Return Of The Red Schnee

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As the morning sun rose up it showed Dakota and Yang sleeping until his alarm went off and woke him up

Dakota: *yawns*

Dakota looked to his right to see Yang sleeping peacefully Dakota got out of bed quietly and got a shower


Yang woke up hearing Dakota in the shower and saw her sister

Yang: Hey sis

Ruby: Hey Yang you got your stuff ready

Yang: Ready for what?

Ruby: Remember Dakota and Weiss planned on taking us to meet their parents

Yang: Oh shit! I forgot

While Yang was getting her stuff ready Dakota came out of the shadow

Dakota: So where's Weiss

Ruby: She said she was putting away the luggage

Dakota: Wait she didn't touch mine did she

Weiss: Yeah why?

Dakota: SHIT!

Dakota then ran out of the room fully dressed until he found Weiss about to open his suitcase

Dakota: Weiss wait don't open that

Weiss: Why

Dakota: Because I said so respect my privacy please

Weiss: Sorry, but as your older sister I must check

Dakota: Wait!

It was to late Weiss already opened his suitcase only to see some adult magazines and then quickly closed the suitcase

Weiss: Dakota explain

Dakota: I bought them I am 18 now remember

Weiss: Fine

It then shows Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Dakota on the bullhead heading to beacon

Weiss: So how do you plan to speak to father Dakota

Dakota: As disrespectful as I can be

Ruby: You hate your dad that much

Dakota: As I said before he could be ripped limb from limb by Grimm and I wouldn't care. He's a racist, selfish, tyrannical, abusive bastard

Yang: Damn

After awhile they arrived at the Schnee mansion and Dakota was nervous

Dakota: I'm having second thoughts about this Weiss what if they hate me

Weiss: Please mom and Whitley could never be mad at you

Dakota: What about the old man

Weiss: He'll be himself

Dakota: Figures

Weiss then knocked on the door and her mother answered

Willow: Weiss it's great to see you again sweetie

Weiss: Thanks mom I brought a surprise for you

Willow: Oh what is it

Weiss: Well it's more like who is it

Willow was confused until she saw a young man with ice blue eyes and blond hair

Dakota: Hi mom

As soon as Willow saw the boy and heard what he said she quickly pulled him into a hug as tears were slowly going down her cheek

Willow: I can't believe it, but how we all thought you were dead

Dakota: Let's discuss this out inside

They all walked inside and a young boy with white hair and blue eyes walked in

Whitley: Mother who was at the door...

He then froze staring at the blond boy as shock appeared on his face

Dakota: Are you just going to stand there little bro come on where's the long awaited hug...

Whitley ran at him and hugged him tightly

Whitley: Tell me this isn't a dream

Dakota: It's not a dream I'm here alive and damn you grown

The brothers stopped hugging each other and they were smiling until someone came in

Jacques: What's going on here

Dakota: Long time no see douchebag

Jacques looked at who said it and who he saw shocked him

Jacques: It can't be

Dakota: Oh but it is "father" aren't you glad to see you oldest son alive again

Jacques: Impossible you're not my son I demand proof

Dakota: Fine then how about a duel

Jacques: Fine

They all went to the duel arena and activated their duel disks

Dakota: Before we start I want to show you the proof you wanted

Jacques: Huh?

Dakota then showed three Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards shocking Jacques

Jacques: Only my oldest son has three of them! Wait it's really you Dakota?!

Dakota: Took you long enough old man

Jacques: But you died

Dakota: Wrong I faked my death. I cut my own arm to place the blood then I broke the window from outside and after that I ran away, but not from my siblings or mom I ran from you

Jacques: So what's the meaning of this duel

Dakota: Simple I win mom gets back in control of the Schnee company also I got a hold of a certain contract you signed. It says that If you are to lose a duel from your children or wife you are then no longer a Schnee

Jacques: That means...

Willow: You will no longer be apart of this family and I already have the divorce papers waiting

Jacques: Fine I accept

Dakota: Good now then


Jacques: 8000 LP

Dakota: 8000 LP

Dakota: I'll start us off by playing 5 cards face down and end my turn

Everyone was shocked seeing this

Ruby: What's he doing

Willow: He's baiting

Weiss: Huh?

Whitley: What do you mean mother

Willow: Knowing Jacques he never thinks and just assumes those face downs are bluffs

Yang: So Dakota is using his disadvantage to his advantage

Willow: Correct Yang you know him quite well

Back at the duel Jacques only smiled

Jacques: As big of a disappointment as always. My move I play polymerization to fuse my three Blue-Eyes into the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

The three headed Blue-Eyes appeared on the field

Jacques: Now my dragon attack him directly

The dragon blasted a blue stream causing a giant smoke cloud

As the cloud dissipated one of Dakota's face downs were up

Dakota: You really thought you had me there huh? Well think again because thanks to Nutrient Z I gained 4000 extra life points

Dakota: 12000 LP

Jacques: You still take damage and with that I end my turn

Dakota: 7500 LP

Dakota: My move, I draw! Now I activate Card of Sanctity this allows both of us to draw until we have six cards in our hand

Jacques drew four while Dakota drew a full six

Dakota: Now I summon Red-Eyes Black Chick, but he won't be here for long because I sacrifice him to summon Red-Eyes Black Dragon

A giant pillar of fire surrounded the hatchling as a new older Red-Eyes took its place

Dakota: I'm not finished yet because I sacrifice my Red-Eyes to summon the powerful Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon!

A metallic like Red-Eyes took the other Red-Eyes place and Dakota smiled

Dakota: Now I activate my face down card Pot of Greed this allows me to draw two cards from my deck. Now I activate polymerization and use it to fuse my three Blue-Eyes White Dragons to summon the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

The two dragons then roared at each other

Dakota: Now I sacrifice my Ultimate Dragon to summon the Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon!

As the Ultimate dragon was cracking like a shell a metallic like Blue-Eyes took the field

Dakota: Finally I activate my two face downs Fang of Critias and Ring of Destruction and fuse them together to summon the mighty, powerful, destructive Destruction Dragon! Also a little fyi both Shining and Darkness Dragon gain 300 extra attack points for each dragon in my graveyard

Jacques: Wait, but you have seven dragons which means

Dakota: They get 2100 extra attack points each

Red-Eyes: 2400 —> 4500

Blue-Eyes: 3000 —> 5100

Dakota's family along with Yang and Ruby were all shocked

Willow: Is this how he is went he's serious

Ruby: We're not sure actually we never seen him like this

Yang: Well I like this. Kick his ass babe!

Whitley: Babe?

Weiss: He'll explain later and his dueling score will be evidence

In the duel Jacques was slightly impressed

Jacques: Hmph! Impressive son, but not impressive enough now Blue-Eyes attack his Destruction Dragon!

Dakota: I don't think so old man I activate my last face down Draining Shield this stops your battle phase and I gain life points equal to your dragons attack points

Dakota: 12000 LP

Jacques: I end my turn

Dakota: My move I draw! I now play Fusion Substitute to fuse my Shining Dragon and my Darkness Dragon to summon a creature that is the balance between Light and Dark. I fusion summon Twilight-Eyes Supreme Dragon!

Jacques: What?!

Dakota: Also he has a special ability he gains 500 attack points for each dragon on the field and graveyard. So that makes a total of 10 meaning Twilight-Eyes gains 5000 extra attack points!

Twilight-Eyes: 3500 —> 8500

Dakota: Now I'll use Destruction Dragon's special ability which allows him to destroy one monster on your side of the field and I choose Ultimate Dragon. That's not all now you take damage equal to his attack points

Jacques: 3500 LP

Dakota: Now Destruction Dragon attack him directly

Jacques: 1500 LP

Dakota: Now! Twilight-Eyes Supreme Dragon attack him directly and finish this duel with TWISTED TWILIGHT!

The dragon charged up a blast that was a mixture of black and white and shot it as a purple stream directly at Jacques

Jacques: 0 LP

Jacques: wins: 10000 draws: 2000 loses: 3000

Dakota: Wins: 221 Draws: 1 Loses: 0

Dakota: The red Schnee is back

After Dakota won the duel and Jacques left after signing the divorce papers Dakota was relaxing in the living room with his family, Ruby and Yang

Willow: Dakota can you explain why Yang called you babe during your duel

Dakota: Oh umm well me and her are dating

Whitley: For how long?

Dakota: We literally confessed last night and she actually the reason why I have one draw

Willow: So she was able to tie with you

Dakota: Yeah

Dakota was getting ready to be disrespected by who he chose only to receive a hug from his mom

Dakota: Mom?

Willow: I don't care who you date as long as they love you for you okay?

Dakota: Yeah thanks mom, but are you sure your okay with this

Willow: *giggles* Who do you think gave Weiss the confidence to ask Ruby to be her girlfriend

Hearing this Weiss and Ruby both blushed while Dakota's jaw dropped

Dakota: Wait Weiss your dating Ruby?!

Weiss: Yes so what

Dakota: Hey I'm not against it. I just never thought that you who is always prim and perfect to fall for someone that's wild and reckless

Yang: It shocked me too when I found out, so since we met your parents you want to meet mine

This caused Dakota to freeze

Dakota: You just asked a boyfriend the scariest thing ever, but yes I would love too

Willow: Well it's getting late you should all head to bed to get some sleep

All: Okay

Schnees: Night mom

Ruby/Yang: Good night miss Schnee

Willow: Good night kids

Dakota was entering his room and then Yang pulled him in

Yang: So wanna have some fun big boy~

Dakota: Heh why not sun dragon~

The two started to make out and gently bite each other while Weiss and Ruby heard what they said and caused Ruby to smirk

Ruby: Why don't we have fun too snowflake~

Weiss: Ruby what are you talking about

Just then Ruby kissed Weiss while she kissed back

They ended up continuing their kiss when they got to their room and had some fun

Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as you can tell I made Ruby somewhat flirty and a top I'm also having summer be alive and her father is Qrow so yeah until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals bye

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