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"......Hey, how do we know this is the right way?"

Bellamy scoffed, "we don't. Space Walker thinks he's a tracker."

"It's called fourth year earth skills. He's good." Wells replied, and Bellamy threw him a look.

Finn turned to look at them, "You want to keep it down, or should I paint a target on your backs?"

A distant moan sounded throughout the forest, "the hell was that?"

"Now is probably a good time to take out that gun." Clarke said, as a low moan rang out.

"Jasper, oh my god." Clarke gasped, and Murphy took off towards the sounds of where the low moaning was coming from.

The others quickly followed her, and they made it out of the forest all pausing as they saw Jasper strung up.

Murphy took a step forward before the ground beneath her suddenly disappeared, and she fell, but her arm was grabbed in a tight grip,

Below her were spikes that would've killed her if it wasn't for the person holding her.

She tore her away from the deathly trap and lifted her head towards the person who was holding her, and it was Bellamy.

Bellamy's grip on her arm was tight enough to leave a bruise, but she didn't care about that at the moment.

Bellamy pulled her up with ease and pulled her away from the death trap,

"You okay?" Wells questioned as he pulled her away from Bellamy, and Murphy nodded,

"Yeah," she looked at Bellamy, "Thanks."

"I'll climb up there and cut those vines." Finn spoke, and Murphy nodded,

"I'll come with." Finn was about to say something, but Murphy threw him a glare, and he decided to keep his mouth shut.

Finn and Murphy carefully approached Jasper, "Hey, Jasper, we're gonna get you down from there, Buddy."

"Be careful." Clarke warned them before a distant growling echoed,


The snarling got closer, and Clarke looked at Bellamy, "Bellamy gun!"

Bellamy didn't have his gun, and he moved out of the way as whatever was snarling jumped out towards him.

Gunfire sounded for a moment before the sound of clicking did, and everyone looked at Wells, who shakily held up the gun he had picked up from the ground,

What laid on the ground dead was a jaguar. Out of all the bullets, only one killed it as the rest of it simply gazed it.

Bellamy stood next to Wells, "Now she sees you." He said referring to Clarke, but Wells looked over at Murphy, who had cut down Jasper with the help of Finn.

"..didn't know you had it in you, Wells. I'm impressed." Murphy said as she and Finn walked over with Jasper, both looking down at the dead jaguar.

Wells smiled, "Thanks. I'll um help with Jasper. Finn, help Bellamy with the jaguar."

Wells practically shoved Finn towards Bellamy and grabbed ahold of Jasper.

Finn raised an eyebrow at Wells, glancing at Bellamy, who was glaring at Wells.

Finn glanced between them before sighing ,"Come on, help me with the jaguar."

Clarke furrowed her eyebrows as she glanced between Murphy and Wells, wondering what the hell was going on between the two.

"Hurry up.."

".. they're back!"

"Is he.."

"He's alive. I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandages." Clarke said, and Murphy was about to follow after Clarke, but her arm was grabbed by Bellamy, stopping her from doing so.

"Who's hungry!?" The delinquents cheered, and while they made themselves busy setting up a fire to cook the dead jaguar,

Bellamy pulled Murphy to the side, "You switching sides on me?"

Murphy pulled her arm from Bellamy's grasp, "I'm on nobody's side but my own, Bellamy."

Bellamy scoffed, "What happened to being my right-hand man? Huh? What about helping me run things around here?"

Murphy glanced at the delinquents before looking at Bellamy with a small smirk, "looks like you've got it all handled."

Murphy walked away from Bellamy and towards the dropship, climbing up the ladder and approaching Clarke and the others.

She noticed Monty on the side trying to use the wristbands to try and get communication with the Ark, and she moved over to him, a frown on her face.

"..how's it going?" She quietly questioned, and Monty sighed,

"Not so good." He looked over at Jasper with a worried look on his face, and Murphy looked over at Clarke, hoping that she knew what she was doing.

"He's gonna be okay, " she looked over at Monty, who smiled a little, "we have to have hope, right?"

Murphy hummed, "..maybe, some weed would be nice."

Monty chuckled, nodding his head in agreement, "Yeah."

Murphy noticed Clarke leaving the dropship, and she let out a sighed, turning to face Monty,

"Alright, what do you need help with? I gotta distract myself from worrying about Jasper.."

Bellamy leaned his back against a tree with his arms crossed, and he watched as Wells headed into the dropship with some food, possibly for Monty and Murphy, who were currently in the dropship with Jasper.

Bellamy didn't understand why Murphy suddenly decided to go against him. He was blaming it on Wells.

Wells was speaking to Murphy earlier, and all of a sudden, Murphy just decided to switch sides?

Yeah, something wasn't right, and Bellamy was going to figure out what it was.

He pushed himself away from the tree and saw Atom with his sister, and his anger was fuelled even more,

First Murphy, now Atom.

"Atom! Come on, we're on the first watch.."

921 words

Shorter chapter ):


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