S24| Truth

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Amber led Sam into the cozy sitting room, away from the joyful reunion in the garden. The house was filled with familiar memories the scent of chamomile and old books, the sound of the grandfather clock ticking steadily. Sam felt a mixture of comfort and unease as she followed Amber to a pair of armchairs by the bay window.

"Miss, I'm really glad you're here," Amber began, her voice gentle but serious. "There are some things we need to discuss about your grandmother's health."

Sam nodded, her heart heavy. "I know she's been having a harder time lately, but she is so lucid now."

Amber sighed, folding her hands in her lap. "Rose's Alzheimer's has been progressing. There are days when she doesn't recognize me, and sometimes she forgets where she is. It's especially difficult in the evenings sundowning, they call it. She gets very confused and agitated. She is lucid because it's still morning."

"I know, just happy I can talk to her again," Sam said.

Amber reached out, taking Sam's hand. "She has good days and bad days. Today is a good day, but those are becoming less frequent, miss. I've been doing my best to care for her, but it's getting harder. She needs more help than I or the caretaker can provide."

Sam squeezed Amber's hand, grateful for her honesty and care. "Thank you, Amber. You've been so good to her. What do you think we should do?"

Amber hesitated, clearly reluctant to suggest what was on her mind. "I think it might be time to consider a professional care facility. Somewhere with trained staff who can provide the level of care she needs."

Sam's heart clenched at the thought. "A care facility? But she loves it here. This is her home, she will be more confused in a strange place."

"I know, miss. It's a difficult decision," Amber said softly. "But her safety and well-being have to come first. You and Ray have your lives to build, and it's not fair for you to bear this burden alone."

Sam took a deep breath, trying to process the enormity of the situation. "I am not alone, I have you, Ray, and the caretaker. Speaking of her, where is she?"

"She has a day off," Amber said. "I know you agreed on daily care during days but she has been slacking off a bit."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You have been through a lot miss, and since I am here anyway I was able to manage, but we need a better solution," Amber said, glancing through the window.

"I just want what's best for her. I promised her I'd always take care of her," Sam said in a slumber tone.

Amber's eyes were filled with sympathy. "And you have, miss. You've done more than most would. But sometimes, taking care of someone means making the hardest decisions."

Sam felt a tear slip down her cheek. "I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can let her go."

"You're not letting her go. You're making sure she gets the best care possible. And you'll still be here for her, every step of the way."

"I'll talk to Ray about it. We'll figure this out, we can get more staff within the house," Sam said.

"You're not alone in this, miss, but you're the one who needs to make these decisions," Amber reminded.

Sam gave her a grateful nod before standing up. "I should get back to Grandma. I don't want to waste a single moment with her."

Sam walked back to the garden, her heart heavy but her resolve stronger. As she approached, she saw Ray sitting beside Rose, listening intently as she told a story from her youth. The sight filled her with a deep sense of love and gratitude.

"Hey," Sam called softly, joining them on the bench. "What are you two talking about?"

Rose smiled, her eyes twinkling. "I was just telling Ray about the time your grandfather and I got lost in Central Park on our first date. We ended up at a jazz club and danced the night away."

Ray chuckled. "That sounds like a perfect first date."

Sam took her grandmother's hand, feeling the fragile strength in her grip. "I love hearing your stories, Grandma. They make me feel closer to you and Grandpa."

Rose patted Sam's hand, her smile tender. "And I love telling them. You're my precious girl, Sam. Always remember that."

Ray wrapped an arm around Sam's shoulders, pulling her close. "We'll make new stories here, together. And we'll cherish the old ones, too."

Sam looked up at him, her eyes filled with emotion. "Yes, we will. Thank you, Ray."

Rose's gaze softened as she looked at them. "You two are meant for each other. Michael would be so happy to see you so in love."

Sam felt a surge of emotion. "We'll make you both proud, Grandma. I promise."

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the garden. The warmth of the day began to fade, replaced by a cool evening breeze. Ray helped Rose to her feet, his movements gentle and respectful.

"It's getting cooler, Rose," he said softly. "Let's head inside."

"Thank you, Keith. The evenings are getting harder on these old bones," she said, glancing at Ray.

Sam walked beside them, feeling a surge of sadness at her grandmother's frailty, and the fact that her confusion stays for so long. As they entered the house, the familiar scent of chamomile enveloped them, bringing a sense of comfort.

Amber greeted them at the door. "I've prepared some tea and cookies in the sitting room. I thought it might be nice to relax before bed."

Rose smiled warmly. "That sounds lovely, thank you."

They settled into the cozy sitting room, the soft glow of lamplight creating a serene atmosphere. Sam poured the tea, handing a cup to her grandmother.

"Here you go, Grandma. Your favorite chamomile," Sam said with a gentle smile.

Rose took the cup, her hands trembling slightly. "I guess I should get used to that title, your bundle of joy will be my first grandchild." She smiled looking up at Sam.

Sam glanced at Ray, at this point, she knew her grandma thought Sam was Melissa her uncle's girlfriend. Raymond slowly left the room, even though he was not close to Rose, Sam could see her illness and confusion affected him.

It wouldn't be fair. Sam considered looking at her grandmother. However, a huge part of her just wanted confirmation and solidification that Samantha's suspicions were real and not just figments of her imagination.

"I can't wait to hold the baby in my arms," Sam said, squeezing Rose's hand. She knew it was wrong on so many levels, but maybe, just maybe she could find the truth this way.

Rose's eyes lit up with the spark. "Baby girl," Rose confirmed. "Keith said you want to name her after your mother, I think it's noble of you dear. I know you had a complicated relationship with her."

Sam listened intently."I did, Keith talks about me a lot," Sam said.

Rose's smile grew wistful. "Of course dear," Rose tapped Sam's hand. "You are the love of his life, the amount of songs he wrote about you should confirm it."

"Indeed," Sam nodded in agreement. "Do you have any suggestions for baby names, we might change our minds." She knew it was wrong, she was pushing too far and yet her grandmother's eyes lit up from the question.

"Samantha is a fine name, dear, it honors your mother, I couldn't think of a better name for your daughter," Rose said with a warm smile. Her words caused Sam's breathing to hitch in her throat, but it was enough for her to get her confirmation.

Amber cleared her throat gently, drawing their attention. "Rose, it's getting late. Would you like some help getting ready for bed?"

Rose nodded, her expression softening. "Yes, thank you, I think I've had enough excitement for one day."

Sam stood up, taking her grandmother's arm. "I'll help too. Come on, Grandma."

They guided Rose to her bedroom, a room filled with mementos of a life well-lived. Photos lined the walls, capturing moments of joy and love. Sam helped her grandmother change into her nightgown, her movements tender and careful.

As they settled Rose into bed, Sam tucked the blanket around her, brushing a stray hair from her forehead. "Goodnight, Grandma. Sweet dreams."

Rose smiled, her eyes closing. "Goodnight. Thank you for a wonderful day."

Sam closed her grandma's bedroom door, sighing deeply. Her suspicions were true, the articles she read after the shooting, crazy reincarnation theories, side-by-side shots of her and Mellisa, it all made sense now. She rushed to the stairs, climbing them fast until she reached her bedroom. Her pulse held fast, she wasn't sure if it was related to her speedy climbing or the news she wanted to share with Ray.

The house was finally quiet, the soft hum of the night settling over the old walls. Ray was already in bed, lying on his back and scrolling through his phone as Sam walked into their bedroom. Soon she stood by the window, looking out at the moonlit garden below. He could tell something was weighing heavily on her, something she hadn't yet put into words.

"Sam," he said gently, his voice breaking the silence. "What's on your mind?"

She turned to face him, her expression pensive. For a moment, she hesitated, as if debating whether to share what she'd been holding inside. But this was Ray her safe place. If there was anyone she could trust with her deepest fears, it was him.

"Ray," she began, her voice steady but soft. "I just confirmed something that has been in my head for weeks now."

Ray sat up, concern etching into his features. "What is it, Love?"

Sam crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed, facing him. She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of her revelation pressing down on her."I have been looking at stuff online," Ray furrowed his eyebrows. "I know you asked to stay away, and I did, from fandom-related things, but this was not that. I read articles, and journalists saying that we are reincarnations of my uncle Keith and his girlfriend Melissa, and I think in a way that is true."

Ray's eyes widened in surprise. "How many pills did you take today?"

Sam sighed. "Stop doing that!" she said in a raised tone.

"You talking about reincarnation, Love, that feels worrying," Ray said, taking her hand in his.

"Let me explain first," Sam said, looking down at their intertwined fingers, drawing strength from his touch."I think... no, I'm sure now that I'm adopted. My birth parents weren't Richard and Jennifer. They were my uncle Keith and his girlfriend Melissa."

"Why do you think that way?"

"They both died in that motorcycle accident before I was born, uncle Keith died on the impact, but Mellisa was on life support for six weeks. I did some research."

"So you were not writing?" Ray asked, Samantha furrowed her eyebrow. "When you were on your laptop so busy you couldn't talk to me."

"I was writing, but I also did some digging," Sam explained. "She looks a lot like me, Ray she died on the day I was born. The public was not aware she was pregnant, but my grandmother kept mentioning Melissa's pregnancy."

"You didn't," Ray said, widening his eyes.

"I had to, my parents won't tell me!"

"What did she say?"

Sam took a deep breath. "She thought I was Melissa, therefore she shared her joy of the first grandchild, which Keith and Melissa decided to name Samantha."

Ray's expression softened with understanding. "That's a lot to take in, Love."

Samantha sighed, her gaze distant as she remembered the small clues that had been adding up over the years. "I overheard a conversation between my parents when I was younger, that my mom cant have children. And then there were always little things. We talked about this remember? I thought it might be true for years, but I had no proof, and then all these articles popped up. My parents always avoided the topic about my uncle, it just makes sense, Ray."

Ray nodded, staying quiet so she could process her thoughts. His thumb rubbed soothing circles on her hand as she continued.

"And now," Sam said, her voice a little shakier, "I think that's why my grandfather left me his entire estate. Not because I was his favorite grandchild, but because I am a child of his son who never used his fortunate. My dad and Uncle John started their business with my grandfather's money, my dad also took advantage of Morris's name in the publishing industry. According to my grandma, Keith never did that, he ventured on his own, and if I am his daughter that is why I got that money."

She looked up at Ray, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'm not even mad about being adopted, Ray. I'm mad that they kept it from me. My whole life, they've been hiding this from me, and I don't even know why. It feels like everything I knew about myself is built on a lie."

Ray's heart ached for her. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her as she leaned into him. "I'm so sorry, Love. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you."

Sam buried her face in his chest, her voice muffled against his skin. "I just wish they had told me. I deserved to know the truth."

Ray held her tightly, his hands stroking her back in slow, comforting motions. "You did deserve to know. But no matter how this came about, it doesn't change who you are. You're still the same amazing woman I fell in love with. You're still you."

Sam pulled back slightly, looking up at him with a mixture of gratitude and sadness. "Thank you, Ray. I just... I don't know how to face my parents after this. I don't know how to bring it up."

Ray brushed a strand of hair from her face, his touch tender. "You'll find the right moment. And when you do, you'll have me by your side. Whatever you decide to do, we'll handle it together."

Sam managed a small smile, feeling a bit lighter just from his presence. "You're always so strong, Ray. Even when everything feels like it's falling apart."

Ray smiled back, his eyes filled with love. "That's because you give me strength, Love."

Sam leaned in and kissed him, a gentle meeting of lips that held all the gratitude and love she felt. When she pulled back, she rested her forehead against his, closing her eyes as she let the comfort of his embrace wash over her.

"I love you, Ray," she whispered.

"I love you too, Sam," he whispered back.

They stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, until the heaviness of the day began to fade. Eventually, Sam settled into bed beside Ray, her head resting on his chest, his heartbeat steady and reassuring beneath her ear.

As they drifted toward sleep, the uncertainty of her past didn't seem quite as overwhelming. She knew there would be difficult conversations ahead, and she wasn't sure how her relationship with her parents would change. But with Ray by her side, she felt ready to face whatever came next.

For now, in the quiet of their new home, she allowed herself to rest. Tomorrow would bring its own challenges, but tonight, she was safe. She was loved. And that was enough.

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