Chapter One: Is He The One??!!

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=Chapter One: Is He The One??!!=

Okay, so the old man said I should meet up with a man named Kakashi Hatake since he's my twin brother's teacher. And as of what the others said, I could find them somewhere in the training grounds. Hhmm... I guess my twin is really a good student.

I was walking my way to the training grounds when I heard a girl yelled. "NARUTO!!!!!!!!!!!"

Because of my curiosity, I ran to where the rucus is occuring. There I spotted a pink haired girl in red dress, she looks scary of some sorts. Then there's a back haired guy who's obvioulsly from the Uchiha clan because of the symbol on the back of his shirt, and most probably, my bestfriend, Saika's, twin brother. And... there is this spiky haired blonde who looks beaten up by the pink haired girl. They all look like the same age as I am now.

"So..." someone spoke from behind which caused me to freeze from my position. "Minato-sensei's little princess has finally arrived."

I turned around and I saw a familiar face. "Kashi-nii.... Don't tell me you're Kakashi Hatake?"

He chuckled and ruffled my long red hair. "Yup. You're used to call me Kashi-nii since you were little so I didn't bother to change it..."

"Silly you..." I giggled then I elbowed him lightly. "So, where's my twin brother? Old man said he was your student..."

"Eehh... Let me treat you first before meeting your brother..." says he then he put his hands on my shoulder and gently pushes me. "I know some good foods you might wanna try out..."


Time skip...

It was already afternoon when Kashi-nii and I stopped by the park. I was sitting on a bench under a tree It was already afternoon when we stopped by the park to wait for someone. I was busy eating takoyaki when the blond guy I saw earlier at the training ground approached us. He looks lame of some sorts and kind of a.... STUPID? He seems to be arrogant too...

"So Kakashi-sensei. Why did you summoned me here?" Asks the boy then he formed a pout on his lips and ruffles his hair.

Kakashi-nii stood straight and placed his hand on my head. "Naruto, this girl in front of you... She's the Yondaime Hokage's daughter, Rei Namikaze...." He introduced me to the boy named Naruto. "Rei, he's Naruto Uzumaki, one of my students."

'Uzumaki?! Don't tell me he's....' My thought was cut off when Kakashi-nii patted my head.

He smiled as if he was teasing me or what. Gee.... I hate him when he does that. The last time I check, he did that when I was still a little kid when we were with Itachi. "So Naruto. Rei-chan over here needs a safe place to stay in for now. And I think you're the perfect guy to approach for thi-"

"What?! Hey! That's not a part of what we talked about!" I protested. "You said I'm going to meet with my brother! Don't tell me this guy...." I said then I pointed at Naruto.

Kakashi-nii squeezed my shoulders and chuckles softly. "For now, you have to stay with him until you meet your brother." Says he for a little cover up then he pushed me to Naruto's side. "Okay Naruto, be a good boy to Rei-chan okay? Minato-sensei wouldn't want anyone hurting his little princess"

"You can count on me sensei!" He said then he made and okay sign. He grabbed my hand and grinned widely. "You can keep up with my speed right?"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. He doesn't even know a thing, does he?! "Tch. Maybe I'm faster." I twitched my lips and stared at him bratly.

He just made face and turns his back on me. "Follow me!" He yelled then he jumped away.

"Just go and follow him. I'll explain things to you tomorrow." He said then he just disappeared. Gee.... I think I wouldn't like our conversation tomorrow. But anyway, I'll just go with the flow for now.


Arriving at the place where Naruto was living, all I could say is it was messier than what I've thought. Is this how it feels like to live on your own? To grow up without parents? "Hey Naruto...."


Should I ask? I-I might offend him... "Uhhmm... How does it feel like growing up without parents?" I think I asked the wrong question....

He remained silent in front of me. He was looking down on the floor with a sad smile and his face. "You know...." He said then he looked straight into my eyes and grinned. "I don't know the feeling of having a mother or a father so I don't have any idea on what it feels like not to have them either." I was flustered because of what he said. I know I should've expected that answer. We both grew up without our parents anyway...

There was this awkward silence between us. I was about to speak when Naruto speaks up. "So. You are here to look for you twin brother right? You're lucky you are going to meet your sibling." He said then he forced out a wide smile.

What he said made me frown. "You don't know, do you?" I asked with my brows still furrowed.

Naruto gave me a puzzled look then he forced out a chuckle. "What is that I don't know?" He asked stupidly.

"Tch...." I hissed then I blew a deep sigh and raise one brow on him. "Kakashi-nii haven't told you, have he?"

Naruto just gave me and indifferent look. "Told me what? Wait, what's going on? Just get to the point..."

Oh for goodness' sake! "Seriously?" I groaned. "Nothing at all?"


"Oh darn it..." I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"I honestly don't understand you..." He said then he gave a small chuckle.

My fist clenched in irritation. "I don't understand you either!" I raised my voice at him. "How could you be so stupid?! How could u be so slow!!??" He was speechless because of my sudden violent reaction. "Isn't it obvious?! You're my brother damn it!" I shouted.

Naruto's eyes widen but then chuckles softly as if I was joking. "You're funny you know..."

"What? Now you think I'm joking?!" I asked not wearing off the frown on my face.

"Y-yeah.... Ehehe..." He forced out a chuckle and scratches his cheek.

"Urrggh!! You're hopeless!" I groaned and slams my fist on the wall. "I give up!"



Time skips....

The next day, my stupid ole-headed twin brother, Naruto, is out. I just decided to stay here at home because I don't feel like going out right now. As I clean up his messy room, Kakashi-nii arrives here.

"Yo Rei-chan!" He greeted casually then he jumped in from the window.

I stood up and punches his stomach with a groan making him grunt in pain. "What was that for Hime-chii?"

"You didn't told him?!" I raised my voice at him and crosses my arms over my chest. "Seriously?"

"Told what?" He asked then his brows twitched.

"That he's my brother!" I yelled at him with a frown.

"S-sorry..." He apologized then a small pout formed on his lips. "We did that for his protection...." He sighed and sits down on the floor. "He didn't even know who his parents were.... Besides he wasn't asking..."

I looked away and bites my lower lip. "You should've told him...."

He patted my head and smiles. "We will Rei-chan.... We will.. When the time is right...." Says he then he pinched my cheek. "Why don't you try going out and exploring the village? I'm sure you're going to meet friends around..."

Friends? Would I really meet one around? Thinking about it, all I could do is to sigh. "Probably later...." I said with a smile.

He smiled back and pats my back. "If you're bored, you can drop by the training grounds..." He said then he left.

I just smiled and leaned back on the wall. I think I should learn more about my brother first.... Yeah that would be nice...

I looked around and I spotted a picture of Kakashi-nii, Naruto, the pink-haired girl and the Uchiha kid who's probably Sasuke. They look happy.... Just like a family.... and I envy it....

But to think of it.... Why should I envy him? First of all, I grew up under Kakashi-nii's supervision. He regularly visits me and takes care of me like I'm his real little sister. I met my best friend Saika, whome I treated as a real sister. Two of the legendary Sanin, Master Jiraya and Lady Tsunade became my teachers in ninjutsu. Not only that, both pervy sage and granny Tsunade acted like my parents when I needed one. I also felt love and care from Itachi.... Most of all.... I know who my parents were. I know my true identity. But then, I couldn't stop wondering if he really is the one.... He's not the twin brother I expected... I expected him to be at least as great as tou-chan. He just looks like him in some ways...

I felt a gust of wind from behind as if there was an invisible hand patting my head. It felt gentle like how fathers pat their child's head. "Tou-chan...." I muttered then a silent tear escaped my eyes. "Is he the one?"

~End Of Chapter~

Hello guys! This is us, Kirakishou (_SkyPrincessAya_) and Barasuishou (PrincesseDelaTorture); the Insidious Lolita Twins, giving you guys our first anime fan fiction!

This was all my idea. (Kirakishou speaking)

And I Barasuishou helped with the details of the story. I also RP Rei Namikaze, the main character in the story. ^_^

We hope you guys appreciate our story! ^_^ votes and comments would be totally appreciated!

~Lolita Twins~


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