Mission 2: Nippon's protector vs the Red Dragon

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3rd person pov 


Y/n is seen creeping up on Vergil who is reading poetry before the he grinned. Jumping  at his older twin Y/n spoke with a chuckle.

Y/n: Yo Vergil wanna play with me?!

Vergil: Y-Y/n can't you see i'm reading right now?!

Y/n: Yeah but why stay all cooped up in a dark room like this? Come on bro please?

Vergil: Tch Your so childish sometimes.

Y/n: Well i'm a kid so I should be! Just like you shouldn't be all stuck up in here.

Vergil sighed in defeat before he agreed causing Y/n's face to light up. As Y/n and Vergil  went outside to play Sparda  smiled at them.

Sparda: Ah here you two are I've been looking for you. These are our friends Rosa and Balder  for now they will be staying here with us.

Rosa: So these are your children Eva my they are so adorable.

Eva:  I know and they take after Sparda so much.

Balder: They are scarily similar  I almost mistaken them for copies.

Sparda: Are they truly that much of a dead ringer to me?

Y/n and Vergil stared at a girl with glasses hiding away from them. 

Y/n; Hey Vergil who's she?

Vergil: How would I know?

Rose turned towards her little girl before she encouraged her to talk to Y/n. With a smile on her face she greeted Y/n and Vergil.

Cereza: Hello M-My name is Cereza it's nice to meet you!

Y/n gave her a goofy grin as he threw his arm over Vergil then spoke.

Y/n: Sup my name is Y/n and over is my  occasional stick in the mud brother Vergil!

Vergil:*mutters* I'm surprised you can even use the word occasional.

Y/n: So you wanna play with us?

Cereza: *smiles* You would really play with me?!

Y/n: Yeah!

As the children all ran off Sparda and the other adults spoke among themselves.

Rosa: I'm glad to see Cereza is getting along so well with them.

Eva: Oh Y/n and Vergil are sweethearts Rosa.

Balder: Their innocence is something we will never have again. 

Sparda: That is true but something tells me one day they will be the ones to succeed where we have failed.

Balder: I agree until then it's up to us to protect the future.

(Flashback over)

Y/n pov

As I laid out upstairs I heard a knock at my door gaining my attention. I sighed as Ama got up to let me go check who it was. When I opened the door I was met with a sight I never wanted to see again.

Y/n: Well Well well if it ain't the headmasters of Verse. What the hell do ya want?

Ozpin: We would like your assistance.

Y/n;  In that case the only help I'm offering is called the  door. Get lost and leave my shop alone.

Sirzechs: HOLD ON! We are willing to pay whatever price you wish to deal with this issue.

I sighed as I rubbed the back of my head before Amaterasu came down.

Amaterasu: Please just take it Y/n ,you could use the money for now. Think about it like this the more money you make during this job the more you can pay off Lady.

Y/n:*Sighs* Sometimes I hate how smart you are. Alright Ama i'll do it.

I grabbed my Coat and threw it on before I flung Rebellion over my shoulders.

Y/n: When I come back I better see 900,000,000 on my desk.

Nezu: I-Isn't a bit much?!

Y/n: Call it tax for your asshole students.If I'm gonna do your dirty work I outta be able to pay my debt while i'm at it.

After they all agreed I followed them into Hell where they said most of the issues were happening. When I arrived I looked around until I noticed  demons corpses scattered around.

Y/n: I only know 2 people who can do crap like this.

After hearing the sounds of Demon screeches I followed until I saw two all too familiar faces.  I smirked before I jumped down while firing  Ebony and Ivory killing many of the sorry demons. When I made it onto the ground I looked up at my old friends with a smirk on my face.


Y/n: YO DOOMGUY HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN MAN?! Last time I saw ya was the whole Olivia Pierce thing right?

Doomguy:  Yeah glad to see my slayer brother is doing good. 

???; How about we save all the friendly reunions for after this dance alright boys?


Y/n and Bayonetta aimed their guns at the Demons at Doomguy charged before they  spoke.

Bayonetta/Y/n: LET'S ROCK BABY!

Timeskip brought to you by these

(Back at Devil may cry)

3rd person pov


Amaterasu is seen  laying down in her Wolf form thinking about everything her and Y/n had gone through. Over the last few years Y/n and her had gone through Hell but now she could be happy knowing Y/n was able to smile. However there was one thing she couldn't find herself able to tell Y/n just yet. 

Amaterasu:(Mind) Y/n... I wonder how you will feel about this.  I know how how  young you are compared to myself but with this we'll end up closer than ever. I know you'll make a-

When her thoughts were interrupted she jumped up then  saw Issei standing outside.

Amaterasu: (mind)Issei Why is Hyoudou here alone? No doubt he is here to cause trouble but even so I should here him out just in case. I can't give into my anger for Y/n's sake.

Amaterasu went outside from the roof before she jumped down scaring Issei before she spoke.

Amaterasu: Why are you here Issei Hyoudou? You surely know this is Y/n's shop so why come here to provoke him?

Issei: Who the hell are you supposed to be?

Amaterasu: I'm the Goddess you chose to put hate on for sticking with the man I love.  I'm the protector of Nippon the Goddess of Fire Amaterasu.  Now state your business Red Dragon emperor.

Issei: I wanna rematch against that edgy asshat boyfriend you furry! It's because of him Rias and the others won't even look at me!

Amaterasu: You reap what you sow Hyoudou, don't blame Y/n for something you've caused yourself to endure.Y/n only did what was right and so I have no sympathy for you.  Y/n put you in your place and if you had anything resembling honor you would leave now.


Issei summoned Ddraig then fired a blast at the  Goddess who jumped out of the way.

Amaterasu: The last time we met I showed compassion and didn't fight back so Y/n wouldn't be put to blame. But this time I won't be so kind after everything you've done to Y/n.

Amaterasu growled as she charged at Issei and bashed him through a building.  When Issei  bursted through the building he went to punch her to no avail. Amaterasu jumped upwards before she unleashed a blast of fire at Issei causing him to scream. Not wasting anytime the Goddess  jumped at Issei sending him crashing to the ground.

Amaterasu: You should never disrespect a Goddess or the one she loves.


Amaterasu: My flames are divine and burn brighter than anything Riser could produce. Y/n left Devil May Cry in my care so I won't let him down. 


Amaterasu: Just give up Hyoudou or else. I'm mature and so unlike Y/n I'm willing to give you a chance to walk away willingly; but if you don't I'll make you.

Issei roared while in his Balance breaker then fired a dragon shot at her. Amaterasu's glowed before she summoned lighting and countered Issei's attack. Using her speed to her advantage Ama bolted at Issei before she bit his arm. When she did the wolf flipped his body around and threw him aside. Amaterasu jumped above the Devil then summoned  ice as she froze him to the ground. Angering Issei she watched as he soon broke free before  he used promotion to increase his strength.


Amaterasu: (mind) He's becoming more sloppy and reckless. I'll use that against him and end this now.

Amaterasu  jumped off Issei before she  sent a blast of Lighting at him. Issei growled in anger before he charged up in the air after her. Taking this  opening Amaterasu spin kicked Issei into the ground before she unleashed a storm of Fire,Ice,and Lighting at the Devil.

Amaterasu: Now  leave this place before I get truly angry.

With Issei limping back to Verse Amaterasu returned back inside the damage free shop. When Y/n returned back home she sat in her human form before Y/n noticed a somewhat worried look on her face.

Y/n: What's wrong Ama i've never seen you look like that before.

Amaterasu: Y/n there is something I need to tell you.

Y/n: Yeah what's up?

Amaterasu:Darling ....I'm pregnant with your kid.


Vergil pov

Vergil: I'm sorry Nero... but where I'm going is far too dangerous for you. I will not allow you to be harmed in this fight between Y/n and myself. So please forgive me and know I'm always here for you... no matter the storm or the darkness.

To be continued

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