15| Love The Void

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Sam stood still, taking deep breaths, she wondered if she was imagining the people in the room or if were they really there. Her head seemed hazy and the absurdity of taking deep breaths in a stressful situation and the anxiety will pass, sunk more with each breath she took.

"Ray," she said in a shaky voice, grabbing his hand.

"I will handle this, love," Ray whispered, leaning closer to her.

Seemingly no one noticed that the trio, they stood in between the foyer and kitchen. Molly oblivious of the situation, strode toward the couch, leaving the pair standing. Sam could hear Logan's voice as he introduced Molly to the rest of the attendees. Molly of course knew some bits and pieces about all of them, but this was the first time she actually got to hang out with them.

Samantha wished she could be the one to acquaint Molly with the guys, but she felt stuck and all she could see was her lean and tall demeanor. Why the fuck is she here? Samantha questioned, she even failed to notice Rory's presence, he sprawled on the sofa, and Logan soon joined him. Molly glanced toward the pair gesturing with her head to join the standing group.

Molly took a glass filled with a golden bubble substance, Sam guessed it was champagne, and the same type of glass occupied Cortney's hand. Sam wasn't sure what she was supposed to do, was she supposed to be nice to Ray's ex-girlfriend?

"James, a word," Ray said getting everyone's attention, Sam failed to notice when he stepped into the living room, leaving her alone.

James lingered near Cortney between them stood another girl, her long black hair almost hid James's hand around her waist. He responded to Ray's request with a nod, and now all eyes diverted toward the foyer. Sam felt uncomfortable and abandoned since both Molly and Ray left her.

Ignorance was her curse but maybe this time it was a blessing, as Ray and James moved to the kitchen, Samantha decided to join the party. She stepped into the living room and was first greeted by Andrew, he gently hugged her, and soon offered a glass of champagne.

"No, thanks," she said, diverting her gaze toward the couch. Feeling another blow to her stomach. "Rory," Her voice came out on a higher note than she had hoped.

"Hey," he said, standing up. He leaned in for a hug, which took Sam by surprise and she automatically responded by hugging him back.

His bare biceps, touching her hand felt uncanny. Sam guessed he put on a show of being good friends but in front of who? Thankfully the hug was brief, Logan lifted his hand in greeting as soon as Sam stepped away from Rory. That left just meeting the girls, Molly seemed already acquainted with them as she laughed, and sipped champagne.

"Hi, my name is Sam," she said, joining the girls.

"Courtney," she said, lifting a glass in greeting. She scanned Sam, with narrow green eyes. Up close Ray's ex looked even more gorgeous than Sam expected.

"I'm Chloe, " the girl with black hair said. "James's girlfriend," she added, motioning toward the kitchen with her chin.

"Nice to me you both," Samantha said with as much fake enthusiasm as she could. "Can I get you anything?"

"Andrew took good care of us," Courtney said, caressing his forearm. Andrew furrowed his eyebrows, swiftly shiting his hand away from Courtney. "So we don't need anything from you." Sam nodded in response.

Courtney reeked of privilege, Sam knew girls like that back in high school, but this was not a courtyard during a free period and Sam was not about to let childish drama ruin her evening.

"That is great, I will leave you then and go say hi to James," Sam said, both Cortney and Choloe seemingly ignored her.

She left the group and Andrew soon followed her, he captured her hand, forcing Sam to follow him to the foyer toward the stairs.

"Let them talk it out," he said, as they reached the stairwell.

"Why is she here?" Sam asked. By now she knew Andrew well, and she had trust in him as well. From the way all the guys spoke about Courtney, she knew no one liked her.

"I think James is on a deep end," Andrew whispered. "Considering he got back together with Chloe."

"Andrew, darling, I need a little bit more information than that," she replied in a soothing voice. His dark eyes stared into her blue ones.

Sam always sensed that Andrew had a distinctive way to observe people, it felt like he was staring into your soul. His muscular demeanor looked threatening at first, but the way he could look at a person melted even the coldest hearts.

"Okay," he finally said, grabbing her hand once again. "But just because it's kinda needed and I sort of love you."

"Aww," Sam said, tilting her head to the side.

"Stop," he said, furrowing his eyebrows. Even his dark skin couldn't hide the blush on his cheeks. "Let's go to the backyard."

They went back to the foyer, where the music played louder than before, Sam scanned the place as they shifted to the back door. James and Raymond still occupied the kitchen. Ray was gesturing with his hands, and his lips moved, but Sam couldn't make out what he was saying. James bent his lower back to the kitchen island, his head hung low, and his face remained hidden by his unkempt blond hair.

The rest of the attendees sat on the couch, music videos played on a huge plasma TV at the back. The group chatted, glanced at the TV, and enjoyed the drinks.

A shiver ran through Sam as she and Andrew stepped outside. Spot lay on the ground, playing with his bone. He lifted his head upon noticing the pair and soon followed them to the wooden swing. Hinges creaked as they sat down, Sam caressed the dog's head and he lay down on the pavement near her feet.

"So," Sam said. "What do you mean by saying 'James is on a deep end'?"

"Before joining our band James was in another band," Andrew said. " Howling Winds, maybe you heard of them?" Sam shook her head. "They are sort of rap mixed with the metal type of band, and we toured in similar places, bumped into each other a lot, basically had the same extended social circles."

"Okay," Sam agreed with confusion.

"They also are into partying a lot," Andrew glanced at her. "With the heavy stuff, and as you probably know, we have strictly no drug policy in our band, given the history and all that." Sam furrowed her eyebrows, Andrew glanced at her with a deep sigh. "Why is he not telling you any of the important stuff?"

The question didn't even feel directed at her, Samanha wondered the same thing. Why Ray was not the one to tell her what seemed an important part of his past?

"You will have to ask him that," she said in a slumber tone.

"Yeah," Andrew sighed again. "Anyway, where was I?" He glanced at her. "Right, so James left that band, after overdosing, thankfully he was fine and he went to rehab as well. He knew we were looking for a guitarist so Ray could be more free on stage, he gave me a call, told me he was clean for three months, and we signed him up."

"So you think he started to use drugs again?"

"Not sure, I talked to him the other day, and he raved about Chloe my suspicion rose then, I asked but he denied it."

"So what is this policy you guys have?" Sam asked, slightly swaying the bench.

"A part of the reason why we never got interested in drugs is because we saw at firsthand how it can ruin someone's life."

"Ray's dad," Sam said in a whisper.

Andrew nodded, "And then David killed himself with the drugs, so that sealed our policy even more."

Sam stared at the pavement, the thoughts about Scott haunted her, before Scott's death, she didn't know anyone who died by suicide. But the guys knew, Logan once told her about David, and he even let her listen to a few tracks he kept on his phone. Now she understood that pain and the questions a person's death leaves behind.

"Alright," she agreed. "What about Courtney and Chloe?"

"Well we knew Chloe, she was just a girl in the same social circle, a friend of a friend, you might say," Andrew explained. "James and Chloe hooked up and later we met Courtney."

"So Chloe introduced them?"

Andrew nodded. "I shouldn't really tell you too much," He glanced at Sam. "He should though," He motioned with his chin toward the house.

Samantha looked at the huge open windows, the music seemed hushed again, and with the pouring light from the house, she could see the group shuffling a cardboard box, and taking out pica slices. Andrew coughed, getting Sam's attention again.

"Anyway," he said. "I won't lie she is here for Ray, Chloe probably invited her, or Courtney invited herself, she is good at that." He shifted to Sam, taking her hand. "He is madly in love with you, and you have nothing to worry about."

"Then why he is not telling me anything about her?" she asked with teary eyes.

"Because he is a coward," Andrew said, wiping the tear from her cheek. Sam furrowed her brows. "I love him and I would die for him, he is the best friend anyone could ask for, but he is far from perfect. He is scared."

"Of what?"

"Losing you."

"How is telling me about his ex would drive me away?"

"He should explain that part," he said, standing up and stretching out his palm toward her. "Let's get some pizza, I'm starving." He smiled.

"You go," she said. "I will put Spot into the kennel."

Andrew nodded, stuffing his palms into the back pockets of his bright blue jeans. Sam caressed Spot's head as she watched him step inside. She wished for a peaceful moment, the dog nagged on the bone and she focused on that sound. In a way, it brought her comfort and safety.

"Come on," she lovingly said, standing up. The house looked more lively, seemed like everyone finished eating and Sam noticed Molly dancing near the window.

Spot followed her, toward the fence, the dog's tongue hung low and he swilled the water as soon as Sam opened the metal kennel door. The fenced site was made for Ray's dog after he moved into the house but since he no longer owned the dog, he was more than happy to give the place to Spot.

Samantha closed the kennel gate, hearing horse-like laughter outside, the echo in the yard confused her at first, but soon she saw Courtney and Chloe outside. Sam squatted, the backyard remained unlit, and the space further away from the house was barely visible. With two clicks the girls lit cigarettes.

"Did you see what she was wearing?" Courtney said with another laugh.

She might be pretty but her laugh is awful. Sam knew it was a bad idea to stay and listen to what they were saying. But appearing now wasn't an option. The reverberation in the yard made the voices sound clearer.

"Plaid is so not a thing anymore," Chloe said. Sam inhaled, realizing they were talking about her. "Ray is pissed though."

"He will get over it," Courtney exhaled the puff of smoke. "He always does," she added in sang song voice.

"Not sure this will work this time," Chloe said. "He bought a ring."

A ring? What ring? Sam wished to jump off from the bushes and ask, but she tried to remain calm.

"So you keep telling me, he took me back before and she," Courtney paused. "Is nothing, you saw her right?" She paused once again. "Look at me and look at her, I am gorgeous, and she has poor taste in clothing, she is fat and her face is nice I guess but I mean nothing compared with mine."

"You're right," Chloe agreed, stomping the cigarette. "You are always right."

"I know," Courtney said, laughing.

The girls moved inside, unknowingly leaving Samantha in the backyard with tearful eyes. Her vision blurred, and she tried to contain the sob and not let out any sounds. Soon she slipped out of the yard into a dark empty street, not knowing the direction her feet carried her.

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