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The storm had passed, and Finn was luckily still alive after having a close call with poison. Luckily for Finn, the grounder had given up the antidote because of Octavia.

The bag that the grounder had was taken from Murphy and never returned. Bellamy probably had it, but she didn't really care. The storm had passed, which meant she could leave now.

The only problem was Bellamy. He assigned some stupid kid named Miller to watch over her like she needed watching, which she didn't.

Now, she knew how Octavia felt.

Murphy needed to find Mbege, and she couldn't do it with Miller following her around, he'll just report her to Bellamy, and Bellamy would stop her, and tell her how reckless and stupid it would be, and he would be going on for hours.

She didn't really want to be lectured by Bellamy Blake of all people. So, she did the most obvious thing she could think of.

She knocked out Miller when he wasn't paying attention and tied him up, so when he woke up, he wouldn't go and tell Bellamy.

Sneaking out of the camp was easy. All the delinquents were busy, either cleaning up the mess the storm made or repairing the broken parts of the walls of the camp.

Was she scared of going out there alone and possibly getting killed by grounders? No, she wasn't. All she cared about at the moment was finding Mbege's body and bringing him back to camp.

As she continued to walk further away from the camp. She thought about the first time she met Mbege.

It was after she was arrested for setting fire to her father's arresting officer's quarters.

She didn't regret a thing, but John Mbege was the first friend she ever made in the skybox.

He looked out for her, and she introduced Jasper and Monty to Mbege after they were thrown in the skybox.

She didn't really know when Mbege became more like a brother to her, but she was forever grateful for him for looking out for her even when he didn't need to.

She couldn't even protect him like he did. She let him die, and she left him behind like he was nothing.

She shook her head, letting out a deep sighed before reaching the hill, and she looked down at it. There was no rope this time.

She slowly started to descend down the hill, but the ground was slippery and wet due to the storm, and it didn't help that the air was humid.

"Shit!" Murphy cursed as she slipped on mud and went sliding down the hill before quickly falling to the ground at the end of the hill with a groan.

She turned on her back and laid on the ground for a moment before sitting up, and she stood up before wiping her hands on her pants.

"..ha, man, I can't believe you slipped! The look on your face was priceless!" Mbege voice rang in the back of her head in a distant memory.

Tears welled in her eyes, but she blinked them away, clearing her throat, "Shut it." She mumbled to himself before she continued walking.

"..has anyone seen Miller and Murphy?" Bellamy questioned as he approached Clarke, Finn, and Raven.

"Oh, so, Miller and Murphy are a thing?" Finn questioned, and Bellamy scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest,

"No. I assigned Miller to keep an eye on Murphy." Bellamy replied, "but nobody has seen or heard from Miller and Murphy in an hour, I can't seem to find either of them in Murphy's usual spots."

"You did what?" Raven scoffed in disbelief, "knowing Murphy, she probably knocked your man out."

Bellamy cursed under his breath, "Mbege."

"She probably went to find Mbege," Finn spoke, coming to the same realization as Bellamy, "Miller wouldn't have let her go, and he would've definitely snitch to you, knowing Murphy, she couldn't have that."

Raven deeply frowned, thinking of her fallen friend, "Mbege and Murphy had a deep bond," she looked at Bellamy, a sad look in her eyes,

"Mbege was one of the few people she considered a brother. She'll do anything for him, just like he did for." Raven said,

"What's she doing is stupid and reckless and could get herself killed." Bellamy replied,

"You would do the same for Octavia, Bellamy," Clarke told him, and Bellamy frowned, knowing it was true, he just hated whenever Murphy did something reckless and he wasn't there to protect her.

"She's tough, I heard from Octavia that Murphy killed two grounders, I'd say she has herself handled." Clarke reassuringly said, with a small smile.

"Why don't we go and see if we can find Miller." She suggested, and Bellamy nodded,

"I'll get others to help with finding Miller,knowing Murphy she probably tied him up." Bellamy walked out of the tent,

If he leaves now, he could catch up with Murphy in no time. Clarke could take care of Miller.

Bellamy quickly grabbed his gear before heading out of the camp, hurrying to catch up with Murphy before anything could happen to her.

Raven turned to look at Clarke and Finn with a small grin, "How much you wanna bet he left camp to chase after Murphy?"

"How much you wanna bet Murphy's gonna kill him the second she sees him?" Finn asked, and Riven chuckled,

"Oh, she's gonna beat him up for sure."

Murphy had found Mbege. He was still there. His clothes were sticking to his pale and cold skin by how damped they were.

Murphy kneeled down beside him, "Oh, John, I'm so sorry," she whispered to him, her eyes started to feel hot, and her vision blurred for a moment before tears silently streamed down her face,

"I'm so sorry that I left you behind, and I'm sorry I couldn't save you, there's so much I needed to say you, but the one thing I want to say the most is.." Murphy sniffled, clearing her throat,

"Thank you, John Mbege, I know being my friend isn't easy, and I know I made it hard on you all the time," she let out a small chuckle that became a small sob,

"Until next time, yeah, Mbege?" Murphy stood up, wiping her tears with the back of her hand, before she reached down to pick up mbege by his arms.

She paused as she heard a twig snapping, and she pulled out her knife, spinning around, ready to strike, but her wrist was caught in a firm but gentle grip.

"..it's just me, Murphy." It was Bellamy. He was breathing kinda heavily like he ran, but his voice was soft and gentle,

"You found Miller?" Murphy quietly asked, and Bellamy shook his head, lowering their arms, and he took the knife from Murphy,

"No. Figured it out when I didn't hear anything from you in an hour. Are you okay?" Bellamy asked, and Murphy moved back from him, clearing her throat,

"I'm fine." Murphy turned back to Mbege, but Bellamy gently moved her to the side and picked up Mbege.

"I'll carry him back. You just make sure no grounders attack us." Bellamy said, and Murphy simply nodded her head,

"Okay.. lead the way.."

1209 words


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