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I walk through the camp, nodding to my soldiers as I pass. Some of them stare at my companion, muttering about a snowflake, but my stern eye makes them turn away.I walk up the weapons tent nd start looking over the tools of war laid out on the table before me. I run my fingers across the intricate metal work on the handle of a blue steel sword. I pick it up and turn it over in my hand, watching it in the light. 

"Have you ever held a sword, Peeta?" I ask, glancing at him without turning my head.

"No, Lady," He says and I chuckle.

"So formal," I say. "You will be good to keep that tone in public. But I remind you, between you and I, I am no true queen. A simple warrior, that is all." I pull up the heavy blade and turn to him. "Did you still wrestle, still throw the bags of flour from the mill?"

"Yes," He says, looking a little surprised. "Yes, I do, or did, Lady." I flip the sword, carefully taking the hilt in my hand and holding out the pommel to him.

"It is well balanced," I say. "A tad heavy for me, but it should be little more than an extension of your hand with your stature." He looks at the sword and I give him a look. "You will take up arms." Peeta reaches forward and lifts up the blade.

"It is beautiful," He says and I look back at the table.

"Thank you, Snowflake," Thrush says, walking out of his tent with a bundle of blades. I glare at him and Peeta looks at me.

"Snowflake?" He says and I sigh, glancing at Thrush.

"It's what we call merchants," I say. "Though I am not so much of a fan." Thrush shrugs."You do realize that there are more than a few unsavory brown things I could use to describe you, but I would never be so rude." 

"Of course, sorry to offend," Thresh says, straightening up. "Who is this, Milady?"

"A new recruit from the 12 raid," I say. "Peeta, this is my weapons smith, Thresh. He is the one who makes almost all the weapons here."

"Don't forget also shoeing that stubborn stallion of yours," Thresh says, as he carefully lays out the new, fresh blades. Peeta looks over the weapons and sheathes the sword I had handed him as he walks away from me, looking over the laid out weaponry. "Does he even know what to look for?"

"Just because I've never held one doesn't mean I didn't read extensively about these kinds of weapons," Peeta says, not even looking up from the table. I straighten up and cross my arms. 

"Let him look," I say. "He might surprise us." I look over at Thresh. "I need a new bow and twelve straight sapling rods to make arrows from."

"What did you do to it this time?" He asks and before I can answer, Peeta chuckles.

"She got blown up," He says and I roll my eyes. Thresh glances at the tall blonde man and then back at me.

"Do you need any flint?" He asks and I shake my head.

"No, and I have the feathers before you ask," I say. 

"Anything else, Lady?" He asks and I shake my head. 

"No, thank you," I say. Thresh ducks into the tent and I glance at Peeta. He is looking at the shields and heavy fighting hammers. I walk slowly down the table, running my hand down the blades as I pass. "More thoughts on these dreams of hammers, Sunshine?" He glances at me and sighs.

"I would use sledges like this often, though not as well made and adorned with these protective runes." I nod, running my hand up one of the handles, feeling the grooves whittled in asking for the blessings of Thor in battle.

"You would wish for one?" I ask and he nods. "You may choose one then. There is no price. In this camp, we take what is needed and do what is required of us. You feel comfortable wielding such a weapon, then take it as yours." Peeta glances at me and I nod. He reaches forward and grabs one, smiling to himself as he turns it over.

"My very own Mjölnir," He says and I smile. Thunder rumbles above us and I chuckle.

"It is agreed, it would seem," I say. Peeta looks at the hammer and smiles. "You dreamed of this, it would seem like." He looks at me, smirking.

"You heard," he says and I nod, slowly. 

"Your voice does carry," I say and he smiles. Peeta looks at the shields and holds one up, shaking his head. It shows Hati and Skoll, running around it, chasing the sun and moon. 

"The wolves in the stories, these two and Fenrir," He says, "Because of them, such dreams where I follow a wolf to a weapon seemed to be sacrilege. As though they were asking me to betray the gods I believed in." I run my fingers across the dark shape of the moon chasing wolf and shake my head.

"There is no true good or true evil, Peeta," I say. "Even with the gods and the legends. After all, we paint the images of the tireless hunt for the endurance of these creatures in battle." He nods and I take the shield from him. "You can repaint this if you wish. I always liked how you painted them better than the traditional copy, over and over again."

"You remember that?" He says and I nod. 

"That is why I never thought of the villainy, only the hunt," I say. "Because you painted the wolves chasing the fallow deer with the sun and moon held in their antlers. The neverending chase that preserved life for all." He smiles and I hear the rustle as Thresh returns with my supplies. He holds the strung bow in his hand and a quiver of arrow shafts. I take them and smile. "Thank you."

"Do you need help here?" Peeta asks and Thresh crosses his arms. 

"Help with what, Snowflake?" He asks and Peeta looks at the peapons. 

"The Mockingjay has made it clear that all of us are to pull our own weight and I would like to learn to make weapons," He says and Thresh looks at me.

"Is he serious, Lady?" He asks and I look at Peeta, studying his face. I see no quiver, no humer. I tilt my head and shake my head.

"I do believe he is," I reply.

"What can a soft lived pale boy offer me?" Thresh asks and Peeta straightens.

"My family owned the bakery," He says. "I ran the ovens, sharpened tools. I've drawn and designed the weapons of legend several times on paper. I know how a design must be made and fit together. I am of use to you, the best use to your Queen, If I am here when not training or on the battlefield." Thresh looks at me and chuckles.

"He has a tongue in his head," He says and I smirk. "And here I thought the snowflakes only used their mouths to gobble our hard work from a trough."

"Not all it would appear," I say. "Have you any doubts, test him." 

"With what?" Thresh asks and I cross my arms. I glance at Peeta and smirk. 

"Kelpie," I say and Thresh chuckles.

"No man dares take that task," He says. 

"Kelpie?" Peeta asks and I look at Thresh.

"My mare," I say. "She needs shoed, but no one has been man enough to touch her."

"She'd bite the head off on any man who got close," Thresh says. "That is why we call her the Kelpie. We'd of eaten her long ago, but our lady would not allow it."

"She is the fastest, fiercest horse we have," I say, "Invaluable to me. I will not see such an animal sacrificed because no man here has the gull to approach."  I turn to Peeta and nod. "He will do it, to prove that he can smith. Should he succeed and be able to put irons on all four of her feet, you will train him, would you not?"

"If he conquers that monster, he will definately be welcome in my forge," Thresh says and I smile.

"What say you, Peeta?" I ask. 

"May I have the irons and a set of nails?" Peeta says and I nod. 

"Give them to him," I say and Thresh reaches in a box, pulling up the shoeing tools, setting them upon the table. Peeta straps on the band of leather for the hammer and slings it on his back. He picks up the tools and looks at me.

"Can you take me to this stubborn horse?" He says and I nod.  I walk past the poles of the tent and through the training grounds. Soldiers stop and dip their head as I pass, slowly and curiously following me on the strict path I take, knowing what lies beyond the edges of the livery. 

The great angular head of the tall, well muscled filly. Her long, black mane falls in long dark curls down to her heels, a wavy feathering on the back of each small foot. He Buckskin coat is dappled by the sunlight and I smile as I reach forward and she sniffs my hand. Peeta steps just behind me and smirks.

"This is the Kelpie?" He asks and I nod as the horse gives him a side eye and lets out a whinny that sounds like the fierce growl of an angry stallion. A few of the men step back a few feet and I smile, stroking the nose of my horse.

"Yes, this is the horrid monster," I say. Peeta steps closer after a moment and the horse stomps at him.

"She reminds me of you," He says and I glance at him. 

"Funny," I say. "Are you up to the challenge?" Peeta starts untying himself of his weapons and looks at me. 

"Step back," He says and I do so, leaving my station between him and the vicious animal. He picks up the shield and looks at me. "Can I have anything for luck Lady?" I blink at him and think a moment before reaching up and untying the leather band from my head. I walk towards him and wrap it a couple times around his wrist, knotting it. Leaning forward, I stand on tip toe and kiss his cheek, causing a few murmerings from my men. I shut it down with a look. 

"Don't die," I whisper, "I'd really hate all this vouching for you to go to waste." He walks past me and ducks under the twin ropes that hold Kelpie between two trees. The horse stomps a moment, but Peeta just sets his shield and tools on the ground, kneeling down and sitting next to the horse. I cross my arms and smirk, watching as the horse stomps and grunts at him. He kicks can't connect because he is just out of reach.

"What is the fool doing?" I hear my general say as he walks up. "Does he aim to have his golden mellon split in two?" I glance at him and Kelpie grunts angrily.

"Proving himself," I say. "Now step back. You know that horse hates you."

"Afraid your pet will be injured?" He asks and I look at him.

"I am confident that he will not," I say. "But I will not have you purposely endangering one of my men for your amusement." 

"I just thought you would like to know," Gale whispers. "The pyres have been lit and dead have been buried." I look at Peeta a moment before leaning over, whispering so he can't hear my words.

"Any sign of life?" I ask and Gale shakes his head.

"No survivors, Lady," He says and I nod.

"Please lead a hunting party," I say. "We will hold a vigil for the dead." Gale looks at the Man kneeled by the horse and watches as Peeta slowly reaches forward and grabs onto one of the small, elegant feet and sets it on the equipment. 

Everyone goes quiet and watches as Peeta begins to nail the shoe to the horse. After a few minutes, he sets her foot down and moves to the next. I blink at the sight and feel a flutter in my heart at the idea of someone having patience enough to approach Kelpie at her own pace.

She kicks out a couple of times, but Peeta never pushes her past her limit. He waits if she begins to kick at him. Keeps his shield close to forbid any kicks. He talks softly to her as he walks around her, finishing on the last hoof in about an hour. Gale sighs and walks away, shaking his head.

"Well then," Thresh says walking up. "It appears he rose to the challenge." I nod and watch as Peeta walks up to the horse's neck and runs his hand down her mane.

"Will you allow my help?" Peeta asks, not caring to look at the blacksmith.

"I suppose you could be of use to me, sure," Thresh says and I nod to him. 

"I will send him to you after morning drills," I say. Thresh nods. 

"I'll be expecting you at sunhigh, snowflake!" He calls as he turns and walks away. I step closer and run my hand down her snout. The horse grunts and Peeta looks at me. 

"Who was that man, the one who whispered in your ear," He asks and I shrug.

"Of no consequence," I say. "You did well, showed patience with her and allowed her to be comfortable with the tools."

"She was defensive, not offensive," He says. "Patience with her is all it took."  I smile and look over at him. 

"Would you like to finally have the grand tour while we might still have time," I ask and he nods, ducking under the horse's rope. He grabs up his weapons and walks past me.

"I'd love to, Lady," He says and I grab his arm gently, as though he were the one escorting me. 

"Come then," I say. "Come and see your new home."

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