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Octavia was missing, and a group had formed lead by Bellamy to search for her.

Jasper and Murphy were in the group, walking a few feet behind them. It was dark outside, and the only thing that was giving them light was the torch that they made.

"..so, what's up with you and Bellamy? I thought you hated him." Jasper quietly spoke, glancing at Murphy, who let out a small huff,

"I do hate him. He's just tolerable right now." Murphy replied, with a small shrug,

She hasn't forgiven Bellamy for what he did, nor Clarke either, but she wasn't about to go make it everyone's problem. The camp had other things to deal with than her fighting with Bellamy and Clarke every chance she could get.

Sure, she would rather punch Bellamy until he was just as bruised as she was, and she thought Clarke was already having her karma with the whole Finn thing.

"Do you think we'll find her?" Jasper changed the subject, snapping Murphy out of her thoughts.

Murphy nodded her head a little, "Yeah, we'll find her."

"..look! Over here!" Mbege voice rang out from the front of the group. Murphy and Jasper pushed themselves towards the front, next to Bellamy,

"Rope." Bellamy called out, turning back to the group, and someone passed him, Rope.

"What are you doing?" Finn questioned. As Bellamy tossed the rope down the hill.

"We need the rope to get back up." Bellamy replied, "flashlight."

Once Bellamy had a flashlight, he went down the hill, holding onto the rope, and he stopped a few feet down,

"It's hers. I'm going all the way down. " Bellamy said before going more down, and Jasper moved forward, passing the torch to Finn,

"You serious?" Somone asked, but Jasper ignored them as he started to go down the hill, following after Bellamy.

Murphy shrugged, grabbed onto the rope, and started heading down, following Jasper.

Bellamy was crouched down near a small rock that had blood on it, Jasper and Murphy walked over to him, both worries for Octavia, and Finn jumped down, heading over, crouching next to Bellamy,

"Someone else was here." Bellamy spoke, and Finn gestured towards the footprints,

"The prints are deeper going that way." Finn said, turning to look at Bellamy, "he was carrying her."

"If he took her, she's alive." Jasper spoke, and Bellamy glanced at him, and Jasper gave him a small ressuring smile, hoping that Octavia was still alive.

Murphy moved forward, "Come on, what are you guys waiting for?"

Bellamy stood up and was quick to follow. The others quickly followed Bellamy and Murphy.

"We'll find her." Murphy told him, her voice quiet, but Bellamy still heard her due to being close to her.

Bellamy glanced at Murphy, but she wasn't looking at him. She was looking ahead, pushing branches out of her way, "Octavia is tough. She knows how to take care of herself. If anything, she's probably giving that grounder hell."

Bellamy smiled a little at that, "Yeah, hopefully she is. She could be a brat when she wants to."

Bellamy looked away from Murphy and ahead of him, halting his steps, and he put an arm in front of Murphy, stopping her continuing walking.

In front of them were skeletons of what used to be human tied to sticks, "I don't speak grounder,"

"But I'm pretty sure this means keep out." Finn said,

"This is crazy. Let's get out of here." The group behind them started to agree,

"I'm outta of here."

"Go back if you want," Bellamy told him, "my sister, my responsibility." Bellamy started walking, and Murphy followed him without a word.

"I'd walk into hell to find her." Jasper said before quickly following after Bellamy and Murphy.

Finn hesitated for a moment before quickly following after them.

The group had been walking all night, and the sun had come up. It was only a few of them, and Murphy was walking beside Mbege, tired from all that walking without taking much of a break, but she'll do anything for Octavia.

"I've got nothing," Finn sighed, "we lost the trail."

"Keep looking." Bellamy demanded, and Murphy nudged Mbege, who looked at her,

"Keep up, man." She told him with a small grin before walking away from him and towards Jasper.

Mbege huffed out a small chuckle, shaking his head before someone came down behind him, covering his mouth, and his eyes widened, but he was just gone.

"Wandering around aimlessly isn't a way to find your sister," Finn told Bellamy, stopping and turning to face him. "We should back track."

Bellamy halted his steps and looked at Finn, "I'm not going back."

Ignoring Bellamy and Finn, Murphy turned to look at Mbege, wondering what's taking him so long to join her and Jasper, but she couldn't see him anywhere.

"Hey, where's john?" Roma questioned, her voice full of worry.

"I just saw him a second ago." Jasper said, glancing around for any sign of Mbege,

"Hey, jackass, this isn't funny." Murphy said, worried for Mbege,

"Spread out. He couldn't have gotten that far." Bellamy said, glancing at Murphy, who decided to stick by Jasper at the moment.

As the group went to spread out to find Mbege, a loud thud was heard, and Mbege laid on the ground, his throat slashed open, and his eyes were wide open.

Murphy took a step forward, but Bellamy stopped her, "Murphy.."

Murphy shoved his arm away from her and kneeled down next to Mbege body, she wasn't saying anything, just staring at his body, her friend, what she considered a brother of sort just like Jasper and Monty.

"They use the trees." Finn spoke, looking up and glancing around,

"We shouldn't have crossed the boundary." Diggs spoke, his voice full of fear

"Now, can we go back?" Roma asked,

"There." Jasper pointed out, a few feet away from them stood a man,

"Another one."digg said, spotting another person.

Finn looked at Bellamy, "we should run."

"Murphy, come on." Bellamy grabbed her arm, but Murphy shook her head,

"No.. I can't leave him." She said, and Bellamy pulled her up,

"Murphy, he's dead!" Bellamy told her, and Murphy glared at him, pushing him away.

"Johana, we'll come back for him." Jasper spoke, grabbing her hand in his, squeezing her hand in a silent promise.

"It's Murphy." Her voice was tight with emotion for her fallen friend, and she let herself get pulled away from Mbege by Jasper, and she ran next to him,

The more she ran away from Mbege, the more her heart hurt, the more she wanted to go back, and she wanted to kill those grounders that killed Mbege.

Murphy slowed down, the others running ahead of her, and she halted in her steps, breathing heavily as she took out her knife.

Footsteps stopped behind her, and she gripped the handle of her knife, and she turned around, a glare on her face.

The idea that she might die wasn't a concern for her, "Come on, grounder scum."

The grounder advanced at her, and Murphy wasn't going to be rash about this. These grounders weren't boys who didn't know how to fight.

She needed to be smart about it. She let the grounder approach her, and as he got close enough to attack her, she ducked and jammed her knife into his torso, quickly moving behind him, pulling out the knife and she grabbed his chin, titling his head back,

"This is for Mbege." She whispered before violently slashing the knife across the grounders throat.

Blood gushed out, and Murphy took a step back. She just killed a grounder.

She put her knife away and grabbed the spear the grounder had.

Footsteps were heard behind her, and she spun around, her eyes narrowing as she saw another grounder, but the grounder raised his hands as if telling her that he wasn't going to hurt her.

"Octavia." The grounder spoke, and Murphy held up the spear towards him, the tip of the spear under his chin.

"You're the grounder that took her? Where is she?" Murphy questioned,

The grounder didn't seem fraze by the spear near his throat, "she ran off."

Murphy cursed, "Your friends are all over. Can you find her?" The grounder nodded, and Murphy lowered the spear,

"Lead the way, but try anything, and these spear will go right through you." Murphy threatened,

The grounder walked away, and Murphy followed after him, keeping a close eye on the grounder.

The two of them walked quickly, but quietly, suddenly, a scream echoed throughout the forest.

The grounder ran forward before tackling someone to the ground and Murphy rushed over, getting pulled down by the grounder as she approached them, and she laid on her stomach on the ground before she noticed beneath the grounder was Octavia.

Murphy saw Roma impaled by a spear and a grounder approaching her. Murphy gripped the spear in her hand before standing up and rushing over,

The grounder spun to face her, but Murphy jammed the spear into their chest,

The grounder fell down to the ground, and Murphy twisted the spear before she pulled it out and jammed the spear again, again, and again into the grounders body.

Blood splattered on him as she continued to jam the spear into the grounder.

Arms wrapped around her and pulled her back, taking the spear from her and tossing it to the side.

"Murphy.." Murphy snapped her head towards Octavia's voice, and Murphy let out small breaths, her heart rapidly beating in her chest,

"They killed John." Murphy pushed the grounder away from her, and she pushed back the hair that had fallen over her eyes. Her hair was sickly wet with the blood of the grounder.

"Murphy, I'm sorry." Octavia said, and Murphy took a deep breath before letting out a sigh,

"..glad you're alright, Octavia. We gotta find Bellamy and the others." Murphy picked up the spear again, and she looked at Roma.

"Can't leave her like this." Murphy muttered under her breath, and she settled the spear on the tree beside Roma, and she grabbed the spear that was impaled in Roma,

A hand was placed on her shoulder, and she glanced towards the grounder, who gently moved her to the side, and he pulled the spear out with ease.

Roma's body slumps against the tree, "we won't be able to carry her, not with all these grounders around." Octavia said,

Murphy gently laid Roma near the tree, closing her eyes, and she looked at the grounder, who crouched down beside her, grabbing Roma's hands, placing a flower in her hands before folding them neatly on her chest.

"Now, we move."

1782 words

Female Murphy will have like a brother-sister bond with Lincoln cause I like Lincoln.


Also, let me know if I misspelled anything, I'd appreciate it!

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