Burning Ice

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On a bullhead team RWY and Dakota were heading to Patch to visit Yang and Ruby's family

Dakota: So what's your family like anyways Ruby?

Ruby: Well my mom and dad can be quite chaotic at times as for Yang's parents it's a more opposites attract situation

Yang: If you mean my mom being strict and dad being fun loving then yeah I agree

Dakota: Huh? Never thought I hear that

Weiss: Just be careful with Yang's dad he makes a lot of puns

Dakota: You make it sound like I don't make puns either

Weiss: You do it on rare occasions and we're going to talk about that stash you have when we get back

Dakota: Hey it's not my fault I'm a human male not to mention I'm 18 and I did say not to look

Weiss: I thought my younger brother would be more innocent

Dakota: My innocents was taken away when I became Spectra

Ruby: What are you guys arguing about

Yang: Probably about Dakota's porn stash

Ruby: WHAT?!

The two Schnees stopped their argument and looked at yang and shouted

Both: YOU KNEW?!

Yang: Well I might of saw a quick glimpse of it

Dakota: And your not concerned about this at all

Yang: No besides I have my own stash

Dakota: Oh okay then

Ruby: I'm surprised you two are totally calm about this

Weiss: *sighs* Well I guess you would've lost it sometime did you wear protection

Dakota: Woah! Calm down Weiss I didn't lose it like that I'm still a virgin

Yang: Well then I hope Weiss doesn't mind me taking your first time

Weiss: What the hell Yang?! That's my brother

Dakota: So what we already made out before and it's not like you and Ruby didn't do anything

Weiss: You're just jealous

Dakota: Oh I'm sorry I don't find people who are younger than me attractive

Weiss: And I'm sorry I'm not into girls who are older than me

Dakota: Oh yeah well I bet 60 lien Yang is better

Weiss: Well I be 100 lien that Ruby is better

Dakota and Weiss were staring at each other until Dakota came up with a idea

Dakota: Alright fine then here's the bet

Weiss: I'm listening

Dakota: Whoever makes the other person cum first wins

This shocked his sister along with Ruby and Yang, Weiss then shook her brother's hand

Weiss: Deal

Dakota: Good now we're going to have to start at the same time and record it to see who wins

Weiss: Fine, but I'm doing this to prove you wrong

Dakota: Whatever

The two sisters were shocked at this, but knew there was no point in changing their minds


They soon landed on Patch and found a small log house and went up to it

Dakota: So who's the overprotective parent here

Yang: My mom

Dakota: Got it

Ruby knocked on the door and a woman who looked like Ruby with a white cape and taller answered the door

Summer: Ruby! How's my baby doing

Ruby: I'm fine mom can we come in

Summer: Of course

As they walked in summer saw the boy with them and asked the obvious

Summer: Oh who's this handsome young man

Ruby: Oh that's Dakota Yang's boyfriend

Dakota: A pleasure to meet you miss.Rose my name is Dakota Schnee

Summer: I see you were raised well, but you remind me of someone

Dakota: Oh that's probably because I don't have my mask on

Dakota then took out his mask and placed it above his face

Summer: Spectra?!

Dakota: Used to be, but I decided to put that name and history to rest

Summer: Well everyone does deserve a second chance

Dakota: Thank you

Just then three others appeared from the door one guy with short blonde hair and another man with a red cape and short black slicked back hair while a woman who had Yang's hairstyle with black coloring

Tai: Ruby, Yang your home

Yang: Just for today dad

Qrow: So who's the second blondie

Dakota: My name is Dakota Schnee the younger brother of Weiss and Winter Schnee

Qrow: So you're ice queen's brother she's been looking for

Dakota: The one and only and you three must be Qrow Branwen, Taiyang Xiao Long, and Raven Branwen Qrow's twin sister

Tai: Damn kid you sure know your stuff

Raven: So what are you kids doing here

Yang: Well I want you guys to meet my boyfriend

Qrow: Oh who is it?

Yang: Dakota is who it is

Small silence filled the room until Tai broke it

Tai: Well then that's something

Qrow: Well at least she found someone

Everyone seemed to be okay with it except one

Raven: So you think you're worthy of being my daughters boyfriend?

Dakota: I like to think so is there a problem with that

This shocked the others as both Raven and Dakota's aura were activated

Raven: So you know my name, but do you know anything else

Dakota: Raven Branwen mother of Yang Xiao Long and married to Taiyang Xiao Long your semblance allows you to go anywhere just by making a portal from a slash of your swords. You're also a tribe leader and you posses the powers of the Spring Maiden

This surprisingly shocked Raven, but gave a smirk seeing how he shows no fear around her

Raven: You really are something squirt, but I'm not a easy believer, so how about a duel to see how worthy you are

Dakota: Fine by me

Everyone went outside as Raven and Dakota were facing each other off

Raven: This is to prove your worthiness, so don't think I'll go easy on you

Dakota: Fine by me let's settle this

Both: Duel!

Raven: 8000 LP

Dakota: 8000 LP

Raven: I'll start by summoning Raidraptor- Strangle Lanius and use his special ability

Dakota: *sarcastically* Oh great

Raven: Since I have a dark monster on my field I can special summon another Strangle Lanius

Dakota: Two level fours oh just my luck

Raven: I now use my two level four Strangle Lanius to build the overlay network. Avian hunter of the afterlife, seek the truth with your dark eyes, and grasp glory with your sharp talons! I XYZ summon! Take flight! Rank 4! RAIDRAPTOR- FORCE STRIX

A mechanical owl beast was on Raven's side of the field looking down at Dakota

Dakota: Alright my move, I draw!

Dakota looked at his hand and had a big smirk on his face

Dakota: Ha! You think you're so dangerous with your Raidraptors well I got something more terrifying. My dragons!

Raven: Well then show me this power

Dakota: Your funeral. I play the spell card polymerization to fuse my three Blue-Eyes together

Tai: Wait he has three Blue-Eyes White Dragons

Qrow: Sure looks like it

Summer: Wow that's scary

Dakota: Three powerful dragons merge your power and destroy our enemies, fly high into the sky, and roar into the heavens! I fusion summon! Descend now! Level 12! BLUE-EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON!

Everyone saw the three headed beast and was in shock however what he did shock everyone watching and Raven

Dakota: Now I play the spell De-fusion this separates my dragon into the three original Blue-Eyes

Qrow: Why'd he do that

Tai: Beats me he could've easily destroyed Force Strix, but didn't

Summer: Maybe it's a strategy

Ruby: Well that does make sense

Yang: Yeah Dakota is full of them, but this is still new

After thinking Weiss finally knew what he was doing

Weiss: He's Xyz summoning

All: Huh?!

Dakota: Now prepare yourself Raven because now that I have three level eight monsters on the field I can build the overlay network! Great dragon that was long forgotten I call upon you, appear in this battle, and show you still exist! I XYZ summon! Rank 8! Appear now! LEGENDARY DRAGON OF WHITE

A giant white dragon with golden claws and eyes with golden hair appeared on the field surprising everyone

Dakota: I place one card face down and end my turn

Raven: About time my move, I draw! Now I activate my spell card Rank-Up-Magic Soul Shave Force! I pay half of my life points to bring back my Strangle Lanius now by using it as a XYZ material I can summon an XYZ monster that's two ranks higher

Raven: 4000 LP

Dakota: What?!

Raven: Prideful falcon. Spread your wings, dyed in the blood of heroes, and charge through the path of revolution! Rank up XYZ change! Appear! Rank 6! RAIDRAPTOR- REVOLUTION FALCON-AIR RAID. I end my turn with a face down.

Dakota: Grr *thoughts* she's underestimating me she could've used that falcon to destroy my dragon and I would've took 3000 points of damage. *out loud* Hey I thought you said you weren't going easy on me?

Raven: I did why?

Dakota: Because if you were you would've used Revolution Falcon- Air Raid's special ability which destroys my dragon and then I would've took 3000 points of damage

Raven: Hmph and here I thought you were a rookie fine I admit I was underestimating you a little bit

RWY: Uh-oh

Tai: Uh-oh what?

Ruby: Dakota doesn't really like a lot of things

Yang: He tolerates them, but there's one thing you never want to do

Weiss: That is underestimating him

Dakota: Fine, but after this you'll learn not to underestimate me again! I draw! I play the spell card, Card of Sanctity this allows both of us to draw until we have six cards in our hand

Raven drew 4 cards while Dakota drew six and he couldn't of been happier

Dakota: Now I activate the spell Double Summon which lets me normal summon twice. I summon Ruby Dragon and Luster Dragon

Raven: Two level fours?!

Dakota: That's right now I use them to build the overlay network again. Fangs of pitch black darkness, rise up against the foolish oppression! I XYZ summon! Descend now! Rank 4! DARK REBELLION XYZ DRAGON!

Everyone was shocked to see that Dakota has a heavenly dragon in his deck even Raven

Tai: No way!

Qrow: Is that what I think it is

Summer: Dark Rebellion...

Raven: XYZ Dragon

Dakota: I'm not finished yet, now I activate my dragon's special ability by using two overlay units Dark Rebellion cuts your Revolution Falcon's attack in half

Raven: Huh?!

Dakota: Yep, but don't worry because my dragon doesn't like wasting so those attack points your falcon lost goes to him. Go! Treason Discharge!

Dark Rebellion: 2400-3400

Dakota: Now Dark Rebellion attack Revolution Falcon with Mauling Mandible Charge!

Raven: 1600 LP

Dakota: I end my turn with one card face down

Raven: *thoughts* Shit I didn't think this kid would be this strong and he certainly seems to be one that refuses defeat, but let's test that. *out loud* My move, I draw! First I play monster reborn to bring back Revolution Falcon. Now I activate Phantom Knight's Rank-Up-Magic Force. Now by sending Revolution Falcon and four cards to the graveyard I can XYZ summon a monster that equals what I did

Dakota: So you sent a rank 6 monster plus 4 cards. Wait you're summoning a rank 10 monster?!

Raven: Heh you're right about that. Supreme falcon. Carry on the wishes of your fallen friends, and fly off to the sky of victory! Rank up XYZ change! Appear! Rank 10! RAIDRAPTOR- ULTIMATE FALCON

Dakota: Uh-oh

Raven: Now my falcon's ability activated causing your monsters to lose 1000 attack points

Dakota: Damnit!

Raven: Now Ultimate Falcon attack his Legendary Dragon of White

Dakota: 6500 LP

Raven: I end my turn

Dakota: Heh well that's a shame really

Raven: What?!

Dakota: My move, I draw! Now I activate The Phantom Knight's Rank-Up-Magic Launch! You see if I have a Xyz monster and it doesn't have any overlay units I can special summon a dark Xyz monster from my extra deck that's one rank higher then my rebellion dragon and use him as a material!

Dark Rebellion roared out as his body started to change

Dakota: From the depths of purgatory, sing the song of rebellion dedicated to the restless souls! Let it echo for all eternity and appear! Rank up! XYZ change! Come forth! Rank 5! DARK REQUIEM XYZ DRAGON!

Everyone looked in awe and shock at Dark Rebellion's evolution

Dakota: Now by detaching an overlay unit Dark Requiem can automatically bring Ultimate Falcon's attack points to zero and he gains those attack points meaning he gains 3500 attack. Go! Requiem Salvation!

Dark Requiem: 3000-6500

Dakota: Now attack Ultimate Falcon and end this duel with Requem Disaster Disobey!

Raven: 0 LP

Raven Branwen : Wins: 20000 Draws: 10 Losses: 5

Dakota Schnee: Wins: 223 Draws: 1 Losses: 0

Dakota: So am I worthy or what?

Raven: Heh you know something kid you remind me of myself and my brother when we were kids. So in my eyes yes your worthy

Weiss: Dakota I thought you only had Starving Venom

Dakota: Nope after all during our conversation I remember saying they as in more then one

Ruby: So you only have those two

Dakota: Nope I got Clear Wing and Odd-Eyes too along with each of their evolutions I might add

Yang: Damn~ that duel sure was something

Dakota: Remember our bet Weiss

Weiss: Ugh I thought with your mind on dueling mode you'd forget

Dakota: Come on Weiss you know me I never forget a bet

The two Schnees turned to see both Yang and Ruby giving them dirty looks before they grabbed them and ran to their rooms leaving the adults

Raven: 200 lien says Yang makes Dakota cum first

Tai: What?

Qrow: Come on Tai it's obvious that those four are fucking right now and I see your 200 Raven and I say 300 lien Dakota makes her cum first I'll also throw in an extra 50 that says Ruby is the top

Summer: I'll add 200 lien to Qrow's bet 100 for each

Raven: Eh? 100 lien says Weiss has to take control what about you Tai

Tai was standing there shocked that they were betting on this type of thing, but gave in

Tai: Fine 150 lien says Yang makes Dakota come first along with adding 60 lien saying Weiss is the top

They all shock each other's hand sealing the bet

Qrow: I also think we should tell Ozpin that Dakota has the 4 heavenly dragons plus their evolution

Tai: Yeah we should

The adults walked in the house while the four young duelist were confirming their bet

Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter the reason for this being long is a little apology for not updating so often also I'm starting school again tomorrow so I might not post a frequently either, but until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals bye

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