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Peeta and I walk slowly into the public training range. I notice the two newcomers already smashing their weapons into one another and circling in the dirt. They both shine in the winter sun, their bodies pretty much bare save their armor. There is a clang as their weapons meet, metal scraping metal as they try to push one another over. Peeta glances at me and I place my hand on his arm.

"They are strong," he says. 

"So are we," I say and he just shakes his head.

"They are fighting without shields and using real weapons," He says and I just shake my head.

"Yes, but we will be using ours too, so it's even," I say. He shakes his head, looking at the two as they disengage and start laughing at each other. 

"I still think this was a bad idea," He says and I glance at him. I carefully squeeze his arm and pull up my sword.

"If you would rather fight her, I'll take on Apollo over there," I joke and he chuckles a little. "Relax. We are just accessing skills. We only fight to first blood in matches like this." Johanna and Finnick notice us and start walking over. they stop a little ways off and set their weapons in front of them in militia like synchronization. 

"Good day, Lady," They say and I roll my eyes. 

"I'm not your Master," I say. "You don't need to address me like I'm going to chop your head off if you step wrong."

"We swore our weapons to you, Madam," Finnick says, looking up and I cross my arms. 

"Yes, we shall see shortly the kind of use I will find in the warriors who bare them," I say, looking between the two. "Who would like to go first?" Johanna smirks and steps forward.

"Ladies first is the typical etiquette,"  she says and I nod, glancing at Peeta.

"So be it," I say. "What would you like to use?" Peeta glances at me.

"You are letting her choose?" He asks and I nod.

"I presented the challenge, set the time," I say. "She will choose the conditions." Johanna looks between us and nods at the blade in my hand."

"We can use swords," She says. "I won't need the advantage of my own weapon." Finnick chuckles and I nod to Peeta.

"Get her a sword and a shield," I say and he blinks a moment before going to grab the weapons from the rack.

I look at my wrapped hands and tighten my arm guards and pulling my left arm into my shield. The leather grip of my sword is cool in my fingers and I carefully pull it as Peeta hands the woman warrior the weapons. She turns the blade over and winks at him, but he turns and walks over to me. 

"Be careful," He says and I grab onto my necklace.

"She isn't the first enemy I have faced," I say. "I have always had protection with me. Today will be no different." He sighs and rests his head against mine. 

"Just promise me you will not be foolish," He whispers. "This is not a known enemy." I take a deep breath and nod, resting my hand on his shoulder.

"I promise," I reply and he slowly lets go, kissing my forehead. 

"Good luck, Moonlight," He says before he turns and walks over to stand beside Finnick.  

"Done making out?" Johanna asks and I turn to look at her, raising my sword. 

"Well, for now perhaps," I say, carefully setting myself. "We fight to first blood. Defeat me and earn a place on my council. Be defeated, and you will become a common soldier."

"First blood, or first cut?" She asks and I stand up a little. I think a moment and then smirk to myself. 

"Cut," I say and I hear Peeta sigh. "I look forward to seeing what this fight will bring." I set myself again and she nods, suddenly flying at me with her sword. I deflect as best I can, pushing her off. I strike out at her and feel my blade clash with hers. I I break the lock with my shield and she spins around on me. I catch her at my back and kick her off. 

"Not bad, Brainless," She says. "Lets see how you hand this." I turn to face her and aim for her legs. I miss and as my defense falls she smashes her shield edge into my chin, splitting my lip. "Good thing you agreed to first cut." 

I wipe my mouth and grit my teeth. Slamming my sword into her shield and screaming in rage, I launch myself at her and push her back.

"That was a cheep shot!" I hiss and she just tuts, acting as though she is almost amused by my rage. 

"What's wrong, Princess, afraid that little bruise is gonna stop you from blowing your boy toy," She asks and I slash at her. 

"Stop toying around and give me a real fight!" I yell and she sighs, shifting her shoulders. 

"You sure about that?" She asks and I smack my sword into her shield again. Our swords clash and she just chuckles. "Let's go then." She strikes at me as hard as she possibly can and I feel my feet slide a little. I push her off with my shield and strike back finally knocking into her leg.

Just as I thick I will be able to cut across her knee, she spins, hooking her shield behind mine and ripping it off my arm with a hard jerk. The green serpent falls to the ground, face up, and she knocks into the back of my head with her shield, shoving me down. I'm on my knees, trying to get up and she kicks me over, her boot coming down on my wrist, pinning my sword hand to the ground. I glare up to her and she rests her blade against my cheek. I feel her press it against me skin and draw it up, cutting a thin line across my cheek. 

"Real enough for you, Milady?" She asks and I just look at her a moment before nodding. She steps off and offers her hand to help me up. I take it and let her pull me up. I grab my shield and walk over and glance at Peeta as I walk past him. He  looks at me, clearly worried, but I just shake my head.

"You okay?" He aks and I cut a piece off of my sleeve, pressing it to my cheek. 

"I've had worse," I say and Peeta swallows nervously.

"You lost," He says and I just look at him, shrugging.

"I expected to," I say. "Now it's your turn."

"You expect me to lose too?" He asks and I look at him, pulling away the bloody scrap of fabric from my face. 

"She expects you to do your best," Johanna says grabbing a handful of snow and putting it inside a handkerchief and pressing it to the leg I had gotten a broad hit to. She looks at me and I notice all the malace and taunting of the fight are gone from her face. "Right?" I look at Peeta and nod. 

"I told you as long as you fought as well as you could, I would never find disappointment," I say and he brushes stray hair from my face.

"You aren't hurt?" He asks and before I can reply Finnick just chuckles. 

"That little cut is already scabbed over," He says. "The Queen's pretty face won't even have a scar." I chuckle and just blink at Peeta.

"I'm fine," I say softly, before gently nudging his shoulder.

"I'll be fine," I say. "Go ahead and have your match. Then we can go get something to eat and inform the council." Finnick puts his arm over Peeta's shoulder and smirks, looking at him. 

"Come on," He says. "This is a friendly match. I won't mess you up too much." Peeta looks at me and I roll my eyes.

"I'm fine, now quit stalling," I say. He sighs and follows Finnick further onto the clearing. Johanna chuckles as she watches them pick out their weapons.

"That seems like the kind of man that would be quite annoying at times," She says and I shoot her a look.

"If you thought someone you cared about was dead for seven years and found out they were alive again, how do you think you would act?" I ask and she shrugs. 

"Well, everyone I care about died in front of my eyes, so I guess it isn't something I would ponder," She says curtly and I start untying my arm guards.

"Well, yes, he can be suffocating, but he is the only one I feel I can trust anymore," I say. "The only one I know wouldn't turn on me given half the chance."

"Why tell me this?" Johanna asks, "Why reveal something that gives off so much vulnerability? Clearly the idea of him as King is a secret or you two would just be married by now." I shrug as Peeta and Finnick start their fight. 

"Because," I say. "While I do not like you, my Priestess saw you and the Greek behind us when victory came. I do believe that with you, we will be stronger." Peeta takes an elbow to the face and I wince a little but he shoves back at Finnick. 

"You could do worse than that one, I suppose," She says. "Though both of you fight sloppily, in my opinion." 

"I have not had to fight against someone like that in two years," I admit. "He has only spared with me." 

"That is rather stupid," She says and we watch as Peeta gets a hit in on Finnick. 

"The others dislike him because he is a merchant," I say. "He would not be treated fairly."

"Do you want him to be King or not?" She asks. "Because a king needs to be able to fight better than that." She says as Finnick slashes down Peeta's arm and he throws down the sword, sighing.

"He needs training," I say. "He has the discipline, the heart, but not the skill. I can only teach him so much." I look at her and shake my head. 

"You both do," She says and I sigh, looking over at her. "Is that perhaps, how we could best be of service, my Queen?" 

"It has crossed my mind," I admit. "Would you be willing to?" She looks at Peeta and FInnick, already laughing with one another as they walk together back to us.

"I would not pass up the opportunity to beat you up again," She says and I nod, smirking. 

"Nor I you," I say. "Come on." The two boys walk up, "Lets introduce our new council members."

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