Chapter 4: Last Chance

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"Why do you like me?"

Once Keith asked that question to Lance that's when everyone paused in a moment of shock. The room gasped, Shiro and Allura stopped dancing happily in the moment of joy, Coran stopped conducting the musicians and stared wide-eyed at the two standing in the center of the room. Hunk, Lance's best friend, was near the snack table and stopped eating and spat out the food that was in his mouth the moment he heard Keith asked that question to Lance.

"W-Well" Lance's words stuttered as he spoke. He didn't know what to say and he could tell that Keith wasn't gonna wait forever for an answer by the look on his face.

Lance looked around the room to see everyone staring at him, waiting for his answer. And Allura then, "Lance, please answer the question." She said, trying to keep a happy expression on.

The pressure was on Lance now and then he tried to use one of his flirty comments.....oh boy.

"You're all I ever wanted honey, you're beautiful," Lance said to Keith, everyone thought it was over but then Keith spoke.

"Thank you for that, but what else? Is beauty the only thing that matters to you?" And then the pressure was on Lance again. All eyes on him again as he spoke.

"Why are you so curious about this?"

"Because I wanna know if you're just using me and I don't want that from a guy like you."

"Excuse me? What did you say, mullet head!?"

"You heard me, flirt boy!"

Then Lance said something that offended Keith or anyone in this situation. "I mean, what else is there?" That's when Keith's anger got the best of him.

And then the both of them argued until Shiro pulled Keith away and Allura pulled Lance away. The plan didn't work....this was their last chance and it failed.
The sun was setting, the day was almost over. After the whole turn of events earlier in the ballroom, Shiro decided that it was hopeless and decided to head home to the Voltron Kingdom with Keith. A carriage was waiting for them outside waiting to depart. Shiro said his goodbyes to Allura.

"We tried Allura...this is goodbye," Shiro said to Allura then turned to Keith. Keith looked back.


"Keith, please."

Keith groans and then looks at Allura. "Goodbye, your majesty." He then turned to Lance, who was standing right next to Allura looking down on the ground as if his feet are more important. Keith frowned and then said with a bit of a rude tone. "Goodbye, Lance."

Lance kept looking down not saying anything until Allura stepped on his foot. "Ow! Allura!"


Lance groans and then mumbles "Goodbye..."

And the Kogane brothers were off, never to return to the Altea Kingdom.
Later that night it started to rain in the Altea Kingdom. Lance, Coran, and Hunk were in the studies room. Lance and Hunk were playing a game of chess while Coran spoke to Lance about what happened earlier.

"What else is there!? Really Lance?!" Coran shouted.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad," Lance said as he moved a white pawn to knock down Hunk's black pawn. "Come on Hunk back me up here."

"Sorry, Lance but I have to agree with Coran on this one. You kind of offended Keith by saying you only like him for his looks. And you do flirt with girls a lot." Hunk explained as he played his next move for the game of chess that he's losing Lance to.

"Well...okay. It was dumb I know."

"You bet your quiznak it was dumb! No wait is was very immature of you to say that! He said 'Is beauty the only thing that matters to you and you say WHAT ELSE IS THERE!?!??!?!"

Lance banged his head on the table, making some chess pieces fly for a moment before landing on the board again. "I get it, Coran!" He sighs.

"I just...I didn't know what to say." Lance now knew how much of a mistake those words were. He felt guilty and stupid.

"You should write a book titled 'How to offend gay men in 5 or fewer syllables'," Coran said trying to prove his point even more but also to make a joke which Hunk almost laughed at.

"I know it was dumb,  I get it, okay?." Lance paused for a moment to get up and look towards Coran. Hunk made his next turn in the game of chess and said, "Uh oh you lost your queen Lance."

"Aw man, that's twice in one day!" Lance was basically just having the worst day of his life. He had a chance that could have been great for not only the kingdom but also his own personal life. And he screwed up.

"Well, what was I supposed to say? How do you put love into words?" Just by saying that Lance got an idea of how to fix everything. "That's it! I'll prove my love for Keith. Checkmate!" He moved a chess piece that took Hunk's king, meaning Hunk lost the game.

"Not again," he said in defeat. "You always win in these types of games."

Then all of a sudden a guard came into the study halls. However, it wasn't one of the Altean guards, no this guard was one of the Voltron guards that were escorting Keith and Shiro back to their kingdom.

"Wait, that's Matt! Pidge's older brother, he looks injured." Hunk went over to the guard, Matt, who was all soaked and wet from the rain. He had some bruises and a scratch mark on the side of his cheek, it looked like he was attacked by some animal. Coran kneeled to help Matt up from the floor after he collapsed.

"Matt, what happened to you?" Coran asked Matt, obviously worried due to the condition Matt was in. Matt looked up at Coran then towards Hunk and Lance trying to speak.

"We...we were attacked..."

(I'm so sorry for the late update!!! The school has been busy this year, work, and I got writer's block on this and other stories I'm working on! The school year is almost over guys so more updates will come during the summer but until then.....THAT'S ALL FOLKS!)

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