The Reason Why I Chose You

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~Dawn's POV~

I was walking out of my final class period with my blue and red polka-dotted backpack in tow. I would normally be happy on Fridays, but today went horribly wrong. A few days after Deborah the Chipmunk changed her ways and became good friends with me and my older siblings Rosetta and Kovu, her former friend Trish, a gray chihuahua with pure white hair, had the nerve to say insulting things about me whenever I was around her and the rest of the popular group. It was during my last class period however, that I overheard her talking to her friends about my relationship with my boyfriend Ash. This is how it went...


"You heard that Rosetta's sister is going out with the prince o Solarise right?" I heard Trish ask quietly to her two friends Miley and Peta, who both responded with a nod. "Like seriously, out of all the women in the world, why the fire-freak?" Hearing this made my heart drop as the three giggled, the chihuahua then spoke again. "I mean come on, she's not even worth his time. She's way younger than he is, her powers are SUPER lame, plus she's not even pretty at all! There are plenty of beautiful females out there that he could've chosen to be his girlfriend, the three of us for example, but no! He chose to date the most HIDEOUS nerd of Green Hill High!"


...Those words still flood my mind as I try to not let tears come out from my eyes. 'Trish just had to say those things...Out of all people, it HAD to be Trish!' I thought in my head as I came to my locker and used my combination to unlock it, then started to grab the materials I needed for tonight's homework. "Hey Sunrise, you ready to go?" A voice I knew all too well asked. I turned to see a light lavender hedgecat looking down at me with his golden yellow eyes that seemed to glisten no matter where their beholder was at. "Hey Ash, I'm almost set, just gotta grab my Algebra book and-" I started to say, only to see him have it float to his left underarm with his psychokinesis. "...Nevermind." I retorted, causing us both to laugh. It felt good to a little happiness again after what happened earlier. My boyfriend closed my locker and locked it for me before we started walking to the front entrance of the school.

I kept quiet as we turned the corner, which would've been a normal thing for me to do is Ash weren't around. The tears in my eyes demanded to be let loose as Trish's words ran through my mind again, and as much as I wanted some comfort, I didn't want Ash to see me in tears and worry about me, but it seemed that he sensed my pain as placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and ask me, "You've been awfully quiet babe, is everything alright?" I looked up at his concerned facial expression and gave him a fake smile before answering him. "I'm alright Ashy, just planning out next Thursday's basketball practice in my head." It was after I said that to him that he stopped and gently pushed me against the wall. "You're not a very good liar, you know that right?" The hedgecat asked me, setting my Algebra book and taking my book-bag off my back before sandwiching the lower half of my head by putting his hands on each side of the wall. "What do you-" I started to protest, but was interrupted by the boy in front of me. "Deborah told me what happened during your last class period." I became shocked and speechless. I completely forgot that Debby had the same class period and Trish and I. "There's no point of hiding the truth Dawn." Ash retorted. I looked at his golden eyes in both anger and sadness, my tears still demanding to be set free. "Why me..." This caused my boyfriend to become shocked and confused as I continued speaking. "Out of all the girls out there in the world, why did you choose me to be your girlfriend?! I'm not worth your time, I'm only 12 while you're 18, my powers are lame, I'm not even pretty like Trish and her friends are! You could've chose one of them for all I care, but no, you chose to be with me, the most UGLIEST girl of Green Hill High!" The moment I stopped ranting, hot tears came pouring out of my eyes as I cried in my hands in front of the boy holding me against the wall.

Ash didn't say anything as he gave me a warm, soothing smile, his right hand moved to my waist before pulling me close to its handsome owner. " Those things you overheard from those girls are not true." The boy holding me spoke. You're worth every moment of my time, and it doesn't matter how old you are. Heck, I know a couple who are 12 years apart from each other! As for your powers, their one of the many things that make you unique Dawn, and your beauty, they were SO wrong for calling you hideous. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes upon, inside and out. That's why I chose you, my Courageous Flame.

Hearing him say that made my heart melt as he kissed my now wet cheek before speaking again, his golden eyes gazing at my aquamarine and brown tinted ones. "Though their are many beautiful creatures in the world, none of them reflect the same amount of beauty, courage and bravery I see in the most gorgeous flaming rose that's right in front of me."

I became so moved by his words as happy tears came out. "That was the most sweetest thing anybody's ever said to me." I managed to say. Ash put his forehead on top of mine, our lips only inches apart from each other. "I don't care about our age difference, or about what you look like, and it doesn't matter what that Trish girl says about you. I love you for you Dawn, never forget that." I smiled for real and placed my hands on his shoulders. "I won't, thank you my love." My boyfriend smiled back at me before closing the gao, out lips pressing against each other as we shared a passionate kiss, not caring if anyone saw us.

'It doesn't matter about what you look like, how old you are or what others say or think about you. You're beautiful just the way you are. Don't ever forget that.'

~Lavender Lioneire~

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