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I'm stuck in a nightmare again, surrounded by bloody fighting. The screams of warriors and horses alike ring in my ears. I hold steady to the blade in my hands, feeling blood from the other's slashing falling on my bare arms. I strike out at a dark, faceless enemy, decapitating him  and turning, thrust my weapon through another. I feel someone at my back and I turn, looking into the blue eyes of my friend.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and he blinks at me silently. "You don't belong here." Peeta looks over my shoulder and suddenly swings his hammer above my head. I wince, waiting for the strike, but I don't feel it. Only hear the loud crack of the enemy's skull is impacted and the blood splatters across my cheek. I look back as the shadowy enemy crumples to the ground at my heels. I take a step back, feeling his chest against my shoulders. 

I tremble and grip hard on my sword. My eyes dart around, looking at the battle around me. My heart feels like it is beating out of my chest. The shadows around me draw weapons and I feel Peeta's arm fall acrows me, the war hammer still gripped tight in his fist. I feel his heart beating in time with mine, against my back. He too, is afraid. But his courage makes me grip my weapon harder and I tip my head up to look at him.

"Release me," I say. Peeta, or at least this silent, dream's interpretation, only grips tighter to me. "At least let me cover your back as you have covered mine." His grip loosens a little and I duck beneath his arm and press my back against his, weapon drawn. Enemies begin attacking and I feel myself continuously hitting my mark and drawing more and more enemies in this endless nightmare. 

My body start to tire and weaken, but still the horde of shadows doesn't stop. The ground beneath my bare feet grows slick and unstable beneath me. I slip and fall. An axe swings, coming down to me and I close my eyes, waiting for the pain of the strike. I insead hear the sound of cutting flesh and blood rains down upon me. I look up and see the shadow's blade sunk into Peeta's chest. 

"No!" I wail. My scream echos through the battle, everything around us dissipating, the shadow creatures no more and their weapons clattering to the blood soaked ground. Peeta groans and collapses at my side, his blue eyes wide and sightless. I feel rain starting to fall around us, hot and sticky, more blood falling as I kneel at my dead partner's side. Screaming in agony, my pale golden dress soaked in blood, I crawl over him, tears streaming down my face. I cry and scream at the sky, my hands clasped in his bloody shirt.

"Katniss," I hear a soft, gentle voice says from the darkness. 

His voice. 

I look down and notice that his body is gone and the blood is receding into the earth. The weapons have disappeared and my clothes are no longer bloody. I put my hands beneath me and slowly stand up, my long, pale green gown fluttering in the breeze. I look around, but see no one, not even an enemy."

"Where are you?" I call out, only hearing my own voice echoing back. 

"Katniss," I hear him call after some time. "Wake up. It is only a dream." I look around, still seeing no one. 

"I can't!" I cry. "There is nothing here, no way out. I've tried a hundred times. I can never wake on my own accord." I feel arms around me suddenly and tears run down my cheeks. I close my eyes, waiting for the beast to destroy me.

I open my eyes to see his brilliant blue eyes staring down at me. I gasp, breathing heavily, my body trembling. There is a bleeding cut across his arm and I can see my dagger tossed off to the side.Peeta looks calmly at me as he kneels over me, his hands holding onto my arms firmly. I feel tears running down my cheeks and Peeta just smiles at me. 

"Are you okay?" He asks softly and I feel my body shudder a little as I let out a choking sob. My hands reach up and grab onto his arms. "Hey, it's okay. It was just a dream." I sit up and grip onto him, pulling him against me. Peeta is clearly taken aback a little, but he slowly hugs me back. His arms are firm and strong, arming my shivering, terrified body."It's okay. I'm here. Nothing will hurt you. I'm here."

More tears fall from my eyes as he just holds me there, not saying a word as I cry. His fingers run up and down my back boe slowly, as though trying in his own way trying to slow down my breathing. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He whispers and I shake my head, my knuckles white from gripping his shirt so hard. Peeta just nods and rests his chin on my shoulder. I can feel his breath on my neck and I whimper a little.

"I-I'm sorry I woke you," I cry through gasping breaths. Peeta just rubs my back his head resting against mine. 

"It doesn't matter," He whispers. "Just breathe deep and catch your breath so you don't hurt yourself with the gasping." I feel myself shaking and he lus hold me tight, pressing me tight against his body. After a good long while, my breathing does slow from the hyperventilation.

"I'm okay now," I say and he slowly backs off, his vice like arms loosening. He looks at me and his hand comes up, wiping an undried tear from my raw cheek. 

"I'm going to make some tea," He says. "Would you like some?" I look down, his hand still resting against my cheek.

"Yes, thank you," I whisper. His hands gently release me and he gets up, walking around the fire to the pot of dandelion leaves. He grabs a handful and walks outside. I look at the crackling fire, resting my hand around the mockingjay pin tied around my neck. I feel my heart beating hard, as though I have run forever. But I also feel so much relief that what I saw in my dream was not real and those blue eyes were there to greet me in the waking world. 

The tent flap rustles as he comes back, ducking in with a kettle. He sets it on the fire and I looks at me. I feel his eyes taking in my sparsely clothed form and pull up my blanket. A smirk plays on his lips and he sits back down on his bed. He picks up the strewn dagger and I look down, gazing at the streak of blood from him having held me. 

"Did I hurt you?" I ask and he smirks at the already scabbed over cut. 

"You were fighting in your sleep, I think," He says. "You lashed out with your little garter stashed weapon when I touched your arm. You did warn me though, that you always had a knife stashed somewhere on your person, so I would say it is my own fault I was cut by it."

"I'm sorry," I say, looking away. Peeta sighs and shakes his head.

"You were having a nightmare," He says. "An exploitation of our fears by some unknown source. You only acted in defense of yourself. I would never forgive you if you didn't use your wits gto defend yourself even in the dream world. I refuse to accept an apology that I will never require from you. I just need to remind myself that I should be more cautious when I wake you." 

I stare at him across the fire, the flames reflecting in those stark blue eyes. He looks back at me, but his eyes just look sad. As though he sees only the flames of our homeland. 

"I see them to," I say softly and he looks up a little. "You'd think the flames of a common campfire would be comfort, but alas, I hate them."

"Because they call you the girl on fire, who would burn the world to the ground," Peeta says, looking away. "Or so the Capital claims. It is funny, really, that they have so many names for you, but Katniss Everdeen seems to always slip their minds."

"This one though, it would seem this one makes sense," I say. "I have destroyed our home in a ball of flames, did I not, killed innocents in the crossfire." Peeta shakes his head and looks over at me.

"It would mean nothing if you did not carry such guilt for what you have seen. You would not be the girl I once knew if every life that has died from your cause," He says, pulling up the kettle. I stand, shaking my head.

"And here I thought you were trying to comfort me, Snowflake," I say, walking towards the cups and bringing them to his side of the fire. 

"So impatient," He says. "I wasn't finished speaking, Milady." He offers his hand to help me sit with him and I take it, lowering myself to the ground. "You do feel guilt. but those deaths do not define who you are. Maybe at the moment, but not forever, not in your heart." I look down as he hands me a cup of the bitter drink. 

"You no longer know me as well as you would like to think, my friend," I say. Peeta tips my chin up and I blink at him. 

"If you were not, you would not have nightmares of these battles," He says. "You only do what you must. Every strike you make is out of duty to those you have sworn to protect." I look at him and realize that he does know what was happening.

"You were there," I whisper and he shakes his head. "In the dream." He looks away. "Peeta, did you really enter my dream?" He sighs, looking back at the flames.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion," He says. "And before you ask, all I did was touch your arm and I saw it. I don't know how I did it." I set down my cup and reach out, gripping onto his arm. 

"You defended me," I say and Peeta shakes his head. "You wielded your weapon and defended me." He looks down at his cup and sighs, his shoulders moving slightly.

"I told you," He says. "Given the choice, I would never leave your side again. You are a warrior queen, Katniss. I know what that means, once all the pieces are put together." I feel a tear run down my cheek and I get up on my knees. I grab onto his arm and he looks at me.

"I would never ask that you give your life for me," I say and he glances at me, his eyes just sad.

"You don't need to ask," He says. "I made up my mind that day in the rain that I would die to see you succeed. That hasn't changed." I blink at him and reach forward, taking the cup from his hand. 

"I tire of this talk," I say and he looks at me as I set my chin upon his shoulder. "I tire of everything in this waking world right now."

"Then what do you want?" He asks and I glance at the fire. I feel my hand slip into his and I glance at the bed we sit upon.

"I want to rest, to have a dreamless sleep," I whisper and he blinks at me.

"Why are you speaking to me about it?" He asks and I move away from him, blinking at him. I no longer bother hiding myself from him and sit up a little. "Why not just do it?" 

"Because," I look away, "Gods, this is embarrassing." Peeta looks at me and smirks.

"What is it?" He asks and I sigh. 

"I wish to have you rest beside me," I say quietly. He looks at me and I move away from him a little.

"You want to share a-a bed?" He asks and I sigh, pulling my long, loose hair over my shoulder. 

"Only to rest," I say quietly. "It has been a long few days, and that is all I want. I don't need to worry about anything else." Peeta chuckles and looks at the bed roll. He reaches around the fire and grabs the pillow I had been using, setting it beside his.

"Of course not," He replies. 

"Have you any objection?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I do not," He says. "Feel free to lay down.  I'll finish my mug and join you in moment."  I move a little and let my tired body sink into the warm bear pelt of the bed. I sigh as I breathe in the warm smells of the bed, comforted by the slight unfamiliarity of Peeta's own scent on the bed. 

My body relaxes and I listen to the sound of the fire and clink of the cup as Peeta drinks his bitter tea without a single drop of honey in it. I turn over and stare at his back, feeling that clench in my chest again as I watch his silhouette against the flames. Even in the safety of this tent, with soldiers all around us, he still seems so tense. I reach out and rest my hand against his back. He glances at me and shakes his head. 

"You are quite the creature, Lady," He says, "Stretched out like you are waiting for a bedmate." I sit up and look at him, shock written on my face.

"I am not!" I say. "Shame on you for even suggesting such a thing!" He chuckles and sets his mug to the side, laying back on the bed next to me. I sit there, glaring at him and he chuckles.

"You did invite me to lay with you, darling," He says and I purse my lips. 

"Only to rest that dense blonde head of yours!" I say and he chuckles. 

"My," Peeta says, "How red you are getting. Have you perhaps never known touch of a man?" 

"You wretch!" I hiss, reaching out to smack him. He catches my hand and kisses it.

"I only tease to see a smile instead of that terrified look in your eyes, Katniss," He says and I sigh. He lets go of my hand and I shake my head. "Now, I do not know about you, the way you are acting, but I am fucking exhausted. Good night." I sigh and shake my head before frustratedly plopping down next to him.

"You are infuriating," I say and he glances at me.

"Made you smile," he says and I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

"You really are just like the rest of them, getting joy out a virgin's blush," I growl, turning away from him. I feel him moving behind me and he laughs.

"So I was right," He says and I sigh.

"So what?" I ask. "It isn't as though you have known a woman, have you?" He leans over me and I feel his lips graze my ear.

" One or two, out of sheer loneliness and to drown out the pain," He says. "Don't worry though. I'm far too tired to coerce you into anything tonight." I shove his face away and he lays his arm over me, pulling up the cover. "Just rest now, Katniss. I'll be here when you wake up." I let out a deep breath, intertwining my fingers with his. 

I feel safe and protected by this novice warrior, the warmth of his body a much better comfort than the fire. It feels so wrong to do this, but so natural at the same time. My eyes grow heavy as I stare at his hand joined with mine, and my eyes finally close for the last time.

"You'll stay with me," I whisper, barely even recognising the words as I say them.

There is a long pause as I feel the arm around me grow tighter in it's protective embrace. I feel his lips against my shoulder, placing a feather light kiss. Peeta whispers a reply that I don't make out as I finally fall into the warm, dreamless sleep.

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