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❝ 欲しがるようじゃね まだベイビー

xxi. salvation: bitter hearts


The tension grew thicker and thicker and had no intentions of subduing. Eyebrows were furrowed and a lens of jealousy bored Namjoon's chest, even he still didn't understand how someone other than him voted for his sake. Evette holding the lead cleared her throat, folded the papers neatly, and placed them on the table after speaking, "I'm really interested, who voted for Namjoon?"

"I did," Jimin's voice echoed inside the room and everyone's attention was on him. Jimin felt betrayed somehow, related in blood thicker than Namjoon, they were close siblings who shared the same parents, and yet he chose someone else over her. "I believe he has control over who he is, frankly I don't believe in others here," the tone he spoke clearly explained that he is never taking back what he just said.

A hint of pain tugged Chaeyoung's heart, a sheer sentence managed to break down the hefty walls built of confidence and trust. It was not like Jimin broke her with words due to his loathing of her stupid belief, the law of nature: only the strong survive before, but somehow the mere word 'believe' overwhelmed her fragile heart. She was not emotionless, she was just numb with all the pressure she carried on her shoulder.

Namjoon didn't know how to respond, a thank you or a simple smile? he was simply socially awkward and isn't used to people favoring him. Evette reacted with a pleasing smile wrapped on her cherry-flavored lips, "this was entertaining. I guess it's all settled, so I'll take my leave." They didn't know if they should be happy that their headache is leaving or angry that they weren't chosen.

Evette pushed the chair creating a small creak noise and stood up from her place, her expensive heels tapped the floor as she smiled, "this isn't the final goodbye, I was ordered to monitor you all until the selection ends. Don't get excited." The grand panel doubtlessly knew these ten aren't sane enough to not harm each other, being under the burden that these infamous 10 belonged to their clan, they have to keep up their image and so for some safety measures, they appointed a hawk to watch them over.

Taehyung wasn't really intrigued with all the new topics brought to his table, all this time he waited to storm out of the room as soon as the madness ends. His scarred hands brushed his dark hair locks and his chimera eyes were focused on the exit, and his legs carried him outside of the room as the others trailed him with their vision. "Taehyung couldn't care less even if we all die," Chaeyoung rolled her eye with her heart filled with bitterness.

* * *

Blaze Scarlett was strolling in the corridors while bunking her physics period, she was never a fan of calculations and theories. The breeze was soft enough to plant butterfly kisses all over her exposed skin, wanting her to stay like this forever and ever till the world dies. 

Suddenly, she felt someone's strong grip suffocating her wrist and pulling her to a dark and quiet corner. She tried to scream but, only muffled noises escaped her mouth since the stranger covered her mouth to prevent her from escaping tactics. "Will you shut your mouth up? I'm not going to eat you!" his husky voice resonated. Blaze in reflex twisted his wrist and kicked his leg; causing him to groan a little in pain as she scurried before him keeping a safe distance and breathed heavily.

"YOU!?" she almost shouted and he simply rolled his eyes. "ARE YOU A PART-TIME MURDERER? WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL?" she glared at him, flexing her wrists. "Oh my god, you're overexaggerating," he simply spoke shaking his legs trying to shove the pain away; her kick was hard. "YOU ALMOST HAD ME OUT OF BREATH, WHAT ELSE ARE YOU EXPECTING?" she defended his accusation of overreacting.

Taehyung massaged his forehead in annoyance and blinked his eyes hard, "look, I know who you are. Stop acting as if you are all 'rough and tough.' I am done playing this game with you." Blaze squinted her eyes in bewilderment, "i- if your words made any sense, I could have given you a proper answer." His words somehow made some point, but these words coming out from an elite was not how she scheduled out her plan. Taehyung moved forward and filled the space between him and her saying, "I missed you."

His voice was softer than a feather, he was battling his eyelashes trying to stop the tears. Blaze on the other hand was completely petrified, things escalated faster than a hot knife cutting through butter. His warm hands grabbed her waist and pulled her into his embrace, Blaze widened her eyes in absolute shock and he spoke softly, "where were you all this time?"

Blaze wanted to push him away and run as fast as she can, but the warmth he was providing was not helping her out in this case and instead, pulled her in. "Cat got your tongue?" he chuckled low causing Blaze to almost pass out. This was not at all familiar to her, everything felt so out of order and she pleaded the floor to gobble her down so she could spare the awkwardness.

"I know you well, Asche," he smiled brightly still hugging her and Blaze gaped her eyes open when he mentioned the name. ' Yes, she expected him to point this matter out but, pulling it in this situation had her worried.

Blaze tugged Taehyung's shirt, "w- why? why are you mentioning it, now? after all these days?"


❝ only ever wishing means you're still a baby
I won't lose to anyone

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