Mission 7: The World Crisis part 1: Warning of chaos

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3rd person pov (30 minutes prior) 

In a hidden lab a man is seen sneaking through a lab with a woman by his side. Lifting a gun he  looked over a corner then spoke.

Chris: This is Chris Redfield the target shouldn't be far ahead. We're moving in to apprehend the target do you copy Delta?

Delta: Roger this is Delta your free to move in.

Chris turned the woman next as she checked her ammo.

Chris: You ready for this 


Claire: *nods* Yeah don't worry let's do this.

Chris  nodded to his sister before the two ran towards the door ahead before kicking it open. When he did he saw a face all to familiar to him  smirking back.

Chris: It's over Wesker!

Wesker: So you've arrived at last  eh Chris?  I see you've also brought your dear sister too. Quite the reunion it almost brings me back to the events involving  Ashford  family.

Claire: Your done Wesker give up now.

Wesker: On the Contrary things are only just beginning.

Wesker smirked as a mechanical door was  opened revealing two monsters; gaining the siblings attention.

Wesker: Witness the results of our latest strain when combined with the DNA of both Strays,and the Faunas.

As the beast roared out they charged towards the siblings who shot back at the creatures.  When one with Claws swung at Claire the girl  jumped out of the way. Not wasting any time she quickly grabbed her shotgun then blasted out one of it's  eyes.  While that happened Chris fired away at the centipede like creature to little avail.  When  monster went down to devour him the BSAA member only  threw a grenade in it's mouth before jumping clear of it. When the Grenade went of the creature screamed as blow bursted through it's chest making holes. After Chris felt to the ground he aimed at Wesker.

Chris: That all you've got Wesker?

Wesker chuckled darkly before Claire saw a rocket flying towards Chris. After yelling out to Chris she ran over tackled him out of the way. When she did something jumped down and growled.



Claire: How is this even possible?!

Wesker: Oh my dear naive Redfields you truly are clueless aren't you? With the power Umbrella's latest allies offer something like this; is merely child's play. 

Chris: It doesn't matter who your allied with Wesker!  Nemesis was beaten before and it'l happen again!

Wesker smirked smugly when suddenly Nemesis ran towards them at super speed.



Nemesis let out a roar as the Tyrant  slammed it's fist into Chris. Managing to somehow block Chris was sent flying without a fatal blow. Wesker jumped down into the arena  before he drew his gun and  fired a round. Claire jumped out of the way before Nemesis ran at her with a punch. As the beast did Claire unleashed round after round onto him. Chris went to try and help Claire only to be met with a charging Wesker. Wesker went to punch a whole through Chris only for the man to  move out of the way. When he did Wesker's fist went through the way before Chris punched Wesker in the face. 


 Chris ran towards the two while opening fire at Nemesis. Wesker broke free before he charged at Chris with a chuckle.

Wesker: Come now Chris Is this your best? How truly disappointing that your only postponing the inevitable.

As Wesker was about to kill Chris someone fired at Wesker. Before Wesker could react the object blew up blinding Wesker. Before Wesker could regain his senses he was caught in a explosion before he was kicked in the face.

Hawkeye: Sorry we didn't have the time to knock. But we just didn't want to be late to the play date.

Black Widow: SHIELD sent us to assist you Chris Redfield.

Chris: Thanks, I wasn't expecting help from the Avengers but I'll gladly take it.

(Meanwhile in the city)

Outside the courthouse 2 people talked to each other.

Phoenix  Wright: 'd say we can add that case to the success board! You know I still don't really know why you chose to learn under me. But as long as you are i'm sure and Ultimate Student like you can be as great as me one day

Makoto Naegi.

Makoto: You really think so Mr. Wright?

Phoenix Wright; You bet now how about we go back to the agency? With all these people here for the mayor's speech it's starting to feel cramped.

While Phoenix Wright and Makoto walked through the streets the Mayor stood before the people. Before he could utter a word a portal opened before a creature ran out of it. When it did the citizens ran in terror as the beast  was soon followed by villains.  As the villains surrounded the Mayor the man looked up at the beast without fear. As the beast breathed at him with a grin the man spoke with a smug and prideful voice.

???: You think your bad breath scares me you big  bird freak? Do you know who I am i'm not some lousy  pushover.

 The Mayor clenched his fist before socking the Nomu in the face. The other villains watched in shock as the mayor's shirt tor apart;revealing his mountain of muscles. The mayor chuckled as he  ran at a villain before grabbing them by the head. When he did he swung them into  a billboard shattering it. After the man grabbed a pipe that fell from it he turned back before speaking.


(Back with Chris)

As the group seemed to gaining the upper hand a the facility began to shake. As everyone's attention was drawn to a metal wall; it was  blasted apart. One of the metal scraps knocked off Wesker's shades revealing his eyes and a scar left behind.  Wolverine and X-23 soon flew into the room as they glared at Magneto who flouted in.

Wolverine: Dammit magnetic bastard. What do you hope to accomplish teaming up with them? 

Magneto: Explaining myself to a animal such as you is below me. Charles made a mistake sending the two of you Logan.

Wesker put his shades back on as Magneto  took one of the Virus samples nearby.

Magneto:  I hope this latest strain is as impressive as you promised Albert Wesker.

Chris: So your working with Magneto too  now Wesker?!

Wesker: For now atleast and many others you can't hope to beat Chris. Sadly I have more pressing matters to attend. I hope you enjoy your time with the Nemesis;farewell.

As the heroes tried to stop them Magneto  used his magnetism to   destroy the roof showing the sky. When he did Doctor Doom and Dormammu were seen over a hurt Nezuko. When Magneto went to join them Wolverine and X-23 jumped at him.


Magneto smirked before he threw them into the air before blasting them away. When the villains flew off to certain people appeared.

Dr. Strange: We were too late..There may be no stopping it now.

Hawkeye: Strange what are you talking about? 

Black widow: What can't be stopped?

Ghost rider: The end of everything.

(Back to the present)

As Amaterasu and the others stood ready to face the villains Cloud ran at them. When he did however he was by a certain man blocking the blade.


???: Hey...it's been a while



To be continued

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