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".. Murphy!"

Her peaceful sleep was interrupted by the annoying voice of Bellamy Blake from below her.

She let out a small sighed as she slowly opened her eyes, blinking them to adjust her eyes to the sunlight peaking through the leaves of the tree she was currently in.

She was half laying, half sitting on a tree branch, her back against the tree, she had climbed up a tree a few hours ago, and had fallen asleep, until her sleep was interrupted by Bellamy, who had forced her to stay in camp a few hours ago while everyone else went to check out the explosion.

"Johana!" Bellamy stopped by the tree she was in, frantically looking around, and Murphy found a weird looking thing on the tree. She grabbed it and tossed it at Bellamy.

The weird thing smacked Bellamy in the side of his head, and he snapped his head up towards the tree, "It's Murphy."

Bellamy let out a sighed, the frantic look in his eyes was replaced by annoyance, "You can't just keep disappearing like that, Murphy."

Murphy grinned down at him, "But it's fun to make your boys sweat in fear of you," her tone was sarastic, she grabbed another one of those weird things and tossed it at Bellamy, hitting him in the chest,

"What do you want?" She questioned, looking down at him with a slight raised eyebrow,

"First of all, stop throwing pinecones at me," Bellamy told her, catching the other weird thing that was now known as a pinecone and tossing it to the side.

"Second, get down from there." Bellamy told her, gesturing for her to get down from the tree.

Murphy shrugged before she smirked, and she swung her legs over the branch before jumping down, and Bellamy rushed forward to catch her,

Murphy landed on her feet and laughed at Bellamy, who let out a groan of annoyance, glaring at Murphy, "Dude, you are so easy to mess with."

"Octavia found Conner," Bellamy spoke, his tone bitter and full of anger at the mention of Conner, "apparently he was tortured by grounders, and he made his way back to camp."

"Yikes, it wasn't our grounder that tortured him, was it?" Murphy asked, already making her way back to camp.

"I'm gonna ignore that for now, and I need you to stay away from Conner, " Bellamy told her, grabbing her arm to stop her,

Murphy turned to face Bellamy, "I'm serious, Murphy. Stay away from Conner."

Murphy pulled her arm back from Bellamy, "Don't you find it a bit weird, blake?"

Murphy started walking again, and Bellamy was quick to walk in step with her.

"That Conner was captured by grounders, tortured, then somehow he escaped and found his way back to camp without the grounders finding out?" Murphy questioned, sparing a small glance towards Bellamy,

"You think the grounders let him go to figure out where our camp is?" Bellamy asked, and Murphy scoffed,

"The grounders already know where we are, blake. It's no secret, Bellamy. They're probably planning something else." Murphy said as they reached camp,

Bellamy deeply sighed, "Yeah, hey, no more wandering off by yourself, not until we figure out what the grounders are planning,"

"And stay away from Conner, Murphy, I mean it." Bellamy told her as they entered Camp,

"That might be a problem." Clarke said, approaching the two of them, "Conner is refusing treatment, and he's refusing to talk. He said he'll only speak to Murphy."

"Then he can suffer because Murphy isn't going anywhere near him -"

"Yes, I am." Murphy interrupted him, and Bellamy shook his head,

"No, you are not." Murphy waved him off,

"Murphy, I'm serious," Bellamy told her, narrowing his eyes down at her, "I'm not letting you near Conner. He tried to kill you."

Murphy rolled her eyes at Bellamy, "He's injured, Bellamy, I can handle myself, and you know it."

Murphy and Bellamy stared at each other for a moment before Bellamy deeply sighed, "Fine, but I'm going with you."

Murphy shrugged, "Whatever the hell you feel like doing, Blake." She turned to face Clarke,

"Lead the way, Princess." Bellamy and Murphy followed after Clarke towards the dropship.

"..you never listen to me, do you?" Bellamy questioned, glancing at Murphy, who chuckled,

"I do listen to you," she said, "and I do the exact opposite of what you say." Her tone was sarastic, and Bellamy scoffed under his breath a little, shaking his head at Murphy.

Murphy let out a sighed, "Look, Conner is refusing to talk to anyone, alright? Expect for me, I find it weird that the grounders just let him go,"

Murphy stopped in front of the dropship, stopping Bellamy, who stood in front of her, "The camp might be in danger, Bellamy, so keep your alpha male shit to yourself or I'll kick you out of the dropship."

Murphy turned around and headed into the dropship, Bellamy followed after a moment.

".. Conner," Clarke softly spoke, "Murphy's here."

Murphy came to stand beside Clarke, "Dude, you look like shit."

Conner huffed out a laugh, "Hey, Murphy." He coughed a little, and Murphy approached him, crouching down near him, titling her head to the side a bit,

"The grounders did a number on you, huh?" Murphy reached out, grabbing Conners hand, seeing his fingernails torn off, "You need to let Clarke treat you."

"I'm sorry.."Conner quietly said, turning his head to face Murphy, "I'm so sorry, Murphy." His hand wrapped around Murphy's tightly,

"I didn't mean any of it. Please.." Conner pleaded, "Don't let them kick me back out there."

Murphy stared at Conner for a moment before her hand enclosed around his, "I won't,"

"I promise you."

"Murphy." Bellamy spoke, his voice quiet, but firm.

Murphy ignored Bellamy, "Conner, I need you to tell me something. Did the grounders let you go?"

Conner shook his head, clearing his throat, "No, no, um..the cage door was unlocked.."

Murphy nodded, "Okay. Hey, I'm serious. Let Clarke treat you, Conner. You look horrible."

"Can..can you stay with me?" Conner quietly questioned, and Murphy glanced back at Bellamy and Clarke.

Bellamy looked pissed, his arms crossed over his chest, and Clarke looked worried, Murphy looked back at Conner,

"Yeah, sure, man.

After a while, Murphy walked out of the dropship, letting out a deep breath, and her arm was grabbed, pulling her to the side, away from the entrance, "What the hell was that?"

It was Bellamy, and Murphy sighed, "What is it now?"

Bellamy scoffed, "You, what the hell, Murphy? Conner tried to kill you, killed Charlotte, and now you're in there holding his hand?"

"You wouldn't understand -"

"Then make me understand!" Bellamy snapped, and Murphy scoffed, pulling her arm back from Bellamy with a glare,

"You won't understand. That's your problem, Bellamy." Murphy argued, "Now leave me alone."

Murphy went to take a step forward, but it seemed like her body gave out as she fell forward, and Bellamy caught her, his heart stilling as Murphy laid limp in his arms,

"Murphy? Murphy!" Bellamy lifted Murphy into his arms and rushed into the dropship,


1193 words


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