The guy with the fox mask

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It's dark.....The whole albino surrounding cast into a shadow by the tall primeval trees on either side, the sun must be brilliant beyond it.

The snow is still falling in drifts, The wind howled harshly, freezing the boy lashes, blocking his sight.

The new pace he took, the new footprint sinking into the ice-white dust. The air was moist, the albino gulped it again and over again. His arms felt numb and unsteady, painfully sore, his red eyes were heavy.

Blood slid down Sou's arm and soaked his clothes more. Mafumafu felt his palm had been sticky with his brother's blood.

Ran as fast as his long legs can carry him, bolting down the mountain, quickening his pace until his face kissing the ground..

He fell down, blame the single stone sticking out from nowhere. He wheezes, his freezing lungs sucking out the air. He gets up and brought his brother face to his chest, embrace him, sharing his warmth with his brother's cold body, his hope was slowly fading away.

Impossible, there is no way I can be able to save him

Consider on how much he lost his blood, and the town is still far away


The negative thoughts rule wildly in his mind.
His eyes drip with tears again, his bottom lips quivered. He sobbed into his brother's chest, uncontrollably clutching to Sou's haori.
The thought of losing his only brother destroys his sanity.

The single drop of tears touches gently on Sou's cheek. When the albino tried to wipe it away, Sou's eyes were suddenly wide open, shocking the albino.

But his eyes were somehow red and not the normal baby blue eyes. But that's not important for the albino—his brother just wakes up.


The brown-haired boy stands up, his head lower.



"Sou, Are you okay?"


"Wait, you don't have to walk, I-I will carry you to the village"


" I'm so worried about you—you blood flowing out nonstop and your body is so cold-", The albino said softly, no doubt stand up along and folded the younger in his arms.

"Are you okay?", He rubbed the back of the younger boy's hair...and

"Grgggrrrrrrrrrrrr", Sou growl, inhumane.

"E-Eh, Sou?"

Mafumafu speechless, He takes a step back. He gently touches the boy's shoulders, grabs, and shake it. The concern showing in his red eyes.



"ARRRRRGHHHH", Sou charged toward him, attack the albino into his deepest realization. Sou's fangs tried to bite him, but the albino was quick as he unwrapped his scarf and using it as a shield, tying Sou's mouth using it.

The strong force from Sou was too much for him to handle as the albino body twinkled and jerked before he fell down the cliffs. His perception of time distorted, everything like slowed down until he can felt his body connected to the cold ground.

I slipped

And only fell on the snow, thank goodness I'm saved

The albino red orbs landed on his brother back, who's slowly stand up. His pupils fiercely stared at Mafumafu, a couple of veins pop out on the side of his face, Sou's jaw clenching harshly, let out the screech noises.

Mafumafu on the other way around only stiff, eyes wide open. His words left him, his mouth remains a straight line as he stared to those sharp pupils that burning with anger, The albino heart fell silent.

"S-Sou", he slutter

"This is me, Your Mafu-nii, I am your big brother".

There was silence until the same growl repeated, linked to the albino eardrums as his hand-rubbed around the dusty white snow, searching for something underneath the thick snow.

There you are

He holds the old axe that had been left by the village before and brought it to his back, hidden it from the Sou's sight but the brown-haired boy eyes were fast and detect it, his pace towards the albino with the amused speed. Howling And tried to sink his fangs into the albino and he protects himself using the axe as a shield at least to hold his brother's mouth.

The albino slipped again and made both of them to fall on the ground, Sou on top of him as he was struggling to hold on the boy but with the overload power that Sou somehow had, it was unlikely impossible in Mafu's perspective.

He struggles as Sou's sharp claw scrapped over the albino soft skin, thanks for his thick haori it only bleeding a bit. Mafumafu chewing his lower lips to consume back his energy that slowly rattled away.

His eyes still on Sou, not even care to move it even a bit, staring into his brother's appearance that somehow inhuman now, with all those dark crimson blood washed all over his body, his cat alike pupils, his pair of bloody red eyes, and his fangs.

Making him look slightly like a demon.

As the story from Len's grandma floating on his mind. Recalling back word per word the old lady told them a day before.

Sou is a human-eating demon?


That's wrong, Sou is a human

Even since the time, he was born

He sniffles the weird smell, swallow it inside in one round, The smell is different from the normal Sou, So in this case, Sou didn't do it. He didn't kill nor eat mom

It must be someone else, someone that more powerful......there's another scent

"Ahhhhhh", the boy yelled in confusion, as Sou's body increasing and become more bigger than him, illuminated the albino.

D-do he just getting bigger?...... Even his strength is increasing

He stared at the brown-haired boy face
From under the primeval trees, his face's white profile was interrupted by a glimpse of shadow from those trees. Even Sou's mouth was getting near to his neck or what it should mean that the albino was losing his energy, he still sticks out one of his palms and gently touches his brother's cheek, rubs it in his fluff palm while the other hand was being forced to still glued on the axe, for his life sake.

"While I was sleeping peacefully yesterday, you and mom had to go through such a painful tragedy"


"While I was laughing with the twin that night, You guys were suffered, were hurt and grief......I'm sorry that Onii-Chan can be able to save you"

Even that I still want to do something for you, my dear brother


"But I know from inside of you, you are strong you can be able to fight against those great power!", He yelled, echoing the whole place good enough.


"Try your best Sou, I know you can do it"


"You have turned into a demon, but it's okay, pull yourself, pull yourself together. You can do it Sou"

"I believe in you"

"This Onii-Chan of yours will always believe in you"

The moment those words daring to escaped from his mouth, the boy stops attacking, his body tremble instead. Soon the brown-haired boy's tears burst forth like a water from a waterfall, spilling down his face. The boy muscles of chin tremble like a child he was.

As much as the albino tried to hold it in, the pain he carries come out more heavy like an uproar in his heart with the form of a silent scream.
With the shoulders heaved with unwanted emotion, refused to unravel back as Mafumafu's eyes drip with the tears once again.



"Y-you remember who a I am?"

He remembers me

His eyes shining with the happiness in it, as the flower bloomed inside of his heart upon seeing his brother slowly gain his sanity back.

"Wow such a nice drama you got here", spoke the unknown voice out of nowhere, the beat in the albino heart was pumped with the amazing speed.

He looking at the side, as the single man leaning against the trees. His chestnut brown hair stuck out well with his green haori. He wore the popular kitsune mask, so from above of his nose was hidden by it. Based of the voice earlier, his voice was deep but indeed soothing.

"W-who are you??"

putting his hand over his lips, the masked boy tilted his head slightly, stared dark and emotionally to those two as if he was looking at a rare creature. He then put his finger onto his lips and send a bit cold stared intently at Mafumafu like he was evaluating him.

"Who are me, huh?"


"Who am I?"

"Ehh", the questioning looks came across the albino's faces.

"U-um pardon?", he asked back.

Even over the mask, Mafumafu can saw it well that his light green eyes were twitching before landed it on him. "Hey, you over there!", his finger pointing on Mafumafu.

"Y-yes?", The albino answered, still holding on Sou.

"Have you ever wonder that this world is just like let's said it as a girl, while we, a human can be a picture as a lice, crawling in this single mountain or let's just say her hair and the snow....this magnificent snow is just like a shampoo foam, as she just tries to grid us away using this snow, have you ever wonder of that before?"

"U-um err"

"The world tries to grid us human using such a thick terrible snow?", he hypothesized, threw it to the albino face.

"Aw man, I hate snow", he complains, puffed out his cheeks.

"Er Yea-"

What's wrong with this guy and his weird theory?


"Ahh Sou, no. Calm down", he patted the boy, cold him down.

Does he just feel uncomfortable over this mask guy's presence?

Through the slight darkness of the foot mountain, came the glow of two green eyes, staring limply and disgusted towards the demon. "Is that brother of yours, Is perhaps...a demon~?", The masked guy asked curiously, even the answer was obvious enough.

"Yes, He is my younger brother", he answered, smiling brightly.

"Ahh then, how sad"

With the blink of eyes, Sou was gone from his arms, and being held by the masked guy, his arm in his back as Sou just fighting back to get free from his tight grip.

"What're you doing, let him go", he yelled furiously as he automatically ran towards them. The masked guy flexed his wrists, and five enormous shurikens shot from his green sleeves into his hands and threw it straightly towards the albino that's too slow to avoid it. The Shiruken somehow had a strong force as its push and brings the albino's back against the tree and the sharp shuriken piercing on his haori, deep enough as he struggled to free himself.

Mafumafu was stuck on the tree, watching his brother being held by the unknown man as his eyes wide open once the guy shows off his black sword as he thrust his sword forward, swiveled in his direction.

"W-what are you trying t-to do", Mafu asked. He loses his words, just can be able to stare for the guy's next move, his heart started racing in panic.

"I didn't expect this to happen-"


"I didn't expect them to attack the house outside of the mountain...I'm sorry for what happen to your family and—", he said, expression was grief. His eyes reminded the albino of glass about to shatter.

"What're you talking about", he yelled, needed the answer.

"And sorry for what I'm about to do now", He plugged the edge of the blade on Sou's shoulder, A not so deep wound is sliced in his shoulder and heavily oozing out blood and trailing on the side of his blade. Sou screams in pain as the albino stood still, his jaw wide open, staring at those blood flowed like a crazy river.

Even though the pain fluctuated on his face but the angry crease through his forehead, popped out. Showing he wasn't going to go down without a fight.


"STOP HURTING MY BROTHER, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU", he pushes his body towards, against the tree, tried to free himself as his haori started to rip off in half.

The man's green eyes shine the reflection of guilty-"I'm sorry, this is my duty...I need to", he declared, pushed the other blade on Sou's other shoulder, made a hole out of it.



The haori completely ripped in the piece, free the albino as he ran towards them with the speed that he never know he had it before, grabbed the ball of snow and threw it right to his mask, and again and again until he sure it affected his sight.

Since he's holding the berserk Sou in one hand, it was the problem for the guy to wiped it away in time as Mafumafu threw the axe to him. But his reflexes were excellent productive and a bit annoying for the albino as the masked guy titled his head fast enough to the side, made it in time before the axe blade connected to his head skull. He clicked his tongue.

"My job is to killing a demon, of course, your brother is included. Try to be more positive, can you? At least I end your brother suffering before he kills any other people like your family", he barked, his eyes twitching behind the mask, glared at the albino who's running back and forth passed all the tree in order to confuse him.

"But Sou hasn't killed anyone before. I-In my house, there was another scent. I-I don't know what is it b-but whatever it is they were the one who is responsible for all of this so please spare Sou", he coughs slightly.

"Sou is different, he hasn't eaten anyone, I will make sure he won't", he continued.

"Ridiculous", the green eyes guy insisted but an uneasy feeling was building inside of him.

But it's also possible since Amatsuki also...

"Then what you gonna do if I say I'm going to free your brother?", he rose his highbrows high, distrusting him

The albino glued his hand together, begged. "I wouldn't let him injure anyone. I'II turn him back into a human, cure him to his old self back so please", he pleaded, teary-eyed.

"There is no cure, there is no way to turn a demon into a human back—"

"—Then I will search for one, search it even in the upside-down world. Also, the one who killed my family, I'II take everything into my shoulder, it's all in my care so please I begging you please let him go", he begging but then he saw a sight that makes his heart sink deep down into his stomach.

The blade was placed to Sou once again but this time on his heart location as Mafumafu can felt how his legs turn to noodles again.

"Nonsense", as he was about to stab the demon, Mafumafu pace towards him, raised his fists to fight back.

Are you kidding me?

Such a simple attack based on the emotion

With his sword holder smash hard onto the back of the albino body, jumping him straightforward to the unconsciousness.... the dark once again welcoming the albino as he muttered something before it.

"I-I promise, even there is no cure I will search for one so please don't take him from me, don't take my only will to live away from me-"

The masked guy eyes wide open, he chewed on his lower lips. "this kid..."

"Gyaaaaaaaaa", Sou send a double kick to him once the grip on him loosened, with the force that sending the man backward but the green-eyes man wasn't his main attention as he ran approach the passed out albino.

"Crap, he's going to eat him—wait no he.....protect him?"

The brown-haired boy sticks out his hand on the both sides in front of the albino, as he was being a shield to protect his brother, as he's ready to sacrifice his life for his brother's safety.

Moment by moment, the masked guy remains stiff, his mind was somewhere else, the sudden picture of someone he loves flying on his mind, uncontrollably made him smile.

"I see so you as same as Amatsuki"

"Demon and yet protecting human was his only will.

"Yes totally, you really remains me of him, remind me of my only Ama-chan"

"My forever lover"

With the broad smile, he gently smacking the brown-haired boy back, leaving him unconscious beside his brother as the masked guy peeled off his haori and put it and span it on top of the sleeping brothers. He pulled Sou's hand and put it on top of Mafumafu hand, the smile never leaves his face.

He stands up. Using his few fingers and the edge of his lips, he let out the slow whistles. Calling an attention from all of the low rankings soldiers. Well for this guy you can say he's in the high ranking status despite his stupidity sometimes, of course. Soon the two guys, full in black from the edge tip to the lower feet came.

"Yes we kakushi, ready to serve you", spoke the first guy full respect.

"Is there anything we can help you?", the second guy asked politely, his head lower.

"Yes please brings these two to Sensei Glutamine please", he gazed on them, his green-eyes evaluating them.

"But—", the two hesitated

"If you're going to ask why there's the demon how about I fired you before that, should I?", he tilted his head, his green empty lifeless eyes glared straightly through their poor souls, made those two shivers.

"Yes, we will", they said at the same time, full with spirit.

"Make sure to cover the demon boy from the sunlight—I'm going to slices your eyes in half if the next things I know the boy already turn into ashes"


"Ouh and please tell Sensei Glutamine that"

"Tell him that Itou Kashitarou brought to him the new apprentice"


"Hey Len, let's buy more Lolipop"

"But that gonna be your seventh time Rin"


"So you're going to get cavities!"

Kahitarou glanced down at the village, smile a bit towards seeing the twin with their arguing about candy as the snowflakes on the night sky fall on his face. The sun was setting as the thick white snow was visible. The masked boy left the sign on it, made a symbol using his feet. He flinched a bit every time his tip feet sticking with the cold snow.
Icicles on the walnut trees on top of him dropped with a smash he jumped out from his seat.

With his cheeks puffed out, he wiped all the unwanted snow away, bubbling random things and cursing the snow under his breaths. The single boy walked pass the walnut tree, laughing.

"wwwwww I can't believe I just saw that ww"

The masked guy rolled his eyes towards his junior attitude. But even the boy was his junior and more younger than him, he won't questioning the boy's power because after all his junior was a more powerful pillar than him.

"Shut up Senra!"

"www but you just—you just"


"Okay okay", he raised up his hand, half-laughed and half not.

"You saw nothing-"

"And I saw nothing ww so um pfft-I means what're you doing", the blond changed the subject as he takes his seat beside the masked boy.

"Nothing it's just the moon is beautiful tonight, isn't?", he asked, those light green orbs on the night sky.



There was a silence for a few minutes before the blonde boy faking a cough, brought Kashi's attention back to him.

"So about the demon you spare today-", his gazed land on him, doubting him.

Kashi widened his eyes, gulped inside his freeze lungs. "Who told you?"

"Those Kakushi-"

"-damn them", he cuts him off

"Hey hey don't be mad, I am their master too so of course, they need to be honest to me as well, so don't blame them-", the glow golden orbs half-glared.

The masked guy flinching as he gazed the other way around, he rubbed the back of his neck, full with nervousness, he can felt the pair of the golden orbs stared at him or maybe even judging.

"So what's up with that?"

"What's up with what"

He rose higher his eyebrows, big sighed escaped afterward.

"Don't be a fool, you know how this going to end so well, if you sympathy about that boy you should tell him—tell him how there was a guy like him, refused to kill his demon mother and ended up got eaten. This demon creature once they got starving they would eat anything even their own parents because they have a high substance—Kashi, hey Kashi do you listen to me?", he claps his hand in front of his mask.

"Do you understand?"


Upon seeing the older careless, Senra sighed once again until he can felt something fluffy rubbed against his bare feet.

"PEPO, THERE YOU ARE!", he lifted up the little fox and rubbing his face on her fluffy fur.

"I'm so worried about you, I hear that you broke villager belongings, are you apologize back?"

The small fox shook its head.

"Oh such a cute collar", Kashi softly said once Senra adjusting the new collar on Pepo's neck.

"Yea me and Shima had such a hard time, choose something that would suit her", Senra said, blushing.

"So you guys be a love birds as always huh", he smirks.

"S-shut u-up he isn't even m-my boyfriend", he looked away, his face was as red as a tomato.

"Yea because he's obviously your future husband", Kashi confessed, smirking more before made his way away from the blushing blonde.

"W-what do y-you m-mean by that—W-wait K-Kashi answer me"

Kashi fixed his haori before do it on his sight as well towards the moon which was abnormally large and it bashed the earth with its luminous glow.

As he wonders, "Now lets us see how long this mafumafu boy can take this all", the flashback of the albino's words ran on his mind.

"I can't help than to pray for your safety from now on....especially when you've to go through the Sensei Glutamine a way of harsh teaching", he mumbled let himself being swallow in the pitched dark of the snow season.


A/N: Um so basically I didn't really follow the whole plot hehehe please forgive me-qwq
And it's 5 am In the morning-Im out ww

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