prologue: It began with a legend

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A/n Pov

Many Years ago a Legend was born that humanity has long since forgotten. As demons invaded our world mankind became powerless under their rule.  When mankind began to lose hope their salvation would come in from the darkness. With the sword that bore his own name he fought for mankind. Able to push back the demons the Demon Knight charged forward as mankind's shield. To finally save humanity he was left to face the Prince of Darkness; Mundus. Without fear in his soul he stood infront of the Prince with his blade drawn.

Mundus: So you've finally come have you?  Why would you betray us for the sake of weak creatures like them Sparda? I demand to know before I kill you traitorous filth.

Sparda: Because it is not our place to rule over them. You see mankind as weak but they are far stronger than you believe Mundus. What they hold is far greater than any demon can possess; a heart and a righteous soul. So long as they have love in their hearts I shall never allow them to endure despair from a monster like you.

Mundus: You've spent too much time with that scum Sparda. I shall end your delusions  once and for all.

Sparda changed into his demonic form then glared at Mundus ready to fight.

Sparda: We are not gods and I shall show you that Mundus.

With a mighty roar Sparda charged at Mundus for the  titan-like battle for humanity. After  the hard fought battle Sparda managed to seal away the demons from the human world. Realizing how dangerous his own power was Sparda sealed it away from all sides. As the time passed Sparda soon found himself  love in a Woman named Eva. While his fight as humanity's protector was never finished no ones knew was his story would still continue on. His legacy carried on by the most unlikely of people.

(A/n: I fucking teared up  while writing this guys. It hurts my heart so much for what happened)

Eva: Vergil...Y/n.. happy birthday.

Eva stood infront of the boys with a smile as she placed a cake infront of them. As the two's eyes lite up with excitement Sparda watched with a smile.

Y/n: Wow cool I want Chocolate!

Vergil: No I want Chocolate!

As the two laughed happily Sparda's heart was warmed. After Eva got the boys their cake she turned to Sparda and hugged him.

Eva: Are you ok Dear you've been staring off into space.

Sparda: As long as I have you and my beautiful sons I am. I've spent all of my life fighting, Killing all that stood against Hell. But these last few years with you has given me more joy than I could ever have dreamed of. Eva my darling wife seeing our sons is only more proof that my choice was right. 

Eva: Sparda I love you with all of my heart and I know our boys do aswell. You've done more than enough for us humans. Now why don't we take this time and enjoy ourselves?

Sparda smiled at his wife then kissed her before he heard something outside. Going out to find out what is was, he was left with an old face.

Sparda: Hello dear sister it's been quite some time hasn't it? What has brought you here to visit us?

Madama Butterfly: I've came to see my two precious nephews. I hope life has treated you well Sparda.

Sparda: *Smiles* It has indeed Madama. Please join us won't you i'm sure Y/n and Vergil would be thrilled to see you.

Madama smiled before nodding and enjoying her time with her family. Peace was something Neither Devil truly knew. With one action Sparda made it all possible due to the heart of a human. Because of a single soul Sparda would fight for all in our world until his death. He became known to all as the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda. However not everyone was so quick to forget his betrayal. As a few years later his son's lives were changed forever. As their family house was attacked by demons Eva ran with Y/n following until she put him in a closet.

Eva: Please honey no matter what happens you stay in here ,you stay strong for me? You must live and change your name, have a new beginning.


Eva smiled as she kissed her son's head then spoke to Y/n one last time.

Eva: Y/n I love you so much. I know you'll find happiness again one day.

Eva closed the door before running through the burning home to find her other son. Y/n listen on to her calling out for Vergil; before it turned to screams. Y/n cowered in the closet as everything ceased then walked out towards his mother. 

Y/n: M-Mom?

Y/n's eyes began to fill with tears as he fell infront of his mother's body and cried.

Y/n: M-Mom please just open your eyes. I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOU!!!!!

While Y/n cried out he was to no answer as Vergil stood injured elsewhere. Vergil breathed heavily as he glared down at the dead demons with Yamato in hand.

Vergil: I'm.....alone...Y/n and mother both left me. I understand it all now. The truth is without strength you can't protect anything...not even yourself.

While both brother left down  different paths one thing stayed the same; The Fate of Humanity now was left in their hands.  This is the story of their strife and their pride. The tale of their pain and their happiness. This is the legend of the Sons Of Sparda.

3rd person pov

Within the main room of a certain shop Y/n is seen sitting on  his couch with a magazine. As Rock blared in the background he listened on to a girl laying in his lap. Now standing at the age of 18 his life was left in torment by the hands of student of the Academy  named Verse. After  having enough of their abuse he rebelled against them. With a farewell to his friends he now stands as a legendary Demon hunter. The Girl looked up at Y/n with a smile before speaking with a caring voice.

Amaterasu: This feels nice, tell me are you sure you don't have anything more important to do?

Y/n:*Grins* Heh nope I've got the whole day of no work and those are my kind of days.  Wade's off and I got a beautiful Goddess like you with me. I'd take that peace than dealing with Verse's shit any day baby.

Amaterasu:  *Giggles* Your so childish sometimes and I love that about you.I'm sure Sparda would be proud of you 

Y/n:  And here I thought you liked me for my charm and my head-pats. Still better than loving me for my power.

???: Oh yeah which one of your billions of powers? I'm glad to say it's not your ability to still be in debt. 

Y/n stood with a growl before he stabbed the man in the hand. When Y/n did he was met with a bullet into the head.

Deadpool: Oh come on that's my jerking hand  man that's such a dick move bro!

Y/n: *Smirks* HA your one to talk jack ass! Ya know how many babes this face can get me?  

Deadpool: Haha yeah I can see why ladies wanna get pounded with that poodle hair of yours!

Y/n: This coming from the Canadian Deathstroke cosplayer!

Deadpool: Oh how original  get that from the same store you got your nonexistent shirt?

Y/n:  You wanna thrown Freddy Kruger cuz ya know how this shit goes down.

Y/n and Deadpool  smirked before both shot each other in the head causing them to fall over. After a few seconds they both laughed before they got up causing Amaterasu to chuckle.

Amaterasu: You boys never change.

Y/n and Deadpool  high fived each other before the door to Y/n's shop opened revealing a familiar face.

???: Yo dudes what's going on? Am I late to the party or what?

Y/n:*Smirks*  Well look who it is it's been a long time Joe! Ya know a party without you ain't Viewtiful.

Deadpool: Hell yeah looks like the meme team is back! I haven't seen ya since the good old days of Marvel vs Capcom buddy. How's it feel having Capcom  getting off their lazy asses and making ya a new game?

Viewtiful Joe:  I gotta say it's awesome dudes!

Y/n: Well how about we celebrate? Let's get this party started right with  a night on the town!

Viewtiful Joe/Deadpool: YEAH!

Amaterasu: Don't worry I'll look after Devil May Cry while you boys are out.

Y/n: You sure  can handle being here alone for the next few hours?

Amaterasu smiles at Y/n before she changed into a wolf like creature then  nodded. Y/n smiled at this before went over and hugged her.

Y/n:Thanks Ama  I'll be counting on ya to keep this place safe. 

Amaterasu: It's nothing Darling after what Verse put you through just have fun tonight.

Y/n  got up then  grabbed a guitar case before he waved goodbye. After going off with Joe and Deadpool they boys went out drinking. While they drank the entrance of the bar they were in was blown to bits. Y/n stared at his bottle seeing it was shattered before Deadpool spoke.

Deadpool: Oof man that's a bummer haha.

Y/n clenched his fist before standing up and staring at the one responsible. Seeing it the demon attacking Verse student he pulled out Ivory before firing it at the beast's head. The demon glared back at Y/n seeing him standing with Viewtiful Joe and Deadpool by his side.


???: Your scent is that of Sparda's and yet your human aswell? No matter I shall kill you in the name of my master!

To be continued

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