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You read the title right???? Now answer this DO YOU REALLY THINK ITS GOING GREAT??????

No I am really asking you? How do you think its going??? Hmm

ANSWER ME SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Fine I tell ya. 



No no its not. So guess who lost their phone????? THIS SYLVEON!!!!!! YAYAYAYAY READING THAT SARCASM RIGHT!!!!!! Anyways we went through that whole canceling the phone and going back to where I last had it. It probably fell when we were running to catch the bus. And I didn't notice until we were gonna get off the bus. So yeah. I mean I could care less for the phone. Its just my contacts and my pictures that I'll miss. And my Eevee pop socket. But than again I kind of hated it for who gave it too me lets just say we see faces not hearts and secret intentions. Anyways so were getting food after failing to find my phone and I check my mom's Whatsapp and it turns out that we were correct SOMEONE HAD MY PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Opps sorry bout that but SOMEONE HAD MY BABY AND FIGURED OUT MY PASSWORD OR HACKED MY PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahem I changed my passwords and everything. My mom told me to tell no one but I trust ya'll. Here's how the text went. Them= Regular Me= Italics My thoughts= Bold Underline cause why not

 Hello              I call them on Whatsapp cause that works

  Can't talk right now       YOU FREAKING COWARD OF COURSE YOU CAN YOU JUST DON"T WANNA GIVE ME YOUR VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                   

Hey i fond this phone who is this          Where are you I need my phone?

U going to have to pay for this phone            EXCUSE YOU MOTHERTRUCKER MY MOM DID NOT JUST BUY THAT PHONE JUST TO PAY FOR IT CAUSE YOU WANNA EARN CHEAP MONEY BY STEALING PEOPLES PHONES!!!!!!!!!!!! HECK YOUR PROBABLY A TEENAGER CAUSE YOU SPELLED FOUND WRONG AND CAN'T USE PROPER GRAMMAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAN YOU WATCH TWO YOUTUBE VIDEOS ON MY SCHOOL ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!! DON'T THINK I DIDN'T CHECK MY HISTORY BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THANKS FOR MAKING ME TALK TO MY FATHER THAT DOESN'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME LIKE MOST PEOPLE NOW A DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BEEN GOING INTO MY LITTLE HOLE OF DEPRESSION MORE AND MORE OFTEN AND YOUR NOT HELPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TALKING TO MY DAD JUST GIVES ME FLASHBACKS LIKE TO WHEN MY UNCLES WHO GOT DRUNK CAME AND GAVE ME FLASHBACKS TO WHEN I LIVED WITH MY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN HE CARED MORE FOR A DAMN HENIKAN BOTTLE THAN ME TO WHEN I GOT SO MAD I THREW ONE AT HIM AND ALL HE CARED WAS THAT IT BROKE AND THAT IT SPILLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I WAS LIKE NOT EVEN 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN I TALKED TO HIM I COULD TELL HE DIDN'T WANT TO TALK ITS LIKE I'M JUST A CHORE ON HIS CHECKLIST!!!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I WISH YOU'D CALL YOU KNOW HOW BADLY I WISH THAT JUST ONCE AT LEAST FAKE IT OR PRETEND YOU CARE FOR ONCE PLEASE THATS ALL I ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAN AGAIN THANKS PERSON WHO STOLE MY PHONE YOU OPENED MY EYES EVERTIME I ONLY TRY AT SCHOOL TO MAKE YOU PROUD DAD YET ITS FUNNY CAUSE THATS ALL I EVER GET I'M SO STUPID AREN'T I!!!!!!!!!! Okay I'll stop with the all caps but I will continue the rant. My mom says she don't care about my grades cause she'll love me anyways. Its a joke right mom??? If I turn out to be lesbian you won't love me and niether will my family. Their not homophobic its just were catholic christian and were supposed to like the opposite gender. And I don't know what I am??? And it bothers me cause to be honest I think I'm bisexual. I mean I'm not bothered by reader x female or male. None of them bother me and I'm not a perv or anything but I have a sinking feeling i'm interested in both genders cause when my period happens I notice other features in people but mostly boobs for girls things like that. Crazy right so I'm freaking out and i think I mentioned to her at one point that two of my friends are pan and demi sexual. Probably got them wrong but hey not important right now. So she's telling me to distance myself from them and hang out more with Sophia. Were friends but she hangs out with Jemeyli who's also my friend  but I always feel out of place. Than again I do with most of my friends actually I feel out of place the whole time. Anyways right now my family is just not good cause the news we recieved about my grandma and that is that she could get Alzheimers meaning she could forget me and that hurts not only that but she needs dialyses meaning 3 days a week she'll be stuck in a room with tubes going in her for like 5 hours I think??? It hasn't been going well. She cries cuase she won't be going to Honduras so I cry too and my depression is getting to me ugh I'm gonna have to go to a therapist again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it but what can I do I still don't know how I've managed to stop myself from cutting. Its like all people see is my happy extra personality but they see the mask that isn't me. I mean I'm so good at it I deserve an Oscar for not crying after saying i love you to my dad only to get hung up on. Well i cried when everyone was asleep. Crying to sleep since I was 5 so I've grown kind of thick now in the sense of crying easily. I didn't cry when my aunt died of cancer like so serious I mean I barely knew her I was sad but not crying. My dad's sending me a new phone by the way I think he said Iphone 10 but to be honest I'm not excited. Anyways time to sleep and maybe weep if it gets to me. . . . BYE BYE AND GOOD NIGHT? DAY? MORNING??????????????????

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