Chapter Six - Anima

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Chapter Six


It took days.
And hauling a backpack full of baby supplies and carrying a real life baby definitely weighed down on you when making a journey across De Vidiri to get to De Aqua.

Before we crossed De Vidiri translated to "The Green" we sent word to the Earth Chief and since we are in alliance with the Earth tribe he easily made the decision and allowed us to peacefully walk through his land.

He told us to be extra peaceful since they had a wedding going on, and it is a sacred ritual. Of course, we obliged and smiled at the sound of festivities throughout Earth's land.

Before crossing the barrier of the Earth tribe to venture into the Water tribe, I pressed my free palm into the invisible forcefield, our entrance to De Aqua. I clutched Jemma closer to my chest, her small whimpering sounds echoing in my chest.

A loud voice sang out throughout our surroundings giving us strict instructions. "Only the girl and child can enter due to potential disturbance of peace in De Aqua."

The Guardians beside me started to over talk the announcer. "Don't bite my head of Ignises." He said with distaste. "I am the messenger. If you find it necessary to object to the instructions, you can take it up with the Chief of Water."

The Guardians shut their mouths quickly, and I tried to hide my smirk. I chose my two closest friends to come with me along this journey, and they didn't want to let me go! How sweet.

 Jake nudged me forward, a tight-lipped smile stretching across his face - one I knew he did to cover up his annoyance.

I glanced over at Jacob, the previously mentioned "FireBoy", Harriet is trying to match me up with. He gave me a kind smile and looked forward, straightening his back and puffing out his chest in the egotistical way Fire Guardians do.

I hid my smirk and placed the bag full of baby supplies into Jakes hands, knowing about the treacherous hike I had to do. I stepped forward into De Aqua. 

The land of my enemy.


Walking along the mountain entrance into the ouskirts of the Waterfall, I clutched Jemma closer to my body, enveloping her in my warmth to keep her happy. Coming from a land covered in hot lava, to another with cool water didn't sit right with my second cousin.

I knew better than to look down at the current of water below and dread for my possible oncoming fall, so I looked at my feet and concentrated on where to put them.

As I saw the mountain enveloped in the waterfall, I lost my footing at the beautiful sight of Waters sacred place.

I started to fall forward and immediately realised that Jemma would be the one to hit the ground first.

Flipping myself over, I held Jemma tight to my chest as my back landed flat on the hard, unforgiving rock.

Footsteps came running towards me and I willed myself to sit up. "Is the child okay?" A familiar male voice said and it wasn't until I stood up with Jemma clutching to my fire pendant, that I realised the voice belonged to the man who gave the instructions at the intersection of Earth's and Water's lands. 

I looked down at Jemma, her small hands gripping onto my fire pendant - a gift from my mother. I checked her arms, legs, back, face and neck to see if she was cut or hurt in any way. She wasn't crying so that's a good sign.

I paused. And looked into her eyes to see if she was awake. Her bright blue eyes blinked at me and I marvelled out how calm they looked. I see red irises daily so to see blue ones...

I turned around to face the male and was taken aback at how young he looked. I expected the man with the instructions to be at least in his thirties. He was my age.

A bright blue tattoo marked his left brow, an indication of his title as a Guardian. "Yes, Jemma's okay," I said.

"You already named the child?" The blonde haired boy asked.

"Her mum did," I said, my throat starting to tighten. Are we not meant to name the baby?

The Guardian only nodded and took Jemma from my arms. Immediately a sense of loss filled me, and a coldness (despite my elemental power and the gorgeous weather) blanketed me. Jemma looked at me and tears started to fill her eyes.

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