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He had no feelings toward her. She had too many feelings towards him.
He saw her as his bestfriend. She saw him as her soulmate.
He was everything a girl could ask for. She cared more about him than she cared for herself. He was too blind to see it.
She was suffering.
That would all end tonight. She decided she was going to tell him how she truly felt, he had no idea what was coming.
12:03pm ; lunch. They met at their usual spot with their group of friends. She always stands next to him. He was socializing with the others, their arms touching each other's. She's blushed, but she had her hood on. He sneaked behind her and hugged her around her waist.
Now she was incredibly red.
So many emotions went through her; she couldn't think straight. She almost wanted to turn around and kiss him, but she restrained herself. Her friends would make fun of her, she knew it. She just laughed, their friends staring in awe and whispering. She doesnt like that.
She turned around and stared into his eyes.
His goregous eyes.
The emerald green with hints of sky blue and hazel gazed into her. She could write so many beautiful poems about his mesmorizing eyes. He stared at her with a questioning gaze. Snapping back to reality, she told him she loved his eyes. He claimed they're nothing special. She playfully slapped him, his eyes were her favorite feature he had. He laughed and hugged her again. This time, she wrapped her hands around his neck. She realized it was the perfect time to tell him.
She whispered into his ear that she needed to tell him something important. He pulled away and stared at her. She bit her lip. He asked her what it is. Why did she think she was ready now? Too many emotions were rushing through her. She said she would tell him later. He called her lame and begged her to tell him. She said no with a smile. She told him to be patient. He glared at her. (Consider putting dialogue/quotation marks this part)
Lunch is now over. They go their seperate ways, she headed to her next class. She thought about him all class. This class bored her. (Say what class) She can't wait to go home. While she was in this class, she thought about so many things. Such as why a right triangle was a right triangle, and how she was going to bring up the conversation she had been trying to avoid with him up later today. She wished there was a formula for love, or a way to solve feelings. In math, there was always a answer to any problem. She wished life was the same.
Class was now over, her next class was unscheduled. She hung out with one of her closest friends this period. They leave campus and head to the nearest bargain store. She bought some iced tea and chips-the usual. Soon after, they left the store and headed back to the school. They talked about random things that happened through out their day.
When they finally got to their spot in front of the school, they sat down and started to indulge in their treats. She played her music and sung and danced; her friend laughed at her for her awkward dancing.  2:39pm; the last bell of the day is about to ring. The girls quickly hide their snacks, knowing that their friends were going to jump at them. (Wow thanks) Their friends walk over to their spot and sit down

He sat down between her and her friend. Her friend leaned on him, she got a little jealous.  Her friends decided to get up and walk to their hangout spot. Afterwords they were going to walk to their old middle school so her friends could volunteer. Her and him walked side by side in front of their friends. She had one headphone in and he was typing away on his phone. She started to text in the group chat with her bestfriend that lives in another state, and him.

She texted that she bet he's too awkward to hold her hand on the way to the hangout spot. He looked up from his phone and glared at her. She kept looking forward and smiled. He put his phone in his back pocket and stared at her hand. She saw him out of the corner of her eye. In one swift motion he grabbed her hand and they locked fingers.

Her mind went completely blank, she wanted to scream from shock and happiness. Their friends went silent behind them. Then, she heard a click of a camera and giggles shortly after. She groaned and he laughed. They held hands all the way to the hangout spot.

When they arrived they placed their stuff down. He ordered some food and she placed her stuff next to him. She texted her best friend. He came back with his order and sat down next to her. He started to stuff his mouth and she stared. He looked at her and she raised an eyebrow. He asked her what she was looking at. She replies that she isn't sure. (Use quotations) He stared her down and she laughed.

All their friends got up and went into the supermarket next door to get some cookies. Her and him stay behind. She placed her head down and sighed. He cocked his head and asked what was wrong. She stared out the window, ignoring him. He continued to stare at her. He got up and threw his trash away. He came back and sat down. He opened his arms and said she could lay on him. She looked at him and placed her head on his chest.

He wraps his arms around her. She felt calm for once. Her entire day had been full of herself  over thinking everything. She finally felt calm and peaceful. At this moment, she wished time would stop. She wished that things could always be this easy, that she would always be this happy. But, she knew that wouldn't happen. She pushed those thoughts away and thought about now. She would always cherish this moment.

Five minutes had passed and she had almost fallen asleep. She got up and looked around. She turned around and realized that her friends had been standing outside taking pictures of her and him. She was slightly annoyed. He just looked at them like they were crazy.

She let out a groan and placed her head in her arms. He placed his arm over her. She shrugged it off, not wanting anymore laughter from her friends.

He felt a little bad for her, knowing her friends teased them all the time because they always act so flirty. He was working on his flirtatious personality, not wanting her to fall for him. Little did he know, it was too late to stop that. Their group walked outside. He had to cross the street and she and her friends had to go the opposite way. Her friends said their goodbyes to him.

When it was her turn to say goodbye, she looked at him and waved with a slight smile. He paced toward her and hugged her tightly. She wasn't sure how to feel about this, so she pushed him away. He was a little hurt, but he left.

She put her headphones in and put her hood on. She was walking ahead of her friends as her "sad/feelings" playlist was blasting. Drive by Halsey was on. "all we do is drive, all we do is think about the feelings that we hide..." the lyric was played and a tear slipped out of her eye. She quickly wiped the tear in fear of her friends seeing. She doesn't want them to ask what was wrong. There was so many things wrong and she wouldn't know where to start. She kept it to herself it was what she did best.

She let out a loud sigh and stared straight ahead. She paused her music for a second and tried to listen in on her friends' conversation, hoping they weren't talking about what had happened today. They weren't, thankfully. She un paused her music and skipped drive. I walk the line by Halsey was now playing. She thought about the song, its lyrics, and how it related to how she felt  for him.

She would do anything for him.

Dating or not. Crushing or not. She'd die for him. She'd walk the line for him.

They arrive at the middle school. They go into the cafeteria, since they had arrived early. They sit in the corner and talk while on their phones. Her screen lights up, it was a message from her best bestfriend in the group chat. She asked if he was brave enough to hold her hand with a smirk emoji. She blushes, replaying earlier in her head. He replied right away. He said he held her hand for awhile. Now it was his turn to use the smirk emoji.

She wasn't sure how to respond to the conversation. She just put a winking emoji. He replied that she didn't want to let go. She stared at her screen and her face went hot. She tried to quickly reply with a witty remark. Her bestfriend puts the laughing emojis along with an "ooo". She replied, saying that he shouldn't be so full of himself. He replied with "you know you liked it" she sent him a glaring emoji.

Her bestfriend sent more laughing emojis. There was 2 minutes of silence, then her best friend said that they should date. She froze. She wasn't expecting that. She sent "..." and he replied with, "nah". Her heart broke a little bit at this short response. Her bestfriend replied with a why. He said that he thinks he was too much for her to handle. She quickly replied, " I can handle anything".

She was so nervous after that risky text was sent. He replied with "oh really? We'll see about that..." her heart was beating fast.

Was he going to ask her out? Was he gonna kiss her?? So many questions were flying through her head. She didn't know how to respond. Her bestfriend replied "I think you just killed her" He sent a laughing emoji and a "whoops" she replied with a shut up. She got laughing emojis from both of them. (Maybe format the texting differently)

At this time the middle school day was over and her grandma was waiting to pick her up outside. She walked outside to the car and hopped in. She said a quick hello to her grandma and went back to her phone. She scrolled through her phone and looked at all the pictures she had of him.

She thought about how cute and amazing he was. She thought about how perfect he was. She wished he was hers. He was her 11:11 wish. He was her wish when she blew out a dandelion. Unfortunately, she had to learn that even if you wish for something really bad, you won't be close to getting it. It hurt. She loved him so much, and he just liked to have her around.

She saw him as the galaxy, with all of its beaming stars, planets, and solar systems; while he just liked her for her sun and moon. She knew they would never be anything more than friends. But, there was that little ray of hope in her that kept her going. She wouldn't give up.

By now it was 5pm,  her mom arrived and picked her up from her grandma's house. She hopped into the car and said hello to her mom. Her mom asked how her day was. She thought about what had happened all day. She wanted to say fantastic, but she knew her mother would ask why. She settled with a good and that was the end of that.

She asked how her mom's day was. Her mom replied with all of these crazy things that happened at her job that day. She felt bad for her mother. Her mom had to deal with all those crazy kids, frustrating co-workers, and worst of all, her depression. It was heartbreaking to her that her mom had to go through all of that. She wished there was something she could do to help. She was trying her hardest to help out the best she could. The conversation ended when they arrived home.

They entered the house and she said a hello to her step-dad. She also said hello to her overly-excited dog. She wondered how her dog was always so excited, so happy. She wished that she could be like her dog. Always happy. Not having anything to worry about. No problems. Just pure happiness.

She placed her backpack on the chair next to her. She took out her books and started on her homework. The time was now 6pm and dinner was ready. They were having pasta with shrimp. Her parents served themselves and headed to the living room to watch whatever tv show they were hooked on now. Her mother asked if she would like to join them. She replied with a no, she wanted to eat her food quickly so she could escape upstairs to call him and her best friend. Her mother replied with a drifty okay.

She sat at the dining table alone. She liked it that way. Sometimes her family was  too much for her to handle. She scarfed down her food, threw away her scraps, and put her dish in the sink. She quickly ran upstairs before her mom or step-dad had a chance to stop her. She closed her door silently. She placed her backpack in its usual spot by her bed. She plugged in her phone and sat at her desk. She texted in the group chat with him and her best friend, asking if anyone is up for calling.

To her suprise, he replied that he could call. Her bestfriend replied that she was always up for a call. She smiled and started to call them. Her bestfriend answered right away and he joined shortly after. They said their hellos and quickly start talking about the randomest stuff.

Sometime later, they got on the topic of crushes and dating. Her bestfriend asked her if she had a crush on anyone. She thought this was a stupid question, because she already told her bestfriend that she liked him. She knew what her bestfriend was doing, but she wasn't going to follow through with it. She replied with a no and her bestfriend called her a liar. She told her to shut up, and he started to make fun of her. He was now begging her to tell him who she liked.

Her bestfriend started to say that he was in the call, but she quickly cut her bestfriend off before he had the chance to hear. She started to talk about how freezing it had been. Her bestfriend started to get all sassy on her because it was snowing where she live, and it was only windy where they lived. She laughed and he snickered.

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