26| Try Honesty

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A/N. Warning: this chapter contains maturer scenes.

The slight tossing and warmth on Sam's back awoke her. Samantha's body felt sweaty and she flicked out her leg from the cover. Soon, a groaning noise reached her ear, but the arms around her waist felt tighter. Sam slept on her right side, facing the wall. Ray rested behind her, hugging her waist the entire night.

"Good morning," a husky voice said near her ear as his hand traveled up her shirt.

Sam stretched back her arm, stroking Ray's thigh. "Good morning," she replied, studying the wall of the bus in front of her.

"Did you sleep well?" Ray asked and lifted himself on his elbow, glancing at her.

Murmurs behind the curtains appeared, and the coffee smell reached Sam's nose. Seemed that the guys had been awake for a while. Suddenly Ray's and Sam's bunk filled with light as shutters were torn, and a chipper voice followed.

"Rise and shine sleepyheads," James said, and leaned, poking his head inside. "We are officially in Brussels." He smiled, leaving abruptly.

Sam turned to Ray with a broad smile on her face. "Shower," she whispered. He chuckled, getting out of the bunk.

Why was she so happy about the shower? Well, when you live on the bus, a bath remains a luxury. There stood a shower cube at the back of the bus. But to use it, they would have to stop at proper places, and there was no time for that. Samantha's last shower was at the hotel, so it was almost twenty-four hours ago.

They ate, drank coffee, and shortly after waking up, they stood at the Ancienne Belgique concert hall. Purple Rain will perform in the primary room, which has a capacity of two thousand people. This evening, there will be a similar number of people as in Paris. Louis parked the bus at the venue, and they repeated the process of getting inside. Carrying instruments and clothes for the evening.

The building held a more prominent view than La Cigale. There stood three concert halls in it, a bar, a few dressing rooms, and other premises. The first floor stayed with gray walls and a tiled floor in front of the entrance, other stories were white with black details. The inside of the building remained white with brown and gray parts.

The group went to the dressing room, where they took turns in a shower. Sam got ready for the show, by dressing in the same outfit she wore to the club, that night she found out about Scott. Soon the band went to have a rehearsal. Sam, Gabe, and Adam shaped a merch shop near the entrance of the building.

Sam had time until the concert. So she decided to have some coffee. She started climbing the stairs, leading to the second floor as firm hands grabbed her waist, causing her to lose her balance, crashing her back to Ray's chest.

"Come with me," a familiar husky voice said in her ear as he caught her.

Ray bypassed her, taking her hand and pulling her upstairs. "Where are we going?" Sam asked as her breathing became hectic.

Ray wobbled the door handle on the first door they passed, which stood locked. "Not sure yet," he replied as they went further.

He checked another door. "We just can go into our dressing room," Sam said, following him.

"Guys are going for a break. We need privacy, love," Ray said. He turned his head to her briefly, his brown eyes seemed ignited.

They passed two more rooms when Ray found the unlocked door. He opened the room, and it seemed dark in there. He turned around, capturing her waist, pulling Sam closer, and pressing his lips on hers.

"What is this place?" Sam asked in between the kisses.

"I don't know," he replied as his hand slid down to her butt.

Sam's eyes adapted to the dark. Seemed they found some kind of storage. There stood a few counters, shelves filled with tissues, toilet paper, and other materials. Ray went backward, pulling Sam with him until his butt hit the tabletop.

Raymond turned her around, lifting Sam by her waist, and seating her on the surface. She unfolded her legs, and his hips moved near her groin. He slipped his hands under her dress, stroking her thighs, causing her body to shiver. He kissed her neck as Sam slipped her hands under his t-shirt.

"I fucking love this dress," Ray hissed. Sam giggled and lifted his shirt.

His hands left her legs just long enough for Sam to undress him. She stroked his chest and leaned in to kiss his collarbone as he slowly moved his palms up, removing her panties and stuffing them in his jeans pocket. He stroked her with his thumb, the heat mixed with pleasure forced her to moan, feeling out of breath.

"I want you," Sam said, gasping for air, unbuckling his pants.

Ray moved his hips, his pants dropped to his knees. Sam slipped her hand into his briefs, feeling how ready he was. Ray groaned to her neck, his fiery breath brushing on her collarbone, making Sam more aroused.

"We need," Ray evaded her speech by giving Sam a condom.

Samantha ripped open the package, putting rubber on him. Her hands seemed shaky, and she felt out of the air as Ray's fingers moved inside her. He pulled her closer by her waist to the edge of the table as he thrust inside her. She grabbed his neck as Ray slightly lifted her from the surface. She kissed his neck and his skin muffled her moans. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him as close as possible.

A few minutes passed, and they finished their act. Finding tissues nearby, they used them to clean themselves. Suddenly, a light from the left side of the room poured in, making Sam squint her eyes. Samantha sat on the countertop, her dress skirt stayed down. Ray stood in front of her, his brief held in place, but his pants were still down on his knees.

"A broom closet," Logan said, chuckling and standing in the doorway. "Seriously, guys?" He scanned them with large blue eyes.

"Close the fucking door," Ray yelled as he looked at Sam.

Logan closed the door as his loud laugh echoed in the corridor. "We have a show, brother," he added as the door decreased his voice. The squeaking of his boots indicated he went toward the concert hall.

Sam giggled, hopping down from the table. "Don't laugh. Your dress was down, right?" Ray asked, his voice remaining strict.

She took out her panties from his pocket as he pulled his pants up. "Yeah," she answered, unable to hold her laughter. "It's not like he cares."

"I care," Ray said, coming closer. "That's mine." He stroked her crotch, hugging Sam by her waist. "Just mine." He said to her mouth with a kiss.

"Possessive looks don't look good on you, Raymond," Sam said. Not that she could see him at that moment.

"I'm not possessive. I'm protective," he defended himself.

Soon they left the place and went separate ways. Raymond to prepare for the performance and Sam to the merch shop to help the guys. Later, Sam went to watch the show from the seats above the concert hall. The arena stayed full of people, and she felt already tired. After the show, Samantha went back to selling Purple Rain merchandise.

Sam felt slightly upset that Brussels will have to stay not fully explored. They all went out to dinner. On the way there, they observed a few prominent places: Brussels Town Hall, Brussels City Museum, and Saint Nicholas Church, at least they examined these unique structures. Sam tasted Moules-Frites, which held an entirely fresh experience for her. And of course, she bought lots of delicious chocolate.

After the concert and a short exploration of the city, Sam sat on the couch on the bus. Her hair was in the towel. Because they all went to shower again.

Andrew, Gabriel, and Adam rested in front of her. Logan and James stood between couches, and Raymon settled beside her. Louis stayed asleep, Sam didn't understand how he could sleep with such noises on the bus. Avenged Sevenfold played in the background as they debriefed about the show. Meaning they were drinking whiskey.

Sam let out her hair from the cloth and brushed it as Ray leaned closer to her, placing his head on her right shoulder.

"Oh, they're so cute and innocent," Andrew pronounced, sipping his drink.

Five pairs of eyes looked at the pair. "Innocent?" Logan asked and raised his eyebrow. Ray shook his head slightly. "They were fucking in storage closed today." He laughed, ignoring Ray's indications. Raymond looked at his brother with a killer stare.

"Really?" James asked and lifted his eyebrows. The guys still stared at Sam.

"I literally caught Ray without his pants," Logan said, wiping a tear from his eye, still chuckling in a loud voice.

"I don't get why this is so funny?" Sam asked, still brushing her hair.

Logan glanced at her. "It was a storage closet," he explained with a smile.

"We could do it here, you know," she said and scanned the guys. "There is a perfectly good bed, right there." She motioned to bunks. "But we didn't fuck here, for your own sake." Ray tried to restrain his smile. "Or maybe you all want to hear me moan while your friend is fucking me?" Sam asked, lifting her eyebrow. There stood a moment of silence since the guys didn't expect such statements from her.

"You know," Andrew broke the silence. "I'm getting why Ray was so into you, from day one." Ray cleared his throat at his words.

Sam tuned out the guys' chat about Germany and thought about what happened just after the show. She ended up posting a few photos from Paris. That raised some questions for her sister. Sam took out her phone to remember the chat with Alyssa.

"Why are you lying about not being with Tom?" Alyssa's message said.

"I'm not lying. Tom is not with me. I'm traveling alone." Sam explained.

"Then who took your pictures? Those are not selfies." Alyssa pointed out.

If a sixteen-year-old understood that, so will everyone else, especially Scott. Sam felt humiliated as she realized she became a liar. Samantha considered what she could tell Alyssa and decided on the semi-truth. For the sole purpose of not triggering Scott, she had to write the message on her other phone.

"Hi, this is Sam. You are right, those are not selfies. This is my other phone, I can't explain why I have a different phone, at least not yet. I'm not traveling alone so you are also right about that. But I'm not with Tom I have a sort of new boyfriend. Please don't tell Mom and Dad I will tell them when I get back. I'm sorry, Alyssa, you know I hate lying. But there is some shit in my life at the moment that I can't explain over the phone, so that's why I lied. I will tell you everything: be patient with me." Sam wrote to her sister.

She felt like a weight lifted from her shoulders. Sam noticed Raymond glanced at her phone a few times while she composed a message to Alyssa. Sam locked her phone and glanced at him.

"Sorta, have a boyfriend?" he whispered in her ear.

"You also should be patient with me," she answered, glaring into his dark eyes.

"I am, love," he said and kissed her cheek.

"I'm going to go to sleep," Samantha declared, standing up from the couch.

The guys murmured goodnight to her and continued their conversation. Before falling asleep, she kept thinking about a new nickname Ray gave her.

The night when he came back from San Diego was the first time he called her "love". That can't mean he actually loves me. That would be way too soon. She still didn't know about Courtney. All she knew, everyone hated her, and Raymond was the one who broke up with her. Sam asked to be patient with her, so all she could do was to be patient with him.

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