of me standing before a massive grey tree that had not been in view seconds earlier.

“Sister!” A voice crowed.

I looked up and saw sat in the grey branches hundreds of ravens. One flew down and transformed into a tall man with incredible grey eyes.

“Sister.” He said. “Welcome home.”

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